Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1717320-Above-the-Clouds
Rated: E · Fiction · Emotional · #1717320
Learning to say goodbye and smile despite all the bad that the past had brought.
There's wars. There's solitude. There's feelings of disbelief and honor. Delight and sorrow. You board the plane knowing your past mistakes, knowing your arguments, still regretting those things you might have said out of anger. You feel the darting sensation as you travel down the alley way and eventually you are pointed straight up into the light blue ocean sky, almost as if you were dipping into a sea instead. As the plane is soaring through the sky, you look down and espy the world from above the clouds and find yourself in complete awe even if you are only looking out a tiny window. You catch yourself wondering if your next to heaven, flying right next to your very own grandmother or grandfather, your sister or brother, you mom or dad. Compelled to think that you could be soaring by the rainbow bridge, wondering if that dog you loved and cared about so dearly is okay and better now, smiling and running through the fields. Flying over the clouds, the only movement you witness is the slow patterns of the clouds as they slink from valley to valley. All the pain you suffered, all the things you regret seems to vanish before your eyes as you go higher and higher. As if the world was completely perfect without the wars and battles, without the fights and anger, without the death and cries. You find your self smiling cause for once, its just you and the world, battling through all the heartaches and managing to let go from right above the clouds. One last tear drops as one smile remains.
© Copyright 2010 Cynthia Riebesell (cynthiakalyn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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