Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1717059-Macies-Revenge
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #1717059
Macie has just lost her daughter and nothing could make up for that but revenge.
The Gold Coast sun tanning Macie Lloyd’s pale skin. She is enjoying her well-deserved holiday, yet still unaware of the events unfolding back at home in Perth. When Mrs Lloyd left on her holiday, she had two sons and a beautiful daughter, all anxiously waving goodbye. However now, tragedy has been thrown upon her unsuspecting family. Back home, her two sons, Jackson and Luke, are attempting to cope with a massive shock brought upon them by none other than their sister; Mary.

“Ahh, I could get used to this” Macie says to her best friend Klaire, both soaking up the blazing Queensland sun.
“What? The blistering sun? The never ending heat wave?...” Klaire says sarcastically.
“No… relaxing, not having to be mum all the time. You know?” Macie laughs as she replies, she always knows that ‘mum’ comes first. “I wonder how the kids are”
“Agh, I’m sure you’re kids are fine, they’re adults now. They’ve been looking after themselves for a while now. Jackson’s 23 now, he’s the youngest. Then Mary’s, what, 26? And Luke’s 28. All adults, just relax.” Klaire seemed so sure, she’d convinced Macie to forget about it, but Macie knew something was wrong – she just didn’t know what.

“Mrs Lloyd? There’s a phone call for you, from Perth. A Lucas Lloyd, he says it’s urgent.” A receptionist from the hotel says as he hands Macie the phone.
“Hello? Luke. Is that you?” Macie hangs up the phone and looks stunned.
“What is it? Is everything okay?” Klaire looks and sounds both concerned and worried; she has never seen Macie like this before. She turns to look at Klaire and gasps;
“Mary’s gone”


Macie arrives at her Perth home in a bright yellow taxi. All the way home, everything seemed a blur. Nothing was worth the effort anymore; it never would be ever again. As she walks slowly up her front path with her bags in hand, the taxi drives away with Klaire still inside, she knew she had to go home and leave Macie with her sons. As Macie reached the crimson door, it was swung open before her. Jackson and Luke stood in the door way, still everything blurring around them.
“Mum. Are-Are you okay?” Her boys looking at their mum in disbelief, never have they seen her like this before – Not even when her husband; their father died four years ago.
“Yes, I’m fine. So just let me in so I can sit down.” Macie was obviously not fine, but needed to be brave for her boys. They knew she didn’t have to be okay, they wouldn’t mind. But she refused to let them see through her rock-hard shell exterior.
“I’ll make you a cuppa then, shall I?” Luke didn’t really know what else to do or say. Jackson stood up and started walking towards his mum to comfort her before being shut down.
“I’m FINE, Jackson. Just turn the TV on!” Macie snapped at her son, she felt horrible but she couldn’t let them down. As Jackson turned on the television, Luke returned to the lounge room. This particular room seemed dull and boring without his vibrant, upbeat sister to brighten things up. That’s when it hit him; she wasn’t coming back. He handed Macie her cup of tea, and sat down next to his brother. Macie looked on as the TV showed news from her daughter’s case.
“Three days ago, the body of Perth woman Mary Lloyd was found in her home on the outer suburbs of Perth. Today, Sargent Jim Neilson made a statement about the current events unfolding.” A reporter on TV is talking about Macie’s daughter; Mary.
“Three days ago, when police found the body of Miss Lloyd it was in poor condition. She was found lying face up on her living room floor. Her hands and feet chained up and a rope tied around her neck. Then multiple stab wounds from a blunt knife on her chest.” Macie couldn’t stay strong any longer, her daughter was gone, murdered and whoever did this would pay. She began to sob into her hands; both of her sons comforted her. Before the TV could be turned off, justice would be served.
“An unnamed movie star turned himself in early this morning for the murder of Miss Lloyd. A statement was given by the romantic’s lawyer only moments ago.
“My client, who wishes to remain unnamed, has today confirmed rumours that he was the one and only suspect in this case, he is the killer. An affair with Miss Lloyd threatened to ruin his marriage when she refused to keep quiet and reveal to the world his dirty little secret. After undergoing many of psychological tests, both the hospital and the police have found that the star needs medical help and should be sent to counselling every day. The police have charged my client for murder. Once he feels comfortable he shall be named but until then wishes for the media to respect his privacy. Thank you” Jayne Craig, lawyer to the stars finished the statement, before the reporter continued the story.
“Police say the family of Miss Lloyd have been informed of her death and are quite distraught. Sargent Neilson has asked that the media respect their wishes to stay out of the press’ eye. Media representatives are anxiously awaiting a statement from the family but police insist it could be a while if at all.” Luke turned off the TV and returned to his mother’s side to comfort her.
“Mark my words boys, we will get revenge!”


A week later;
Things have settled down, Macie can now see reason. She is pretending to be okay for her boys, but really she has one thing on her mind; revenge.
“Luke, put the kettle on would you? And Jackson can you answer the door, it will be Sargent Neilson.” Jackson looked confused but didn’t argue, his mum hasn’t been the same since she lost Mary. Basically, she’s been crazy. Macie heard heavy footsteps thumping upon her thin, warn carpet. She smiled and said wickedly;
“Not long now Mary, not long now”

© Copyright 2010 Jesse Bee (jesseb_132118 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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