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First chapter of story. Enjoy! Please rate and comment! |
I stood over the dead man's body as his blood seeped into the snow. I felt no regret, no remorse for killing this man. I don't really know why. I was told to kill and so I did. Unfortunately for this man, he was on the death list. I wiped off my bloody mechanical hand with a spare handkerchief the man had, leaving it drenched in blood. I looked into the man's dead, horror-filled face. His eyes were glossed over and dead, and his mouth was open in shock. I had tricked him into the forest by just using my beauty. How easy it was to trick this fool! All I had to do was flirt with him and say "Wanna come home with me?" After I said that I think all of his sanity went out the window. He was practically falling out the diner door to go with me. But I have to say, he did put up a fight when he realized what was going on. I replayed the scene in my head. We were in the middle of the forest. "We're here." "What? There's nothing out here. Where's you're house?" I turned to look at him, a smirk on my face, "This is as far as you're gettin', Babe." My hand turned into a sharp mechanical knife. "Wait-What's that? W-what are you doing?!" I attacked. He screamed and kicked, but the trees muffled his screams to those outside of the forest. And THAT'S how we ended up where we are now. I stood up. "Tsk. tsk. I never even got to learn your name," I said to myself. I walked out of the forest as his body disintegrated to ashes behind me. Stop. Before you think I'm a robot, I'm not. I'm a species called a Level. Levels are strong creatures that don't age and can SOMETIMES even have special powers. Pretty cool, huh? Well, I didn't really have a special power. (Sorry to bust your bubble) ,,,Or maybe I do...who knows? I walked out to the street. I know I got a few looks from drivers going by but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything at that moment but one thing: 'Godammit. How am I supposed to get home?! I'm ten miles away...ugh....take off these stupid high heels...' Yes my friends, THAT was what I was worried about. As I walked home, I felt blood pulsing in my head....the voices that wouldn't stop...That made me think I was crazy (which i am not by the way...maybe). I thought about the memories I had lost, the names I couldn't match names with, The voices that were so familiar but unfamiliar at the same time. As soon as you knew it, I was at my house. I was happy at first, then I saw HIM there. "Crap. What the hell are you doing here?" |