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Poems and such a revisit after six years |
Warning there is a evil burning in my soul. yes, an evil burning out of control. these thought should not be thought. brought by my vengeance oh what a though. Death, Destruction, all is fair, if one truly wishes to bare the burden of care. i bid you all beware, the evil is burning fed by my hate. hidden in darkness forever to wait. until that dastardly date. when fate decides to free my hate. Who Am I ? Have i lost my self to false hopes of wealth? Have i betrayed the true me for false hopes of glory? What happened to the true me? How could i have lost me? I have indeed betrayed my self for false ides and false Identity's All my life i have been trying to be something other then me. But now all i have to show for it is nothing but misery, leaving my soul in nothing but disarray. So many memories that bring unto me nothing but sorrow and misery about that person i use to be Who am i? I see that person in the mirror and i am filled with fear. For the figure in the mirror is not me, but a forgotten memory of who and what i use to be. How did i become who i am today? When did i stray from my reality and become what i fear to be? Have i lost the true me? Or merely my sanity? How could it be? How could i forget me? Lost I sit here all alone. Thinking thought's of long ago Thinking of tragedies and fears since long has past Thinking of lies and deceit Thinking of love and heart brake Here i walk all alone through this labyrinth of life Here i am lost again Dose any one know i am here? Dose any one care? I am yelling for help can any one hear me ? Is this my density? To remain lost in life never to see the light NO! it cannot be I will find my destiny I will solve this puzzle I will overcome this difficulty I will find my way through this labyrinth of life, this maze of decisions I will find my place and discover my Fate No Matter No matter were i go it all becomes the same, and i am the one to blame for that is who i am. My thoughts are all the same although i try to do things right all i do is start a fight and so day becomes like night smothering all light why do i still fight for what i feel is right this curse fallows me were ever i go although i inflict it upon my self for i can not control my mouth i say things i mean not, for what? Have i forgot? Could it be i serve a false morality? Watching From a Distance I stand here watching from a distance Wishing i could spend with you a few minuets But sadly you don't feel the same As you look at me with shame In the beginning i though i had a chance But now i see i was clearly entranced You discuss me with your friends And now they stare and glare One of which now seems to be what i dream to be But he is bigger then me and now i believe he wants to crush me All because i fell blindly in a dream that can never be Although there is a small possibility You waved at me and laughed at me You even blushed and looked down from me It is only recently you started ignoring me And i cant see why I cant seem to pure my mind of this delightful delusion That is causing so much confusion We use to wave a bit and talk a bit But now it has all quit Your friend that now seems to be your boyfriend has Always been what he has recently been. The close friend Something we have sadly never been Although i have tried time and time again To win you as a friend And maybe then began to try to be a boyfriend But all i can do is stand at a distance Wishing for those few wonders minuets But now it seems the wait could be infinite For shyness is the fear that my heart holds in it And for some reason i can not win against it Forgotten Feeling this feeling is returning yet again against this feeling i cannot defend for every time it seems to win although i have tried time and time again but i have found no way to win against this deadly infatuation and so the story begins yet again preparing for it end and i find my self loving a friend and so attachment begins leaving my heart defenseless again Web Of Lies Now my greatest fear has been realized, my loved one has been stolen for i realized a web of lies My heart is burdened with so much sorrow, weeping for yesterday and praying for tomorrow How could doing the right thing fill my heart with so much regret? These actions i shall never forget I sit here missing you, wishing you were here by my side Wishing i had never revealed that lie. Upon my face i still feel the kiss, the kiss you promised i would never forget The key to your heart on my neck still remains Is it wrong to regret doing the right thing? Tears now soak my face of both honor and disgrace Doing the right thing always has it price But this time perhaps the price way to high And not worth reveling this cursed lie Breaking Free If this is a hierarchy then i demand a revolution, for it is the only solution If this is how you want the world to be, then thank god you are not a deity You demand to be treated as a king, when really you are no such thing you will never be anything,but the misery you bring ,fallowed by suffering So the story finds a beginning, of the rebel and the heartless king The story of the world you rule, twice as bad as the real thing But you shall soon see the rebellion always seems to claim victory, and overthrow the evil king, thus delivering its people from suffering So just you watch and see, who in the bitter end claims victory. For it will be none other then me! Whom else can free my life from your tyranny,and free the spirit with in me. Back again everything is the way i left it only the faces have changed same judgmental glances same eternal pain same sad mind frame but i must not fall from what i have became or i fear i might go insane What? You want me to fall to conformity,and change whom i have worked so hard to be, another zombie, like they all seem to be? To walk and talk like everybody?! How could you ask such a thing of me? To give up my individuality, my non conformity and once again loose me to a false identity? Have you took the time to look at those whom you want me to be? Can you see what i see, how all of them seem to be so cruel and worldly How they all seem to have lost the morality of humanity? Dreadful Fun all is crazy, all is chaos, is there no escape? Have i no sanctuary? Is there no freedom? Ware did all the peace go? Ware dose it flee? It leave me here to slowly loose my sanity Oh sleep, precious sleep, my only peace but sadly so brief but oh what a relief the chaos is reaching its peak, i am ready to brake the chaos is braking in like a crafty thief, attempting to steal my relief. No were to hide. No were to run, oh what fun, what dreadful fun Freezing Sorrow there is a sorrow in my heart so much so i must depart i can feel is cold grasp freezing my heart why wont it depart? My heart is growing cold as ice drowning in it own freezing tears oh what have i become? Am i only a empty shell? has my soul bid its final farewell? Why is my body bound in this icy hell? Reflection i miss you and all that you do i miss your grate attitude i miss you sweet smile the future is unclear, but i know love you dear but i fear i made the wrong decision, are paths may separate but are hearts never will my love for you has grown strong. how can it be wrong... i miss the taste of your sweet lips. I wish i could get a grip but my mind continues to slip...my heart weeps with sorrow as i pray for tomorrow. I sit hear in deep contemplation wishing i could see you again. Hoping i will be forgiven for revealing a dark sin Birthday Wish your birth day is creeping ever so near but i fear i will not be there although i wish to be by your side it is not for me to decide i love you and always will but we are trap ed on the opposite side's of some dark hill but i promise you i will...find away to get to your side of this emotional hill if at all possible i will Letting go What can I do what can I say to show you the true me? How could i have done this again falling for a girl I can not win. Falling into a game that I don't belong in. intruding in your life like the placing of a unwanted knife. How selfish. I feel as thought you want me to go, but for some reason I cant let go. I know I am to old but refuse to be told. I should fade away, back to the shadows from which I came. Leaving your life...freeing you from mine. You are happy with him and who am I to complicate your life. You know me a bit, but that bit makes me not want to quit. I fell for you like I knew I should not do. I broke my own rules and decided to pursue. I fell for your cute attitude. What a old fool. I should have knew better. I should have knew that I will never have you and you don't want me to. After all who could want to be with one such as me? No one, nothing, that is all I see. I fell for your style. I fell for that beautiful hair that burns bright in the sunlight. I fell for those chocolate eyes the way they lock with mine. That transfixing face that seems to see me with distaste. What am I doing this is a wast. You don't what to hear my words. This is not my place. My thoughts go blurry as the time ticks by. But then again who am I? To be telling you these things. Your and your man. Why don't I understand. Why do I still seek to hold you hand. To take his pedestal and cast away his stand. Forever forsaken by times sand. But then I must return to reality and relies you don't want me, you never did. And even so are love most would forbid. Five years, a gape with no bridge. I must find away to cast these feelings a stray for there is no way I will ever see that day. There is no way, I cannot let these feelings stay. This deathly infatuation is killing me. But letting go is slowly becoming easier for me, perhaps one of these day I will be free. I guess we all shall one day see that you and me can never be. But till I see there will be no convincing me. The Night is not What it Seems as I look in to the night I see your face in the pale moon light then you light surrounds me so filling me with hope perhaps there is still a light in the darkness of my life a brief reprieve from worldly grief, a escape from the darkest days you walked back in to my life unexpectedly and I let you in vigorously you saved me from me you set me free darling from the shackles of my misery you brought back a piece of me that I though was lost for eternity I was drowning at sea, icy cold waters surrounded me but you saved me how so I do not know now in a time of darkness you are a light to me you are the light house in the dark sea of reality Dance of Dreams a night of passion a dance full of lust a future full of possibility three hours of building trust the light flicker are body bumps the music makes you move hearts are pounding body sweating blood is rushing faces touching lips are soon to meet blood is burning body's yearning, just to touch eyes are meeting fear is fleeing, are we dreaming? Slow dance come and slow dance go I hold you tight in the flashing strobe light afraid of letting go for last time you vanished like a ghost. Realization my thought are racing to prevent me from pacing the clock is ticking the time fly s bye my heart wants to cry to my self I lie wanting to die. But then something changes, something rearranges and I find that this is not the time to cry. It is not my time to die Call so much to say in so little time so happy that you are mine. I sit watching the time eagerly waiting to hear you voice gingerly waiting to share my joy. When the time came I could not find my voice I had your ear but I fear I could not bring my self to share what I feel I had those few rushed moments and my mind became clouded . I should of could of but didn't revel the love my heart held in it. Fleeting Love there is a person you all should know a person whom inspires me so. A woman so wonders she renders me speechless. So loving her warmth melts even the coldest heart. She has came before me once long ago. But disappeared before are love could grow. She melted like snow. Leaving me to the unknown to go on on my own but then like winters first snow she came back and are love began to grow like a dormant seed in my heart and for once I don't want the snow to go Miss Guided my mind is hazy, my eyes lazy my heart is dazed what can I say my life is as confused as my mind when I compare her age to mine I feel like I have been here before like I have reopened a locked door I am no pimp no player for sure I am something much more. My Gift I am both blessed and cursed with the power of words the power to wright this mighty verse to ability to cut through conformity like a switch blade knife to this art I have dedicated a small portion of my life but as with every blessing there is a curse depression at its vary worst Poetic Paladin If I be paladin this pen be my sword the ink spills on the page worlds are mine to change have I been choose by a higher power to lead my people in there final hour the crusades might be over but things have not changed religion still fight with blood thirsty rage as our world spins in to its final days the angles are singing as the trumpets are ringing desperately to those whom must be saved Shell my mind is becoming complex again as I attempt to let another in and let another story begin once again I mist fight to open my heart which is encased in stone again half a year it has been far to long for me or any other men another adventure is about to begin Weeds negativity is like a seed once it is planted in the soil of the heart it becomes like a weed stealing life from all other things like a parasite killing you joy and feeding off you pain driving one insane slowly it grows choking out all things as it sows taking apart ones soul as it grows slowly destroying hope with each root it drains ones life slowly transforming one in to a empty shell it turns its host in to a puppet and it become the puppeteer the hidden master all whom come in contact with it become its subjects and fall victim to this painful tyrant this dastardly deceiver Brother Of Mine what can I say what can I do to make this up to you I remember back when we use to be the best of friends when you use to look up to me when I was your hero, not this zero but now what have I left you to look up to? But what did I do, go and abandon you the brother who use to wait for each weekend to go through the one who got hurt when I did not go over to see you what kind of heartless person would do this to you? Who could be so cruel? Little brother of mine I miss you. I wish I would not hurt you but that is all I seem to do slowly killing that person you once knew that fallen hero you once knew Alone Again my heart is aching my soul burns the though of loosing you has sat in, the fear of being alone again. It is setting in the; emptiness is haunting me yet again. Is there no way I will ever win. Why is it when I find someone they always fade away. Leaving my life empty and gray. I know that tomorrow will bring more pain and suffering. For to marrow the words will be spoken. And I will be truly with out hope. I can feel it eroding grip, I can feel it as is slips to my heart as the erosion sets in it starts to freeze again. Some Girl I have a story I wish to tell about this girl I once knew well. In her eyes there was peace, they gave me a moments release from this earthly hell. Her hands were tender as that of angels above. Her face glowed with enchanting delight that seemed to chase away all of my fright. Her hair glowed like mornings light. She was my princess and I her knight for her to this day I would fight. Her heart was kind as was her mind. She brought the promises of alluring love. She was like a gift from god above. She descended in the form of a dove. But alas she was not meant for me. She was my captive but i could see she wanted to be free and eventuality she did brake free. For the rest of the world she wanted to see. As of now her and I are not meant to be. But if god once again dose smile at me. Perhaps he shall send a dove for me. Plague sadness is setting in trickling thought my heart again liquid depression flowing through out my body invading my veins threatening to drive me insane corrupting my body and brain crippling everything started in my heart were it invades and spreads with the aid of my blood the Trojan horse has been replaced as this sickly emotion invades I can feel it as it travels numbing my nerves slowing my mind draining my hope killing everything leaving me empty again starving my soul killing me from with in Blood Stained Blade the blade bites my flesh leaving liquid relief so brief the blood stains the blade and I began to feel the burden of shame What have I become never again I says as I put the knife away it is a weakness to face my troubled mind like this tears of shame seem to soak my face as I toss the knife away haunted by a blood stained blade Heavenly Father as I walk in this lions den I am not afraid of whats with in my father walks by my side he is my guide he protects me as I praise him calling me to the cross again reminding me why I must fight sin yearning for me to bring others to him telling me what is to come helping me overcome the worldly ones I shall praise him day and night to see his face I must fight to see his glory like morning light so bright he will help me over come the night the darkness in my own mind Puzzle these thoughts are difficult and hard to arrange falling in and out of place bringing me to conclusions I cannot erase pieces falling in to forbidden places were I fear to chase hidden In tantalizing terror letting another in to the puzzle of life Sacrificing my foolish pride giving in to my worldly side Outside Paradise There is a sound I long to hear the sweet voice of of the wind whispering in my ear The loving warmth of the suns stare the mysterious songs of the birds in the air but do I dare cross this gaping hole of fear that clutches me even hear taped in this place I once held dear banished by miss placed fear how did I get here what happened to those I once held dear The Secrets The Smoke Held in the light of a dancing fire the goddess sings with angelic smoky wings as her fingers strum the strings and as her voice rings nothing seems to worry me from all concern and fear I am free at least for the time to be the eyes of night make them self known as the other listeners rock to and fro as we all are surrounded by the smoke a transparent cloak I then began to feel like a fool why am I hear what to do then I hear “Because she summoned you” then I ask “what am I to do” then the voice says “that's up to you” and then my thought return to you and the halo of smoke I placed around you What to do here I am again were I always am standing on the sidelines looking in knowing what I want to do but afraid to pursue watching, waiting, never doing knowing I have my hands full slowly loosing my control felling like a looser like I always do. as I feel I am loosening you. What can I do siting here thinking of you what can I do taped in this small room with out a view banished in this purgatory of my own design in the depths of my own mind to hurt to smile but to fine to cry completely entranced by you there is nothing I can do. Strings why is this burden mine to bare to confused to care blindly flowing my heart pull what pulls these string I don't know what causes my mind to flow to and fro driving me crazy as it goes you know like you but also I know I cannot have you until you want me to and i will not chase after with out your permission to this dilemma has me completely consumed Struggle my heart is full of a unknown sorrow haunting me with broken dreams of tomorrow trying to control a feeling. That wants to be free praying for her happiness yet keeping none for me is this part of some thing more divine some test of patients that stalks my mind trying to find a place to confide dragging its claws across my mind tarring through the thoughts of my brain ripping as it drains leaving only pain then this tormentor moves to my heart were it begins to tare me apart riping and taring bleeding and busing I am fighting but loosing I loose a battle every time I think of you Grave Of Depression my mind is clearing as I come back from what I was fearing falling in to infatuation what a perplexing situation when every thing you do has to be for someone new when your heart seems to betray you. Making you fall for a love thats not there but being unable to stop yourself from caring trapped in the web of obsession I've been trapped here before but haven't learned my lesson all it has done is formed a grave of depression and thankfully I survived to the resurrection I climbed from my own destruction through the dark pit of my own reflection to the light of life the only true direction Storm the rain is dripping my mind is slipping loosing its grip with every drip the lightning flashes the thunder crashes creating a headache with every blast I hope this storm dose not last oh how long can I last blast by blast what am I doing nothing am I proving to this image less lass this story is mine to tell about the storms farewell the winds did blow and the rains did swell but now all is well no tree or house fell Fortress of the heart in the past I have always thought love would not tare me apart ripping out little pieces of my heart the more I pretend to defend this battle I loose again the more I try to fortify my heart the easier it seems to fall apart the more I learn the less I know what is it that makes these feelings flow why cant I just let them go all they do is kill hope the fortress is falling yet again threatening to let another in Alphas Pride In the light of the pail moon light two wolves run through the night one the color of the night and the other like moon light through brush through brier through stream and wirer black and sliver side by side yin and yang on natures hide brought together by natures call unified through pack law the colors of night in swift flight carried by wolves paw love and care,fang and claw pain to share, burdens to bare family forever. Bound by blood Luna's gift from above one grows up as the other becomes a pup one has chosen to lead while the other wants to stay with me this old wolf is filled with pride seeing what his pups have become hoping his legacy will not be erased knowing someday they will all be one knowing both there story's have just begun praying that her faith is not misplaced hoping that the first will not be a disgrace Loveless End no good bye is forever but this one is hard i am afraid of the future letting them fade in to the unknown so many things could happen. life as we know it to cease to exist leaving your heart in a faded mist to cold and afraid to feel bliss the one you love could fade in to the mist Life is not the same when your alone and the one you care about is the one to blame. Due to she did what you could not but what if the one you care about dose not feel the same what a insane game full of chaos and bliss as I sit here writing this my heart is lost in a foreboding mist My Curse why dose this situation seem to fallow me. invading someones life and filling mine with difficulty . this is why I choose to leave I tried to run but this curse still won. its like it uses me for fun. as if the fates them selves hate me but cant bring them selves to cut my string. like they enjoy toying with me and don't want to set me free. that is the way my life must be. Or at least thats what they keep telling me. what is this force that keeps haunting me. Using woman to cripple my emotions I give in to easily, even thought I try to fight it still dominates me. From different angels it hampers me threatening to drive me crazy. My life is destined to be a continuous fuck up full of my own misery Dark side there is a demon taped in side a demon who changes with the tide full of furry and hate, wait' n for its cage to brake it is the eternal struggle I am in how can I ascend with this demon within this monster was born within my soul to fulfill its dark role full of furry it hungers for blood to have its vengeance fulfilled even if it has to kill wanting to slip from it's world to the real to fill it hunger to murder at will can you see it furry burning in my eyes a fury that the night cant even hid can you see it burning ever so bright glowing in the full moons pail light see my green spheres burning bright it wont brake free no not to night FEAR in this world i don't belong chasing a girl far to young how do you remedy a vary real fear for the fear is holding back a heart so dear fear of falling, fear of loosen someone dear tell me my dear what would help you fight away this thing you fear for it is a reality you must except a future so chaotically endept a past of missary a future of glory a present unknown we all have your vary same fear the thought of loosing someone dear am i a loved one to you hold dear? am i the remedy or the cause of this fear please don't let it consume you my dear for i could not stand to see your heart fall to the beast of fear a predator vary near if not stopped it will consume all you hold dear and you will find your self caged by its rage the best remedy it seems to me, it to live for the moment and be free to let fate work and wait and see weather what you seek is meant to be for eternity or just another meaningful fling wether a thing to learn from being or another chapter in the story of life another war to fight Busted Sirens go off they slap on the cuffs after all anophe is anophe in the back of a car you go as your blood runs cold as snow furry is replaced with fear as you watch the car you hold dear be driven away in to the day and disappear they ask your info and take you away to a place you don't even want to spend a day walking around the holding cell you find your self in a new definition of hell as you pace in a freezing cell then you here there might be hope for you to get out of here you singe you signature bold and clear as you suffer a fear you've never known you are placed back, all alone hoping on a phone after a hour that last forever the phone let you know you ain't go'en home they place a prise of your freedom no matter what you say you aint leaving today there is no passable way then they strip you of who you are given rags to ware lock away from the light of day all you can do is hope and pray that god grants you another way you spend a sleepless night with crooks hiding in you own little nook Thought i stand here yet again looking at a wonders person whos life i don't belong in. yet i am longing to be placed in. is that such a sin wanting to be loved again. after all i gave up my freedom to defend and even after such a noble act i cant win the one Ive always loved back. but no matter what i attempt she dosent understand. so what can i, a lowly man do to recalme what varry few knew the sweet tast of love true what in godsname can i do to prove my love to you so we canclaim are famed happley after ever? insted of a heart braking disator. if onley you kenw howmuch you mean to me. but sadley it seems you will never know becuse you refuze to see. you refuse to let your self love me. then are story starts again as the moon chases the sun we are the eclips, or so we were when this all begun dose either of us have the strenth to go on to keep watching for the other to cycal on the sun heart braking as the moon cycals on dose the moon relize that with out the suns light she will no longer light up the night Angel Reborn I am filled with lite again a special lite that glows from with in it flow's from with in bringing me back life again setting my halo aglow with energy from with in I dint know I could be happy again my spirit is ablaze I am finely seeing threw the haze that has clouded so may days I have finely found my way I have been threw hell and back again now I may claim my wings and fly again I was blinded with in but now I can see again my wings had been clipped but I finely got a grip have I been forgiven finely redeemed Key so many words spill on this page so many thoughts needing to escape my mind is such a fun place depending on your taste it is its own world encased taped in my mind to keep the real world safe from this enchanting place a world free from the laws of reality complete with a palace by the sea a world in which my inner wolf runs free along with his pack. All of us you see possess the key a key to imagine a world unseen A TWIST ON LIFE By: Matt Chaplin About the Author: I was reeled into this wonderful madness by my friend Gary Snearley. It all started when I ran off from my home and took cover at his house from the problems of a crazed seventeen-year-old's life. We bonded instantly, Gary being the older brother I had always wanted and needed. About two months later he told me about his dream of publishing a book full of unique poems by different authors, so I began typing right away. My poems have a tendency to center around the blurred concepts of everyday life and the paranormal. They are all free-versed, and the only thing they all share (besides the author) is that they all express my various views on this thing we call life. Enjoy my madness. Happiness Flying high on wingless birds Spiraling above the winds Nothing now can hold me down Heaven draws near But down below I see a beggar Covering himself in ragged paper On and on an endless caper Nothing in his future Sadness fills my stitched heart Gravity starts to weigh me down And now I'm hurtling Toward the ground Tears are streaming down my face I see no hope for our pitiful race The beggar shows how hard we work To ignore the toil of another's life Death is coming, painful and fast I really hope this doesn't last Too much longer, or I might die And never reach the waiting sky. Sorin A tiny dog Upon my lap Singing, howling A happy dog. He greets me at the open door Hopping around upon the floor Bouncing, jumping He greets me as I close the door. I rub his ears He thumps his leg Squirming, growling I scratch his ears. He runs about A happy puppy Yapping, scratching He flits about. His eyelids slowly fall He fights the sleep Twitching, rolling. His eyes slowly close. Pop Tab Bracelet I look upon the bracelet new Crafted from pop tabs askew Wrapped around my wrist so white Kept by cord so it stays tight. It helped me survive through the night. I slept and yet could not take flight. Falling, screaming, kicking, squealing I heard SHRIEK laughing in delight. Yet now I look at its recycled sheen Knowing I helped the earth stay green. A small grin comes to my face, And I thank the Lord for his saving Grace. Impatience I hate to wait Before the gate Of joy or sadness It makes me angry The anger blossoms Into rage Which bellows deep Inside my cage The rage intensifies It makes her scared She runs away Now I'm impaired She left with the key To mine prison And now the hot blood To my face has risen The tears and blood Flow down my face I give into despair And fall into disgrace Strangle You turn away And up I jump Cutting off your air You're sickening You worthless lump I choke you tight Squeezing hard Draining your life You're disgusting You deserve to wear a knife You twist and jerk I grin and smirk Ending your Before You're horrifying You stupid whore Your twitches lessen I let you rest You're finally dead You're even now grotesque Eyes rolled back in your head I smile. Lighter This lighter brings me little joy Til I touch the flame to skin It burns a little I smile within My fingers jerk I drop the flame Leaves on the ground Explode into color Green and Blue And Red and Orange Trees light up A happy dance I twirl a gig A smile upon my face As the forest comes to life Its last romance The ashes float around my hair A dark halo to match mine eyes The trees smile as they bow I bow in return as the light fades away. Dark Hearts Once upon a time I knew a fateful lie One that shaped my universe And drank my darkness dry It told two stories Of a girl One whose fingers Around my heart did curl In the first lie We were happy together Drawing from a well Of the sky's bright aether Nothing on earth could hold us down Among our happiness we did drown. Nothing from the world were we barred. She wore a wreath, and I a crown. In the second lie It was her fate To die a death A dark thirst did she sate Nothing on earth could comfort me Among my agony did I drown Nothing to me could this world give. My misery became my crown. But the only truth Was by far the worst. She hated me And my endless thirst So from me She took herself And left me alone With my shallow wealth. Tears I love the way I cry at night Sobbing out my tears of fright A helpless child full of remorse Hidden away out of sight. The parents lock the door Keeping it shut forever more Hoping, praying, worrying That no one sees their rotten core. The police come to search the house The place reeks of rat and mouse They come upon the locked up door The mother distracts them with her blouse. The little child left all alone To rot away in dust and stone No one will ever hear my screams But they will reap what they have sown. Faces Angry faces Screaming faces Tortured faces Smiling faces Everyone has something to hide Something buried deep inside Blessings, Curses, and Remorse Shouting til our voice grows hoarse Evil crawling up the stairs Angels catch us unawares Drinking deep the saddened blood Nothing saves us from this flood Crawling on the walls so quiet We deserve this don't deny it The happiness was never ours On our graves will be no flowers Pale faces Choking faces Fading faces Dying faces Judgement Running, jumping, fighting! Kicking, screaming, yelling! Taking the lead! Crowing, seeing the end appear! Jumping from block to block, Taking my enemies down one by one, Feeling the freedom of flight, Soaring toward the end! Kicking down the last opponent, Screaming a battle cry! Leaping on, approaching the end... When I fall. My head hits the edge of the final block. I flip and land on my back, Hearing my bones crack, Blood is everywhere. I come around, My vision swims. I wipe the blood from my eyes, Only to see the Three Judges. They stand before me, Ancient and gargantuan, Wearing armor of Stone, of Iron, of Ruby Hands upon their swords, Ready to decide my fate. "Haveth thou aught to say for thyself?" "Speak, Warrior fallen from Grace!" "Haveth thou naught to say, Worthless Nothing?!" I stand but keep my eyes lowered. Looking at my feet, in the sand I see A shining dagger, made of their metals. My battle robe is blowing in the wind, I wipe the blood from mine eyes. "Fallen Warrior, raise thine eyes!" "Prepare for thine Judgement!" "Accept thine fate!" The dagger glints. Swift as a hawk, I sweep up the deadly blade! Standing tall and meeting their eyes, I slash the hot metal across my throat! I can feel their rage, Hear their Ancient roars, As they draw their swords skywards, But they're too late! For the warm blood is flowing, I have defied their Judgement, I feel their giant blades pierce my chest! But they're too late! They remove their swords, I fall forward, Breathing sand, blood, and fire, They've set me alight... They turn, sheathing their swords. Stepping away, cloaks blowing in the wind. Their Wrath expended, I hear a defiant giggle. Mine own. It's My Fault It's my fault And you know it too. But you don't know how to say it So you lie to me again. I cut and the blood flows But I smile As it trickles down my arm And pools on the floor. I giggle I stumble I land in my own blood And it's my fault. Tainted Soul Turned Rose By: Melissa Snearley About the Author I am like no other person you would ever meet, but i can thank my past for that. My life has been a nightmare after nightmare and for once it has changed. Gary Snearley and so many more have changed my life and i thank and love them greatly. As you read my poems you will see and maby even feel the great pain and loss and sudden love that has happened over my life. Welcome to the Tainted soul that Turned into a beautiful rose. Rage You feel the pain inside They laughed at you again Rage has you blind You're alone, cold and insecure You're hated But the rage makes you insane Silence makes you hate life Knowing your mother's gone Father's a mistake You finally listen to the Rage Find the sweet kiss of silver as your new friend Rage is filled with something new you stop feeling blue as a new feeling emerged An addicting crimson drug And for once the rage is numb Animal I see a steel cage Within a beastly animal Sleeping softly among the screams and laughter Its soul had been broken though unafraid to fight on truly a remarkable beast I watch as it gets poked and prodded teased and taunted A smile comes to my face as the wolf rises they back away, afraid of what's to come I find the key in my hand and thy knowledge unlocking the cage to find Its amazing power Light I cannot hide what is painful inside I cut it out but yet it always returns to me. Haunting every corner Jester of my mind causing more pain As i scream out for someone to find me Voice gone hoarse and mind hazed desperatly wishing to die But a dark prince came one day nightmares almost same he wished them all away He takes me to a place unseen a place of comfort for him and me For what could be true love be shown As our chapters be written dark days turned light This journey be ours Together the light shines bright Misrable Father Another beer down as the night rolls on You stumble to my room when you hear me cry Screams to tell me to shut up You were wrong To rip out a childs heart i shall never understand Never there for me then and your not here now Head full of unruley thoughts Your words still haunt me The nights ill never forget Afraid to leave my room Afraid to speak But I have left your hell You misrable father Best Friend If I ever need to cry Her shoulder is open Unafraid to speak her mind In her is the strength i find To deal with the shit in this world. Taken Away The thought of it pains me can not bare something so dear a chose taken away A poisen inside tainted my blood but not thy soul but mind left with to many scares A fear I have this something I may not be able to give For i fear of nothing left Just resentment Me I do not understand me nor do i want to try my hair is long and dark and i always seem to cry yes im sensiteve no, i dont know why but i have this thing about me ill try to help you out even though im oblivius at times but you'll never get it now at times im dark and moody i have that vengful side then im bubbly and goofy im completly out of my mind you'll never understand me so dont even try for the ones who truly know and love me see me for me and all my sides |