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Princess Annis finds out that a curse was placed on her from birth |
Weeping willow why do you weep? As the sun set casting her fading blaze on natures majesty, the branches of willow would blow in the wind. Dusk was approaching cautiously and Alvin knew if he did not make it to his destination before sun set that the world would be different by sunrise. His mission was important he was to deliver a message to the princess. Princess Annis was not allowed to leave the castle. There was something in the woods, something that was only spoken of, when one must be warned. She had always herd tales of the beasts that lived in the woods hidden by tall trees and deep fog. She regarded these stories as mere tales told to her by her father King Charles Author III. King Charles was a noble man who came from a long line of successors. He was the only son of Queen Alia and King Author II. Queen Alia had actually been a slave to a distant cousin of King Aurthur II, however seeing her beauty and finding out that she was still chaste, King Author decided to take her for himself. His mother of course would have nothing to do with it, as this women was simply a peasant. His father had already prearranged a wife for him to keep their blood line pure, of course Author had plans of his own. He went to see the wizard and request to have a spell put on his parents to allow him to marry Alia. No one knows for sure what the wizard did or if anything at all, because if the king found about this request, the wizard would surly have been killed. "Princess Annis!" she herd a voice call through from the vestibule rushing to the top of the foyer she looked to see her dear friend Alvin. "Alvin, what is it?" She wondered what could make him travel all this way in this horrid weather. "Alvin your soaked!" Princess I come to warn you." Her father herd the echo's as he was coming in from the weather. "Warn her of what Alvin?" "What madness do you speak of?" "They are coming, you must hide they know the lay of the land and even the hidden chambers of this castle!" "Princess you must make haste!" "Who is coming Alvin, what madness do you speak of?" "I am being arranged for my marriage, I must not leave the castle you know of this Alvin." Now the guards were holding Alvin with the intent to cease him. "Alvin why did you come here?" "Who sent you?" "I herd the witches talking princess they wish to kill you!" "They have called on the beast of the woods." "Kill me?" "Why, what do they want with me?" "We don't have time princess you must come with me now!" "I will take you to see Merlin he is waiting for us just at the edge or the entrance to the forest." We must hurry." "The witches have called on Lot and the beast of the forest and are preparing to capture you and slay your family tonight!" "What do they want with me?" Now her voice started to tremble. King Charles Aurthur stood still, in a low tone the words one by one fell out of his mouth "Merlin said this day would come." "The curse." "Curse what curse?" "Father why do you speak this way?" "Your mother." King Charles replied. "What does this have to do with mum?" "I don't understand?" "Alvin if what you say is true, than surly Merlin sent you with something?" "Yes he did." Alvin pulled out of his pocket a ring, as soon as King Charles looked at it he knew this was urgent. "Annis get your things and HURRY!" "Alvin take this to Merlin and tell him if I make to see the dawn I will come for him." "There are some things I must do first." King Charles pulled a ring out of his pocket along with a letter sealed with a crest. "I knew this day would come." "I just did not think it would come so soon." Alvin and Princess Annis left escorted by four of the kings men. Ridding as fast as they could through the cold dark wind and rain. Alvin was just revealed that he made it to her before dusk set. Merlin had cast a spell making him invisible once the sun set. He gave Alvin something to eat that tasted like poison and instructed Alvin to give some to princess Annis before they left the castle. "What is this you would have me to drink my lord?" "Frog testicle, wart of a witch and pee of a spider." "Lord this must be a juster of sort?" The look Merlin gave him was very clear. "This lad is no small juster." "It will make the beast of the woods loose your sent and it will make you invisible to the witches." "You will need it as the witches watch over and possess all hidden creatures of these woods." "If you are to make it there and back safely you must follow my instruction precisely." Alvin did as he was instructed and told Annis to do the same. It did not feel like Merlin's potion was working considering the rain and wind still managed to tare at them as they rode into the night. Finally reaching Merlin the other men were instructed to return to the castle. Merlin took the gift the boy had given him from King Charles and instructed princess Annis to wear the ring. "What will you do with me Sir Merlin?" "We must go deep into the woods, it is your only chance for survival." "If the witches and beast are there and wish to have me, why am I to go in there?" "Your inquires are just princess however we must find the fairies and the last enchanted unicorn?" "You mean these things are true?" "These were stories mum and father would speak of during my nightly rests." "Yes they are all true, and for you my dear you will soon see that your world as you know it will be no more." "What do you speak of Merlin?" "I speak to you secrets of the adepts, your time has arrived." "What are adepts and what do you mean my time has arrived?" "Come princess there will be time for talk once we reach the fairies." Princess Annis felt faint, under all of the harsh weather and all this new information. They traveled on horse until they could no longer, now they were to travel by foot. "Must we leave our horses?" "Yes." Merlin replied. We must send them in a different direction to make sure we are not followed. |