Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1715020-The-Flight
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1715020
To make your dreams a Reality,you must first wake up
Life is beautiful! Though people live and complain about its cruelty and injustice,they go and complain of roughnesses of roads,they look back and forward,and speak about senselessness of Life.But anyway Life is wonderful!

If eyes waters and it's difficult to make out the road going afar,through a dense fog,to the unknown Future,you must to stop,to brush away tears!Look upwards,at the Sky!Admire sunset and dawn,inhale a smell of Spring and rain! Unless is not wonderful starry sky?...the languor of sad Autumn?...birds singing?...animals?well...not all,but exists such graceful,unusual,fluffy and such reasonable as humans!...And the Sea?...the Ocean?...rainbow after rain?...even people...well...not all,but exists such ones...for the sake of whom it  would be desirable to create,to smile,to live! It's not even scarry to follow them into a fire and deep water!...Ah!Life is wonderful! Just don't touch it with dirty hands and judge it if you are blind as mole,and except of smell of the crude ground,you are not capable to feel anything more! Learn to make out a thin ray of hope,shred of the positive  in all bad and hopeless situation! And then,in black-and-white striped Life,the black stripe will turns into a thin black line.Create your own small Paradise on the Earth,colour it with your paints and Life will become even finer!

I've built too my small Paradise.Here it's quiet and cozy.Certainly,here happens sometimes storms,strong,painfully beating with chilling flaws my face.But after again there comes a calm,and all becomes silent,cloudless as before.Here me loves,here I'm important.The one who

who hates,doesn't have a place in my house.

Ah!Life is wondefrul!...

But why I'm looking with such greed through the glass walls of my Kingdom into another world,and like insane Assole, I wait for a fairy tale and miracle from outside?!Why my guilty eyes grieves about what's not mine and not from here?!...I hid my grief in evening's twilight when silence came down, and the Moon appeared in the night sky...I shared my dreams with it...about unknown...about novel...But the Sun didn't guess about my sadness and desires...Its light lit up my eyes,warmed my Soul and I continued to live...again,to enjoy the insignificiant pleasures.Nobody knew that my Soul wanders in Darkness, walking along lunar footpath...

Once after the gale,tired and weakened,I've looked up and suddenly noticed a thread sticking out of an aperture of the glass arch.I didn't even suspect that a dome of my Kingdom was not integral!My God!After all,I didn't look upwards  for a long time...since have decided to construct my House!...In the childhood I searched for answers over there,above.But then I've understood that answers would be given by Life.Ask,wish-all the same the Life Book is already presented to you.Everybody know the end of it.But what is between the beginning and the end,you'll read slowly,without knowing what is written on the next page.Passion,hope...What if suddenly there will occur a miracle,what if suddenly on the next page begins the fairy tale?Smart plan...nothing have to say! Maybe, knowing the Book contents, someone will simply want to close and throw out the Book...I've preffered to read mine through a glass wall...

Why I was so surprised? Really! My Kingdom needs fresh air...Overcoming weakness,I've seized the thread with one hand.I felt as something has smoothly pulled me up...It was the Sphere...painted in grey -black colours,with unusual bewitching pattern.The drawing was not clear,but having got accustomed,it would be possible to distinguish some figures...The Sphere has taken me out from my glass Kingdom...

My breath grasped.It was strangely and terribly to soar highly in clouds...as bird...to observe unfamiliar open spaces,the glades lightened with silvery gentle moonlight...Where carries me this unbidden visitor? Where from it came?...and why stopped over a dome of my glass House?Probably,accidently? Maybe it has simply stopped and didn't not wait for me at all?...Accident or not,it was too late to think about this...I've been fascinated by feeling of flight!Here it is-another magic World,which  I watched  through glass walls!...I'm flying! Life is amazing!...

The flight proceeded not long.The sphere suddenly stopped. I've looked down.Below,under my feet,there was an ancient garden gathered round a castle.Despite of darkness,from height it was easy to notice all its magnificence and to feel its certain solemn calmness.Some magic in this picture was added by a fountain.Water streams flew down in pool with soft silent murmur as though tried not to disturb the night dreams of the garden.Flickering light into castle's windows shined up a small avenue.Its indistinct patches warmed the paved platform,having released it of silver fetters of the cold Moon.I couldn't come off this landscape.I wished to fall on the gound and to wander a little in the magic garden.Quite good idea,though also risky.There was no guarantee that I could return back without Sphere.My hesitation was interrupted with a sound of opening door...Suddenly on a spacious balcony  of the second floor appeared a man...He was tall,slender, with long blonde hair.The thought of he could notice me in such trailing position,made me to feel awkward.I've pulled the thread.The Sphere as though it  heard me,has silently flown aside...

I didn't remember how long I've watched the stranger.But I remember that I forgot about everything.The whole world was reduced in one point,in one space-the castle and the knight...

I've returned to my glass Kingdom.All around me there became unimportant though maybe a bit more alive and were filled with brighter paints...Every evening I waited for the magic Sphere,looked forward when it would carry me away to the place where in silence of an ancient garden my knight waited for me.I wanted so much to trust,to believe in this! I hoped that he hears my words,understands my thoughts.And even sometimes,hardly audible,he shared his thoughts with me too...Seemed I forgot about inconvenience of my trailing position.I felt myself great,I felt myself a Queen!...I couldn't any more imagine my life without this daily travel to the World of  real dreams...

But not always the sky above the castle was pure and cloudness.Sometimes there sparkled lightnings and the thunder rattled...But I suffered.I despaired,but all the same came back...Why?What for?!...Finally I've been assured that then the Sphere has not arrived casually...Once upon a time,I've dreamed this castle and my knight.Maybe,therefore I haven't turned back? After all I always avoided any extraneous and unfamiliar things, though I dreamed of the little-unknown.Maybe therefore I felt some unknown warmth which has spread in my body when I hung over a castle for the first time.I knew it all  long time before today...

In Life as well as in mine and in that,another one,nothing is  constant.Everything changes!...Less often the light flickered in castle's  windows.Less often the knight left his place.More often I departed without having waited neither light in the window,nor the knight...My heart  painfully compressed when I saw the silhouette of my dear friend accompanying by motley noisy crowd. I indistinctly saw,but I could imagine their lively conversation.I didn't scold him.What for?Who am I for him?Nothing...nobody...just a moth,just one more casual traveler...

Last time I've departed to the place so lovely and so dear to me.Tears flew on my cheeks.I felt intolerable pain and regret...

My heart freezed again.My thoughts accurately dispersed to their places.Now everything became clear...absolutely simple.I've calmed down...

I recollected in my dreams that wonderful flight...in dreamily reality...It would be silly to take offense just because your dreams weren't embodied into reality.Though says that to dream is not harmfully,but it's far from the truth.Even realizing that dream is just a dream,you don't cease to hope and wait for some day when it all the same will come true.And don't lie to yourself about easy possibility to get used to this thought!Probably,it's necessary to choose more carefully among dream-objects those ones which are more or less REAL...

As once,long time ago,I've ceased to dream and believe  in dreams...What are our dreams?Just 'fruits' of our imagination...sometimes sick...sometimes quite healthy....


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