Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1714760-Angel-of-San-Leandro
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1714760
Dean goes on the High School.He's quite a normal boy up to a small but meaning difference.

The sun shined from the sky and spread in the whole town already in the morning a pleasant warmth. Dean left just with quick steps his Appartment in the city centre. He was rather late in it and, therefore, had to hurry up. Luckily his Appartment only a few minutes lay away from the High School. He had selected it carefully when he had come a few days ago to San Leandro. Today was his first school day and he did not want to come too late, this would probably make no good impression. He knew that his time would be only limited here and the school visit had, actually, no use for him, he wanted to behave so normally as possible and live the life of a normal teenager.

Shortly before the ring achieved Dean just still on time the San Leandro High School. He walked by the entrance and looked around inside first searching. Then he took his backpack and rummaged about for the registration form which he recently got sent. He had filled it already fixed-ready. Always he had been very conscientious and reliable, this also came to him now to property. He pulled out it and closed his backpack again. Then he came along on the search for the receipt to announce himself. On time to the ring he had found him and passed to the friendly smiling woman the slip of paper. This threw a short examining look at it and then passed to him another slip of paper which was the timetable. Dean took him and nodded to the friendly lady briefly, then he ran by some of the countless ways to reach to his classroom.

When he had nearly reached it he collided rudely with a big, dark-haired boy. This looked at him furiously.
>>You cannot pay attention boy! Do you have not qualified burst to make if I come? You are quite new here?!<<
Condescendingly he looked at Dean which was smaller possibly half a head. Dean remained quiet and looked at the other boy calmly. He did not want to strike already on the first day at this school negatively, finally, he might permit to himself here below no mistakes. He had to fulfil here a job and he wanted to do this to the most full satisfaction.
>>Sorry, with the next spot I will look around before, I do not run down you definitely again.<< he answered friendly.
>>This I also want to advise you!<<
The boy turned round and ran away in the other direction. A little taken aback looked at him Dean. When he itself turned round again a pretty, blond girl stood before him. They smiled to him.
>>No fear, he is so intolerable to all, this is nothing the personal.<<
>>However, Well there I am calmed.<<
Dean also smiled at them.
>>I am, by the way, Melissa Summer. You are new here, right?<<
>>Tuning, this you have properly observed, here my first day is. I am Dean Kelly. And who was him this boy?<<
>>This was Jason Grey. The captain of our football team.<<
>>THIS was Jason Grey?! This can become cheerful.<<


Melissa was in Deans class. It was unlocked a nice girl, happily, intelligent and very pretty into the bargain. Already during the first days he had made friends with her and he noticed that he liked them more and more. However, Dean was not to be got to know here around girl or to look after other teenager's junk. He had a mission and if this was fulfilled, here his days would be also counted with it. However, still he did not want to think about it. First he had to do himself to care for his charge and this no easy job seemed to be. Why had to select them to him also just these boys? Although he had met him, actually, only briefly, he did not like him. And what he had got to know about him did not let him change his opinion. Jason Grey was no good boy, he had brought himself in his past already several times in bigger difficulties. It would become difficult to steer him again on the right road.

Jason was the captain of the football team. This introduced additional respect of his school-friends in him, because the San Leandro Pirates were one most respectable High School football teams of America. Although dean nobody football fan was he wanted to apply for the team. It seemed to him to be a good beginning to come with Jason to contact, after the first unhappy meeting.

Melissa accompanied him to the test training. She was a cheerleader of the San Leandro Pirates. Their training took place directly beside the football field. Dean had to admit itself that it looked fascinating in the costume and he saw over and over again secretly to her over here. The training was well and also the team was very contented with Deans achievement. Even Jason who had to find out him over and over again critically observed ones that he had the stuff for a good football player. And they needed still new players.
This is why Jason tried to be friendly also when he called Dean after the training briefly to himself.
>>You are really great, we just still need Somebody. I would be glad if you join to our Taem.<<
Jasons words sounded faithfully and Dean was in the team. It was easier than he had fancied.
>>Clearly, I come with pleasure to your team<<,
if he answered and nodded to Jason friendly.
>>Cool, then we see ourselves morning again here to the training.<<

Dean smiled contently and turned round to run to the changing room. There he discovered Melissa who stood very near and waved to him. Dean ran to her over here.
>>How did it go?<< she asked.
>>So far completely property I think, in any case, I am in the team.<<
>>Congratulating, I knew that you create it!<<
Melissa embraced him happily. Dean would have held them best longer in the arms. For a long time nobody more had come to him so near. Only now he noticed, how much he had missed this feeling, to fall in love!


Dean liked Melissa very much, but he tried to suppress it. He knew that it was prohibited him, actually, more contact than was necessary to have with the people. However, thus very much he also tried it, he could not ignore melissa for a long time. But he might not lose his mission out of sight. Jason needed his support and it was to be helped Deans obligation him. If Jason was again on the right way, here his time would be finished. Then he would be allowed back be accepted once again. One would generously forgive him for his mistakes. Still before a pair of days he had wished nothing more ardently, however, now his human recollections had caught up him here and the longing for the life and the love was stronger than he to themselves could ever have introduced.

With Jason he got into conversation more and more and because Dean on the field particularly great, he was accepted by the players. And his ambition also did not escape Jason of course, now also he respected him.
This evening had arranged to meet a pair of players to go out. Also Dean was asked and besides there also Jason was he accepted. Earlier when Dean was one of them, a human person, loved he to go out and to get to meet girls. However, now he had to go out no desire. Much rather he would spend his time with Melissa. Dean stood before the mirror in the bathroom and gave just a little gel in the hair. Did Melissa find him pretty? He was no bad-looking boy, with his deep brown hair and the bright, blue eyes he was liked earlier with the girls very much. Now this everything seemed him, nevertheless, so far away, it was already too long, or had he just forgotten?

...to be concluded....
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