Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1714695-Planet-Euphoria
by Ambear
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1714695
a sciencfiction story that i wrote in Creative writing class
              There's a roaring in my ears, the sound feels like its alll around me. I try to open my eyes but my attempts are pointless, no matter what I do I  can't open my eyes. I feel like I've been hit by a freight train. I try to feel where I am by groping the ground but when I try the thing I feel is the fiery pain shooting up my arm. The realization hits me with a cold hard slap, I broke my arm but that's not all, I remember everything.

            So I guess I should probably start from the beginingI live on Planet Euphoria it's on the outskirts of this universe. The planet itself is beautiful, the ground is a lovely blue green and the sky a soft pink, but all the corruption has brought it all down. All the buildngs are crumbling, the only way to live in a nice house is to have money. The planet is run by corrupt corporations which makes it impossible to grow because the only way to gain power is money which is nearly impossible to obtain. I guess you could call me poliitically radical in my thinking so I'm sorry if I start to rant about the corruption in the system. My name is Bryson, I live in sector eight of Planet Euphoria, also known as the testing district. A place for all of the people who can't afford to live in sector six. When i say testing I don't mean the SAT's, no I mean genetic mutations and nuclear explosives. The testing is horrible, no one is safe not even the one's who work for the company. People are expendable in their eyes, it's not a big deal if someone dies from the tests they perform, there are plenty more where that one came from. It's not safe but it's the only place we can afford to live. My parents work for LabTech, the company that does all the testing in this sector. When I say work  really mean they are slaves to the LabTech Company, the entire LabTech Company is part of the reason the people are so run down. They try and try but there isn't a real way for them to ever move up in the world. They can never escape the company; they will be forever stuck under the thumb of the corporation. Tonight it all came crumbling down on my family, while working at the lab my mother accidentally released an airborne toxin that causes the brain of adult humans to melt. I was at home with my younger sister Ambrosia, waiting for our father to return home from the bar.

              Ambrosia hates her name so we call her Rosi for short. Rosi is a fifteen yearold who thinks she knows everything about the world and the people in it, the truth is she is too naive to ever fully comprehend our society. Our government is corrupt and unjust yet we let it run our entire lives down to the time we go to sleep at night. Yes, we have a curfew and a bed time and I don't mean just the kids it's  for the adults as well. Rosi and I were sitting in the kitchen waiting for dad to get home so we could go out, he was supposed to be homeat eight but it was now nine thirty and he still wasn't home. Rosi and I sat staring at the wall slowly ticking away the secondds of the night worrying about what could be keeping our father from coming home. Then we heard it, a loud thump came from the porch. I told Rosi to stay in the kitchen while i went outside to see what it was, but as usual she wouldn't listen to me. We walked to the door when i noticed a dark liquid seeping under the door. I pushed Rosi out of the way and opened the door to find our father lying in a pool of blood on the front porch. I looked around for any sign of what might have killed him when i noticed he had what appeared to be bits of melted brain seeping from his ears, nose, and eyes. I grabbed Rosi by the hand and told her we needed to get out of here.

                We ran out of the house into the back alley. Rosi seemed very confused but she wasn't going to question my reasoning on this one.when we reached the opening of the alley Rosi pointed out a bum across the street. He appeared to be sleeping, but once you looked  closer you could see that his brain had been melted just like our fathers'. Rosi began crying, I stood there holding her for a good while trying to calm her down. Her sobs made it impossible to understand what she was trying to say, but I stood there holding my little sister, protecting her from this dangerous world. I'm not sure what's going on but i'm pretty sure LabTech has something to do with it. The whole system is completely screwed; it's as if people don't really matter. The only people that are safe are the people with the money which are mostly corprate leaders and their goons. I don't understand how anyone could believe that this system is just.

                  When Rosi finally calms down we decide to walk to the LabTech Corporation to ask for some explanations. Usually when they test new airborne toxins they warn people what's going on. I stand there with my sister thinking this is it. This is my chance to prove that the system is screwed but just as I reach the top step I feel a searing pain in my back. Before I could grab her Rosi was gone she had been lost in the rubble of the explosion. Everything I loved and cared about is gone, there is nothing left but rubble, as I lay here holding my broken arm remembering everything.
© Copyright 2010 Ambear (the_addict at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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