Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1714600-The-System-Chapter-1
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1714600
The first chapter of the story I am writing.
Chapter 1: Out of the Abyss

         "Hey Robert, the plane is about to begin landing procedures, look sharp!" Alex snapped, waking Robert in a start. Robert Casus and Alex Hecate have been in Iraq, on a contract with the army, overseeing the presidential election,. Now that the election was successfully concluded the pair were given an honorable discharge and were sent back home. Robert sat up and gave himself a once-over. Deciding that his appearance was adequate, Robert watched through the small window as the plane descended towards the Camp Atterbury Airbase.

         "Welcome back boys, good job." The Lieutenant General said, greeting Alex and Robert. "If you will follow me we can debrief you two and let you go."

         Walking out of the airbase Alex turned towards Robert saying "Hey Bob, lets go to Marsh, I don't know about you but I am thirsty as a horse." Robert got into the car driving to Marsh, deep in thought about what he would say to his friends after being gone for a year. Arriving at Marsh Robert looked at Alex and himself and couldn't help but chuckle. "Dude, I remember the last time we were here we looked like a couple of punks and almost got chased out by the greeters. Look at us now, in our pressed ACUs, we look almost straitlaced." At that the pair busted out laughing. They regained their composure, but when they saw that the greeter was the same one that almost chased them out the store and the respect he was showing them they could barely suppress a chuckle.

         Alex led Robert to the soda section and went over to the Faygo, he grabbed two ginger ale and two cola, and the pair went to the cash register. "Is this all for you sirs?" The young cashier asked, scanning their items and placing them in a bag.

         "That will be all for now mam, and don't worry about bagging those, we will carry them." Robert said, noticing the slight blush coming across the cashier's face. Alex and Robert paid for the soda and grabbed two each, opening the ginger ale first Robert glanced towards the direction of his old high school. "It is 'bout time school should be getting out, lets head over there, I want to say hey to James, see if he is still going to our old haunts." Robert suggested. On the way to the high school Robert looked around and couldn't help but to feel a twinge of guilt. "If I could go back and do things over again," He said, "I would have tried to not be such a jerk to these people. I vow to do whatever I can to insure that delinquents like I was stay in line."

         "Watch out man," Alex replied, "you are starting to sound like a deep thinker." With that exchange, the party drove the rest of the way to the high school in silence, pondering on the changes they would have made, and the changes they could make in the future. When Alex and Robert arrived at the high school, James was on his way to the bike rack. "Hey Bob, here he comes." Alex announced.

         "Hey Jim, whats going on punk!" Robert yelled, leaning against the front of the car. Seeing Robert for the first time in a year, James abandoned his attempt to unlock his bike, James ran over to talk to his old friend.

         "Welcome back Robert!" James exclaimed, clasping Roberts hand in his, "I assume that your contract is over."

         "Ya, for now at least." Robert sighed, taking a sip of his newly opened Faygo cola, "But now I feel more vulnerable to the draft, you know, because I have 'army experience'." At that the group laughed nervously. "Anyways, on a different note, we haven't gotten together in what, a year. Because today is a Friday, I think that we should go do something."

         "That sounds like a great Idea," James said, "however I am busy for the rest of today."

         "Fine, be that way" Alex retorted, with a faux pout. "If you didn't want to hang with us we should have just stayed in Iraq."

         "Very funny," James replied rolling his eyes, "Fine, let me call my mom." James pulled out his cell phone and called his mom. "Hey mom... ya I was wondering if I could hang out with a few friends today... Alex and Robert... ya they are back from Iraq... I will mom... so can we?... ok, thanks." James hung up his cell phone, "Ok, mom said that we could hang out tonight, as long as we are hanging at my house, she wants to see you."

         "Sounds good to me." Robert said.

         "Me too." Alex agreed.

         Later on that evening, as the group was gathered in James' basement playing Halo 3, Alex got a call. Alex left the room to talk and came back a little while later with an anxious look on his face. "Guys, I just got a call from the people from the army. They say that they have found another job for us at a major scientific company. They say that because of how Robert and I handled the Iraq election, we would make good employees there, with testing the products."

         Robert and James looked at him for a second and then Robert asked, "When do they want to meet us?"

         Alex looked at them in the eyes and said in a matter-of-fact tone, "Tonight, zero four hundred hours, at Denny's. You come along too James, he said that he knows you."

         That evening the group arrived at Denny's with a look of speculation Robert and Alex checked the area for any set up before heading into the store. "Man I could go for some pancakes right about now." James interjected receiving scathing glances from his companions. the group walked towards the back of the restaurant before spotting a lone man at a booth.

         "Zero four hundred on the dot," The man said, looking at his watch, "Very Prompt, maybe they were right about you guys." The man looked around and with a start they realized that the man was the prior chairman of MIT Jeremiah Tasso.

         “Hello sir,” Alex began, saluting Mr. Tasso along with Robert, “

         “Please, take a seat.” Mr. Tasso said returning the salute. “It is good to have you two back, and for bringing your friend with you. If you would please make yourself comfortable, and get something to eat, please.” The small group sat down and sheepishly looked at their menus. When the waitress came around they looked up.

“What can I get for you gentlemen this night...err morning.” The waitress said hesitantly.

         “I will take a coffee.” Alex said, putting down his menu.

         “That sounds good to me.” Robert and James said in turn.

         “I will take a lumberjack combo,” Mr. Tasso added, “Bring us some pancake poppers just in case these boys get hungry, and I will take a coffee as well.”

         “Ok, I will be back with your coffees in a second.” The waitress said, glancing at Robert with a strange look, “I think I went to high school with you, its Robert right.” After a moments silence and a sharp glare from Mr. Tasso the waitress ran to go put in the order.

         When the waitress returned with the coffees and left without a word Mr. Tasso took a drink of his coffee black. “Now I bet you are wondering why I wanted to meet you. There is some openings in a robotics firm that I think that you three would be perfect for. Robert, your people skills would easily make you a leader of the projects at hand. Alex your know how will be necessary for programming the robots. James, I bet you are wondering why I wanted them to bring you here. As I was looking through your transcript I noticed that you excel in speech. I want you to be the spokesman for the robots when they become operational.” Mr. Tasso took another drink from his still steaming cup of house blend. “You don't have to answer me now, just think on it.”

         It was then when the waitress came back with the lumberjack combo and the pancake puffs, she left the orders then refilled everyone's coffee. “This sounds interesting,” Robert said, “but how long is this contract supposed to last, I am looking for something other than just temp work” With that Robert popped a puff in his mouth.

         “Temp work, gracious no,” Mr. Tasso said with a hurt tone, “this is a full time job, after all when these robots are operational they will still need to be constantly updated.”

         “This sounds like a dream come true,” Alex said, also consuming a puff, “but how will this job pay?”

         “Lets just say that when you are with us you will never have to worry about money again.” Mr. Tasso said, biting a bit of bacon off.

         “Sign us up,” Robert said. Mr. Tasso smiled and pulled a crisp paper out of his briefcase.  Robert signed the paper than  handed the paper to Alex, whom also signed the paper. After Alex signed the paper he handed it to James, whom put down his coffee and looked at Mr. Tasso with a confused expression.

         “I can't,” Jason said. “I mean I need to graduate before committing to a project like this. I am only a Junior.”

         “I can pull some strings and get you out of school now with a technical honors degree, I just need some people on the team, this is projected to be operational within the year.” Mr. Tasso retorted.

         “I'm sorry, I just can't” Jason said with finality and walked out the door.

         “So as for the rest of you, its a deal.” Mr. Tasso said, “Welcome to the family.”

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