Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1714264-Caring-for-a-giantess-Part-1
Rated: ASR · Other · Fantasy · #1714264
You are tasked with caring for a 10 year old giantess, can you do it?
You are Xavior, a 14 year old boy attending Zech Elementary. (completely made up info) You are trying to earn cash so you can buy a new video game, and are currently babysitting a few kids. It's okay pay, but not enough, and you need to find one more kid to baby-sit. You walk by the school bulletin board to see if anyone has taken your flyer you used for advertising for a job. You are surprised and excited to find that the flyer is gone! "All right! Now I can get enough money for that game!" You rush home to find that the phone is already ringing! you pick up.
"Hello?" you say out of breath.
"Yes, is this Xavior?"
you begin to jump up and down with excitement.
"yes, yes it is!"
"Hello, my name is Natalya Utey (pronounced you-tea, you'll understand later) and I was wondering if you could baby-sit my child?"
"yes, no problem, I just need your money- I mean your address and the name of your child and the hours you need me there."
"She seems to pause for a minute, this worries you.
"Well, her name is Rose. Her full name is Rose B. Utey. (get it now?) and she's ten years old, I would like you to come here from 6:00 P.M. to..."
another pause, you can't tell if she's thinking or if she's worried of trusting you. Your reputation was hurt after it was leaked you accidently gave one kid beer instead of apple juice, but it hadn't circulated this much, had it?
"I need you here from 6:00 P.M. to a little after mid-night, will your parents be okay with this?"
this stung a little, so you tell her the truth.
"My parents died when I was 4, I've lived on my own since." you had learned how to cook at 3 and had arranged to have the grocer bring you food every week until you turned 10, when you were given your drivers license.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know Xavior!"
"It's okay, I've gotten used to it, so what's your address?"
" I'll pick you up, it's kind of difficult to get here without guidance."
"O.K. I'll be ready, thanks for giving me the job!"
"Thank you for accepting, good bye"
you hang up and think to your self that you may be able to pay for the game sooner than you thought.

The next day at 5:55 P.M.

Your house is kind of out of the way, about 30 miles from any other house or people. You told Mrs. Utey how to get there, and hoped she came soon.
You were wearing jeans and a "Believe in Music" tee shirt, when you start to feel the ground shake. your eyes widen as you realize what is might be! But then you remember that your area has never had an earthquake, and never will. That's when you notice the tremors have a bit of a rythem to them, and that they were getting louder and stronger!
And just when the loudest boom hits the ground, it stops. That's when you notice that the scenic sunset outside was replaced by a black wall.
You run outside to see what it is and almost faint from shock! In fact, you DID faint from shock!
you wake up thinking you must have hit your head when the earthquake hit, but then you look down, you are on a soft surface with the color of a peach. you then look around and notice 5 things surrounding you sticking up with the same material. Then you remember. You hadn't hit your head. You had seen the real thing. you had seen a giant woman!
Then you look up and your suspicsions are confirmed. You see a caucasian woman, maybe in her early 30's with long (in proportion to her body) black hair, and bright blue eyes that are staring straight at you!
"Well hello Xavior, I thought you'd never wake up!"
you recognize the voice, and know who it is right away.
"Mrs. Utey?" you say kind of softly.
"i'm sorry, I'm having trouble hearing you, here this should help..."
you feel yourself being lifted in the air, and are placed on her shoulder close to her ear, but at a safe distance away from it that you weren't really scared of it.
That's when it truley dawned on you, this was real!!!
she asked you again what you said, and say in your normal voice
"Um, are you Mrs. Utey?
"Yes I am, I'm sorry if I scared you earlier, but I heard of your previous experiences with other children and needed someone to watch my little rose."
something inside of you clicked there that "little rose" probably wasn't so little.
"how long was I blacked out?"
"not to long, it's only about 6:15!"
"Can I see Rose then?"
you start to fell the motion of moving up and down repeatadly, you grab on to her hair so you don't fall off. As you're walking, you realize that Mrs. Utey couldn't hear you when you used your normal voice, but you could hear her's without having to cover your ears. In fact, she sounded just like a normal lady, you figure she's talking in a bit of a whisper, which means she's talked with other normal sized people before. THEN you realize that if she's talked with other people before, how come it's not on the news?
Then THEN you realize that you may not be the 1st baby sitter for Rose!
You start to shake, and Natalya feels this on her shoulder.
"Don't be worried, she's very gentle. Neither her nor I will hurt you. If she wants some food, then you can use this ladder to climb up, and use these controls to give her the food. If she feels scared or sad, try to comfort her by talking to her or you can hug her feet. But do be warned! don't get close to her face! she can sometimes lose control when she sees something by her face. Make sure you stay away from her shoulder and up."
This worries you a bit, but you are dying to know the answer to a particular question, and can't help it any more.
"Am I the first person to ever baby-sit Rose?"
"Yes, you are. Why?"
"but how have you set all this up?"
"I've been watching you Xavior, I needed to be sure that Rose would be safe with who ever I chose. You have been through the most in your other jobs, I'm sure you can handle her."
This gives you some confidence, and you almost forget you're on a giantess' shoulder in a giant house. It looked like a normal house, a living room, a dining room, a family room, with a T.V. and a few game systems with giant controllers and surprisingly enough, normal sized controllers too!
"Now be sure she's in bed by 8:00 P.M. but if she doesn't want to, give her some warm milk, she can change into her PJ's by herself, and don't bother with a bath. She may wake up around 10:00 and if that's the case, there's no getting her back to bed. Just go along with the things you did before. That's about it!"
Natalya opens the door and you see a young girl (Giant like her mother) playing with some blocks. She was actually pretty cute. she had short brown her going to just above her shoulders and blue eyes like her mother. She looked up and looked at Natalya, not noticing you yet.
"Hi Mom." She had a very sweet voice, but she had said it in a normal voice, so your ears were ringing when she stopped.
""Shhhh, talk in a lower voice, your baby-sitter is here."
Then she notices you, and her eyes light up. She smiles and stands up to her full height, a little taller than her mothers stomach. (you are about the equivilant to 2 1/2 inches tall if you were small and they were normal) Her smile is sweet and shee walks over to you.
Mrs. Utey sets you on the table in her room, and the two giantess' sit down with you.
"Ok, tonight is going to be a bit of a trial, so Rose, be on your good behavior!"
"O.K. Mom." she was talking in a softer voice now, and you thought that her voice sounded beautiful. You also noticed that she hadn't taken her eyes off you since you came in the room.
"Well then, I'll be off then! Good Luck!"

Continued in Part 2
© Copyright 2010 xavior704 (xavior704 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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