Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1714155-Lost-but-Found
by YaYa
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1714155
Have you ever felt left out? Eden does, only she isnt mere human. Join her journey and see
This is going to be like a story/book. There is more to come, so if you like this become a fan so you can keep reading the story. :) thanks!! *Heart* i'll keep posting more and more as I write it. Comment it?! :D

  I stooped down, gently picking up the wilted red rose. It had been 
trampled on and forgotton, just like me. I'm different from everyone 
else here and it gets lonely. It's been like this for over a year now, 
ever since I started changing into what I am now. My increased senses 
and new strength scare people, but my looks are more frightening to 
them. It is hard to get over nobody noticing me, walking right past 
me. Sometimes I make eye contact, just so they are forced to throw on 
that reluctant smile. I have learned to stick to myself, keeping quiet 
and always observent. As I stood back up, holding the flower in my 
hand,  I let my eyes wander. I saw a glimmer off in the distance, but 
I couldn't really tell what it was. My natural curiosity and reflexes 
dominated and I took off, running with an absolute insane intensity. 
The faster I pushed my legs, the father away it seemed, which only 
made me push that much harder. My feet pounding against the ground, my 
hair flying out behind me, I finally reached it. Very unexpected, a CD 
was hanging from a tree, leisurely spinning in the soft afternoon 
winds. How could there possibly be a CD in my backyard? I live  a long 
distance from anyone, even farther from town. Someone had been here, 
on my land and watching me. A frightning chill ran down my spine, 
sending shivers all the way to the tips of my fingers and the soles of 
my feet. I pulled it from the tree, placed it in my jacket pocket and 
started running once again. I headed straight for my empty house, my 
mind set on my stereo.
  I pulled the sliding glass door back fast and hard, stepped inside and then closed it behind me. I placed the CD on 
the counter and ripped my jacket off as fast as I could. I went into 
my bedroom and grabbed my stereo and brought it back into the kitchen. 
I slowed my roll to let my brain catch up with my instincts. I took my 
shoes off and set them by the door then walked over to turn the heat 
on. December gets quite cold here, but I do enjoy the light, beautiful 
snow. Coming back to the kitchen counter, I picked up the CD and 
placed inside the player. I sat on the closest bar stool, leaned back 
and hit Play.
    A soft voice filled my ears, along with crickets and bird chirps.
"Greetings, Eden. You don't know me, but my name is Ava and I can help 
you." Help me with what, I thought.
"I've been watching you to know where you were at in your stages of 
this proccess. I'm sure it was hard for you to go through it alone. I 
want to offer you my assistance. I can help you and train you for what 
is to come."
The CD stopped playing, over in about a minute.  It freaks me out that 
someone has been spying on me, I wonder what all she has seen...
(added 10-07-10)
    How does this woman know about me? How did she know my name? I 
found another CD in the same spot as yesterday, but this one was 
"15 yards from here, tomorrow night at eleven."
The very first meeting will be interesting. I have so many questions 
for her, but I'm sure she has a multitude for me as well. It was 
twenty minutes until meeting time so I headed to my room to change. I 
grabbed my long sleeve shirt and slipped it on. Then my skinny jeans 
went on because when I run, bulky pants slow me down to about fifteen 
mph, alot slower than usual twenty five. I put on my thick socks and 
boots and of course my snow jacket. I slipped out the back door, 
wanting to be as quiet as I could so maybe I could spy for a couple 
  The woods are eerie tonight, so many eyes and sounds surround 
me. It is an exhilarating feeling when you know you're one of the 
'things that go bump in the night'. I stood in the bushes by the 
meeting place and waited. Ten endless minutes later I saw 'Ava' enter 
the clearing. She wore a deep auburn dress and has long black hair. 
Her skin looked like milk, a great contrast from her hair, but 
beautifully displayed. She lowered herself onto a boulder with such 
grace, I almost exploded with laughter. I've never seen anyone act so 
arrogant; this woman must believe she is royalty. I snickered quietly 
then stepped into the clearing as well.
"Eden, I knew you would show." She smiled wide, freaking me out just a 
little bit.
"Who are you? How do you know me? How did you find me?" My questions 
started spilled out of my mouth before I realized what I was doing.
"Patience, my dear. Come sit with me," she patted the rock.
"No thanks, I'd rather stand."
"Well now, to answer your first question, my name is.."
"You told me your name already. That doesn't explain who you are," I 
interrupted her. I can be a very impatient person sometimes.
"Fair enough then. My name is Ava Brown and I'm your aunt."
"Wait, What? How..I...what?"
"You never knew your real mother, you were taken from her."
"This is news to me. I thought my mom didn't want me, that's why I 
have been in and out of foster homes." I went and sat on the grass 
about two yards from Ava's feet.
"Yes, I know and I'm so sorry. I have been searching for you, I 
finally found you about a month ago. I had to build up the courage to 
approach you. Would you like to know about your mom and me, the life 
before you were taken away?"
"No..I mean yes. Yes, I want to know."
"Are you sure, my sweet Eden?"
"Tell me everything."

(added 10-8-10)
  "Your mother was a virtuous woman. She never really wronged anyone, 
except when she was forced, had a big heart and everyone loved her. 
Beyond that, she was a great fighter and very beautiful. She was full 
of ideas and always had a plan when we needed it. She was everything 
to me, my baby sister."
Ava paused, holding back tears and trying not to choke up.
"You keep using past tense words. Is.. Is my mother dead?" Now I'm the 
one trying not to choke up. Just a few moments ago I thought I could 
meet my real mom, now I realize she is gone forever.
"Yes, Eden, I'm so sorry you never knew her. You have to know how much 
she loved you. You were her light in the darkness, her whole heart."
"How? Did she even look for me? How could she let me be taken?"
    I felt an anger rising up in me that I have never experienced 
before. Parts of my life have been a huge lie, which is almost a 
beautiful letdown. I'm filled with joy knowing I wasn't in foster 
homes because my mom didn't want me, but filled with anger for my mom 
losing me and someone taking me from her. I realized i had slowly 
forgotton Ava was still there when she started talking.
"It was during a war, your mother was a great warrior and had been 
sent to take out a major enemy. She completed her mission, not knowing 
it would destroy her life. The man she had to kill had one son, his 
name is Dokoran. He has more evil in him than his father, more than 
anyone actually. He saw your mother kill his father and he swore 
revenge. Then you went missing, your mother searched all day, 
everyday. She soon realized it was Dorokan and went straight to him, 
only to be killed on her quest to find her daughter."
    We sat in silence for a long time, listening to the wind and 
thinking. I was trying my best to take in all this new information 
without overloading. My mother is dead, I was kidnapped and the man 
who did it all is still alive. He took my mother from me, just like my 
mother took his father from him. It doesn't make it right though, an 
eye for an eye? I'm sure if he knew where I was he would kill me, too.

(added 10-10-10)
    Ava left with a promise that I would meet up with her again in two 
days. I just have too much to digest and I can't take anymore for a 
while. I ran back to my house, heading for the fireplace. I started up 
a small fire, sitting in front of it with a cup of hot chocolate. So 
many emotions, anger, fear, regret, joy, it just isn't fair. My mom 
was just doing her job, she was just searching for me, she didn't 
deserve to die. I grabbed a pillow off the couch, pressed it to my 
face and screamed as loud as I could until I felt better. I'll think 
about the positive so I can sleep tonight. I had a mom who loved me, 
that is what matters.
  After a hot shower I crawled into bed, after all, I do have to work 
in the morning. Pulling the covers around me, I layed down and closed 
my eyes. My brain was still on high energy and I knew I wasn't going 
to fall asleep any time soon. I just need to learn more next time I 
see Ava, I need to know what I am. I wonder what she meant about 
training me, how to fight? I already know how to fight. I slowly 
started drifting into unconsciousness, blackness surrounding me on all 
sides. No...wait..what is my mother's name?..

(added 10-12-10)
  I woke up to a monotonous alarm clock, ringing right beside my head. I 
threw my hand on the clock, hitting the snooze button by memory 
because I do it almost every day. I sat up and all the memories of 
last night poured into my head at once, which of course made me dizzy. 
I slowly stood and headed for the bathroom, wanting nothing more than 
a hot shower. The water poured all over me, melting my skin and my 
problems. I let my worries flow from me and down the drain so I will 
be able to focus at work. Work..ugh.
    I decided to stock shelves and clean at a grocery store in town so 
I wouldn't have to deal with customers bothering me. I usually stick 
to my own business, but I pick up on alot of coversations throughout 
the day.  I arrived with five minutes to spare, but clocked in and put 
my name tag on anyway. My boss likes me and we get along, I guess 
because we hardly talk and when we do, we are nice to each other. Most 
of my co-workers don't talk to me, except two girls I've horton to 
know over lunch breaks.
  Ten long, tedious and annoying hours later I clocked out and headed 
home. I need to make a mental list of questions because I meet with 
Ava tomorrow.
1. What is my mother's name?
2. How did you find me?
3. What did you mean when you said you could train me?
  That was all I could think about right now since I had one thing on 
my mind. A late run around the woods in my yard. I hate being packed 
into a small grocery store with no room to stretch my legs. I love 
running, feeling the wind hit my face, my feet pounding the Earth's 
skin and my heart pumping in my chest.
  I pulled up in my driveway and shot into my house, putting my shoes 
on and I was out the backdoor. Running and running, I could go all 
night. I screamed with happiness and threw my hands in the air. The 
limbs were slapping at my arms and legs, but I didn't feel them. I'm 
in my good place, my escape from the world and nothing can ruin that.

I'll post a little more every day i can
thanks for reading! leave a review please, so i can improve :)
© Copyright 2010 YaYa (rubyroo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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