Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1713928-Alphabet-Reality
Rated: E · Lyrics · Death · #1713928
About life in other places besides U.S.A. Made this a while back posted it on my16bars.
A.fter dark the guns come out.
B.ecause of the lack of defense.
C.ausing homicide and droughts.
D.efinitely not american sprout.
E.verybody trying to survive.
F.un is assassinated and homicide is alive.
G.oons out on the street, nothing to eat.
H.ello world look at the universe on the other side of the street.
I.cy rims and polished feet, rest of the world, dead at 3.
J.ust the facts I only speak the truth.
K.illing for fun life cant move.
L.ike the devil and death stuck in the same booth.
M.ore and more blood cant tell the right from the left shoe.
N.ot realizing your covered in death and starvation.
O.pen your eyes and you will see the truth.
P.igeons seagulls and crows waiting for you slip off your broom.
Q.uestioning their hunger, its a royal feast feeding more than 2.
R.acing toward the finish line, first come first serve.
S.tars stuck in the pixel, who is gonna remove them first?
T.omorrow will and then it will kill you third.
U.nhappy on the other two made you watch them die no surprise you wont survive.
V.aseline on your life making things smoother shiny and bright.
W.orking for hours and see no pay only see thugs, you having.
X.enophobia they coming to take your life away.
Y.ears move on and family is left behind.
Z.ea mays rugosa, no sir not in this life time.
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