Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1713367-Detective-Lopez
Rated: 18+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1713367
This story is mad about a detective and her first crime scene...
Detective Lopez was in a deep sleep but was troubled, she would twist and turns in her sleep and sweat was starting to form on her brow. Her lips pulls into a grimace in her sleep as she tries to force herself awake, when she thought she couldn’t wake up, the phone rang, or well vibrated on her bed side table.

Bzzzz….bzzzz, the noise startles her out of sleep and she shoves off the covers then picks up the phone. Flipping it open she says “Hello, this is detective Lopez, what can I do for you?” She listens carefully as the man speaks to her, Her eyes snap open and she pulls out a notepad and then says “ give me the address and give me 30 Minutes and I will be there as fast as I can.” She jots down the note as the man speaks and then snaps her phone shut.

Lopez doesn’t waste any time before jumping out of bed, she rushes to the bathroom and yanks on a pair of tan colored tights and pulls them on, she then pulls on her black pencil skirt, white blouse and her black suits (sports) jacket on. She then turns on the water and quickly splashes water on her face to wake herself up. She then puts on a bit of foundation to make her pale skin seem a bit more tanned. Lopez finally walks out of the bathroom and puts on her black pumps. Standing up she then heads out of the door grabbing her case and her keys. Locking the door behind her she carefully heads out for her car and gets in.

She turns on her car and pulls out of her drive way, her eyes locked onto the road as she drove. Her red 2009 Shelby gt mustang rode smoothly through the roads as she heads for the address that was given. 1921 Luna Street was the address, she knew that it was for the rich, so she wondered what had happened. It could have been a simple burglary, or something along that line. She then begins to think about what else, there was so many crimes that could have happened. She drove for 20 minutes and soon she sees a large towering house, police cars were parked outside, their lights flashing.

Detective Lopez gets out of her car and heads up to the house. A police officer walks up to her and says “mam, I’m sorry but you can’t go in.” Lopez turns her blue eyes to him then says in a dark voice “I’m detective Lopez and it is my job, don’t try to stop me!” She turns back from him and enters the building.

She then heads for the group of police officers “where is the crime scene?” One looks at her then bekons her walking in the direction of the bedroom then says “it’s not the most beautiful sight you can see.” Lopez nod and says nothing but gets emotionally and mentally prepared for what she would see.

When Lopez enters the bed room she was not prepared for what she saw. Crimson blood was all over the walls, the bed and the floor. Lying on the floor face down was the figure of a tall and slim woman with a beautiful body shape her long blond hair, now matted to her skull with blood. She then notices near the body was a knife with a curved blade covered in blood, she reaches into her case and pulls out numbered yellow plastic cards, she then places one at the body, one at the knife, and at several splotches of the blood. Going back into the bag she pulls out a camera, turning it on she takes several pictures of the crime scene. She then turns to the body in general and takes several pictures of that from different angles, she does the same with each numbered plastic card.

Lopez murmurs to herself “ now lets see who this unlucky sap is” she puts on some gloves, so that she didn’t leave her hand prints on the woman. She then turns her around on her back and gasps to herself lightly. On the body was several bruises that made it look like the poor woman was beaten, her nose seemed to be broken and she had bruising happening all along her jaw and cheeks. Her gaze moves to her neck where she saw some hand prints in the shape of a bruise, Lopez knew that she had been strangled. Lopez then gives a startled cry at what she saw next and held her hand to her mouth in horror. The knife it had been used to slice open her stomach, the woman’s intestines and guts hung out of the large cut.

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