Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1712832-Freeing-the-Wizard
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1712832
Celina tries to free her father from his curse.
I stared at the pot before me. The cauldron was set on top of a fire, boiling. I used a ladle to stir the mixture I was in the cemetery, with only the pot and the full moon. I wasn't afraid.
Okay, maybe a bit. But I had to do this. If I was ever going to free my father from his duties, then I would have to perform a forbidden spell. A spell that would let the curse fall on somebody else instead of my dad. Of course the spell requires a person who would accept the curse. And I guess...that would be me...
I heard rustling leaves behind me...I knew he would show up. He just couldn't resist.
"Celina," his voice said. I turned around, but I was facing a raven.
I raised an eyebrow. "Jack?" I asked, confused. That was his voice, but why was a raven here?
The bird flew down from the tree and walked right up to me. It stopped, then slowly, a curl of smoke began to wrap around the raven's body. Soon the whole thing was covered in smoke. But then the ball of smoke began to enlarge. I stepped back, confused.
The black smoke soon became my size, only a bit taller and bulkier. The smoke began to fade slowly, and underneath that layer was him.
"What are you doing here?" I demanded angrily, stepping forward again.
"What's the matter, Celina? Afraid to see me?" Jack said, smirking.
"I'm not afraid of you," I said sternly.
I turned back to the cauldron and began to stir the potion again. Then I picked up a pumpkin. I was just about to dump the whole thing in the pot when I felt somebody's hands on my waist.
"You're not supposed to do that," he said, his warm breath on my neck.
"You warned me about the consequences of getting the curse, I know, Jack-"
"No, I mean you're not supposed to dump the whole pumpkin in the potion. Slice it up," he explained.
His hands were still on my waist. I could feel he was trying to pull me back slowly, hoping I wouldn't notice. So I turned around and looked him in the eyes. "If I had a knife on me, then you would've felt it already," I said, glaring.
Jack laughed. "Well, I guess you can't complete the ritual now," he said, his black eyes gleaming.
"Why do you want me to give up so badly?" I asked, stepping closer to him. He had to have a knife on him, he always did.
"Because," he said, placing his hands on my waist again, "you're a good girl, Celina. And good girls like you, really shouldn't play with forbidden spells like this one."
I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow. "Do I look like a good girl to you?" I asked, letting him pull my closer. Then he looked at me from top to bottom, then back up. I felt self-conscious, but I couldn't show it now. Not when I was so close to getting his knife, which was at the near back of his belt.
Jack leaned in closer to me. I could barely see his face since I was blocking the light from getting on his face. "I think you look hot," he whispered.
I sucked in a deep breath. If he thinks, for one second, he could distract me-
He pulled me even closer to him, with most of my body pressing against his chest. My arms had no choice but to wrap around his neck. "Jack, your dad was the one who cursed my dad, and you're telling me that I shouldn't be playing with forbidden spells?" I asked in disbelief.
"My dad's the bad guy, I expect stuff like that from him."
"Then why are you here?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"If you're the bad guy's son, then you're bad too, right?"
He nodded. So I began to reach for the knife, using my arm to snake around him. "Well, according to you, bad things and good girls shouldn't mix."
Jack smiled slyly. "Ah, I see where this is going," he said. The knife is almost in my hand now. Just keep talking, Jack. "I thought you liked me, Celina."
I snatched the knife, then pushed him away from me. He was surprise alright, his expression couldn't hide him. I sliced the pumpkin and dropped a few pieces into the pot.
"Always so determined," Jack said. He was still behind me. And then his body was pressed against mine again. He just won't give up...
"I have to save my dad, Jack," I said, turning my head towards him and looking him in the eyes. Our faces were inches apart.
"Even if it meant trapped in the Warlock World forever?"
"If it means getting my dad back to the human world, then yeah."
"You won't even get to see him that often," Jack said.
"Not unless he visits, I know."
"You're gonna be stuck with me for a while, you know."
I nodded slightly. "If you're not going to make things hard for me, then I'm okay with it."
Jack chuckled, then he let me go. I stirred the potion again, adding final ingredients.
"Father and Daughter
The bond as strong as lighting and thunder
The curse that holds my father
Free him and trap me instead
" I cried. I drank the potion from the ladle, then everything...went black.

"Celina?" I groaned in pain. My head hurt. "Celina, wake up."
I opened my eyes. And they met with green eyes. "Jack?"
"Oh, god," he said, pulling my upwards. I let him help me and sat up. Then he hugged me, so tight, I thought he was going to break me.
"Did I do it?" I asked, rubbing my head.
Jack looked me in the eyes and smiled. "You did, your dad's free, and...You're in the Warlock World."
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