Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1712802-A-tale-of-two-insane-lovers
Rated: 13+ · Non-fiction · Dark · #1712802
When someone is pushed too far, horrible and disgusting things can happen.
Gaga growled as the cop proceed to rip the expensive leather of her bright bumblebee jacket and rip off her bright neon green pants off her pale white legs.  Roughly and without care they threw her into the dirty, musky smelling jail cell as if she were nothing more than trash and in nothing but her panties and fishnet stockings.  She lay limply on the twin sized bed that felt hard as rock under her stomach, she stared blankly at these to homily looking guards women. 

One threw her head back and laughed relieving a huge brown mole that had been hidden under a fat roll and her short bleach blonde hair as braid into a neat bun.  The other much taller, muscular woman just rolled her eyes in clean annoyance before throwing a bright orange prison jumpsuit on top of Gaga messing up her white blonde hair and though she was mostly ignoring her surroundings at the you could see the twisted lost look in her pale blue eyes.

Ignoring the disguisedly lewd comments of her cellmates were easy compared by those made by the guards, who’s voice echoed off the concrete walls.

“Too bad, she looked like one of those halfway transsexual people”

“You idiot, then she’d be in the men’s prison”

“Hey I knew they need some action too”

Gaga stayed still on the small bed staring at the gray cell wall, the look of a small child who just lost her mother came across her face.  Her eyes were dazed in that strange hypotactic trance she got in, just to help ignore the speaking women around her, to ignore everything till her lover came for her.

Girls laughter was heard through out the lunchroom as Gaga dug through the trash, she of course could ignore it easily sense she was happily finding everything she needed for her clothes.  Humming quietly to herself as she pulled out another soda can and put it with her small collection of trash.  Well to her it wasn’t trash, but she had no other term to call sense thinking treasure would make her feel weird.  It was the only way she could keep herself together sense her lover was probably pissed of and leaving her here was her punishment.

It won’t last.
She needs me
Just as much
As I need her.

She combed her fingers through her hair as she took a pair of glasses frame, the lens having broken off and stuck cigarette buds over the in entire black frame, a small ghost of a smile on her face now, ignoring the smell of smoke.  She then took a soda can and ripped off the top of it and putting it to the side as she fixed the albumin can around a thick piece of her pale white blonde hair.  As she finished security rapping it over her hair she used the top that she had ripped off and clipped her hair in place so it wouldn’t fall out.  She repeated this pattern till she had four cans in her hair looking like a weird of artwork.

“She ain’t gonna make it child” The shrill high-pitched voice broke through the trance she had while she was fixing her hair. 

“Well she’s some sort of freak or something” She blinked hearing those words and stayed completely still in her seat “But she’s cute though”

Gaga hearing these words was now very aware of her surroundings and pretended to relax in her seat, crossing her legs as she listened to the mundane conversation “Watch this” The woman said.

The woman wasn’t fat but her body was very full at the hips and breast area and her orange jump suit was torn to show as much skin as possible, her skin being mostly fairly other then the light tan over her face and arms.  Her curly brown hair bounced with her movements as she made her way from her table to Gaga’s, a light smoke flowing off her the frames that she wore, copying the emotions that she refused to show.

The beautiful woman sat next to her at first just rapping a heavy arm around Gaga’s skinny shoulder.  No emotions, she held herself perfectly still as she felt the woman’s full lips ghost over the skin of her neck and traveled up her jaw line and finally meeting her own thin lips.  On the outside is looked like Gaga was responding well to the kiss, even opening her mouth to the larger woman letting her tongue invade the inside of her mouth.  But Gaga wasn’t there; she was lost again, lost in that place in her mind.  Lost in her memories.

“Monster! Monster!” A huge group of girls gathered around the small strange blonde who gripped the tree bark in fear as the children began to close around her, one reaching over to rip the trash bag dress that barely hung off her shoulders.  She had made this out of boredom, a thick yellow caution tape around her mid section and had cut small flowers out of the tape and dotted it over the skirt of her dress.  Gaga isn’t poor- quite the opposite actually- but she had thought it would be cool to do this for once.

Now she was paying for it

“Only homeless bum wear trash bags!” The tall yet skinny red head girl said in a harsh tone and Gaga flinched, partly out of fear and partly because when the girl had spoken she had spit in her face.  She wiped it off quickly before bringing her attention back to the girls.

“Ungrateful brat!” One of the girls- a brunette it seems- snapped out of the taunting mode that the group was in and lunged at her throwing a rock in her face and making the blonde cry out as the sharp edge of the rock cut her cheek.  A small tear running with the blood that fell.  “She fuckin rich and here she is wearing a trash bag!”

“Well then lets show her what it feels like to be a piece of trash then!” The head began to advance forward cracking her small white knuckles as she did so.

Scared, dirty, and the bleeding eight year old couldn't even muster up the strength to run as she so badly wanted to, but no she could only stand there frozen in place and closing her eyes, as if not seeing anything would make it hurt less. 

"Hey you stupid brats! Leave her alone!" The voice sounded so distant, that in the small blonde child's mind in sounded like it came from the heavens.  She peeked through her long lashes to see this beautiful soft looking black girl who looked to be a bit older with honey kissed brown hair and large hard looking brown eyes that fumed with so much angry.  A dust of dirt floated around her as she advanced forward, towards them.

"Stay out of this girl!" The brunette shouted digging her overgrown nails into Gaga's right plastic sleeve, ripping it and making a small tear slip down her face because they were going to rip up her dress that she worked hard on.

"Yeah we're just messing with our little buddy here" The red head seemed to be the leader here as the other girls immediately agreed with her nodding as if to convince the black girl to go away.  Gaga let out a frighten whimper when she hand on her sore shoulder, her entire frame shaking now.

She turned her head away waiting for the first hit to come but there was none, instead she heard a sudden loud series of intakes of breaths and she opened one eye when she felt the grip on her arm loosen.  Looking up to see what them made stop she was surprised to see that the black girl had pulled out a pocked knife and holding it out at the girls walking towards them.

"Get. Away. From. The. Girl" Her voice had a deadly ring to it and slowly the girls began to retreat in the opposite direction but their sluggish movements seemed to only anger her more and she advanced forward screaming "Get the hell out of here!"

At the tone of her voice- or maybe it was the look on her face- they all ran screaming, only leaving a cloud of dust behind them.

Gaga blinked so surprised wondering who this was this girl and even more important question; why did the girl help her?  Slowly she straighten herself out, wiping the dirt off the back of her hand made 'dress' looking up at the pretty black girl who seemed to be trying to calm down.  "Uh Hello?" She was surprised at how fragile and hurt her voice sounded but coughed to try to cover it up.  "Who are you?" She asked.

The girl seemed to calm down a bit more hearing Gaga talk, she folded the knife back up and shoved it in her ripped up light blue jeans.  "Call me HoneyB" She said with a soft smile turning to face her and held a hand out as if to coax Gaga into coming here, probably because she did look like a scared animal.  "What about you?"

She stared at the out stretched brown hand and cautionly took the hand and straight out her position a bit more walking with her down the side walk and away from the tree that she had once been pinned to.  "I'm Gaga" She said them remembered that this girl had pretty much save her life and her outfit "Oh Well T-Thanks for W-well y-you know" She stuttered out a bit nervously.

Suddenly she felt very soft lips press into her cold cheek and squeaked loudly jumping back and staring at HoneyB now, wondering where that had came from.  The taller black girl didn't even look surprised just smiling at her softly "Your safe, don't get so nervous when you got me to protect you"

Gaga blinked at her words rubbing her cheek where she had been kissed and secretly hoped they would be best friends forever.

"Telephone for Gaga.  Telephone for Miss. Gaga" When that announcement was heard Gaga broke away from the kiss patting the woman's shoulder softly her face still completely unreadable and she stood up walking out of the courtyard.

"See you later, honey" Gaga's eyes flicked hearing that word and she paused thinking to say something but only a twisted smirk came across her lips as she walked back inside the dark somber looking prison and stopped in front of the ringing telephone.

Her smile was widening as she picked up the phone, holding it to her ear.  "Hello" She said in a calm innocent voice.

"You idiot" Gaga tried to hide her snicker, "This is the third time dammit! I bet whatever it is you stole wasn't even priced high!" The angry in her voice was so that Gaga had to hold the phone a bit away from her ear to stop it from it deafening to her.

"Nice to hear you to HoneyB" The skinny blonde smirked mischievously.

HoneyB snorted, "We have plans!" She hissed her voice deadly like that of a snake's.  "Why the hell do you steal again?  You're rich."

"I've explained this" She sighed rubbing her forehead.  "I'm cheap."

"Freakin idiot!" The angry woman was yelling again.

"Love ya too" Gaga said dryly.

"Oh you love me!" Dammit Gaga if you 'loved' me so much you wouldn't be doing shit-"

Gaga sighed holding the phone away because the volume was hurting her ears again, though this was to be expected from her angry older HoneyB, nothing more nothing less.  Perfect, to her at least.  She smirked taking a piece of aluminum wrapper out of her pocket and crunching it into the receiver.  "Sorry HoneyB, your losing connection, I can't hear you."

"Gaga I swear if you-" The unafraid blonde hung up, smirking when she saw the image of the beautiful light chocolate skinned woman fuming out in rage when she saw that she was hung up on, unafraid because if there was one thing she knew, she knew HoneyB could never hurt her. Ever.

Neither could Gaga hurt her.
That was just how it was.

Gaga smiled happily as she walked down the hallway keeping a good hold on to HoneyB's wrist as they walked down the high school hallways for the first time.  The blonde's first time at least.  She was excited for her first day in a high school and she was glad that she was sent to same school as HoneyB was.  Their town wasn't big on any level but just had different hypes of high school for the student's preferences. This school was for the arts and theater.

"These children have no manners,” HoneyB murmured dryly under breath looking around, Gaga didn't need to look around; she could feel their eyes clearly on her back.  The tall darkly skinned girl always had that annoyed when they were in public, always so mad at the world is seems and at that moment with everyone whispering and staring.... Gaga knew how she felt.

"Just forget them" The odd blonde's tone was dismissive, her outfit was dulled down a bit only so she didn't want to scare the older high school students so early in the year.  It was just a striped rainbow turtleneck, a fluffy red tutu and rainbow leggings with heels; it was nothing too weird.  She and HoneyB stopped in front of her first class.  "Have good day" There was a small gasp in the hallway when Gaga leaned forward and pressed her lips to the annoyed black's girl's lips, this seemed to calm her down though.

"You too" She whispered her honey brown eyes seemed to be dazzled and her smile was soft, one of those rare smiles when her dark lips turning up slightly on one side and she swiftly turned away walking to her own classes.

Gaga watched her lover as she felt her smile fading because now without HoneyB at her side she felt.... Naked.  Most of the students only stared at her, she could tell with that looked that they were deciding whether or not they should ask her something.  They never did.  Gaga was glad.

Ever sense that day that HoneyB saved her they never really left each other's side, the only reason was because no else but each other understood them.  They got each other, HoneyB accepted how strange Gaga was, though she got annoyed by it easily she never has asked Gaga to change and Gaga adores HoneyB, her and her bad temper.  HoneyB was the one to come out to Gaga saying that she really liked her, HoneyB always made the first moves but Gaga thinks that she knew her feelings for HoneyB sense that very day six years ago.  Her mother thought it was a joke, she still does because she said that love like that is met for a man and a woman... not a woman and a woman.  They didn't try to talk about it after that, and her mother has probably forgotten about it with her bust day.

It didn't make sense to Gaga.  The feelings she felt for the black woman was unexplainable, it wasn't just friendship, it was that deep warm feeling she got when these pale blue eyes met with those brown eyes.  They could understand each other from just looking at each other, as if their minds were completely open to each other, HoneyB knew when Gaga was in her new weird outfit mood and Gaga knew just when to caress HoneyB when too many people annoyed her.  Wasn't that love!? Wasn't love taking someone no matter what they are and loving them because they helped each other, because together they made each other stronger and together- not always in the physical sense- they could find the strength to hold their head high.  Wasn't that love?  If not... then someone explain to the blonde what love was.

People stayed away from her through out the day, she wasn't completely alone, exchanging a few friendly with people who hadn't seen the kiss but what hurt her the most was the fact that even the teachers- who were adults- looked at her like she was an alien.  She was ignoring it as best as she could, enduring it and acting as if HoneyB were right next to her, glaring and rolling those brown eyes as she made commentary about how stupid the children were acting. 

Gaga sighed lightly under her breath feeling mostly unhappy which was unusual for her, she expected the looked, she expected for everyone to avoid her but it was the fact that she was so alone that bothered her.  The day went on like that, it dragged, like a man in the desert who had broken legs and was dragging himself on the sand towards the only body of water he could see and only had a few feet to go but was taking so long because of his broken legs.  Though of course eventually the man will get to the body of water, it will take a hell of a lot of time and he'll probably be burned by the beating sun but he will get her.  And eventually the last bell will ring, and it did.  Happily she jumped out of the seat, her high heels clicking wildly as she began to search the crowed hallways.  She knew it had been a bad idea not to discuses where they would be meeting up but she would think in front of the school was a likely place.  There was no annoyed looking black girl, she wasn't there.  Gaga smacked her teeth in frustration, where could her lover be?!  She knew that HoneyB teenager's schedule by heart and began going one by one to the teachers asking if they knew where HoneyB had went.  They didn't.

"On the first day! The first day dammit!" The unusually angry blonde fumed to herself as she began her route down the sidewalk, by herself, fuming about how HoneyB would never do this to her and how she exactly how Gaga could be.  The tough black girl always kept her promises, if she said she was going to do something she did it, Gaga didn't know how but she always managed to keep her promises. Until today.... At that though Gaga came to a sudden stop.  She knew that easily angered feminine from the bottom of her heart, and HoneyB wouldn't leaver her at school alone.

As if a switch had been turned on she did a sharp turn back towards the school, her heels clicking wildly as she tried to run in them back into the school.  She didn't know whether it was paranoid or if she developing a new skill for ESPN because she had a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach.  She found herself running down each hallway in the small high school and once she was done- the school being so small it only took her ten minutes- she stood in the middle of the main hallway her entire body shaking out of fear for her lost lover.

"The back of the parking lot" She said out loud, now heading for the back door exit of the school.  HoneyB would never break a promise; Gaga reminded herself when doubts told her to just simply go home, she knew that fact from the bottom of her heart.  Which was why she was so scared.  She swore if she goes home to find the apathy black girl sleeping peacefully on her couch, first she was going to hug and kiss her then she going to fucking choke her.

The parking lot was completely empty and the silence of the area chilled the blonde to the bone, the seemingly loud sound of her heels clicking sent a jolt up her body.  If Gaga had been any other person in this town then she'd have turned around right then and have walked home to prepare an angry speech to her love, but instead she stood there in the silence, letting it consume her for a second to help her find what she was searching for.  The sound was so faith, almost like the sound you would hear from a person being smothered by a pillow at ten feet away.  If she had even been breathing harder she'd have never heard it.

Before processing forward towards the noise she bent down and slipped off her heels, continuing on bare feet, which show just how heart clenching worried she really was.  She tool careful steps around the wall that lead to the dumpster, the smell of rot and spoiled milk overwhelmed her for a moment and she had to pause and take a breath of fresh air before going on where the crying sound seemed the loudest.  Secretly she prayed to every god that she had researched during history class, she prayed for the sound to coming from a strange, for anyone other than who she was thinking.  No matter how selfish that sounded, she wished that someone else were suffering that pain that came from the weak broken sound.

When she saw the shattered weak body on the concrete floor, the worried blonde felt her entire being drop to the floor.  "Oh no HoneyB!" She cried out in horror, dropping to her knees not noticing the foul smelling liquid that she was kneeling in.

HoneyB was curled in on herself, her arms- cut and bruised, a purple hand marks covering the dark skin- were wrapped over her head in a scared position that seemed so out of place for the person who made them.  Her whole body was beaten and there were several burns marks along her neck and shoulders, which looked like lit cigarette buds made them.  Though what made Gaga's face drain of all colors and her pale blue eyes widen in pure and utter terror was the blood seeping from in between the dark skinned girl's legs.

"Honey!  Please! OH GOD!" She cried out pulling HoneyB's broken body into her lap and only then did she notice that her shattered angel was shaking too.  "Please talk to me!"

"T-They h-hurt me" She stuttered holding onto to the white savior who came to her comfort her.  "T-They h-hurt me so b-badly!" She cried into Gaga's chest, the only make-up she wore was running in black streaks down her dark flushed cheeks with her tears. 

"Who!" She snapped

"They all did, everyone." She whispered, closing her eyes.  Gaga wanted to be strong, to stop the wanted to be strong, to stop the tears that wanted to flew with HoneyB's but it wasn't long before she leaded forward and sobbed into her lover's light brown hair.


She sniffed and looked down at the chocolate skinned woman.

"You'll never hurt me right?"

"I'd rather kill myself"

HoneyB growled lowly under her breath as she drove down the dusty desert road heading for the women county jail, her hands tightly clenching the leaper pattern steering wheel in anger.  They had big plans coming up soon! And she does something like this! It was all just to piss the black woman off and she knew it.  Gaga has never been right in the head, even to this day HoneyB could never tell what was going through the strange blonde's mind.  The fact that she was so strange was reason she loved her so dearly, not because it was fun to try and figure her out- it wasn't fun- but the fact that she was so real, she wasn't trying to be anything she's not.  Though that was just a drop in the pool of reasons why she loved the pale woman.  That was why she was gritted her teeth to get Gaga out of the jail though she will admit that she had taken her sweet time driving here, stopping as many times as possible just to Gaga could understand just how annoyed this dark skinned dive was.

She wore a black and white poke- a- dotted dress, only black lipstick as make-up for fear that the angry tears that threaten to fall would smear any other make-up.  Stupid! Stupid! STUPID! Stupid ass woman! She always had to side track them! With every one of their plans! Always gets in trouble as that she had save her ass!  She fumed for a minute longer parking the bright yellow hummer- Gaga's idea of a nice car- in front of the prison.  Finally she gained the will power to get out, after another minute of fuming, and pay for Gaga's release before going back to fume in the large hummer.

She was a hot head by heart, when things didn't go her way for her it was like the world was ending, this reaction was mild compared to other she's had in the past.  In fact this is the most mad she could ever get at her albino lover, she usually let Gaga's stupidities slide by without much thought.  Not this time! She inhaled deeply closing her eyes as she tried to clam herself before she did something that she would regret.  There was one other time that she had gotten this mad at Gaga, which was when Gaga's mother had kicked HoneyB out of the house.  Though that wasn't what made her angry, it was what Gaga had done afterwards.
HoneyB has been living with Gaga's family ever since her mother killed her father and them killed herself afterwards when she had been in 6th grade.  Gaga's family was already aware of their strange friendship, which was the reason they'd taken pity on her and let her stay with them.  Ever since that horrible day of HoneyB's rape- which its been about a week since it happened- she's been more protective of little Gaga than ever, afraid that the same will happen to her.  Surprisily enough Mrs. Robertson (Gaga's mother) hasn’t found out about their relationship yet- well not how deep it was anyways- Gaga hasn't talked about telling and HoneyB hasn't asked.

They were a very proper family, very old fashion type, which was why Gaga's parents were so hard on their child.  She wasn't the golden child that they had wanted, sometimes it was hard to sit back and watch her love get bullied by her own parents though sense she was the only child they put all the pressure on her.  The strange blonde sometimes impressed her with how tolerant she was towards her over baring parents.  HoneyB didn't know what it was like to have such strict parents; that was probably due to the fact that her parents were too keen on each other to pay much attention to her.

HoneyB was lazing around the house that day, laying flat on her bed while Gaga's piano music flew into the room, staring at the wall as she thought about a poem she had read online that would go great with the tune of this music.  What broke her thoughts was a suddenly crash sound coming from downstairs by the door being harshly slammed shut.  The black dive came to her feet quickly scared as to what had happened to make someone from this house does that.

"Gaga! Where the fuck is HoneyB!" Mrs. Robertson's voice rang out, sounding like she was looking for blood now.  HoneyB knew that tone of voice well actually; she heard it every night when she would dream about her father.

Curious, she slowly walked out of her room into the stairwell, looking down on the red-faced mother.  "In her room" Gaga's soft voice murmured quickly though copying that same confused tone that Honey had been feeling.  The blonde looked up smiling seeing HoneyB leaning on the railing and bounced up the stairs to join her at her side.  The dark skinned girl noticed the look of disgust that was on the angry parent's face when Gaga had happily hooked her arm with HoneyB's. 

"You black whore!" The woman spat with venom in her words, stomping up the wooden staircase and standing at the top of the first step just in front of them now. 

Stunned, Honey widens her eyes and from the corner of her eyes she saw Gaga's jaw dropped.  "Ma'm?" The scared black girl said in a shaky voice, feeling like she was about to be crush by the mother here at any moment.

"Don't speak! I was just shopping with a few friends! And you what I hear! I heard a group of teenage boys bragging about how they fucked you good behind the school!"  HoneyB felt her entire being drop when the women said that and if Gaga had tightened her grip on their arms, surely the emotionally scarred girl would have fell.  HoneyB stood there, stunned and the silence seemed to make the furious white woman even more irate.  "Do you understand how much of an embarrassment that was for me!?" By this time the stunned woman had let go of Gaga and had began backing away while the white blonde stood between them.  "I can't have my repetition and the repetition of my child be ruined because we took in a whore!"

HoneyB wasn't the type blame to herself, you know the typical rape victim but she was still a 17 year old black girl and as the woman kept talking about made her feel more dirty and guilty as the parent continued to yell at her.  She, herself, didn't notice how her usually stronger army like stance became more frighten, her shoulder hunching down like that of a frighten how.  But Gaga noticed.

"Mom! Stop it!" Gaga yelled, "Would you listen for one second!"

"Come over here!" Her mother demanded, "Stay away from that negro-"

Suddenly Gaga did something that surprise even the shaky victim, who had grew up with the blonde girl, Gaga has never been a violent person- that was more in HoneyB's league- but something seemed to snap in the small blonde because suddenly she reached out to her screaming mother and pushed her, hard.  The house was filled with the sounds of the mother's body hitting and breaking against the hard wooden stairs.  The mother only was able to let out one scream before knocking herself out on the last step, HoneyB gapped in horror seeing a trail of blood on the back of the white woman's neck.  Someone gasped in the background, was too far gone in shock to notice that it was her.

"I've never seen you so in shock" Gaga murmured quietly, her back facing HoneyB still looking down at her mother.  "Let's go"

Dark brown eyes blinked in confusion, usually it was she who made all the choices, and she never knew that Gaga could be so firm.  "Where?" She said in a confused but dull tone not able really decide what exactly she was feeling.

The pale blonde turned to look at her, blue eyes meeting brown eyes and a child like twisted smile stretched over her face.  "Far Far Away"

Before HoneyB even had the chance to protest to the crazy blonde, she had already been grabbed the top of the dark skinned girl's elbow and carefully pulling her down the stairs.  It shocked her to no ends how they stepped over Gaga's mother as if she were trash, who was barely breathing at the moment.  Gaga led then outside, leaving the door open for anyone to see the inside.

They walked down the dark and empty side walk going towards the bus station which was when the pale girl's actions caught up with HoneyB and she blinked frowning.  "You idiot! Why did you do that! You could have killed your own mother!  Do you hear me!?" The dark skinned girl screamed at Gaga roughly grabbing her skinny shoulders and twisted her around so that she was facing her.

Suddenly Gaga leaned forward pressing her pale lips to HoneyB's dark ones, wrapping her arms around the tense angry black girl's neck, trying to coaxing her into the kiss.  It didn't take her long to relax in to her pale lover's lips closing her eyes gently and by the time they had parted, once they finally parted they were both breathing hard.  Gaga sighed looking at the HoneyB with sad eyes "A mother doesn't do something like that," She murmured, "I went too far but she wouldn't listen to you! She was hurting you, slowly! I didn't like it!" She gasped out in anger now and tears of frustration ran down her cheeks as her pale hands clenched the fabric of the stunned black girl's shirt.  "You were hurting! I saw it in your eyes! You believed what she was saying! I could have that!" She sniffed wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her gold shirt.

HoneyB looked down at her crying love, not believing what she was seeing before her, how truly crazy Gaga was, how truly strange she was.  This pale woman had betrayed own mother just because HoneyB had been hurting, this was so strange, she didn't really want that kind of loyalty; no it was wrong.  "Your still an idiot" Honey murmured in a dull disappointed look on her dark tired face.  "Never betray family,” She said firmly, holding Gaga's chin in her hand so their eyes connected "Not even for your soul mate"

Blue eyes blinked, as if slowly processing what she had said, then something clicked inside her head and she squeaked jumping towards HoneyB wrapping her arms around the beautiful black girl's waist, nuzzling her head into Honey's chest.  "Soul mate" She whispered.

The black girl sighed rolling her eyes realizing that Gaga hadn't heard anything other than the soul mate thing.  She ran her hand gently the white blonde hair before whispering "Lets get out of here" Crazy, yes, but HoneyB could help but love the girl, not anymore than she did but she thought she could accept this.... she loves her.

They got on the bus, and they never looked back since then.
"Until now" HoneyB murmured under her breath once she got out of the flash back watching Gaga as she taunted the watching guards with the way she walked; swinging her hips back and forth.  Dark hands clenched the leather of the steering wheel, watching her get in with that same bright look of a child and the angry black woman pulled her baseball cap off showing her scowling face at the pale girl.  She just smiled at HoneyB and gave her a small peck, acting so innocent.

The dark skinned woman stared at Gaga for a long time, as if thinking on her next reaction, how harsh she should be, finally she sighed, "You act like an idiot sometimes" That seemed to satisfy her with her anger and she started the car back up.

Gaga giggled under her breath, leaning forward and taking a honey bun from the dash board, the black skinned woman snapped it away before the pale girl could take a bite and growled at her throwing the pastry out the window.  That made the pale blue eyed girl giggle louder "I love you too sweetie"

Her brown eyes rolled in an annoyed motion, hating how bright and innocent the girl could look at a time like this and pulled out of the prison parking lot before speeding down the road.  They drove for hours in completely silence, neither of them speaking of the upcoming events.  Their minds were on the same page, there was no need to speak of their plans, no need at all.  Like two great mind, they thought alike.  HoneyB saw from the corner of her eye her white blonde lover going through the things inside the dashboard and pulling out an old style camera from inside that HoneyB had gotten from a close uncle. 

"What are you-" She jumped when the flash of the camera blinded her and swirled her car slightly to the left, she barely held off from driving off the road.  "Gaga!"

She giggled blasting another picture, HoneyB looking away this time so the blinding of the flash just killed the two of them.  "But you're so pretty! I have to capture the moment!" She defended herself before HoneyB began yelling at her again.

"Well I hope you get my good side.... the side that didn't get crushed by a car would be nice" She said in a dry tone now turning into their exit.

They were dead silent now as they passed by the sign that welcomed them back into their old hometown.  Where they had met, where they had fell in love, and also where they had experienced the most heartaches and torture.  They didn't refer this place as their home, no it wasn't home; this was hell.  Even Gaga's usually bright face was dulled and flat, showing just how this place completely messed them up.  It's been ten years.... Wow ten years, it was unbelievable how long it's been; she wondered how much people remembered of them.  They sped pass a sign saying 'Welcome to Halverson’s ten year high school reunion.'

"You sure about this HoneyB" Gaga whispered, breaking the silence.

"Well they say we're going to hell" HoneyB said with a soft smile on her lips and reached over, brown hands holding onto white ones "We might as well do it thoroughly"

She smiled softly giving the hand a soft squeeze of reassurance as they pulled up to the old high school that was by now packed with cars.

They got out of the car then, looking at each other now with that longing sad look now and both nodded turning their backs to each other and separated now.  Gaga going around the back with a black bag swung around her shoulder.  HoneyB looked at her as she walked, her face flat as it always was but her thoughts racing at the outcomes that could come out of this.  Though there was one outcome that was certain, she just hoped with all her heart that everything went as planned.

She smoothed her black and white dress as she pulled her fancy black hat slightly over her eyebrows.  The place was packed with people laughing and chatting in groups, a small fake smile appeared on her dark lips.  Game show.
"HoneyB! Is that you?!" She turned to see a tall black man with a tux that had nice blue sticking on the inside.  He was one of the boys who had raped her, she remembered with a cold chill down her spine, he obvious didn't remember, or he didn't want to remember.

"Hello" She said in a surpisely happy voice, it's been ten years, she needed to get over her damn panic, she though to herself.  Ten years ago.  Nothing could hurt and they could hurt her even less if they were dead.

"So how is G-" He coughed into his fist "Ah friend? Ah Gaga was it?" He asked.  It was strange how people asked questions to get answers of completely different questions.  Like just right now, the answer he was looking for was whether or not HoneyB was gay or not.

Guess I'll just give the answer he wants

"I haven't seen her for three years" She lied smoothly, giving him a light smile "Why? You interested?" She asked flirting now, no matter how hard it was, and batting her eyelashes.

Gaga walked around the building feeling hot, like someone was pouring pure hell fire in her veins at that very moment.  The blue-eyed freak was a happy person at heart but being in this school, remembering all the horrible memories that had happened in this building.  The bullying, the kids, the silence of her classmates, how they stayed away from her like the plague, and not because she was a freak- though that didn't help- but it was because her sexuality.  It was overwhelming; she had validated to do the kitchen job because she knew her black lover would be worse condition than she was.

AS she walked passed the large trash can she froze hearing a noise back there, as if a sudden switch was turned on she pause, feeling her blood run cold as images of her black angel broken on the ground behind that trash can passed through her eyes.  She began breathing hard, panting as she felt herself grow younger, into that awkward 16-year-old girl that she had been back then.  That stupid girl who couldn't protect her close lover.

"Hey Miss?" She looked up hearing a soft concerned voice through her panic attack. "Are you okay?"

She sniffed, surprised that she actually had started crying and once she was sure that all the tears were gone she slowly turned to face the group of what looked to be high school senor.  The in look in the killer blonde's eyes were that of hate and angry because in her see and daze of her panic she did not see only some teenagers but the bastards who made high school a living hell for her and HoneyB.  They caused her so much pain; she remembers the chanting and the yelling her parents did when she was caught doing something weird.  She remembered how people would call her names in the hallway and how they would throw her book bag in the drinking fountain, how she would have to keep it a secret from HoneyB because she didn't what her love to get in trouble for beating more people up.  Back then, this blonde was as weak as you can imagine, life was hell.  But ... A twisted evil looking smile came on her pale thin lips as she looked over them "I've never been better in my entire life" She said in a sickly sweet voice, a voice she used to scare people "Enjoy the party.... make sure to eat the food.  Growing kids need food"

They looked at each other for a moment then looking back at her and slowly began back away from her a few of them giggling nervously as the others made comments about finding freaks at the party.  Stupid naive kids, stupid dead kids... that’s even better.

Another giggle passed through her lips- this one more child-like than twisted- than she went on walking, feeling better about life.  She entered the cooking room where many trays of food were laid out while people walked around putting finishing touches on the food.  While no one was looking she pulled on a white apron, trying as best as she could to bend into with the other works, sense today her outfit was toned down.

She pulled out the container that was hidden in depths of her black bag, rat poisoning, smiling seeing that everyone didn't pay much attention towards her, most on the side lines talking to each other.  She started with the soup, pouring the dangerous power into the soup and turning the pot to hide the fact that it had been touched, doing it slowly so it didn't make much noise at all.  Then moving on to the rest of the trays being careful to keep what she was doing a secret.  She mixed the poison with the food, till the taste of the poison was dulled enough that people would still eat it.

"Okay! It’s time to start serving that food now!" The manger with a loud voice and a little too excited voice called out waving her hands for everyone to get to work.

The blonde smiled widely rubbing her hands together and backing away till she had faded into the back ground and excited the room.  "My work is done"

HoneyB was having small conversation with different people in the room, her eyes darting ever so often back to the door that lead to the kitchen.

"Honey!" Another voice cried out, this one being female and sunburned arms wrapped themselves around the stiff dark skinned woman's waist.  "Wow I feel like your missing something" She amused pulling away then thinking about what was about to say.  "Oh yeah, that little mousy junior that followed you around" She was talking about Gaga apparently "Annoying wasn't she?"

"Yup" She said flatly, turning away from the red head now, trying to indicate that the conversation has ended.

"Strange child, that’s for sure" She didn't get the message, no matter how much Honey tried to look away from her, that red head just moved so their eyes connected again.  "I think she was gay" She made a disgusted face before shrugging,  "Whatever, everyone has there right for their own happiness"

"I see you haven't gotten much brighter,” She murmured under her breath fixing her hat now.

"What was that?" She asked, her bright eyes confused.

"Oh nothing...." She was about to say something but snapped her head up to when the kitchen doors opened and the very old caffeine staff came out carrying the trays of food, caching a glimpse of blonde hair speeding out the door.  She relaxed now smiling, knowing that she could go, that it would be best if she just left before everything broke out but looking at all these bastards now, she wanted it see them suffer.  She wanted to see them dead, and die slowly like the rats they are.

"I hope the food is good,” HoneyB murmured in a somber voice grinning as people began to go and serve themselves food.  They all quieted down as they began eating, all chewing and moans of satisfaction, She didn't take a bite, though she did pretend to, picking at the food on her plate, watching everyone eating their food, the men shoving it down their throats and the most of the women giggling and munching like little mice.

She stayed for a good hour more which was when it started, with one person coughing and holding their stomachs in pain and it spread like a disease throughout the room, people coughing and choking on air, but the panic really began when one person began throwing up blood and dropped dead.  Not a minute later, more people began falling and shaking, some even foaming at the mouth.

This is when she left the building, knowing that there were lunch ladies watching her, which they will tell the police when they came.  She knew all this as she calmly walked back to the hummer where Gaga was already waiting for.  It didn't matter, she won.  She won.
High school Reunion pledged with death! Prank gone wrong or murder?

Sarah Scot answered a frantic 911 called by a portly lunch lady who was working in Halverson High School after school at the ten year reunion when she said a strange figure with the staff uniform sneaked in the cooking room.  The staff had not been watching the woman but believe that she tampered with the food while no one was watching. Police did a check on the security cameras to confirm this story.

"A tragic event" Amy poller said, a survivor of this attack said from fair fax hospital.  "Only a monster would do a such a thing, I can't believe some would do this" This has been under investigation, police say that along with the blonde white woman, they believe that a suspect is a black woman who was seen fleeing he crime scene.  This is under intense investigation and will be updated regularly.

There was a tragic 19-car pile up on 81 freeway at 6:32 pm on Friday rush hour where a car crashed into the safety bars of the old maddened road bridge breaking them and falling into the speeding cars below.  Five people were killed in the accident, 10 were sent to the hospital in critical conditions.

Police investigation the car that cause the horrible wreck, they found both the driver and passenger dead, their faces were too mangled and burnt by the car to even I.D then and further work reviles that the car was stolen and had no reason to crash today.  What was even more shocking was the position that two women were found.  Holding hands in their burning car, white hands over brown hands.  Everyone wonders the story behind these women.

© Copyright 2010 Shortfuzzything (thatshortie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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