Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1712703-The-Fear-Hidden-In-The-Mist-Part-1
by B3
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Thriller/Suspense · #1712703
The fear that has plagued lives for centuries returns on this night to terrorize again.
This is the time of day people fear the most. The sun is slowly setting in the west and behind it came an ominous darkness that filled the night sky. In this darkness there were no stars and no moon to shine light. The only light that shown at night was the ones casted by him. This hated creature has plagued our village for centuries and has caused only pain and suffering. This particular night, people’s heart was filled with more fear than normal because this creature’s power of spreading fear was amplified due to our attempt to destroy it. Seem like this creature gets stronger as we fear it more. We call it Sekaku Demincio or the creature hidden in the mist. The forest is already off limits at night and the mist that takes over the forest has only been kept to the forest so we imposed this rule to keep our children safe. But that still isn’t enough because this creature can attract children and lure them to the forest with its hypnotic powers. It can also seduce our women into going into the forest making them think they will find love. Men have disappeared into the forest thinking they will find the creature and kill it trying to sleep with a lot of women or satisfying some ego.
Tonight we are taking extra precautions and allowing no one to go into the forest for any reason. The guardians who patrol the out edge of our village has put more people out there than normal to patrol. Our village leader, Vladimir Gilermo, and the village priest, Andrew Mufasa has met several times over the past few days to discuss what they were going to do. They were open to any suggestions from the villagers and what we were coming up with worried our leader. Our village elders, who were advised to stay in the protection of their homes, tried to help the village leader as much as they could with their knowledge, but he told them that he knew how to handle this and advised them stay out of this so he can think. Earlier today, the elders called a village meeting. Vladimir could not attend because he was meeting with the guardians about border protection. We discussed ways of trying to protect ourselves just in case this creature decided to come into the village. The priest told them not to worry about such things because this has never happened before in the village’s history, but was open to ideas just in case. The village meeting was dismissed when a message from Vladimir told them to disband the meeting and go to their homes. I went to my fathers house afterwards to consult with him as to what I should do, since I was the leader of the village alpha guardian, the special guardian force. My father, the ex leader of the alpha guardian, told me to wait on our leader to make a decision and everything will be ok.
The sun has now finally set, leaving us in nothing but darkness. The villagers watched the forest with complete fear as the mist started to set on the ground. As the forest became more obscure by the mist, many windows began to shut with a loud slam. I watched as the guardians nervously took their post. From my front porch where I was sitting, I could see them shaking a little as if they didn’t want to be there. Suddenly a hissing noise filled the air. I felt the air get colder as a shiver went down my spine. I’ve never felt this phenomenon being that this is the first time I and the other villagers heard this horrifying sound. At first I thought the situation couldn’t get any worse. I was dead wrong.
Suddenly the mist seemed to come out of the forest and went straight towards the horrified guardians as if it was reaching for them. I stood up wondering what was going to happen next. Then the mist formed into claws as it grabbed the nearest guardian and pierced his body with things that looked like glowing red talons. That poor guardian helplessly screamed an ear piercing scream as the mist pulled him slowly into the dark forest. The other guardians raised their staffs nervously preparing for an attack. Then mist stretched forward again to prepare for another attack. The guardians backed away with their staffs pointed forward. Then the mist lunged straight towards the front most guardian and put a fist sized hole into the unsuspecting man. He went down coughing blood as the mist dissipated back into the forest. Now the other guardians began to panic as they grouped themselves in a circle with their backs towards the center. This seemed to anger the mist as it began to attack the houses. People ran out of the houses screaming in panic. Quickly, I looked around for structures that seemed to stand up to the mist’s attacks and found that the village meeting place was the only thing that repelled the mist. The guardians, that were not in that circle, seemed to figure this out as well because they started to point the villagers to the village meeting place. The mist injured more people before everyone was in there. Then there were simultaneous screams. The villagers looked out of the window to see what was going on outside and cowered away with fear and disgust as the guardians that were in that circle no longer had their legs or their primary arm. Vladimir ordered them to close the windows and assured them that everything was going to be ok. I thought to myself as he was speaking and came to the conclusion that this was going to be a long night.

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