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by Abel
Rated: 18+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1712508
Allanah encounter with the Shogun of Waves.
Chapter 1:

“Am I… Am I dead?”
         Lying in darkness, Allanah wondered about her fate. Answering her was a settle gentle voice.
“NO… You’re very much alive dear.”
         Allanah slowly opens her eyes. First sight from her slumber was an older red haired woman wearing a nursing outfit with a hat marked with a blue cross.
“…Are you feeling better?”
         The smile of the nurse put Allanah at ease.
“I-I think so”
         She rises in her bed, but quickly feels the pain of her wound.
         Allanah instantly grabs her chest.
“Where am I?”
“You’re in the rehabilitation center of the hospital.”
“…Where though? What kingdom?”
         The nurse replies.
“…The Tsunami Kingdom.”
         She gasps. Then she recollects of her journey there; images of Cole, the Knights, and the last sight of Ion evaporating in front of her flashed before her eyes.
“That’s right… But I could have sworn-I-saw- Ion evaporate?”
“So what is your name young lady?”
         Allanah glances over at her, and then introduces herself.
“My name is Allanah: Princess of the Royal kingdom.”
         The nurse giggles at the bold and formal introduction.
“Wow… That’s an interesting title.”
“But I am the Princess of the Royal Kingdom!!”
         Yet the nurse still giggled.
“Sure…Sure… You will be staying her with me for a while Ms. Allanah until you are better.”
         Allanah becomes flustered about the nurse’s doubt in her; frowning upon the fact. Balling up to herself; pouting as a small child. The nurse rises of the bed laughing.
“Well my lady, I am Nurse Joyce or Ms. Joyce, which ever you feel comfortable with. If you need anything just call.”
         Allanah demands.
“I need to see the Arch Bishop!!”
"Shhh… There’s no need to shout.”
         Nurse Joyce places her hands upon her hip and begins to conjure an idea.
“Well… You seem like you are going to be persistent about meeting the Arch Bishop.”
“It’s urgent.”
         Allanah forms an adorable and innocent glare that Ms. Joyce couldn’t bear to deny. Ms. Joyce tries to calm her down.
“Now, now… Settle down… The Arch Bishop is off on business. He announced this couple of days ago.”
         Allanah is stunned by the fact.
“But I know someone who speaks with the Arch Bishop directly.”
         Allanah asks.
“He is the Head Minister of the Church of Waves..."

         Late in the evening, Ms. Joyce & Allanah were heading across the city toward the so-called Church of Waves that Ms. Joyce mentioned earlier. By pass the tall stone building crafted with images of beings, creature, and beautiful art engraved upon the buildings, Allanah grew more astonished and baffled by the beautiful scenery of the city.
“Your kingdom is very beautiful. I mean every building is designed with stunning sculptures and the rivers that travel through the city are you highways. It is very unique and creative.”
         Ms. Joyce simply places a smirk of joy from the praise Allanah gave to the city.
“Our kingdom was raised to acknowledge the talents of artist & the gift of God given to them. The water that flows through our city is the greatest art God can give us…”
         Allanah glimpses at the water sparkling in the light of the setting sun. The sparkles and color of the sun reflecting upon the surface of the water grasped Allanah’s attention.
“It could be the art of God’s love & sincerity or his anger ravaging in our presences.”
         Allanah implies.
“...People of the Tsunami kingdom believe strong in God & their religion.”
“That we do.”
         Suddenly a towering object pulls Allanah’s attention towards the sky. A tall white church built in the image of a castle with large painted windows and massive cross steeples. Standing high above all the others around, its size astounded the princess.
“Wow. Is this…”
“It is The Church of Waves.”
“I’ve heard about this place. The Church of Waves is the holiest church in the northeastern region.”
         Ms. Joyce places a smile on her face.
“Correct… It’s all a church, shelter, & orphanage in one. And also the center Headquarters of the Cardinals.”
         Allanah is shocked of what the church’s stature.
“Yes… This is the symbol of our nation.”
         Allanah, fascinated by the size and the beauty of the church gazed at the monument strong. As she stared, her eye fell upon a being standing upon one of the balconies of the church, but was completely obscured by the sun setting behind it.
         There glaring down at her was the minister of the church, intrigued by Allanah’s appearance.
         He said with an interested glare on his face as he leaned against the reel of the balcony.

         Inside, Allanah & Ms. Joyce strolled into the massive church to attend the sermon of the evening.  Allanah is amazed by the large statues of Angels & massive painted windows. Many attended; small children, elderly citizens, couples, all that lived in the city gathered for worship. Somehow the two manages to find seats near the front by the choir that sat behind the minister & his deacons.
“I’m glad we found seats this close.”
         Allanah eyes focus in on the minister sitting in the pool pit standing out among the others. Dressed in a pure white and blue reverend robe among the others sitting around him in pure red garments. His posture seemed to be less incentive, as if he did not want to be present at the sermon. He sat slumped in his chair; leaning to his right with his cheek resting against his fist. The image of her dream somehow recaps in her eyes.
“That’s him.”
         The minister appearing to be younger than his own deacons rises from his chair and made his way toward the podium. Before facing the people, he slides his dark tinted glasses back upon his face to cover his eyes.
“First give an honor to God… the Arch Bishop, and the Cardinals.”
         Everyone in the church replies.
“I will like to open devotion with a scripture reading from the book of Psalm Ninth chapter twenty seventh verse.”
         Allanah continued to stare.
“That’s him.  The Shogun of Waves.”
         Through his shades, Allanah caught a glimpse of his grayish eyes. Unlike typical human beings, his eyes bare the symbol of crosses in each eye.
“Uh… What was that?”
         He lifts his head up from glaring down at the bible.

         Passing, the sermon ends shortly after. Visiting, the entire sanctuary was filled with smiling faces and cheerful laughter from the church goers. Allanah & Ms. Joyce awaited by the pool pit as the deacons and Cardinals left from the sanctuary. Being last the minister finally exited the pool pit with his white robed undone, revealing a black undershirt and a silver cross around his neck.
“Oh Father.”
         Ms. Joyce bows.
“I have someone who wants to meet you.”
         The tall young dark preacher nods, asking Ms. Joyce.
“Is this the young lady by you is the one you sent word about?”
         Ms. Joyce replies.
“Yes father.”
         He steps down from the pool pit.
“Hello… My name is Abel Norcross: Head minister of the Church of Waves and primary representative of the Wave Kingdom. But many call me Priest.
         Allanah bows.
“It’s an honor. I am Royal Princess Allanah.”
         Priest jolts back in shock.
“Royal Princess? Intriguing title, but it is a pleasure.”
         He then calmly takes her hand, and places a kiss upon it. As he grasped her hand, a strong pulsation ripples through her body. Then the necklace around her neck suddenly begins to sparkle a bit.
“Uh… It is him.”
         Around him appeared a thin bluish aura fading faintly through Allanah’s sight.

         Annoyed, Frustrated, Cole sat alone in the throne room, filtering his anger in silence. Staring at one of the flames of the fire places in his chambers, Cole recollects the battering words of his king from the previous engagement.


         The gore dwell with the image of the Dark lord staring back at Cole above him, glaring deprived of his failure.
“Please my lord, accept my apologies and forgive my failures.”
         He bows his head. From above a drop falls into the gore sending ripples through the liquid from end to end. The Shadow King begins to pace from side to side; intimidating Cole with nothing but silence alone.
“I do not understand how this mere obstacle has triumphed over you.”
“Please forgive me…”
         Cole replied.
“I’m disappointed Cole… But your actions are going to be resolved.”
         Cole glimpses back up at the King’s image.
“Sir, I do not understand.”
“I have sent a group of Shadow guards to the Tsunami kingdom…”
“…Tsunami Kingdom?”
         The king replies.
“Yes, she somehow was able to manage from all the way from the southern land to the Holy land in the north.”
         Cole couldn’t do more than lower his head in shame.
“Yet again forgive me.”
“Put your worries to pass. The Arch Bishop will not defy orders by the Sages. She is marked as a criminal, so it's in our legal right to capture her.”
“Yes my lord.”
“Now Cole, return and continue your duties for me.”
         Cole nods.
“…As you wish.”
         The king’s image fades from the surface of the gore. Cole returns from his flashback, still contemplating and still growing wary of his action.
“Hopefully the Shadow guard will successfully capture her.”
         A pleasant day had set upon the Wave kingdom; the sun shining bright and many roaming the city enjoying the beautiful weather. The sun gleamed off the water flowing through the canals throughout the entire city, creating a peaceful calm essence. Allanah finally had a day to be out and tour the city with Ms. Joyce at her side guiding her through the streets. 
         Allanah said with an astonishing looks.
"Your city is beautiful and has a strong calm sensation."
         Ms. Joyce chuckled under her breath.
"A lot of visitors say that about our city. Mainly they visit to get away from their problems and to find religion from the church. For so long we have done without war or any kind of intervention to destroy the peace of our kingdom."
         Allanah and Ms. Joyce continued to stroll through the streets sightseeing the statues and art work alongside buildings. Walking for hours, Allanah and Ms. Joyce finally came across the open outskirts of the city. What laid out in the open was a beautiful meadow covered with flowers and trees with the river canal from the city dividing the landscape in half. Out afar were a group of young children playing with a large red ball tossing it to one another. A smile came upon both Allanah and Ms. Joyce's face to see happy children playing together on a glorious day.  Suddenly one of the children misses the ball and let it roll down the hill into the riverside. Disappointed the children frowned and pouted, one blaming the pig tailed girl for losing the ball.
“Thanks for dropping the ball.”
         The others begin to gang up on her and blame the little girl also, until she began to cry.
“Yea…. Thanks a lot.”
         They all walk away, leaving the weeping child behind.
“I’m sorry.”
         She said, but no one turned to answer her. Allanah and Ms. Joyce felt sorrow for the young girl abandon by her friends. Both wanted to help her get through her grieving, but as they started to walk towards her, Priest appeared by the riverside.
              Ms.Joyce gasps.
         Priest comforts the young girl; kneeling down with a warm smile and his hand gently resting on the top of her head.
“What’s wrong little one?”
         Pouting she answered.
“My friends left me because I dropped the ball and let it roll into the river.”
         Priest glances over her shoulder at the ball slowly floating in the stream.
“Hold on…”
         Before he left he asks the young girl as he glances over his shoulder.
“Can you keep a secret?”
         Whimpering she nods and says…
         He walks out toward the river. Curious, Allanah and Ms. Joyce question his intentions.
“What is he doing?”
         Hiding their presence, both simply drifted back behind the hillside to view secretly. As he continued to walk, he completely steps over the edge onto the water surface below. Amazing to see him easily walk upon the surface of the water as if it was earth beneath him took their breaths away.
“Oh my God…”
“So he is a Shogun”
         Priest retrieves the ball and then heads back toward land. He walks up to the young girl and hands her the ball.
“Wow that was amazing….”
         Priest smiles and then hands her the ball.
“Here you go.”
“Thank you…”
         She said with a large grin on her face.
“Now you promise not to tell anyone what you saw.”
         The little girl nods.
“I promise.”
“Good… Now run along and play with your friends.”
         She takes off after her friends, yelling back as she sprints away with laughter.
         Priest stood with a smile on his face and his hands on his hips. Above Allanah stares with a special light glaring in her eyes; for that her search has finally been resolved.
“The Shogun of Waves…”
         Later that night, Allanah remained awake in her bed resting against her headboard recollecting to the images of Priest and his actions. Constantly revising his presence, the aura she felt from him and the obvious scene from today to finally come to her solid conclusion 
“He’s one of them. A-A shogun.”
         A whisper comes upon her saying.
“Go back to him.”
         Allanah’s eyes widen; shocked of the sudden voice. She turns and leans over out of bed, replying back to the voice.
“Go back and talk with that man.”
         Allanah quickly rushes out of bed, following the wishes of Ion.

         Within the church, an argument echoed through the upper levels of the church. Through the halls the voice of large heavy voices caught the attention of the guards and the nuns strolling in the halls. The loud confrontation grew louder and more vulgar as the conversation carried on.
“We must do something about Victor Rose!!!”
“He’s building an army to revolt against the Arch Bishop and he himself is not here to help prevent a civil war from breaking out!!!”
         Priest sat at the head of the table holding his head, feeling annoyed and aggravated from the bickering of elder men around him. Finally to settle the tension he calls for their attention.
         The entire room becomes quiet as they gave their immediate attention toward Priest as he rises from the table.
“As Representative and public adviser … I have already started an investigation of Victor Rose. Since he is hiding his presence in the Southern Province, I have sent a trustworthy companion to look into the matter and gather all the information he can for us. Gentlemen in my own opinion… The Chamber of Cardinals has to pause and become at ease to devise a solution with a situation like this. The Arch Bishop has his own problems and you as Cardinals need to be more efficient and reliable on your own abilities to settle public affairs for the country when the Arch Bishop is absent.”
         Priest walks away from the table holding his head.
“Excuse me gentlemen, but it is late and I wish to rest now. Goodnight to you all.”
         Priest leaves the room and the Chamber of Cardinals speechless. One of the elder cardinals whispers to another next to him.
“That boy has no say in our own methods…”
         From across the table another younger looking cardinal overhears the comment and replies.
“That boy has more sense and tactical views than some of the old fools sitting in this room.”
         In the midnight hour, Allanah scurried down the walkway with a long dark cloak and hood over her head to hide her appearance from anyone out during the late hour. She glances up to see the large church in the distance with the moon swelling in the background.
“They’re real.”
         The previous images of Priest repeatedly flashed before her eyes.
“There is a chance.”

         Resting in his office, the young minister sat glaring out his window at the slumbering city and the crescent moon hanging high above.
“Hmm… It’s more peacefully than the ordinary.”
         A knock comes upon his door.
         He turns toward the door wondering.
“God I hope it's not one of those old crows coming to scrawl over what I said... Eh the hell with it I'm going to hear it anyway. ”
         He implies to them.
         Caught off guard, Priest is cautious of the cloaked being entering his office.
“It’s not polite to wish to see someone without identifying yourself.”
                Obscured stranger Priest was cautious about, closes the door gentle behind them to give the two their privacy.
“We have met before.”
         Unveiling herself to him, Priest’s eyes become set in on the beings face.
“Ah… Ms. Allanah. What brings you here this late?”
         He waves his hand, offering her the seat at his desk.
“Please take a seat.”
         Allanah quietly takes the seat in front of Priest. Her tension and fidgeting caught his eye, leading him to think some of great importance was in the matter.
“What seems to be troubling you?”
         Allanah steadily rubbed her hands, biting her lips; presenting an uneasy situation.
“I have to ask you.”
         Priest lifts his brow in curiosity.
“Ask me what?”
         Allanah rashly replies.
“I need your help Shogun of Waves.”
         Priest is startled by the name she bares him with.
“M-My father the Royal King has been falsely charged with Royal treason…”
         Priest rises from his chair, and begins to pace from around his desk toward Allanah. Rubbing his chin as he walked, he suddenly stops only a few feet behind her. Priest takes off his shades, holding his eyes shut with his head down.
“Ms. Allanah…”
         She turns to look back at him, but her eyes are drawn to his glaring down at her. Unbelievably her eyes are pulled into the grayish crosses imprinted in his eyes.
         Allanah is frozen for the moment as Priest’s eyes focused in on her. Suddenly she awakes from the trance.
         She then notices that he was no longer standing behind her, but sitting back at his desk rubbing his head and leaning back in his chair.
“How… How did you? What did you?”
“These eyes were given to me by one of God’s servants. I see truth & lies, spirits, trouble & despair”
         He shrugs his shoulders with a simple smile as he said
“…Among other things.”
         He glimpses up at her with his shades tilted down upon his face. His eyes alone with the moon falling behind him, intimidated the princess.
“I know that you are in serious trouble and you do need help…”
         He rises again.
“Come… Take a walk with me. Your story intrigues me.”
“So you believe who I am?”
         Priest chuckles.
“I don’t sense you were lying, but you have to prove a lot more to me.”
         Allanah blushes, questioning his interrogation.

         Roaming the street at the late hour, armored and devoted to their mission walked the Shadow guard. Leading the twelve black armored soldiers was a tall man wearing black & blood crimson armor with a long cape. Unlike the others he wore no mask; letting his long black hair flow into the night wind.
“Guards, armor yourselves and prepare for a rebellion…”
         His eyes lift up to capture the sight of the church standing high above the other buildings.
“I have a feeling that they will not welcome us where we are going.”

         Over a small passing bridge Allanah & Priest stood disguising about the whole ordeal. Priest leaning over the oval reel, while Allanah sat dangling her legs over the ledge.
“I understand now, but what makes you think that I am a Shogun?”
         Allanah grasps her necklace around her neck.
“… Ms. Joyce and I both witnessed you with our own eyes walking across water.”
         She glances over at him as he gritted his teeth with a tense glare on his face.
“… To retrieve that young girl’s ball today. And when we first met I felt your power the second you touched me”
         Allanah gentle grasps the necklace hanging above her breast and bears to explain the power of Ion.
“This necklace I wear is a shard of the light that struck the world. Inside is a being that connects itself to this planet, which brought me to you.”          
Priest chuckles a bit.
“That’s an extraordinary story…”
“It’s true!!”
“I never said you were lying.”
         Allanah becomes quiet for the moment. She then turns and notices how calm & civil Priest was. Anxious she asks.
“I’m curious… You are young, maybe not even that much older than I am. And yet you are the head minister of the Holiest church in the world and the Representative of the entire Tsunami kingdom. ”
         Allanah nods.
“Well, before it was my father who ran the church. My mother ran the hospital. When I was five I lost both my parents to the Religious War against the Shadow Kingdom when the Shadow King tried to conquer Christian city in the dark lands.”
         Allanah counting on her fingers estimates the number of years.
“That was about fifteen years ago.”
         Priest nods.
“Correct…. When my parents passed, my brother & I were adopted by an woman who took in war orphans. There we began our new lives, well as you may say reborn again. After some time my father’s companions found me & offered me the position.”
“What about your brother?”
         Priest turns his head to hide the depressed expression on his face.
“My brother is someone I am not fond of speaking of.”
         Allanah then sincerely asks.
“Why is that?”
         Embellishing, Priest replied.
“… Have you ever heard of the story of Cain & Abel?”
         Allanah bites her tongue, feeling that she had mentioned a matter that made Priest feel discomfort.
“Oh… I’m sorry.”
         She wonders, but get’s side tracked from her original thought.
“Oh my God, what have I done? Now he-he’s…”
“Because of my father’s achievements with the church and my mother’s kindness and hard work at the hospital, I kind of had a name when I returned here after so long. And some shoes to fill. Instead of me acting high and mighty like the Cardinals of the kingdom do, I treat everyone as the way I want to be treated. Equal… The Arch Bishop took notice of how I took to the people and how easily it was for me to talk to them and give them hope. “
         He sighs for a moment.
“I was raised to keep my word and never make promises I couldn’t keep. And every promise I made to the people I have kept. It’s sad to say but I despise the Cardinals, because all they do is whine and complain for someone to do something when it’s their job to do so. Not like the old days when they stood for something and fought for everything.”
         Staring into his eyes, Allanah could see a spark of fire within him, but her girlish antics side-tracks. As the light reflected from the moon unto the water, Allanah notice his features and the spell he had over her.
“He’s handsome…”
         Blushing, Allanah tries to maintain herself to obscure her inner expression.
“Oh God, what am I saying? I’m totally getting off track.”
         Priest notices her blushing cheeks.
         Curious he asks
Are you cold?”
         Still fluttering over her thoughts, she begins to stumble over her words to reply.
         Priest places his long black cloak around her shoulders to keep her warm. Allanah jolts in response of Priest sincerity.
“Uh…This is making it worse.”
         She starts to giggle & blush even more.

         Frustrated as she trudged through the streets, Ms. Joyce searched high and low for Allanah who had suddenly disappeared in the night. Ms. Joyce strongly had a good idea of where Allanah had run off to during the late hours. Muttering the entire way there as she carried the front-end of her dress with both, she complained heavily of Allanah’s childish acts.
“…Really!! Sneaking out at all hours of the night… I thoughts she would be respectful enough to let me know where she is going.”
         As she kicked in the door and stomped her way into the church, she yells.

         At the entrance of the church, the Shadow guard stood observing the massive church & its sculptures.
“It is a magnificent piece of art.”
         The leader of the Shadow Guard said. Two of his soldiers appear by the others, knelt down with their head bowed.
“Sir, the pyros are in place.”
         The soldier said.
“Good. Now we have them to where they will meet our demands.”
         Suddenly the large doors of the entrance of the church open; revealing two armed knights stand with lances at hand. Bold, the men wearing silver like armor wielding lances yelled to the Shadow Guard.
“Name yourselves!!”
         The leader of the Shadow guards steps out from the other twelve to introduce them.
“We are the soldiers of the Shadow nation, utterly known as the Shadow guard. I am Osiris leader of division twelve.”
         One of the armored men questions their presences.
“…Shadow Guard?”
         By passing the sanctuary, Ms. Joyce over hears the knights speaking with the Shadow guard out front.
“What business do you have here?”
         Osiris replies.
“We are here to apprehend the criminal of the Royal nation…
         Another asks.
“…To whom do you speak of?”
         Grimly he replies.
“…The Royal Princess Allanah.”
         Suddenly Ms. Joyce appears by the armor men; breathing heavily Ms. Joyce catches her breath to speak.
“What do you want with Ms. Allanah?!!”
“We have orders of the Shadow king to apprehend her.”
“…For what?”
         Osiris replies.
“That’s none of your concern.”
         Abruptly one of the Shadow guard’s forcefully implies.
“Stand aside!! We have to retrieve the criminal!!”
         The armored knights take their stance, guarding the entry way with authority.
“You shall not enter this holy place!”
         The armored knight to the left glares back at Ms. Joyce and says.
“Ms. Joyce, go get the father & other Holy knights.”
         She rushes away from the scene. Osiris chuckles…
“Please I’m asking you with the utmost respect to move aside, and let us do our job.”
         The knights reply
“…None of you shall pass beyond this point!”
         Osiris heavily exhales to restrain himself.
“Fine… If you won’t let us in…”
         A dark grin swells upon his face.
“Then we’ll force her out.”
         From underneath his cape, he reveals a small detonator in his hand. The knights then see large gray plates hanging all around the church.
         Osiris detonates the pyros; unleashing gigantic flames that climbed the walls of the church.
         Both knights rush back in to help others in the other sections of the church. In the orphanage, children were awakened by the fire & screams, while others in the shelter of the church were being rushed out by nuns. The children are rescued by several knights; gathering them and pushing them out. Watching the church burn, Osiris & his guards observed all who inhabited the church flee.
“Now we wait.”

         From a far, Priest & Allanah did not recognize the inferno until the sky became bright and the water under the bridge began to reflect the light of the flames. .
         Both turn around to see flames rising over the other buildings in the city. Allanah asks.
“Is that?”
         Priest immediately recognizes where the flames spore from.
         Both race away, heading for the burning building.

Finally everyone that resided in the church stood outside, watching their home burn to the ground with tears and sorrow in their eyes. Not a single person stood without remorse in their eyes, besides the Shadow Guard that stood among them. Weeping & mourning filled the air; children, nuns & even knights sobbed over the dreadful sight. Viewing the crowd, Osiris & his guards could not find the princess among the many that stood.
“Damn it!!” 
         Osiris walks over to one of the nuns. Aggravated he lifts her off her feet, yelling…
“Where is she?!!”
         The knights take arm, as well as the guards; influencing a revolt of the Shadow guard’s actions. Joyce comes running up to Osiris and begins to pound on his shoulder with her fist.
“Let her go!!! Let her go!!”
         Osiris back hands her; knocking her to the ground.
“Damn you … God will curse you to hell!!”
“Huh… We don’t fear your god woman.”
         Suddenly cries from up above pulls everyone’s attention toward two little girls trapped in a room high up.
“There are still children in there!!”
         A knight yelled.
         They screamed.
“Someone save them!!”
          Priest explodes from the crowd and impels into the building.
         Everyone shouted. Fighting the flames, Priest stops in the midst of the sanctuary covered in flames. Sorrow filled his heart at the destruction of the holy symbol & his father’s legacy.
His heart in content, Priest watched as everything he loved and devoted his life to turn to ash by the flames. He enters the pool pit, and glares at the cross that sat over his chair. Priest grasps the thin cross out of the holster. Holding it horizontal in front of him, Priest unsheathes a black blade within the holy object.
“Holy Father help me spite thee, in your name.”
         The blade begins to tremble, as Priest’s eyes glared with a raging blue aura appearing around him.

         Worried, Allanah and the others waited for the return of Priest & the children. Everyone’s eyes were set toward the room which the children were trapped in, anticipating the father’s actions. Unaware, one of the guards identifies Allanah standing in the crowd now with Priest’s cloak still around her.
“Sir, there she is!!”
         Before her eyes could set upon them, two of the black guards were bounding her arms.
“Ah… Let me go!!”
         Osiris approaches her smiling gracefully.
“Finally… You see all of this would have been avoided if you had simply come out of hiding.”
         He announced to the crowd. But then the church crumbles in; falling to the ground finally after so long. More screams & cries dwell.
         Everyone watching as all hope & faith fell along with the Holy church.
         Ms. Joyce yelled.
         Allanah cried. But as his name came from her voice, an explosion erupts from the burning debris. A long bluish white blade of compressed energy cleared a path for the children to walk as it soared through the air. Settling, the smoke vanishes from sight, revealing Priest & the two children standing in the midst of a wall of ice.
         Everyone gasps. Priest lets the kids go; allowing them to run the clear path he created to the arms of Ms. Joyce. Holding them dearly, Ms. Joyce cried in happiness to hold the two in her arms.
“Thank God you’re alright.”
         Priest still standing with the melting wall of ice around him, focused in on Osiris standing before Allanah. With those piercing grayish eyes that glared with a dark blue aura, Priest’s presence began to intimidate the soldiers that stood around Allanah.
“Are you the one responsible for this?”
         Osiris smiles as he shrugged his shoulder.
“I guess I am.”
         With a twitch of his eye, Priest appeared only a few feet away from him; staring him dead into his eyes.
         Scared he leaps back, and commands the shadow guard.
“Kill him…”
         Before the guards could take a step, Priest swings his blade, unleashing an icy prison that froze the guards in their tracks. Unaware, Knights pounce on the guards binding Allanah.
“No-No way”
         Osiris said in fright. Priest glares over his shoulder, carrying the same expression as before.
         He turns directly toward Osiris.
“Are you ready to atone for your sins?”
         Spiteful Osiris implies.
“What are you going to do? Cut me down in front of all these people? Nuns!! Knights!! And Children!!
         He chuckles
“Make a move choir boy.”
         He sighs.
“You know what?”
         Priest sheaths his sword to his side calmly. He pulls off his shades, and reveals his eyes to Osiris standing before him.
“…You don’t deserve to stain this holy blade with your filthy blood.”
         Osiris chuckles.
         Strikingly Priest grasps Osiris by his neck and lifts him off his feet easily with a single hand.
“But you will suffer by my hands.”
         Priest said with a growl in his voice. Osiris gasping for air as his face began to turn pale. His feminine eyes of green began to turn into a dull blue shade as well as his lips that changed into a purplish color. Inside his lungs, heart, kidney, liver became encased in ice. Frozen stiff from the inside, Priest simply throws the stone body of ice into the canal; letting Osiris sink to the bottom. Astonished everyone was speechless of his powers, which he had held from the church and the people he was loyal to. Dividing into two sectors, everyone cleared a path for Priest to walk. Standing in front of the church, Priest glared at the flames still burning. Calmly he eases his nerves, bringing himself to peace. Lifting his hands slowly the waves in the canal began to rise out of the streets. Crossing his arms smoothly, two large waves sweep over the flames, ceasing the inferno once and for all. Commanding the waves, Priest pushes the water back into the canal with simple hand movements. All eyes grew wide in shock of the minister’s true power. Allanah then says to herself, staring at Priest obsessively.
“Ion was right.”
         A voice lashes out at her.
“Damn right I was!!”
         Allanah replies.
“Don’t rub it in.”

         Rubble & ash lie where the great Holy Church of Waves once stood. Many searched through the debris to find anything worth savaging from the ashes. Priest standing where the pool pit once was, takes in that his Father’s admirable legacy was gone. With the sun rising upon his shoulders, he unsuspectingly feels the warmth & comfort of someone. From behind, his cloak is draped over his shoulder and arms wrapping around him to comfort him in his time of sorrow. Glancing back, he notices Allanah resting her head upon his back; lying as if she slumbered.
“I’m sorry… It is my entire fault that this happened.”
         Priest drops his head with a slight smirk.
“Do not blame yourself… This is just an obstacle that we have to overcome”
“But… They were after me, and they were doing all that they could to capture me.”
         Priest leans his head into the air, feeling the warmth of the sun on his face.
“This is a new beginning for me to start my legacy and step out of the image of my Father. “
         He glances down at Allanah over his shoulder
“But the question is where your next destination is?”
         Allanah looks up at him.
“I figure the Typhoon nation. My father and the Typhoon king fought together during the Dark Ages. If I can persuade him, then I’ll have a strong chance to start a revolt against the Shadow King.”
         Priest turns and faces her directly.
“The Typhoon king is stubborn and greedy man. I have spoke with that man on some occasions and he’s intolerable. He may not be the same person as your father once knew. ”
         Depression sets in upon Allanah’s face as Priest told her of the King’s ways.
“But you may have of chance of persuading his son the Typhoon General. I heard a rumor saying that he is the Shogun of Current..”
         Priest implies
“He might be your greatest asset.”
         Boldly, Allanah then asks him.
“Will you join me on my journey?”
         Priest smiles, feeling flattered by her invitation.
“I’m flattered that you asked, but I must stay here and help with reconstruction of the church.”
         Ms. Joyce walks up to Allanah & Priest.
“Father… You are a shogun, a warrior that protects us. If Ms. Allanah needs your help to maintain balance in the world, then go. We can manage things here.”
         Priest is stunned by Ms. Joyce’s suggestion.
“A-Are you sure?”
         A knight approaches them.
“We can start rebuilding in your absents.”
         The other knight implies.
“The church may be a building, but the symbol and the hope & faith reside in you.”
         Ms. Joyce then says.
“Just so long as you return to see your new church… Okay?”
Joyce said with a beautiful smile.
“Plus the Cardinals need to get up off their asses and do something useful anyways.”
         One knight said. Priest turns toward Allanah, rubbing his head, chuckling.
“Well, I guess you have your first official Shogun.”
         A smile grows upon her face; excited for now she has successfully found one of those she seeks.

         Darkness set around the beings dressed in black robes, all sitting around the long black oval table awaited for the presences of their king. Obscured by the hoods over their faces, the council turned toward the entry of the chamber as the sound of the chamber door opened. Upon arrival was the Shadow king himself; stepping into the single light hanging above.
“Good evening Counselors…”
         All nod as he took his seat at the head of the table.
“Ladies & gentlemen, phase one of our plans was a success.”
         One of the council members asks the king.
“My lord, I must ask how did you obtain a scroll with the Sages insignia, and their ruling to allow us control over the Royal kingdom?”
         The king chuckles a bit.
“I am very persuasive.”
         Other asks.
“Will phase two will be to attacking the Heaven Kingdom?”
         The council becomes questionable.
“Why? We have the forces…”
         The king replies.
“If we are going conquer the Heaven Kingdom, we must destroy it first and rebuild it in our image.  That’s why our next phase is to persuade the Typhoon nation into our alliance or force them into our plots.”
         Rowdy the Council becomes doubtful.
“What? In the last one hundred and fifty years the Typhoon nation has never been defeated by any foe.
         The king implies.
“That’s why we have the Royal forces backing us…Plus we have a secret weapon in our arsenal….”
         He glances over his shoulder to his left.
“Isn’t that right?”
          From the shadows of the chambers, a young dark haired man wearing a long black military shadow nation cloak with white trim steps to consult with the council as well. The man standing by the King’s side with his hands held in his pockets answers the king.
“That is correct.”
         One of the council members acknowledges the man by the king’s side.
“Ah, the Shadow General Trace…. Your skills precede you around the country side.”
         Trace nods.
“I’m glad that you speak highly of me.”
“Now what is this secret weapon you speak of?”
         The General answers.
“A beast summoned from the abyss of hell. Lord Hayate the Summoner along with his followers brought the creature to the earth plain several hours ago.
         Another council member asks.
“Do you have control over this so-called beast?”
         Stern, Trace glares at the counselor to his left.
“Complete control.”          
         The king adds on.
“In fifteen days, Trace and thirteen carrier ships along with the beast will travel to the southern coast of the Typhoon nation. If Trace gets a chance to persuade the Typhoon king then we will hold off the beast until battle.
         He slowly glances over his shoulder at Trace standing by his side.
"But if he gets the chance to slay the King or the General he will take that option. Wouldn't you?"
         Trace nods.
“Because the Typhoon king is a greedy impatient man we lead him to believe that with this alliance we can build his forces even strong to the point that he believes that he can conquer all. But we will tear the Typhoon kingdom from the inside out if this plot works.
         The counselor on the far end asks the king.
“What about the Typhoon General? Rumors have it that the Typhoon forces are led by the Legendary Shogun of Current. What are we going to do about this?
         Instead of the King or Trace answering, another council member replies with a comforting resolution.
“Huh… We have one of the Sons of Eros. It won’t be a problem.”
         The king glances up at Trace, contemplating to himself.
“So I was right about there being two Sons of Eros after all… I knew Trace was possibly one.”
         He then announces to the council.
“Fellow council members… The beast has slumbered too long. It is time for it to rise & spread its reign of tyranny over the world once again. The resurrection of the Shadow Nation has begun.”
         He leans forward, resting his arms upon the table.
“For twenty years, we have lost the fear of the people of this world. Once we have the Typhoon nation under our rule, nothing can stop us of our plan to control this planet.”
         Trace grimly glares down at the King with a timid glare.
“I know he will be there. My brother... Aoin”
“…But a minor problem.”
A voice arises from the table. The king replies…
“I have sent out an army of assassins to find our little problem & to obtain a special item that I want from the Wave kingdom. But soon that little bitch will be out of our hair.”
         He leans back in a slumped position, rubbing his chin.
“Now it begins…Our dynasty.”
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