Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1712198-Shogun-12-prologue
by Abel
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1712198
The Fallen princess of the Royal kingdom strives to find the legendary Shogun 12
                                       Shogun 12: The Original Story

“...Vengeance... Betrayal... Lust... My eyes have witness the cruelty of the world that has shed the illusion of peace from our sights.”
         Viciously two souls battled in the midst of the blood covered field. One a tall man wielding a large sword clashed with the warrior shielding the strike of the blade with a long spear like object. Bearing down to a knee, the warrior manages somehow to overpower his larger opponent.
“...Blood...Chaos...Hatred... All these things man has done to anger the God of our world to the limit of repentance is no more, and out of the grasps of our hands.”
         The sun that hung over the battlefield was not of light, but of darkness that cast the world into the image of despair. The warriors on the field battle in obscurity by the shadows of the black sun. From behind, a larger more muscular being that stood massive against the others, speared the lance wielder off his feet. Knocking the spear he wielded from his hands. The spear lands in the range of the swordsmen rising to his feet. Holding his wounded left shoulder, he takes hold of the spear. Glancing up, his sights set on the large man binding down the spear wielder into submission. The bounded warrior struggled to free himself, but the muscle bound warrior held the being with all his might. Thinking the swordsmen takes the spear and charges for the two. In one bound, he leaps into the air carrying the spear underhanded and above his head. He throws the spear at the two as he deceased; the spearhead gleaming with a holy aura. Colliding together the light explodes from its concentrated state- spreading a wave of pure light across the land.
“From what I have witness our world is destined to repeat itself. That is if they come once again.”

         Awakening frightened & confused, the young blond hair girl rose from bed in a cold sweat from the horrifying nightmare. Startled she easily calms her nerves. Breathing heavily for the moment, she balls herself up in her bed, contemplating about the astonishing dream.
“…If they come again?”
         Her mind wonders.
         A whisper suddenly comes to her ear.
         Her eyes widen in shock, skeptic of the whisper. Scanning the room, she searched for another presence.
“That voice again…”
         Bursting through her door unannounced was another blond girl dressed in civil noble garments.
“Allanah, you’re not ready yet?!”
         Questionable Allanah asks.
“…Ready for what?”
“…The Chamber of Commerce meeting today.”
         Puzzled, she asks.
“There was a meeting today?”
         She replies.
“It was an emergency meeting called by the Elders yesterday afternoon. Everyone has arrived.”
         Allanah launches herself out of bed, sprinting to her closet to find some suitable clothing for the meeting.
“Damn it Kala!!"
         Sorting through her clothes like a raging mad person, Allanah desperately hurried to find a descent outfit.
“Why did you not wake me sooner?”
         Kala yells back.
“I thought you knew about the meeting!!”

         Arriving, noblemen of all twelve kingdoms filled the large dormitory row by row. Quickly everyone took their seats and became quiet as the meeting began; even Allanah & Kala made it in time. A calm siege came over the room. From the center a noblemen stood to present the higher class to the audience.
“I present to you the Lords and Ladies of our twelve kingdoms!”
         The large bronze doors lying within the tunnel slowly opens.  From the crack in the doors, a white light struck the room. Entering the chamber were many royal beings heading towards the lone white table marked with the emblem of the Royal. Watching from a podium was the elders of the Royal dressed in pure white and gold. At the head of the elders stood a large older man with a long white beard & long flowing hair. Holding his hands out to the open, he announces.
“We welcome you all to our land high noblemen!!”
         Different, each king and queen varied from one another. One being a man wearing dark clothing and bearing a dark silver mask over his face. Taking a seat by his side was a being bearing a kimono and a long vest carrying the symbol of the Thunder nation on his back. To his side were a set of swords  which he placed across the table to disarm himself and gain the trust of the others. Next to him sat a beautiful brunette that wore green garments and a crown upon her head. Glaring down at her from the top balcony was a large dark intimidating man standing with his arms crossed over his chest and a cautious look on his face. Out of the corner of his eye, his attention is drawn to a young blond haired boy wielding a large single edge sword upon his back.
         The blonde haired swordsmen stood exactly as him, but nearly leaning against the reeling in front of him. His bluish eyes set upon the blond haired woman dressed in gold & blue & bearing a crown as well sitting across from the mysterious man. To her left was none other than the Royal King himself; a large broad man with a strong posture and bold presences. Kala leans over to Allanah.
“Look Allanah, it’s your father.”
         But Allanah’s eyes focused in on the masked man down below. Within her ear & mind, one name came to her…
“Shadow king”
         Kala notices Allanah’s eyes upon the Shadow lord.
         As he took his seat, Allanah’s eyes never glanced away from dark lord.
“…The Immortal Shadow King.”
         Curious Allanah asks.
“Immortal? Why do they call him the Immortal Shadow king?”
         Tension she sets in on her voice to present her explanation.
“No one has ever seen him ill, or hear of his passing. For the longest, or as what my grandmother told me, no one knows the true identity of the king. Not even the Council of Shadows.”
“In the last few hundred years, no one has ever seen who he really is, or what he is.”
         Allanah turns back, staring at the Dark king with her eyes filled with curiosity.
“What is he?”
         She said thinking to herself.
“This meeting is called to order!!”
         The leading elder announced.
“Is there any new business?”
         On the far end, the dark toned king wearing azure colored garments raises his hand.
“Yes Typhoon king…”
         Sitting with his hand cupped in front of him; his elbows resting on the table the Typhoon king asks.
“Just what is the significant reason that we were summoned here unsuspectingly?”
         The Elder Royal Councilman rose from his gold chair to answer the Typhoon king and the entire court.
“We have gathered here today, cause of treachery and deception among the Royal lines and treaty. The Royal Council has been informed of an assassination attempt from one of our high nobles sitting here among us.
         Everyone gasps. With a strong heavy tone, the elder councilman summarizes the theory boldly.
“…A Traitor?”
          He glances down at the Dark king residing at the High Noble table below. With a simple nod he allows him to interrogate the court of the severe crime. At the head of the table, three beings sat wearing armor with symbols of beast imprinted amongst their wardrobe. As the Shadow king made his way to the front chamber toward the podium, all three of their eyes followed with caution. Yet one becomes anxious to ask...
“Explain yourself Shadow King. Give us your evidence of a traitor in this room.”
         He stops, staring directly up at the elders with his hands behind his back. Chuckling he replies…
“I think the Royal King can speak for me.”
         He glances over his shoulder at the Royal King obliged by his response.
“Excuse me”
         The Dark lord begins to roam around the table, calm & mellow.
“Ladies & gentlemen… Our Allie, comrade, and loyal companion has attempted an assassination upon my life.”
         The Royal king shoots up from the table, angered by the targeting words toward him.
         Pausing in his stance the Shadow king turns and faces the tempered king...
“We have evidence that you attempted to kill me approximately 30 days ago on the 15th of August around noon. “
         The Royal king shouted. Resting quietly, the Thunder king presents a reasonable and fitting argument.
“My men captured both oscillates entering our shores, fleeing from the Shadow nation.”
         His tempered rose to an all new height, to where every word the Royal King spoke were loud and vulgar.
         Toward the door-way, the Shadow king signals one of his soldiers standing by the entry way; nodding his head directly toward him. The soldier in pitch black armor nods then opens the door to his right. Two more shadow guards enter the room with bounded men trudging in front of them. Throwing them down to the floor in front, both men begin to plea and beg in front of the entire court.
“Forgive us… We failed at our duties to our king.”
         Staring mindlessly at the two, silence came over the king while whispers flowed in the air. The men dressed as knights carried the same astonished expression on their faces at the Royal king.
“Aren’t these two of your Royal Knights?”
         The Shadow king asked.
“They are Gates & William of the Round.”
         He said with disappointment in his voice
“But no assassination order was issued.”
         Once again the Thunder king invokes his voice.
“When we took these two into our custody, we found a map and blood contracts in their possession.”
         The Royal king turns his attention back towards the Thunder king.
“We do not have knowledge if it’s your blood, but the hand writing & signature seemed to belong to you, when comparing them to other documents. “
         Tension builds up from the frustration of the Shadow king’s words. The Royal king could not bear the brash interrogation anymore and finally exerts his anger.
         He quickly takes hold to the Shadow king by his collar and lifting him off his feet. Everyone reacts; leaping up from the table instinctively. The Shadow Guard taking arm, as well as the Royal knights unsheathing their swords. Both men standing on the balcony swiftly leaps down to the bottom floor, appearing in front of the women of Royalty. Men cloaked in black & gold robe outfits, their face covered, bearing lightning symbols stood in front of the Lightning king. The two beings in front, knelt down in a stance, sparking with lightning from their p. The Royal elders fell disrespected by the unauthorized conduct of the high noblemen.
         All calm down; obeying the order given to them by the elders.
“Royal king … With this evidence presented to us, we have no choice but to hold you in contempt until we can settle among us that this could possibly be a case.”
         Grimly glaring over his shoulder, he easily lowers the Shadow king back onto his feet. Ashamed he faces the elders breathing heavily to calm his nerve.
“I will respect your decision. But I move that in my absence, my daughter Princess Allanah take my stead.”
         The Heaven Queen standing behind the blond haired soldier wielding the large single edge broad sword one handed implies.
“I second that motion.”
         Before the elders could make a ruling themselves, the Shadow king interrupts.
“Yes, about that. Due to the fact that you broke the treaty after these odd numbers of years, the Sages themselves have ruled that the Royal kingdom will be under the Shadow nation jurisdiction until further notice.”
         Anger and profanity flew around the room. Allanah & Kala instantly stood to their feet, astounded by the hearing.
“What? This can’t be.”
         The Royal king turns back quickly with a disgruntled expression on his face.
“This is madness!!”
         One of the shadow guards approaches the podium with an item at hand. He hands one of the elders a scroll marked with a golden seal.
“It has the mark of the Sages.”
         One elder implied. They unravel the scroll and begin to read over the message inside. Their eyes widen as they followed along the scripture.
“I hate to address to the court, but what he says is the truth. Until this case is resolved, the Royal is under the rule of the Shadow nation.”
         Every nobleman questions the unspeakable ruling.
“Impossible” “It must be a forgery”
         To settle the complaints and vulgar words, the Elders present to the court clear evidence of the scroll’s authentication.
“It is real…. The message wrote on the scroll is written in the language of the Ancients. Only written by the Sages and able to be read by Royal elders like ourselves.”
         Stunned, everyone became speechless.
“We hate to do this, but guards….”
         The Royal guards approach the king, and then begin to escort him out of the chamber. Everyone is sadden by the disgraceful scene; even the elders could not bear to witness it themselves..
“Take the Royal king custody.” “For the time being, you are stripped from your power.”
         Exiting the room the Royal King stops by the dark lord, enviously glaring at him.
“I don’t know how you did it, but I will regain my power. And when I do… I am coming after you.”
         Dark, the shadow king replies.
“Get out of my presence. You have no means to speak with me anymore.”
         Allanah yells out to her father, nearly leaping over the reel.
         The fallen king could not bear to look. Simply he turns his head to hide his shame from his child. All the nobles stare disgraceful toward the Shadow king, especially the Heaven Queen scorning at him.
“This meeting is adjourned.”
         Everyone begins to leave the chamber, but Allanah & Kala stared depress of the tragic moment.
         The Thunder king stops by the Shadow king, shoulder to shoulder.
“Thank you for your assistance today.”
         The Thunder lord briefly glimpses at the Shadow King and replies.
“I merely spoke the truth.”
         His eyes begin to glare with a timid aura.
“But don’t mistake me like my weak minded father. If this is some kind of trickery or plot…”
         His eyes narrow grimly.
“I’ll kill you.”
         The king never responds. Gazing forward, his eyes set upon the blond haired warrior wielding the heavy sword in his hands. As his grip suddenly tightened, the king became curious to ask the young warrior.
“Is there something wrong young man?”
         Noticing the crest the warrior wore around his neck, the Shadow King began to think to himself about the boy’s identity.
“Uh… You wear the Sun crest of the Knight Eros.”
         The blond haired warrior points the blade at the king. His eyes narrowed in spite of the King’s presence.
“That I do. Eros was my father.”
         For a moment the king froze in his tracks.
“You should know him well.”
         Aoin implied. The king lowers his head and begins to chuckle.
“Indeed I do.”
         He turns and walks away from him, but not before saying his farewell.
“We depart for now… Heaven General.”
         The so-claimed General lowers his sword, grimly smirking at the king still.
“…That bastard.”
         The Queen then calls out to him.
         He answers.
“Yes my lady.”
         She stands by his side and says as she glared the same as he toward the Dark King.
“When we get home, summon the captains.”
“May I ask why?”
         She looks up at him with a cold dead glare.
“We may be emerging into a war.”
         Contemplating, Aoin takes hold to the crest he wore around his neck, saying.
“Then I can get my vengeance on the both of them …For mother… and Father.”
         From the corner of his eye he notices the Quake Queen Gaea being escorted by the lone single man. The large broad man halts for a moment, and then glances back at Aoin from over his shoulder.
         He nods, then continuing on to follow the Queen out. Breathing easily, Aoin finally relaxes from the stressing moment.
“Let’s take our leave Aoin.”

         Heading toward his ship, the Shadow King mind still boggled about the Heaven General.
“So Eros did have younger son after all.”
         Arriving at his ship, he suddenly has an epiphany.
“Then that means that he is without a doubt he will come after him... His brother... Trace”
         Walking up the ramp of the boat, he realizes.
“Everything is right on course as I expected.”

“This is not right.”
         Allanah and Kala sat upon the bed in Allanah's room, depressed and somber from the situation at hand. The moon barely seeping through the cracks of the windows cast few streams of light into the room. From their hearts, both felt that emptiness has pierced their bodies and spread sorrow throughout their veins.
“Something is unusual about how those knights acted.”
         Kala glimpses down at Allanah resting her head on her shoulder.
“When they brought them in, the first person they made direct eye contact with was the Shadow king. You may not have caught it but the Shadow guard whispered something to the Knight.”
         Kala is shocked by Allanah’s observation.
“So it was a setup?”
“I strongly believe so.”
         A sudden knock comes upon their door. An armored guard enters the room, standing by the door at attention as he announce.
“My lady, the Shadow representative has arranged a dinner for you down stairs.”
         Allanah is surprised.
“He’s already here?”
         The guard answers.
“He arrived an hour ago, but delivered a message to arrange dinner so you and he can be formally introduced.”
         Allanah gives him a grim smirk.
“Give him word that I will be ready in half an hour.”
         The guard bows.
“Yes my lady.”

         Patiently waiting upon the Princess to arrive for dinner, the dark haired slender, tall representative sat quickly at the long dinner table. Almost asleep, his eyes slowly drift open to see the beautiful blond princess, embellished by her makeup & dress. A smile comes upon his face as he rose from his chair.
“Princess Allanah…”
         He approached her with the decorative smile. The representative charm attracts the princess, pulling directly toward his looks at first sight.
“He’s handsome.”
         He takes her hand, and respectably bears a kiss as he bowed.
“It is an honor to meet the lovely princess. I am the Shadow diplomat & representative Cole. Please join me for dinner.
         She nods. Cole leads her to the seat at the far end of the table. Passing by the long the category of food scattered across the table, Allanah asks the diplomat.
“Is all this food necessary?”
         Cole chuckles.
“I apologize… I was trying so hard to make an impression that I over did it.”
“No worries Diplomat Cole.”
         She takes her seat. Cole stood by her side, wielding the same smile as before. Really he began to make Allanah feel uncomfortable, simply staring at her.
         Cole catches on to his unwary presences.
“Oh forgive me. I-was-admiring- your beauty.”
         Allanah is instantly stricken by a fade of red blush upon her cheeks.
“Well thank you.”
         He takes the seat next to her.
“Princess Allanah, I assure you that I will do my best to obbey the laws of the Royal until the settlement of your father’s case has ended.
         Allanah giggles.
“I appreciate your devotion to our customs.”
         Cole grins.
“That makes me feel more at ease hearing that from you.”
“But I don’t’ like the way you’re performing an act to gain my trust.”
         Cole is surprised by Allanah’s comment. She rises from the table.
“I don’t like this one bit. And honestly I don’t like you.”
         She walks off from him abruptly.
“Excuse me, but I have recently lost my appetite. Good night Diplomat Cole.”
         As she left, the graceful smile upon his face suddenly transform into a grim sinister expression.
“Well, well… She’s more intelligent than I thought. She saw right through my disguise.”
         He glances to his left to see a being shrouded in pure black garments creeping back into the shadows.
“Keep a close watch upon her Creeper.”

         The night sky appeared bright by the flames of the massive building carved with beautiful craftsmanship turning to ash. Towering over the other buildings afar and the glorious painted windows and steeples, Allanah could see that this was no ordinary building, but a massive church. Many standing on the outskirt viewed the desecrated church falling to the ground covered by the inferno spreading wildly. Through the many of mourning victims watching, one standing in lead of the others bared no tears or wept like the others. Standing strong the tall dark man wearing pitch black shades in the midst of the night and wearing a long black coat with cross upon each shoulder. He wielded a cross like sword to his left that glared with a pure aura. An aura that gave warmth and hope to those around it. Standing in front of the others, he slowly lifts his hands, along with a flow of water from the canal street. Calmly sweeping his hands across his body, commanding the waves to cover the flames and kill the destructive element. Everyone was amazed by his power, many gasps and was astonished by witnessing that before them.
“What is this?”
         Allanah stood among the others in the crowd watching as well.
“One of the beings that will help you prevail over the evil rising in the world.”
         To her left stood a man wearing a pure white robe, and a hood obscuring his face. Allanah’s eyes widen at the tall man by her side.
“That voice… I’ve heard your voice before. Who are you?!!”
         He glimpses over toward her.
“I am the present, past, and future of this world. I have witness things men only have nightmares about. My name is Ion of the Ancients.”
“Why am I the only one that can hear you?”
         He smiles.
“…Because you carry me around your neck.”
         She grasps the clear blue crystal around her neck.
“…An Ancient.”
         Eager she asks.
“What is this evil you speak of?”
         From Ion’s chest, a white blinding light appears expanding out to the open. Allanah covers her eyes to protect them from the blinding light.
         A moment passes, and Allanah unveils to the new sight she took witness to. Covering the land were monstrous soldier featuring of demons, possessing blood red eyes & fangs. The sun hanging high was black as an eclipse; casting a demonic light upon the earth. In the distances standing upon a boulder wearing a dark horrific armor that could frighten the bravest of men was the man who Allanah despised. Gritting her teeth, Allanah asks Ion standing next to her.
“Is that?”
         Ion answers.
“The Shadow King…”
         She asks
“Is this the future?”
“It is… Not unless you do something to prevent this.”
         Surprised, Allanah glares up at him shockingly.
“Allanah, you are more than what you limit yourself to be.”
“Are you saying that?”
         Around her the sounds of weeping filled her ear.
“Uh…Who is?”
         Allanah wakens in her bed breathing heavily yet again. At her bedside sat Kala wearing rippling clothing, and her hair wildly and nappy. Holding herself, crying and sobbing, Allanah became questionable of Kala’s appearance.
“K-Kala…What happened?”
         Her eyes could tell the story alone, but it had to be heard from Kala’s mouth herself from what happened. Stumbling over words, Kala finally came to a point to where she could clearly speak and be understood.
“Cole came in my room an hour ago. He said that he wanted you and that…”
         She pauses.
         Kala turns her head, hiding the pain to tell her.
“He was gonna do thing to you that I cannot speak of. So I gave myself to him.”
         She faces her.
“…To protect you.”
         Feeling her pain, Allanah takes Kala into her arms, shedding a tear for her dear friend.
“Allanah you’re my best friend. I’ll do anything to protect you.”
         Allanah takes her words to heart. Thinking to herself, she soulfully decides.
“I got to do something.”
         The crystal of her necklace begins to shine from her emotions growling angrily within her.

         Racing through the halls of the castle, hustling to the quarters of the knights, a Royal soldier rushed to find the captain of the Knights of the Round. Bursting through the Captain’s door breathing heavily the soldier rowdily intrudes on the Captain’s privacy. Sitting at his desk, the knight quickly turns his attention toward the soldier. In reaction he held a knife out to his side to arm himself just in case.
“What is it?”
“A message has come for you. It is from my Lady Allanah.”
         He hands him a scroll from Allanah. Quickly he opens the scroll & reads the message. Alerted the knight orders the soldier…
“Summon Falco, Lor, and Nel to the meeting chambers.”
         The soldier salutes.
         Before the soldier could take off, the knight calls him back.
“…Soldier, keep this quiet.”
         The knight instantly goes to his closet were his armor rested.
“About time somebody is going to do something.”

         Later he enters in the meeting chambers of the knights where Nel the Crimson Knight, Falco the Bronze, and Lor the Azure waited patiently for their captain. The leading Knight wearing Silver observes his quiet Knights sitting at the round table.
“Thank you Lor, Falco, Nel for meeting me here at this late hour.”
         The Crimson Knight Nel glances up at their leader to ask.
“What is so important that you had to wake us during the middle of the night?”
         He chuckles.
“We have a grave mission.”
         The others gasp
         Hidden by the Shadows of the room stood Creeper obscured by the cloak it wore and the darkness of the room. Every word the knight spoke of the mission the being took note in a little pad in its hand.

         Sunrise came upon the Royal city, the princess standing out on her balcony viewing the sight of the still sleeping city below. Her eyes filled with content, Allanah’s mind continued to flow with the puzzling thoughts. She looks back at Kala lying on a pallet next to her bed. In her ear, she hears Ion’s voice speak out to her.
“You seem troubled.”
         Allanah places a smirk on her face.
“You know, I thought you were only in my dreams.”
“Huh… I’m real as can be.”
         Allanah implies.
“How do I know you are not simply in my head? Prove to me that you really exist.”
         Ion becomes silent
“…The man you saw in your dreams…”
         Allanah instantly recaptures the image of the tall dark man dressed in the minister’s outfit.
         Ion implies.
“He will be your first ally.”
         Allanah asks him.
“What is he? I saw him manipulate the water around him.”
“He is one of them.”
         Allanah gasps.
         Her mind instantly sweeps back to the first dreadful dream she had.
         Kala awakens, hearing Allanah conflicting with herself.
“Who are you talking to?”
         Allanah, embarrassed by the moment simply rubbed her head and giggled.
“…No one.”
         Kala eyes are caught by the bag sitting in the corner of the room.
“Allanah, what’s that bag doing there?”
         Allanah’s smile drifts into a timid expression.
“I’m leaving tonight.”
“… Leaving?”
“…To go get help from a neighboring country.”
         Kala becomes surprised by Allanah’s objective.
         Allanah implies to her.
“Someone has to do something, or our kingdom will end up as an addition to the Shadow nation.”
         Kala gets up and walks over to Allanah on the balcony. She hugs her dearly and tight.
“Allanah you don’t have to do this.”
          Ion whispers in her ear.
“Yes you do…”
         Allanah places a disgruntle glare on her face, and mutters back.
         Confused Kala looks at her puzzled like.
         Allanah cover her tracks; giggling & rubbing her head.
“I said I have to.”

         Resting on the throne, Cole took pride in his position as the new leader of the Royal lands. Comfortable he sat with a pleasant smile on his face, enjoying the entertainment of two beautiful women dancing exotically for him. Suddenly Creeper appears from the shadows behind the throne and slithers up to Cole’s ear. He whispers all that he knows to him and aware Cole of Allanah’s plot at hand.
“So the knights are planning on assisting the princess in betraying the ruling of the elders. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
         Creeper whispers in his ear again.
“Oh I forgot that you can’t make yourself present during the day.”
         He contemplates to himself.
“She is planning to deter the Shadow king’s plan.”
         He then calls forward a servant.
         The robed being appears before him bowing.
“Summon a group of guards to seize the knights & arrest princess Allanah for treason.”
“Yes sir.”
         Once again he thinks.
“I will not allow her to devastate our plans.”

         A group of Royal guards race to the den of knights. Exploding through the doors, the guards enter a room full of knights standing at arms.
         A knight standing in the front turns toward the guards standing in the entry way.
“Can we help you?”
         The nervous guard builds his courage again to invoke his orders.
“We are here to arrest your captain & three others for treason.”
         The speaking knight lifts his brow.
         The others draw their swords from their sheaths.
“I believe we have no knowledge of this treason you speak of.”
         Unaware, the guards become surrounded by frustrated knights. Rubbing his chin, the opposing knight offers to the guards.
“Please take a seat and a glass of wine. Let of us speak as loyal men of the Royal nation.”
         The guards hold their position.
“NO… We have orders to carry out.”
         The knights surround the guards with sword tips pointing directly in their faces. Grinning, the single knight implies.
“I insist.”

         Traveling swiftly through the forest upon horseback, Allanah along with her knights raced away from the castle grounds. The Leading knight riding beside Allanah yells to her over the galloping of the horses.
“My lady, we should make it to the shoreline before morning if we continue to ride!!”
         She replies.
“Then we shall ride without rest until we reach the shore!!”
         From the castle fading away behind them, Cole stood upon his balcony watching the four flee from the grounds.
“She’s a conning young woman, isn’t she…?”
         The shadow guard standing behind him asks…
“What do you want us to do sir?”
“…Hurry up and go after them… I will be right behind you.”
         Cole thinks to himself.
“If I’m right, they’re heading toward the shoreline.”

         Quickly night fell over the kingdom, and the princess & her knights finally arrived at their destination along the beach side where a vessel awaited. Obscured by the night & cloaks, the four hurried to load upon the ship. Ripping off their luggage and tossing it on the ship. The old man upon the vessels yells out to them.
“Bout time you got here!!! I’ve been waiting all day!!!”
         Nel walks up to the old man with a coin sack at hand.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.”
         He tosses the old man the bag.
“Here’s your payment.”
         A smile swells upon the old fisherman’s face.
  “…Twenty gold pieces.”
         The old man tilts the bib of his hat toward him.
“Pleasure doing business with you…”
         He races off the ship, but stops to tell them.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
“You four bring this country back to order!!! A lot of people are depending on you!!”
         The comment makes the others smile.
         But as they turned to finish loading, the man is struck down by an arrow to his neck. Their eyes turn back in time to see the old man fall into the sea water dead.
         They said gasping.
“Well, Well…”
         Everyone looks up toward the cliff side, where Cole and a group of armed Shadow soldiers stood.
“Looks like we caught you before you could depart my lady.”
         Allanah scorn against Cole presences; narrowing her eyes with a smug glared on her face.
“Damn it!!!… He caught us.”
         Cole smiles menacingly.
“My dear Allanah, did you truly believe that you could leave the country without me knowing?”
         They all begin to stare dark against the diplomat.
“I have ears in the shadows.”
         Lor & Falco leap off the ship to the sand drawing their swords to make ready for combat.
“Captain, Nel, get the princess out of here.”
“We will take care of them until you reach a safe distance.”
         Allanah yells out to him.
“Are you mad?!! You can’t win against so many!!”
         Their captain silences her by holding his hand to her. Allanah glances over toward the captain calmly standing before her.
“They are knights. Their duty is to protect the members of the Royal family. If death is in the sight of a knight, they do not fear it, but embrace the new life awaiting them.”
         Allanah completely understood the devotion of her knight; ceasing her aggression and easing away.
“I see.”
         The Captain then begins to exit the vessel as well, unsheathing his own sword.
“But she is right though…”
         He scans the cliff side; counting the number of armed soldiers in their way.
“Twenty seven against two is unfair…”
         He takes his place by his knight’s side, and takes his stance.
“…Now twenty seven against three is more reasonable.”
         Cole becomes irritable of the captain’s sarcasm. He then waves his troops forward; signaling them into combat. The Shadow soldiers leap from the cliff to the beach below, and charge into battle. Revolting the knights charge as well. Amazingly the knights begin to take down soldiers one by one single handed, while the ship breaks away from the shore. Cole is discouraged by the sight of his falling men.
“…Useless soldiers.”
         From underneath his cloak, he reveals a long silver pistol.
“But first…”
         He aims at the vanishing ship casting away into the sea.
“…You two.”
         He fires. The bullet strikes Nel stirring the ship directly in his back. Allanah’s eye’s take hold to her knight falling to the floor.
         She screamed. Racing toward him, Cole stood aiming at her now He strikes; projecting a bullet through her back and out of her chest.
         The knights cried to the princess falling next to her knight. Lor is then struck by several spears ripping through his stomach.
         Falco cries…
“Lor!!! NO!!”
         He tries to force his way to his fallen comrade; cutting down soldiers that stood in his way. Step by step he inched his way toward Lor lying on the ground. Nearly in his grasp, he is shot down by several arrows.
         Still he continued to reach for his friend. Crawling upon his elbows to reach him only a few feet away, but the soldiers stalked him upon each side as a wild animal following its wounded prey  Falco holds his hand out toward Lor lying only a mere stretch away from him. Grasping his friend’s shoulder, the soldiers stab him in his back. Watching his subordinates fall, the captain become enraged; gritting his teeth and grasping his hilt tighter. He glances up at Cole standing on the cliff and yells…
“You heartless bastard!!”
         Unguarded, three spears pierces his stomach.
         Trembling not from fear, but anger, the Captain pulls the three deeper and closer to him. In one swift move, he slices the throats of the soldiers. But from behind he is struck by others to cease him finally. Falling only to his knees dying like the honorable knight he was. Cole finally brings himself to the battleground to view the defeated knights. Standing in front of the Captain, he glazes at his remaining soldiers.
“Well done”
         Fear suddenly strikes Cole, as the dead captain somehow spoke truth to him with his last dying breath.
“Your king will fail…”
         Cole quickly turns back to face the Captain.  His eyes wide in shock of the Captain lifeless corpse
“All that he has done will come back upon him tenfold.”
         Without hesitation, Cole silences the Captain by shoot him in the frontal lobe. Watching him fall to the ground, Cole tries to recover from the frightening warning. Breathing heavily & sweating profusely, as he trembled.
         The soldier said. Cole regains his state of mind to reply to the soldier; grasping his face to focus.
“What are your orders?”
         Cole takes a moment to think.
“…Uh… Recover the bodies of the knight & the princess, plus do away with these three.”
         The soldiers salute.
         Cole revises the knight’s warning.
“Will come -back-upon him ten folds…”
         He tries to shake himself out of it.
“No… Nothing will interfere with the Shadow King’s plan.”

         Drifting out to sea the vessel floated along the current. Allanah lying on the deck lay motionless in her own puddle of blood spreading across the floor. Fainting, Allanah thought to herself…
“I failed… I failed everyone. My father, Kala… My kingdom.”
         As she faded, Ion spoke to her before she lost consciousness.
“You’re more pathetic than your grandfather when he was always wounded during war. Get a little scrap and you cry.”
         Her crystal mysteriously begins to glow until it evaporated like mist in front of her.
         Everything begins to turn black, but not before she saw someone step before her saying.
“Well… Can’t let you die here. You’re too important right now.”
         Finally she passes out from her severe wound.

         Awakening unsuspectingly, Allanah arises from a resting bed in the lower deck of the vessel.
         Her sight blurry, she asks herself.
“Am I alive, or…”
         A sudden image strikes her mind of what previously happened. Startled, she quickly rises, but straining her wounds that were now bandage.
         She quickly takes hold to her wound.
“Someone-treated me.”
         In the corner lying against the wall was Nel propped on the floor as he would normally sit. But his face was pale as the fog at sea. Noticing on his face was the expression of a smile that struck her oddly.
         A gloom comes upon her for the lost of her loyal knight.
“Oh Nel.”
         Allanah glances out the window next to her bed.
         The sight of her vessel was at bay on the docks, puzzled her severely.
“What? We’re on land?”
         Gradually she pulls herself out of bed; feeling that the wound in her chest were open again. Barely standing upon her own two feet, Allanah force herself to trudge through the streets to find help, natives were skeptic of her appearance. A young girl covered in blood steadily wondering through the busy city.
“Where am I?”
         She said faintly. People riding by through the canals which were the roads of the city, could do nothing but stare. Allanah braces herself against the wall, feeling weaker & weaker by the moment. As she tries to turn the corner, she loses her footing and slips into the canal. She drifts steadily to the bottom of the canal street, unconscious yet again. Her necklace began to shine as Ion spoke out.
“Damn it girl!! Not again!!!”
         But fortunately a being pull her back to the surface. In Allanah’s state of mind, that entire she could hear were the voices of the people that rescued her.
“Is she alright?”
“I don’t know. She looks badly hurt.”
“Let’s take her to the hospital around the corner; we can get her some help there.
“Good idea.” 
© Copyright 2010 Abel (abel319 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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