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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Dark · #1711883
Work in progress of my newest writing.
Ja’var awoke, the sound of birds chirping mockingly to his captivity. To him the sound was Hell. Jumping up to the window barred with metal covered in thick white pads. Two doves perched close on withered oak branches, chirping cheerfully in his sullen face. He grimaced, “Doves, birds of peace, friendship, love and life” he paused and cocked his head focusing foremost on the big, fat one closest to the window. Pushing his face against the bars until the skin pulled, whitening his face. “You cynical…” he paused to watch the dove turn its head to focus one eye on him. “Little, white bastards of…‘sanity’.” He whispered quietly watching them pick their feathers. “Would it not be great,” he said slowly, “for you to just turn to ashes?” The doves narrowed their gaze sensing hostility “to…BURN?!”

In a deafening screech the doves burst into jet black flames, the heat tremendous on his face, but he grinned as ash blackened him. He knew he was ‘special’ that he had powers, but not to a physical extent. Slowly, tapping his fingers together he walked back to his bed, staring forward at his hands. “What can be done with these hands” he wondered, rotating them, examining them slowly. He looked at the floor, white, reflecting his face on the fresh polish. Clenching his fist he lay back staring at the ceiling, focusing on the one part of the room, not white. A small, red circle, blinking in his face, the asylum was keeping tabs on him, watching him day and night, for suspicious behavior.
That little red dot on the ceiling bored into him like a fiery drill when he lay to bed he’d dream of that blasted dot, blinking with the slightest electronic ‘tich tich tich tich’ echoing in his mind, his constant reminder of his captivity. While lying back, hearing the creaking in the springs he heard, lightly against the emptiness, the hollowed sound of the noon guard making his rounds. “Damn it” he thought to himself “their going to notice the smell from the doves burning, and know I’ve awakened my powers.” Slowly he stood walking to the small blind spot not visible from the small barred hole in the door where they could watch at a safe distance.
Hiding back in the corner he breathed lightly the his heart pounding as the steps drew closer, then stopping, outside his door, the guard slid open the view point with a ‘schlick-clank!’ “Ja’Var! Show yer’ self ya crazy bastard! Where the hell’s that bloody smoke coming from, the hell are yeh doing in there?” Ja’Var heard the rattling of the keys as the guard checked his keychain for the locks bane. Opening the door slowly the guard peaked in, the metal hinges creaking under the weight of the door, the guard walked over to the bed slowly, closing the door behind him getting down on his knees to check under the bed for the patient, the colt in his holster at his side trembling.
Slowly Ja’Var crept upon the man until he was close enough, jumping down with all his might knocking the unaware guard to the floor, his colt rolling across the room, Ja’var in his haste to quiet the mans yells, shattered his nose with a blow and covered his mouth, while pinning him to the ground by placing a knee on his shoulder blade. “you shouldn’t have come in here…” he whispered to the guard, with a hiss “do you know how long I’ve waited to do break your nose, every day…every damn day you came in here and mocked me and beat me, now it is my turn, to abuse you…” Jabbing his knee down hard into the mans back separating his shoulder from his torso, and causing agonizing pain. “Your lucky…I don’ t have the time I wish I could have to torture you, but I can still make your last moments hell, remember how you mocked me…when I said I had powers? It’s time to meet your maker, and atone for the wrongs you’ve done to me…Burn”
The man began to writhe, as Ja’Var released a surge of energy, heat swelling from his thrashing body, his skin boiling, and rolling, as raw flame filled his body, cooking him inside out, the man fought hard, skin peeling away from his face and rolling down his arms until he finally died, slow and painfully.
Ja’Var stood to survey the man, and hearing hurried footsteps down the echoing halls knew he had not much time before the other guards where upon him seeking there missing comrade, jumping up to the corner, he grabbed the guards earlier discarded glock and cocked it back ready for the fight ahead.
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