Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1711813-Curtiss-Experiment-Book-One--Aurorachis
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1711813
Curtis Jennings alters animals to save the planet. For young adults, not young readers.
Author's note: I redid the begining. I didn't like how it was taking so long to get to the interesting part. Plus, I didn't want the reader to get confused with the names changing after a couple of chapters, so I started everyone off with Amnesia to prevent that confusion.


         It was so peaceful and serene. He was playing with someone in a vast field, their laughter echoing though the world around them. The grass felt pleasant under their feet, and the light breeze offered refreshment to their faces. The two of them stopped and looked up at the sky, at the tall trees, and the sun shining through from just beyond.

         But cold, dark reality awoke him from this dream, and, as pleasant as it was, the current circumstances were enough to make it fade away into his subconscious.

         He was a fox. His fur was long and thick, and bright, like a snow cone with blue flavoring added to it. There was a fog hanging over his head, and he found as he stood up that it was difficult to keep his balance. The dirt, and grass on the ground were blurry, and kept moving in and out of focus. When he could see clearly he discovered an odd object wrapped around his left arm. It was black, and had a reflective surface on top. Looking around he discovered many other animals like him who were apparently just waking up as well. He didn’t know who they were, or what they all were doing here in this unfamiliar place. In fact, he didn’t know anything anymore – everything that he knew before this moment was completely forgotten.

         This is how it was for them all.

Chapter 1 – The Awakening.

         Out of all the animals, this fox was younger than all of the others, except for one.  This other animal was also a fox, but had fiery red fur. There were no other physical differences; even their hazel green eye color was the same.  He wasn’t very far away and so he decided to talk to him first.

         “Hello. You’re just waking up too, right?” he asked.

         “Oh, hello.” The second fox responded, just before a yawn overcame him. “Where are we?”

         “I’m not sure… What’s your name?” The light blue fox asked the other. The expression on his face when he tried to answer confirmed what he was suspecting. “You don’t know do you? Neither do I.”

         “Me either,” A nearby feline creature said. She had been listening in, trying to get some clue on what was going on. All the other animals around began to agree with this, and so it was determined that no one could remember anything from before they woke up.

         “Well, what do we do?” A skunk girl asked. The crowed was confused and scared of their situation, and panic began to set in. Suddenly a blown colored raccoon spoke up.

         “We need to find a home.” She said. Everyone else agreed instantly. It was at that moment that the reflective surface on the watches of all the animals lit up, and a face appeared.

         “Good Morning!” the human said. The animals were startled, and puzzled over the devices they each wore. “My name is Curtis. I apologize for the confusion you are all experiencing, but unfortunately I do not have the time to explain things right now. There is another animal like you that is lost. She is in a lot of pain and needs help immediately.”

         “Wait, who are you, did you do this to us?” the purple skunk from before asked her watch.

         “There is no time to explain!” the man said.

         “Then how can we trust you? How do we know you’re not leading us into a trap?” a green colored fox retorted. The man paused and looked away momentarily.

         “If I wanted to cause you harm, I would have done it by now. I have an idea.” The man looked down at his hands and began doing something. The screen suddenly changed to show a wolf, who looked like she had fallen into a black paint bucket. She was weeping in what appeared to be complete agony. She lay next to a stream, and not too far from her there was a bridge, and a dirt path that linked to the bridge on both sides. Then it went back to the man. “Will you help her?”

         All the animals looked at each other. Without a word, they all knew they wanted to help. The raccoon responded. “We don’t know what magic you are using to talk to us like this… but we’ll help; where do we go?”

         He showed them on their watches a map, which they were all quickly able to understand. They decided that they needed a leader of the group so that they could quickly make decisions on what they were going to do. The brown raccoon, or Maple, as she called herself, suggested that they make smaller groups, with a leader at each one. This idea was quickly adopted and executed. Curtis told them that it would be wise to split up, and check several parts along the stream, since she wasn’t staying at one place for very long.

         “Lastly, but most importantly, you are going to be experiencing changes. These changes will help you when the time comes. It’s hard to explain right now, so I’ll let you discover them for yourselves. I must get back to my work, I will check up on you soon.” And the screen clicked to show digital numbers. None of the animals, of course, could read the numbers, so they disregarded them.

© Copyright 2010 Krish D. (krishna_defier at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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