Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1711249-The-Gentle-Man
by Alicia
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1711249
A mysterious musical man goes through a normal, but exciting day
The gentleman swiftly moved his hand from one key to another, not thinking about what he was playing, even. His jacket was a duster, and fell to the floor in a deep brown heap over his midnight blue piano bench.

He stood up in one fluid motion and was out his door in the next.

His mobile vibrated in his pocket, but he payed in no attention.

The man stuffed his icy hands into his deep pockets, so they wouldn't suffer from the crisp, January winds.

No one was usually out at 3 a.m. walking on the sidewalk in New York City, but he was going somewhere important.

He took the harshley creased note from his back jeans pocket.

143 Queens Boulevard. 176 Hampton Harmile

He walked about 8 blocks before arriving to a large, brick building, obviously worn from age. The very top windows were all taped off.

He quietly took the fire escape up to the 5th floor, one below the top window. The window was already busted, so he smiled in gratitude at the idiot who busted it.

When he climbed in through the window, he surveyed his surroundings. He looked over at the locked  door and pulled back his hair with a worried look in his eyes. He had forgotten his most beloved tool: A sharp object, with a blunt end.

He had one other option, Break the door with his shoulder and risk being caught. Well, another risk he will have to take.

He tried pulling some of the boards off first. With no success, he gave in and kicked down the wall. That's when he RAN.

He took the rooftop staircase, and he ran up two flights of stairs. He found himself on the white stained roof, looking around for any sign of it. Then a hand covered his mouth from behind.

The gentleman is highly trained in Karate, but this time he just elbowed his opponet in the stomach. The opponent grabbed his stomach, giving the gentleman time to jab him in the nose, and push him off the roof. But, that wasn't all.

Another man, broad shouldered, and very tall, spoke from somewhere the gentleman couldn't see at first. But then his silouette walk past a window. he smashed the window and  grabbed the mans large head and smashed it against the wall. The man crumpled to the floor in a dead heap. The gentleman had finally done it.

(3 years later, in a small Filipino town)

"Lets here about the man who saved this town again!" a little girl said smiling.

"Yes, please!" Another child said from the crowd.

"Ok, ok." Wu agreed. "It started in this town, with a gentleman who set out to save us from Amoona. It took him to a foreign country, you know!"

Wu got lost in the story, and before he knew it, he was walking that familiar cobblestone with no shoes, and took out of his brown duster, and sharp object, with a blunt end, and grinned from ear to ear.
© Copyright 2010 Alicia (allicia11 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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