Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1711070-The-Three-Polar-Bears---Chapter-Two
by Rebs
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Animal · #1711070
A few years after, Invidi, Silence and Omega meet again. *WARNING: CONTAINS VIOLENCE!!*
Silence limped his way out of the arena of ice and blood and flopped onto a rock.

‘Let that be a lesson to you,’ a rough voice called, ‘you get too cocky – you get beaten!’

Silence sighed. No, Silence! Don’t give up! A little voice inside of him called. Don’t give up you’re life to the ice gods! He pulled himself to his feet. ‘You aren’t getting off that easy, Rookie. I’ll be back’

Rookie threw his scared head back and laughed. ‘Sure!’ He said, and charged head first at the injured, scared Polar Bear.

Silence stood his ground and prepared for impact. When it came, he was thrown back onto the rock – his spine landing on a jagged bit. There was a crack. ‘AAUGH!!’

‘Of cores you’ll come back.’ Rookie swaggered off – leaving his dieing opponent alone.

Not far off, Invidi – now alone and away from family – heard the Silence’s cry of pain. He paused and looked around, teeth bared, preparing for an attack. ‘Who’s there!? Show yourself!’ He calmed down. There was no reply. ‘Hello? Anyone?’ No. No one. ‘Must’ve imagined it.’ Invidi-idiot! The voice inside of him insulted. ‘But still,’ he walked towards the cry, listening, looking, smelling for any one injured who meant no harm to him.

‘Invidi...?’ A croaky, broken voice coming from a rock asked, ‘is that you...?’

Invidi ran over to the rock. Behind it, slumped up against the rock, like an un-wanted pile of bones, was Silence.

‘Silence!’ Invidi cried. ‘Omega told you you’d get yourself hurt one day, Silence.’

‘Oh, is that old hag still alive!?’

Invidi smiled. ‘I’d better get you home.’

Voices echoed around in Silence’s mind. The sound of Rookie’s menacing voice. He remembered what Rookie had whispered in his ear before leaving: ‘and I’ll come back home. I wonder if you’re friends would like that?’

‘Gotta get... GASP!!’ Silence groaned as Invidi lifted him up on his shaky feet. ‘Back... GASP!!... Home!’

Invidi suddenly turned paler than the snow. ‘Silence... You... You’re back... It’s... Broken!!’

Back at the Polar’s home, Omega was resting again, when something hard fell on his head. He grabbed it and looked it over. It was a rock wrapped up in a snowball. ‘Humph. Cubs.’

‘Omega!!’ A voice screamed. ‘Help!!’

Omega snapped awake and turned his head quickly to face the call of fear. ‘Vidi?’ asked Omega and he got to his feet. ‘Who’s that?’

Invidi was dragging Silence’s almost lifeless body over to Omega. Omega rushed over as fast as his old, lumbering legs would carry him. ‘Oh. Him.’

‘He’s broken his back. Can you help him?’

‘I don’t know why I should, but maybe. He has very little chance of survival, though.’ Omega looked him over. ‘Get him in my den.’

A few munities later, Silence was awake again. ‘Rookie...’ He mumbled.

‘Please be quiet, Silence. I’m helping you, here!’

Suddenly, cries of fear came from outside the den. ‘I’ll go look.’ Said Invidi, reluctantly. He poked his head out of the hole and saw the whole group was running round here, there and everywhere. ‘What’s going on!?’ The he spotted them – three huge, muscley bears. The leader had almost glowing white fur, he bore facial, but no body, battle scars. The one at his right had scars all over his legs, but no where else. The one on the left had scars everywhere but his legs and face. But what was more menacing, was the fact that their eyes where glowing a bright, vibrant...

Invidi ran back in. ‘Block the entrance, quick!!’

‘Why?’ Omega found out soon, as the nose of the scared individual poked though the entrance.

Without thinking, Silence waked it. The nose pulled out of the entrance, howling with pain. ‘Rookie!’ He growled and bought himself to his feet – ignoring the deathly pain in his back and his leg. He bolted out the hole and went straight into combat. He threw Rookie off his feet and bashed his head on the clean, white snow.

‘I miss-judged you, Silence,’ Rookie laughed, not showing pain, ‘you almost died, yet you come back for more... Why wont you just die!?’

Rookie dived at Silence, but before he could do any damage, he was thrown back by Invidi.

‘Run, Silence!’

Silence didn’t need any more encouragement. He ran to the cliffs, the two others hot on his heels.

Rookie threw Invidi off and his body skidded across the icy floor.

‘Careful who you’re dealing with, Rook.’ Omega hauled himself out from the hole.

‘Omega...’ Rookie growled.

‘Why are you always killing, Rookie?’ Omega hissed back. ‘Why can’t you live happily?’

‘You, of all bears, know we can’t.’

Omega’s eyes flashed bright, bright yellow, and then, after that glorious moment, turned back to their dark grey, earthly forum. ‘Leave us, Rookie.’

Rookie’s greyish fur turned white. ‘Nugget! Bloo!’ He called back to the others. ‘We’re finished here... For now, old man.’

The two other bears turned and rushed after Rookie, who was now running as fast as he could, as far as he could.
© Copyright 2010 Rebs (pegasusdragon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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