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Rated: E · Editorial · Satire · #1710738
All I ask is please read till the end

Hmm... Life has really gives you its kicks doesn't it.. Well the last time I wrote here I was still in college and life was pretty much the routine.. But now I have graduated and become part of that elite group who toil day and night to do just one thing.. Take jobs away from America and bring it here to India... Well if you Americans spend your night and day smoking crack, drinking, dropping out of high school and lusting after babes it kinda leads to this.

We warned you very early. If you didn't want this to happen to you then you probably should have read our history books. It will tell you that we were one of the most developed societies in the world. Proud of being cultured and high class what with our Cate and class systems. Alas! We had to sit on our laurels and boast about it for over a thousand years. We went on and on!! Our forefathers invented numbers.. Our ancestors invented financial institutions!! Our ancestors did this and Our ancestors did that!! But we never asked ourselves that essential question "What did I do??"...

The answer to that question was a "Big ZERO"..

For over 300 years we rotted holding on to our precious culture and tradition. Our societies values degraded and right at the lowest point came colonization. We had another first "Foreign direct Investment" in the form of the worlds first share holding first "The EAST INDIA COMPANY". They quite unashamedly took advantage and looted(I wanted to use a harsher word but I couldn't) us. In the first year alone their profits touched a souring 3 million guineas. As a country we suffered and were suppressed for a further 300 years.

But here we are 5 score years later. One of the fastest growing economies of the world. We have pulled the economic center of the world as we know it away from the west and brought it here to our side. All because a few generations forgot what their forefathers did and concentrated on what they should do. It is the same thing that should apply their too. The Forbes list confirms this year after year. The number of American companies is dwindling and the number of Asian companies is rising.

The way I see it, the reason why more organizations are opening shop in China and India is because we are ready to recruit people who might not be intellectually as bright as people who sit in the various R&D’ s of major corporations, but who over time can develop capabilities and intellectual power to match them. Every human must be given a chance. This is not Sparta where the incapable young are discarded. Everyone here has to study beyond high school. Every one here has to go to college. They might not go to flashy places like the Ivy leagues, MIT’s , IIT’s etc.. but they will go to smaller lesser known colleges and get the opportunities that they never would ahve had in these big institutions, they learn how to earn respect from their peers and finally learn how to grow.. This is why countries like India and China are going ahead. Because we are finding more and more people whose skill sets can be adapted to doing more than just making tea or serving biscuits.

The only way forward is by competing with us and for doing that we need an Inspired generation in you. Don't look elsewhere for inspiration but look to us for some Inspiration. Lets build a better world!!
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