Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1710678-kaito-James-Lancelot-book-1-chapter-1
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1710678
A problematic, bullied kid realizes he is part of something big...and OLD....VERY OLD
Intro: I ducked as the black, metallic spear,with sparks crackling form its tip made a go for my head. I twisted around and slashed wildly with skycutter. Kendrix stepped back and parried the blow with his spear, his eyes showing only anger and hatred. Clenching my teeth, I rolled sideways and stood up. I felt the burning heat of the magma sting my skin. If this kept up I would be toasted alive!
I wiped the sweat streaming down my dirty face.I tightened my grip on my sword and continued my assault ....
who am I?…… I haven’t introduced myself right? Oops my bad. My name is kai lancelot, fourteen years old and I’m one of the eight guardians.
“What’s a guardian?” you might wonder. I’ll get to that in due time, but first, I must tell you that being a guardian is NOT a safe thing to be. If you think that this is just a nice storybook for you to read before your bedtime, dream on.
Being a guardian is extremely dangerous, as you will be chased by a bunch of freaks almost everyday. I did not want to be one, but I was forced to take the position up.
I’ll admit the powers and weapons stuff are cool though I must warn you, dear reader, don’t go looking for trouble just because you think you might be one. You’re most probably not.
Because if you ARE one, the league would already be onto you, hoping to get you to use your powers for their cause. Or in another scenario, the rebellion might come and seek you out to use your abilities for their cause.
so If you DO have powers, pick a side and pray that you’ve chosen the correct one. Because there’s war coming up. I just hope that you and I won’t ever meet in battle as foes.
Just remember this: there is no good or evil. There is just perception.
Of course there is peace. But peace is simply just striking a balance between chaos and order.
What you’re about to read is simply my opinion on this entire subject.
I’m not an epitome of good nor is my foe a stereotype of evil. I fight against them because their ideas on a utopia conflicts with mine.
Err… yeah that’s about all I have to say for now. You have been warned dear reader, so take a deep breath and read on. This is my story.

Chapter 1-I hear voices in the wind:
How should I start? I have been told that all stories should have a good beginning and an ending. Oh well, I guess I’ll start at where it all began. It started one fine day-or night to be more precise, with a “blow” to my gut.
“AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!” I yelled as the black and white ball hit me square in my gut.
A massive victory cheer erupted from the “home” side of the stadium.
I stood up and rubbed my aching stomach. I smiled as my friends ran up to me like wild dogs,panting loudly and started ruffling my hair and lifting me up on their shoulders. The bright lights of the stadium glared into my eyes but I couldn’t care less. We had won the football match! After I got back on my feet, I lifted my hands to the roaring crowd and waved to them enthusiastically.
“ Great job Kai!”
“ Amazing save!”
“You rock!”
I was buried in praise and back-pats from my sweaty but ecstatic teammates.
I had done it! I was the hero of my school soccer team now! I would get free sponsorships and I may even be able to go pro! My life would be perfect. If this was what had happened, that is. Unfortunately, it was not to be. Sigh.
“AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!” I yelled as the fists of my angry teammates tried to break through my arms which was the only pathetic means of a barrier protecting my face form those rock-like fists. Some of the smarter ones made a go for my stomach, which was actually the only things making” blows” to my gut, not the soccer ball which I had failed to catch
“ That was a lousy job you idiot!”
“ What kind of save was that??!”
“ You stink!”
I was buried in yells of disgust from my teammates. I curled up like an armadillo to protect myself from those attacking my stomach.
“We-ll, you pre-tty-much-screwed-this-whole-game-up-Lose-lot!” Bruce finningan, our team captian screeched each syllable out loudly with each blow he gave me “Don’t even think of showing your face at the next practice! For if you do, I’ll crack up your face so bad that you won’t be able to look in to a mirror without it shattering!” And with that happy note, he signaled for the rest of the team to follow him before spitting at me and stalking off into the darkness of alleyway beside the stadium.
I sat up, groaning loudly. I felt my face and winched as both my hands pressed against a bruise over my eye-both my eyes to be exact. great. Real great.My first month at Deck high and I had already made let’s see…one...three…eleven enemies. Yup this was definitely my life. Sigh.
I seemed to be a trouble magnet to every single school I went to. Oh F.Y.I, Deck high was my fifth school in five years. Yeah I know, I should be in a school for troubled kids eh? My mum had to practically beg my councilor, Carl, not to send me to a boarding school for troubled kids. Carl reluctantly agreed and gave me one more chance, so if I screw up this year, I’ll be sent away from home. I was hoping that if I did not meet any bullies this year, I’ll be safe but who knew? Like I said, I was a trouble magnet.
“ You all right?” a familiar and warm voice broke me from my train of thoughts.I spun around and found myself face to face with someone. He was tall and had a messy sprawl of golden-brown hair and nice, light green eyes. He had pale lips and neat, pearly white teeth that were set perfectly into his lightly tanned face. The only thing that spoiled this perfect image was his scrawny body- since he was a vegetarian and rarely ate any source of protein. And how would I know all that? That’s because he was Jimmy ichiho-my best friend and one of the few that I have.
“you all right?” he repeated, eyeing my cuts and bruises worriedly.
“ yeah,I’m fine.” I assured him. jimmy could be a real worry wart at times.
“what happened out there? When the ball came towards you, you suddenly turned your head away, squeezed your eyes shut and started shaking your head.”
“Oh….th…there was something in my eye.” I lied
“You sure? Cause when you were shaking your head, I could have swore that your head was a blur.”
“ W…..w…what? Blur? I told you, there was something in my eye.”
He eyed me suspiciously and shrugged but I was sure that he still did not believe me. typical jimmy.” Come on we better get you home.”
“yeah ok.”
Jimmy helped me up and we walked away from the cold, dark alley beside the stadium heading for the changing room. As I walked in front, I could feel jimmy’s eyes staring at the back of my neck.
What else could I have told him? He wouldn’t believe me even if I told him the truth. Who would? Who would believe me that whenever I felt emotionally unbalanced, the whole world would stand still before me? I mean the world literally stood still. I would not be able to hear anything and no one would move.
It first happened when I was in pre-school. When it was break time, I found a dog while exploring the back part of the kindergarten. It was my first time seeing one, so I got really excited. Then, the world froze before my eyes. Being the curious type, I tried to use this opportunity to feel the fur of the dog.
However, once my skin made contact with the animal, it suddenly burned and hurt real bad. It felt as if something had rubbed a razor across my palm. I did what any pre-schooler would do-I burst out in tears.
One of my teachers heard me cry and rushed to find out what happened. I can’t remember that well, but it seemed that the skin on my hand had been torn up badly and I had to be rushed to the hospital. I also remember the teacher telling my mum about something that had “a huge part of its fur torn out” was beside me. But I did not thought of it much then, however, when I got older, the real problems started pouring in.
When I was in third grade, bullies were hunting me and every student younger than them for our packed lunches everyday just so that they can dig up what they like and throw the rest away. one day, I had enough, so I stood up to them in the canteen. The main bully, Spike splinter, looked exactly like an oversized bull dog. It was as if someone tied fifty kilogram weights to both sides of his face. his face was fixed in a permanent scrowl. And only lightened up a bit when he was bullying me or when he was selling drugs to his…oops…that was supposed to be a secret...anyway , that day I saw him take my then best friend Jake lester’s packed lunch. But when he found nothing that he liked inside, he got really angry and started to call jake names and even spitted at his face.
I decided there and then that enough was enough. I got up from my seat and confronted him. Everyone in the whole cafeteria was staring at me like I was a psycho. I nearly thought that I was one but sheer anger drove me on like a mad cow.
“ Oh? Standing up for your friend eh loselot?”
I gritted my teeth at the sound the stupid nickname.
“ Its Lancelot bull-boy and yes I am standing up for jack, that’s his name in case you were too stupid to know it.” I shouted up at him with the squeaky voice I had when I was in grade school.
Everyone gasped loudly. My eyes meet jack’s and he looked away, face pale, as if he did not know me. I knew that I had gone too far.
“ oh ho ho. Someone wants to challenge me.” Spike said mockingly.” Why don’t you hit me in the face as hard as you can?” he growled.
I hated people that mocked me. At that moment I got so angry that all I could think of was to lay my fists on his oversized backside. Blood rushed to my head, I saw red and then, yes, you guessed it, time stopped.
I could see the shocked faces of everyone, frozen solid. Then, in front of me, was spike, his face looked more like a bulldog then ever and even uglier frozen solid. I decided to use this opportunity and attack him first. I quickly ran up to him and punched his gut as hard as I could…and I immediately felt a sharp, ripping pain on my fists.
Time unfroze.
“ ARRRRGGGHHHH!!!” spike and I both yelled out at the same time.
The skin on my fingers had ripped open and blood was streaming out like nobody business. I was so engrossed with my injury and wondering how in the world I got it that I did not notice the principal rushing into the cafeteria and brought both of us to the nurse’s office. As I was rushed out of the cafeteria, I heard a few of the students whisper to each other :
“ Did you see that?”
“ when he moved….”
“ …he suddenly became a blur.”
I did not have time to think about what they said. All I knew then was that I was in big trouble. My injury was not too serious. A few bandages and I was ready for action. Spike, on the other hand, was not so lucky. It seemed that my punch, a Supposedly weak, nine years old punch, had tore through his belly and caused some internal bleeding.
Right then, I felt, for the first time, afraid of my time-stopping ability. I was so immature and scared at that time that I told my mother about my experiences. She didn’t take it too lightly, in fact she freaked out and brought me to see many doctors who could not explain my ability and classified my case a mental problem. That freaked her out even more and she went around the whole of New York looking for a good councilor, that was Carl.
Carl was a nice, friendly, bloke. He was twenty-five, married with two children. He had neatly trimmed blonde hair that went around his head. He was tall, muscular and had a smile that would make any stranger his friend after talking to them for five minutes.
After talking to my fourth grade principle, she agreed with him that it would be best that if I was transferred to another school. I was almost relieved to be out of the school. I had enough of everyone running away and whispering about me every time I walked past them. I was sad to leave jack but when I tried to say goodbye he didn’t meet my gaze and just ran off that made me real sad.
I soon got over it though, thanks to Carl. He was a really good councilor. He told me that my brain was not like other kids he told me that I was special and there was nothing wrong with that. He also told me that when ever it happen, I should calm down, close my eyes and relax-that was what I did just before the ball reached the goal. I touched my cuts and winced. Some big help that turned out to be. Little did I know that my powers or “mental problem” as carl calls it, was going to be part of something big and dangerous.
I pulled on my clothes and shoes, picked up my bag and limped back to the door where Jimmy was waiting for me.
“ you ready?” he asked me.
I nodded, opened the door of the changing room and we both stepped out into the coolness of the starless night, brightened up by the stadium lights, which were already, rapidly turning off one by one, as if a baby giant was blowing the candles off the birthday cake his mommy had made for him. I grinned at the thought and walked with jimmy to the main gate which was badly rusted, after many years of neglect.
A soft breeze caressed my hair, as if comforting me after the embarrassing lost. I could have almost swore I heard a voice, no louder than a whisper in my ear, breathing: “good luck young hero….”
I frowned and looked around, but the voice was already gone, gone with the wind.
“what is it?” jimmy asked me quizzically, his voice filled with concern.
I thought for a moment before answering.
“ its nothing.” I murmured
we then continued and walked off into the cold night.
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