Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1710475-The-Lost-Woman
by Izzy
Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #1710475
my story in some one else's shoes and different era
Once upon a time in a far away place called Butterfly Land there lived a beautiful girl who took lived in her parents old cottage which her aunt Susan left her (her parents died early last year; they died of a heart attack). Her two brothers Andrew and Joel (they were twin brothers) needed to live with their aunt Susan as they were under the age of eighteen and by law they needed to be with either a close family member or some one aged forty years or older; It was decided that the twins were better off with their aunt Susan (they were only three years old at the time of the decision). Amy (the girl’s name which the story is based on) had only just turned eighteen on the 28th February (it is now 10th March). Amy lived in the days where there were Kings, Queens, Princes, and Princess, etc.
The prince had only just turned twenty-two (his birthday was on the same day as Amy, what a coincidence) and was starting to look for a wife/queen/mother. But none had interested him so far (he didn’t know about Amy, she was the only girl he had not come in contact with just yet as her parents kept her away most of the time except school; he had forgotten her buy then, that’s was years ago that he saw her). Amy did not want to be married because she didn’t want to spoil her husband of her rotten past that she had lived for the last 17 years. Secretly though, Amy had a crush on the prince (Prince Luke Wilson is his name); she has never even spoken a word of this to anybody even to her friends, except her best friend Linda who practically lived with her in the two bedroom cottage. Amy’s dream was to renovate her home but she didn’t have enough money to do so. She only earned enough for tax and to put food on the table for herself and Linda. She made clothes and sold them to people at the markets, usually getting a good price for them but not all enough to do what she wanted to do.
One day, after she had sold a few garments, she decided to buy a few groceries at the markets; as she was shopping she accidentally bumped into the prince by mistake or was it fate? Who knows?
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to bump you, your highness” Amy said.
“It’s no big deal” said Luke as if it wasn’t a deal anyway. He was being very kind and generous towards Amy for no apparent reason. There was a couple of minutes silence between the two of them.
Amy and Luke talked for a while about there jobs, what they do, just getting the basic information about each other, after the silence; when the sun was just about to go to sleep Amy said that she needed to go back home and get dinner on the road. They both said there good byes and went there different directions. As soon as Amy got home after putting away the groceries, she went to her bedroom and prayed a pray, it went something like this: ‘Dear heavenly father, I give you today my day. It has been a rocky day. Lord about the prince…’ Amy talked to the Lord for hours, late into the night.
She woke up the next morning bleary eyed and tired; Amy started her day with prayer and God time, then heading out for the day as it was work day again (Amy only worked four times a week but that was pretty daunting for her as she was still getting used to the idea of working).
As she arrived at work she grudgingly set up her stall and waited for her first customer; she waited for nearly half the day before she had her first customer and guess who that could be?
“Hello, we meet again!” Luke said.
“Yes we do meet again. What can I do for you today Your Highness?”
“Oh please just call me Luke!”
“I was wondering whether you would like to accompany me to the royal dress show that is happening this Saturday.” Luke asked with anticipation.
“Um… I can’t I have to work, sorry!”
“Don’t be sorry!” there was silence and Luke was thinking of a plan to take Amy out as she had caught his eye; then he had a grand idea.
“How about I pay you twice what it is worth a day including what people bought at your stall, plus 10% interest every hour?”
Amy thought about this for a while; that means she would be earning around $1000 for just that day. WOW!
“OK deals on, it will be about $1000 for your part of the deal and for my part of the deal I will accompany you to the royal dress show.”
“Deal, do you have anything to wear? I could get you something if you liked!”
”No thanks, that’s why I became a dress maker; I’ll make my own outfit for the occasion, anything in request?”
“Hmm let’s see. Oh yes how about…” Luke went into a really detailed description of the dress that he thought he might like to see her in. After he had told her, Amy was starting to get a flow of people in her stall, forbidding the Prince good bye, she carried on with her work; Luke gave her his contact details and Amy gave her details just before Luke left her to carry on with her work.
When Amy finally arrived at home for what she thought took forever, Linda was finishing the last touches on dinner.
“You look buggered, did you have a bad day at work?” pointed out Linda.
“Tell me about it, I just had a very long day, you know those types of days! I have some thing I would like to share with you at tea time, but for now just let me have a shower and get ready for the night!”
“Sure will. Is it exciting?”
By then Amy had gotten up the stairs and out of hearing range. After Amy had finished what she set out to do she walked down the stairs and sat at the table with her meal already waiting for her.
“So?” Asked Linda
“Well, the prince came to my stall today, I have no idea why but I think he may be up to something.”
“What do you mean? Oh has he been giving you hints?” smiled Linda
“Yeah, I think so but not sure so if you know what I mean.”
“Anyway keep going, this is getting exciting”
“The best part is still to come”
“Well come on tell all.”
“Where was I. Oh yes! He asked to me go with him to the royal dress show!”
“What did you say?” Linda is just about on the edge of her seat, very excited.
“I said I couldn’t because of work.”
“Oh Amy why would you do this; the best prince in the land is trying to seduce you and all you can tell him is to piss off practically. What was said after that?”
“I know I know I made a mistake. He didn’t let that stop him from taking me out to the show. We stopped talking for a while…”
“And? Oh please Amy say you accepted please!”
“Luke si his name, we came to an agreement.”
“What agreement?”
“Hold on I’m getting there.”
”The agreement was that he would pay me for the day while he took me out for the day!”
”How much did he offer you?”
Amy went silent just about now as she didn’t want to tell Linda about the money side of things as now she has had time to think about it Amy feels quite guilty for taking the money off the prince just so that she would go to the royal dress show.
“Holy mackerels!”
They both sat in silence for a couple of minutes.
“What are you going to do with this money?” Asked Linda
“Not sure why?”
”Just curious”
“I feel really guilty for taking his money so that I can go to the royal dress show.”
“Don’t be guilty as he is the one who wants to put time into you so let him. Amy if a man is trying to give or take time out for you that means Luke wants to be with you and let him, you are actually if you don’t mind me saying quite beautiful.
“Sure sure! Ok I’ll let it rest for a while.”
“No forever!”
”OK forever!” They ate the rest of their dinner in silence.
Amy and Linda didn’t speak for the rest of the night as Amy had to get ready for work again and she needed to get up extra early and start making the dress that Luke had described. Amy headed to her room and started on her dress that she was to wear to the show.
It was about 10pm at night when Amy heard a knock on the door; Amy was still designing the dress and changing some of the arrangements. She was a little surprised that someone was here late at night and why. Amy left her room and saw Linda go and get the door. Amy waited just at the top of the stairs and listened to the conversation. Linda opened the door. She Gasped.
“Your highness what a lovely surprise, are you after Amy?”
“Yes I am, is she still up?”
“No she went to bed early; she had some things to take care of before tomorrow morning.”
By this time Amy had come down the stairs and walked to the door.
“Yes I’m still up; would you like to come in Luke?”
Linda had gone a tinge red in the cheeks for she did not know that Amy was listening to their conversation.
“Yes I would love to come in! It’s a bit chilly out here!” said Luke.
As he came into the house Linda spoke up first.
“I’m going back to bed, I’ll see you in the morning Amy, good night your highness!”
“Goodnight” said both Amy and Luke in unison
Amy led the way to the kitchen table and sat down.
“Would you like a cup of coffee, tea, a hot chocolate?”
“What ever you are having Amy will be fine.”
“Ok yes to hot chocolate then. So what brings you here at this time of night?”
“I wanted to get to know you better and I have a few things to talk to you about the royal dress show, that’s all.”
Amy made the cups of hot chocolate and sat down at the table handing Luke his. They stayed up all night talking, finding out about each other and talking about the royal dress show.
About half an hour to 6am the door bell rung; it was Dale (Dale is Linda’s fiancé and he has a double personality, Linda better watch out!); they have been together for over five years, he sometimes visits to help out but mainly he comes for Linda and spends time with her. He is unable to see her a lot as he works in the army, so when he has time he comes and sees his little princess Linda. Amy answered the door and called out to Linda; she came to the door.
“Hey princess!” said Dale
“Hey, it good to see you!”
And with that she gave him a big kiss. After the kiss she led him into her bedroom and closed the door; she explained everything that had happened, how Amy and the prince were in a half relationship at the present time.
“I would have never put Amy and the prince together. I think it is excellent that she has finally gotten out of her comfort zone and decided to venture out in to the unknown; I think she needs it.” Said Dale
“Yeah your right, I would have never pieced together the prince and Amy, it seems a bit odd having her like someone who is going to be a big ruler; I though she would have gone for somebody like Ben.”
“Oh well that’s how life goes unfortunately.” After Amy had closed the door she went back to Luke, got both of them some breakfast and the skip-bo cards. After the game of skip-bo Luke asked
“Do you want to go for a walk?”
“Sorry I can’t I have to get ready for work; it is a big day for me as I have some investors coming to look at my store to see whether it could be expanded”
“Sounds excellent! Well I should head off and keep on going with the duties that I have for today!”
So Amy went up stairs to get changed into her work clothes; she put on some lip gloss as well, just for show. When she was ready she walked down stairs and went to see if Luke was ready to go.
“Are you ready?”
“Yeah are you?”
”Let’s go then”
Amy and Luke walked out the door chatting, holding hands and walking towards Amy’s work, and then Luke was going to go see the mental hospital about putting his mother there to keep not only her safe but Luke and his father as well, and then he would go back to the palace to talked to his dad about the situation at hand. After he had sorted out with his dad about his mother Luke then would be ringing the mental hospital to see if he could bring his mother there this arvo before he would head back to Amy’s for tea- well that’s what he had hoped/planned for anyway. They reached Amy’s stall in no time at all and Luke turned to her and he asked a question about to night hoping that he would be able to come over and ask her the big question that he has been wanting to ask her all day.
“How about I bring over some tea tonight and we can hang out with Linda and Dale?”
“Sure sounds great!”
Little did Amy know that Luke was preparing to ask her in front of Dale and Linda if she would be his girlfriend?
The whole day seemed to drag on forever; the investors came to have a look and they said they would get back in contact with her that night with the decision. Once it was time to pack up and head home Amy thought about Luke and what they might get up to tonight. She wanted so badly to be with him and be his girlfriend but she didn’t want to be the first one to make the move of asking him out, it should be Luke asking her out. As she finished the touches on packing up the stall she started her walk home. As she was walking home she kept on thinking about Luke and their half relationship as Linda had called it. This thinking took up all the time and before she new it she was at her front door step hold the keys in the door, just about to turn the lock when the door opened. It was Luke; she could smell a strong smell of pizza.
“Oh, you scared me half to death. Its odd having you open the door at my house.” Amy had a little chuckle to herself.
“I’m sorry, would you like to come in my beautiful princess?” He loves me yes, thought Amy my dreams are coming true, I can’t believe it.
“Yes it’s getting a little chilly out here if you don’t mind and I’ve had a big day so if you really don’t mind I would like to get into the shower please.”
“As you wish, my darling princess.”
Amy walked in the house smelling pizza even more than she could from outside the door; she could not remember the last time that she had pizza. She put her keys away and headed to her room, had a shower and changed into something more decent; then she went down stairs and got herself a cup of soda. Linda quickly went to Amy and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“What was that for?” Asked Amy.
“Aren’t I allowed to give my best friend a kiss?” Linda had that sparkle in her eye which meant something was up. Meanwhile Luke was involved in a deep conversation with Dale about the army and what he does there (the boys were out in the lounge room talking and the girls in the kitchen).
“Yes Of course you are!” Amy thought it was best not to annoy Linda about what she knew that she didn’t beside she wasn’t in the mood to know much.
“Hey what do you want to do tonight?” Asked Amy
“I’m not sure, how ‘bout a movie?”
“What about Jersey Girl? It’s a romantic movie!”
“Are you trying to hit it of with Luke? OK sounds like fun!”
“For your information, maybe; I do things a little differently to what you do Linda.”
“I guess your right.”
“Do you ladies need a hand in here?” Luke Asked. Linda and Amy went a little red in the face.
“No, we are pretty much organised; you could set the table though.” After they were ready, they all sat down at the table together eating pizza and discussing what they were doing for the night.
“What does everybody have in mind to do?” asked Linda.
“I want to watch Jersey girl or a romantic flick and go for a midnight walk. Then have a chat.”! Amy said.
“Ok but I’d prefer to stay inside it actually quite cold out there!” Said Luke
“Cool that’s ok.” Said Amy
Luke moved his hand over to Amy’s and caressed it gently. Amy was showing a little red in the cheeks, Linda, being her best friend picked up on this and smiled quietly to herself knowing what may occur sometime in the near future if only just Amy would tone down a bit. Linda felt so sorry for Luke having to wait all this time for Amy to be ready.
“What say the men watch brave heart and you girls can go into the other room and do what ever you like? How does that sound to everybody?” Dale said hopefully.
“Sounds awesome!” both the girls said in unison. The people at the table all went silent for a while; Luke took the opportunity to his advantage. He got everybody’s attention by waving his hand.
“I’d like to take a few minutes of all your time before the night gets on any longer.” Informed Luke
Everybody except Linda didn’t have a clue what Luke was on about; Luke turned to Amy and talked.
“I would like to take this time to ask you a very important question that has been on my mind for a while now.” Yes please ask me out please, please, please thought Amy.
Luke got up from his chair, pulled Amy’s chair out slightly and knelt down reaching for her left hand.
“I would like to know if you would be my girlfriend.” Then he slipped on her finger a love heart relationship ring. Amy had no idea this was coming and was blown away.
“Say you will, oh Amy say you will; please for us!” Begged Linda
Amy didn’t know what to say.
“OK, I think we could work out some sort of an arrangement!” teased Amy
Luke was a little confused by this statement.
“Yes Of course I will, I was just pulling the leg that plays jingle bells”
Every one cracked up laughing for the next few minutes; when they all got themselves together they finished tea and headed for there destinations. Just before the boys separated from the girls Amy had an urge to go and give Luke a hug and a gentle kiss. While seeing this Linda tried to be better and show Amy how it was really done, she went over to Dale and pashed him on the lips as if they were going to drop to the floor and have sex. After this had happened they went there separate ways and put there movies on. With in five minutes later the phone rung, it was for Amy.
“Hello Amy speaking”
”Hello Amy its Greg from the dress association.”
”Oh, so do you think that it would be able to be expanded?”
“Why yes indeed. Give us 5 months and we should be able to get another store running. Oh we were wondering if you would become the manager as our manager has just walked out on us for no apparent reason please.”
“Sure will become manager, when do you want me to start?”
“Tomorrow, if that’s ok with you?”
“Yeah sure that will be fine, thanks for our call, goodbye.”
“Good bye.”
Amy put the phone back on the receiver and went to go find Luke in the lounge room. As she opened the door to the lounge room Amy saw Luke and run and jumped lightly onto his lap and kissed him until she needed to tell him the good news.
“What was that for?” Asked Luke.
“I got more stalls coming and get this I’m going to be a manager of the company!” Amy went back to kissing him also most taking things a little too far but she didn’t care she was going to go the full way tonight she was that excited. Dale as soon as they started to kiss he walked out to go see Linda. After 5 hours of going at it on the couch they decided to go back to what they originally where doing.
About 5 months later Luke and Amy were becoming the very best of friends, covering every topic they could think of including marriage and children also having the best sex around. Amy had met his father as his mother was now in the mental hospital.
On Saturday Luke went to pick up Amy; she was in the shower when he arrived at her house. When she got out of the shower Linda called to her and told her that Luke was here to pick her up for the royal dress show, Amy quickly got ready into the dress that she found time to make and went down stairs to meet Luke at the kitchen table.
“You look absolutely stunning! Want to go now to the dress show?”
“Yes” Amy told Linda that she wouldn’t be back for the rest of the day; they both headed out in the carriage that was provided by Luke and his family. When they got there Amy was speechless at the dresses and very much enjoyed the different colours and textures, etc. They spent the whole day talking about the different dresses and also getting to know each other better than what they have already, see Amy had a lot of little and big stories to tell. Once the show was over Amy and Luke took a walk to his garden as Luke wanted to propose to Amy. After they were talking and giggling with each other it came time to make the proposal known. Luke turned front-on to Amy, stopping her from walking any further, knelt down and said the following.
“Amy will you marry me?”
Amy was so excited that she had little joy tears at the corner of her eyes. Luke slipped on her finger a three diamond ring beside the love heart one.
“YES” Amy said loudly which was completely unlike her. Luke got up and gave Amy a hug and they kept on walking around the garden.
“Amy I know this may come to you as a shock but I would like to take our relationship to yet another step.”
“Another step? What do you mean?”
“What I’m trying to say is I would love for you to move into the palace with me so that we can become more ‘one’.”
“You don’t have to answer me right now I just wanted to put it out in the open.”
“OK! Yeah I think that would be a great idea. I would love to move in with you Luke!”
“Cool, this arvo when we get back we will pack all of your things and take them to your new house.” Luke smiled, and then kissed Amy.
“Sure.” They both walked around the garden enjoying each others company and having the best time of there lives. When they finally reached the house no one was there, so Amy left a note (after they had gotten all of her things out and taken them to the palace) letting Linda know all the latest details and gave her the contact details of where she could be reached. Once on their way back to the palace for the last time Amy thought about Luke being a man, a man that she wanted, and a man after her heart and a man after God’s heart. Oh how she wished her parents could see her flourished like this even though what they did to her was very wrong she still does miss/love them very much and wants for them to return there lives back to good instead of leading horrible lives. But now that they are dead she had to put it all past and live her life in the present- she has the prince as her fiancé hopefully soon to be husband, she still has her best friend that has hung around all these years, etc and she has so many good things to be thankful for. When they finally got to the palace Luke took Amy to his room and he gently manoeuvred Amy over to the bed and they started to get physical with each other. But just as they were going to go the full way they heard a knock on the door and quickly snapped out of it both feeling quite embarrassed about their actions; Luke answered the door and had a red face about him!
“Oh I’m sorry did I interrupt any thing?” Paul (King) had a smirk on his face knowing full well what they were up to?
Embarrassed Luke replied
“Um, well yes indeed you did, I was just about to make history!” Chuckled Luke; both him and his father had a good heart to heart laugh with each other and Amy wondered what in blue blazers was going on. After they had finished laughing with each other Luke informed on what they had said to Amy, now she was in stiches of laughter. They had all finally settled down and Paul asked them both a question of interest to them.
“How would you two like to join me on a trip to New Zealand? I have to do some business with them so if you don’t mind I’d like your minds made up tonight because I’m leaving in the morning very early. You both will have your separate carriage so that you both can snuggle in tight (Paul gave Luke a wink of the eye) and enjoy the ride together so that you don’t have to put up with an old fart like me” Paul was becoming serious.
“Ok Dad we’ll get back to you at dinner time how does that sound?”
Make sure you do, it is very important that you do! Oh this may also help you to bond better together and know each other intimately.”
“Sure Dad we’ll do what we can”
Luke walked his father out the door.
“Ok son, I’ll let you go back to making history, you have a good arvo, tea will be at 5 as there’s lot to be done in the meantime.”
“Sure Dad see you then”
Luke went back to making history with his most beautiful princess in the whole entire world. Better than any body could imagine.
After they made history Luke brought up the subject of New Zealand.
“So babe what do you think about going to New Zealand?”
“I think it has many possibilities!”
“Getting to know different people and seeing how they do things differently to us, etc!”
“Yeah I’m just thinking whether we should or not!”
“Ok I think we should!”
“To give us a new start to life and a way to put the past behind us and to celebrate the future that we have together! So what do you think?”
“Let us do it”
So Luke and Amy started to pack their things making sure that they didn’t forget anything that they may need on the way as you may never know or can tell what could happen on a trip like that.
They spoke to Paul and told him that they were going to go. Paul was really ecstatic and excited that they were going to join him on the trip to New Zealand. But little did they know for Paul had other plans in his thought process. After they had finished packing and were ready for bed they said there goodnights to every body and went to bed. They didn’t try to make history or anything but just had an enjoyable time together before there long trip tomorrow; they also needed the best sleep they could get.
At about 2am in the morning Paul came in and awoke them to get there things in the carriage and start there trip; Paul had organised for the two of them to have a surprise vacation as they both really needed the break thought Paul. Once Luke and Amy were on there way Paul got his things together and headed off but in a different direction. Amy snuggled into Luke falling asleep in his safe arms; they both were sound asleep for ages and ages until the captain on the ferry boat awoke them to get them onto the boat. Luke was confused and Amy had no idea what was going on, she was just as confused as what Luke was. They captain \guided them onto the boat safely and gave them directions to where everything was, a tour of the ferry. It finally dawned on Luke what was going on; he went to speak with the captain and the captain explained everything that was going on. Luke’s father had everything sorted out to the tea; there were no mistakes or anything. Luke after speaking with Ben went back and talked with Amy. Amy was pretty astounded herself but thought that it would be something Paul would especially now that he was a free man from his first horrible wife; the true Paul is coming out. Amy and Luke were enjoying there time together having the best sex they could possible and having the time of there life (Luke didn’t know that Amy wasn’t on any contraception as she had talked to the doctor about it and Luke thought that she was on it not knowing the full story. John gave Amy some extra pregnancy tests for her to make sure that she new exactly when she was going to fall pregnant and when she would be pregnant). Amy went to see Luke and talk to him about what they were going to do that night. They talked for ages and ages and finally came to an agreement.
It was going to be a great night thought Amy (hoping with everything that she had that she would fall pregnant). What Amy didn’t know is that Luke was going to propose to her that night as well so it is going to be the best night ever. It was late afternoon and Amy had been sunbaking most of the arvo trying to make her skin a little browner than it normally is (She was in a bikini which made Luke love her even more). While Amy has been sunbaking Luke had been preparing the dinner table and practicing how he was going to propose to his princess. After Luke was finished setting everything up he went to see Amy, creeping up behind her and scaring the wits out of her; Amy didn’t appreciate this and got off her chair chasing him around the boat. She finally caught up to him and Luke swung her up into his arms and kissed her tenderly. Luke spoke first.
“I want you my princess to join me for a meal of goodness. Would you my princess like to join your handsome fiancé to a delightful meal?”
“Yes indeed I would love to my handsome Babe”
Luke carried Amy to the place that he had set up for them to have dinner; it was the most delightful scene you have ever seen. Amy was speechless, she didn’t know what to say to him; they both sat down to the meal and talked about everything possible. Once the meal was over Luke came really close to Amy and hugged/kissed; after their meal they said goodnight to all the people on the boat and headed for there room. They both got undressed and headed for the bed as a couple who in the next couple of moths would be man and wife. Amy convinced Luke not to wear a condom as she discussed with him that she wanted to fall pregnant; he happily agreed as he has always wanted children himself. They both snuggled up to each other and they decided to make history again.
Early the next morning Amy woke up needing to very badly go to the toilet; she went to the toilet and decided to take a walk on the boat right out the front where the water edge was. Amy was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t hear Luke come up behind her. Luke gently put his hand between her arms and her body and held her stomach. Amy jumped a little in surprise and wondered why he’d woken up. Luke started to kiss her neck heading all the way down to her breasts. Amy giggled and turned around and faced him, making out quite profusely. Ben interrupted them saying that breakfast was ready. They sat down to breakfast and Luke spoke first.
“How long does it take for you to fall pregnant?”
“Um, it takes about 12 hours to actually fall pregnant but I have plenty of pregnancy tests, so don’t panic, we will know."
“I’m not worried I’m more excited than anything”
“Ok Babe I will let you know when I am”.
They talked for a couple of hours and then they went there separate ways, Luke needed to contact his dad and Amy secretly went to the toilet to find out whether or not she’s pregnant. After 5 minutes of waiting she finally had the result. It was definitely a positive outcome, now to go and tell Luke thought Amy.
Luke was in the bedroom talking to his father; Amy held up the pregnancy test which resulted in two lines and to confirm that she was truly pregnant she rubbed her stomach to indicate to Luke that she was. Luke had a huge smile on his face and gave her a wink. When the conversation was over between Luke and Paul, Luke went to find Amy to share in the good news, but as he was looking for her he could not see her. He looked everywhere but the bathroom-toilet/sink. He’d figure that she’d wanted to be left alone so he went back to the room and made some arrangements for when they got back. After having thought a lot Luke needed to go to the toilet, just one of those painful things you have to do each day and night, thought Luke. But as soon as he entered the bathroom he found Amy vomiting every where.
“There you are” exclaimed Luke.
In between vomits Amy said “Is that all you can say, you’re not the one pregnant or vomiting.”
“Yeah I know just wait here and I’ll be back in a jiffy”
“Don’t leave me!”
“Just a jiffy”
Luke was gone more than a jiffy but he brought back with him some medication that would help her with her vomiting, and it did; it completely stopped. Amy was so happy that she now was able to do the things that she wanted instead of hanging around the toilet/sink vomiting all day long. So Anyway after Amy had cleaned herself up she decided to go for a swim (the boat had pretty much everything that you could want)as it wasn’t a cold day for a hot day so she thought it would be a good idea to do this; it may even help the baby she thought.
As she was getting into her bikini she had a terrible thought- what if I miscarriage? What happens if I have a still birth? Amy knew that she really needed to go for a swim to take her mind off things, so she got dressed really quickly and headed for the pool. The pool was a heated pool which made things a lot easier to get into but Amy also did like having a cold pool as well to help take the pain away that was in her mind at the present time. Oh how she wished Luke could be here to help her, support her and tell her everything will be fine and that there’s nothing to worry about. But as he wasn’t here she had to deal with that on her own. Amy had a lot of her own battles even though she may seem like on the outside she has everything in place and going smoothly but inside of her is always a different story. She is very much worry wort and likes to mule over things until there’s no m0ore mulling, even then she would still find something related to that subject or thing which amazes everybody especially Luke. Meanwhile Luke has been ringing around for things, getting things organised for when he got back home and just making sure that Amy would have the very best wedding of her dreams. He decided to take a break and got ready for the pool; he headed to the pool little did he know that Amy was already there. He also had a little inkling that Amy may be struggling with her pregnancy but he wasn’t completely sure (Luke knew Amy inside out as did Amy Luke) but he thought that he would after his swim go and see if he could help her sort things out and maybe even get things heated up. He got dressed and headed for the pool; as he got to the pool he noticed that some one else was in there but couldn’t recognise who it was, he was reconsidering going into the pool as he didn’t want it to be anybody else. He decided to take a risk; he walked around the door opening and straight to the pool. Oh it was only Amy (she was under water and she didn’t know just yet that it was him) he had a little chuckle to himself and decided to splash Amy just as she was coming up for air; He took a run and jumped in the pool just beside Amy making tidal waves. Amy had no idea who it was and as soon as Luke came up to the surface she bust out laughing.
“Hey, you what did you do that for?” Amy was still in riddles of laughter but spoke in between spurts of laughter.
“Because I thought that you may need some tender loving care; what’s bothering you Amy? I hope you are not reconsidering our relationship” Luke was a little concerned (but deep down he felt like crap) but knew that it would be ok if they sorted things out!
”No way, why would I, Amy Wilson want to break up with the most Handsome Prince in the entire world?” Then she kissed him and continued “I’m just a little worried, well actually the truth extremely worried that I may miscarriage the baby or even further still have a stillborn birth. I just want to make sure that my body won’t think it foreign or anything like that so that I can have the best pregnancy ever.”
“Hey (Luke pulled up Amy’s chin and wiped away the few stranded tears that had left her eyes) you may have had a rough life but that’s not going to stop your body from doing what it originally was supposed to do. Remember when God said in the Bible for Adam and Eve to ‘Be fruitful and multiply’ well your body was made for giving children to this earth so there’s no need to panic or worry. If you like we can pray about it tonight and see if there’s a doctor on this boat and get him/her to check you out. There’s no need to panic or worry my beautiful princess.” And with that he kissed her tenderly on the lips and carried her over to a secret place in the pool where they were still in water but no-one could see them or what they were doing. Luke decided that she really needed some tender loving care and so he gave her what he thought that she needed. They both were thoroughly enjoying themselves talking; kissing, cuddling, etc when over the microphone Paul talked.
“I know exactly what you two are up to don’t get me wrong, but the reason why I am here is that we need to go back home because the dealings with New Zealand are over we have come to and agreement and a settlement that both countries can benefit from. We will be leaving within the next 24 hours. Over and out”
Amy cracked up laughing and Luke just looked at her as if she was mad then he cracked up laughing himself. They both laughed for a couple of minutes and then decided to get out of the pool and head back to there room and have showers. They both held hands going from the pool to there room talking and having fun as a newly couple would. As they got to there room there was a note on there bed saying meet me in the kitchen at tea time we have things to discuss, love Paul. They both thought this was very weird but kept on doing what they set out to so. After they both had showers they started to pack there things and get everything organised for the trip back home when Paul knocked on the door. Luke went to open the door but as he did Amy pulled his shirt closer to her and gave him a very big kiss on the lips; then Luke went and opened the door.
“Hi dad, were nearly done packing and getting things organised for the trip back home.”
“That’s really good son but there are some things that I’d like to talk to you about, alone with out Amy, no offence to her or anything “
“Ok dad just give me a minute and I’ll be right there with you!”
So Luke shut the door and went to Amy, telling her what was going on and not to panic; he pulled her really close to him and hugged her and passed her like there was no tomorrow. Amy couldn’t help but to worry as she thought that it may be something to do with her least of all there relationship. Oh how she hoped that there was nothing going to hinder there relationship she silently prayed. Luke pulled away from here and headed out the door meeting his father at the kitchen as the letter had said. Meanwhile Amy cracked down in tears and cried for she feared that it had something to do with Luke that would separate them forever; she hoped with all her heart that Luke loved her the same way that she did him and that he would protect her no matter what and there relationship; Amy cried herself to sleep. Meanwhile Luke found his Dad and they both sat down with a cup of coffee.
© Copyright 2010 Izzy (isabellabrian at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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