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Rated: · Fiction · Friendship · #1710420
What if you were the only one on earth? How would you feel? How would you act?
I always ask myself the same questions, why are we here on earth? Is there life other than us in space? And what do friends say behind your back?
When you wake up in the morning your very active like me, who wouldn’t be? Whoops I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Ally and no longer will I call myself “me” or “I” just so you don’t get confused, this is where the story starts.
Ally woke up in the morning, she was active and pumped and ran out of her bed to check her timetable, “SPORT!!!” she shouted, her brother Leo opened the door and shouted “BE QUIET, gees you’ll wake the whole court!” and he slammed the door shut, Ally pulled out her tongue.

Ally got dressed and went down stairs “The usual,” Ally’s dad asked, “The usual it is” Ally said grabbing the cereal. By the time Ally and Leo were finished breakfast it was time to go to school.
Rush, rush Ally ran to her first class “Ally,” The teacher called out “Here” she answered, just in time she thought. “Can I sit here?” Ally asked Emma, she shrugged and put then put her feet up on the chair, Ally sighed and sat on one of the other tables. “What’s the long face for?” Chelsea asked “Nothing,” Ally answered, “Oh, I know” Christina said pointing her finger at Emma.

“I know she’s my friend but sometimes I just can’t trust her. Look,” Ally sighed “they get up real close, giggle and then point at people doesn’t that bug you?” “Cheer up Ally, you’ll have fun with us, we’re your friends too!” Rebecca cheered.
Just at that moment the sports teacher walked in “Come on guys, were going to the gym today.” Miss Valor called everyone out and we followed her to the gym. “Ok class, were going to play basket ball today. Before you go I have to pick teams.” “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh,” the class groaned. “If I give you a red sash stand next to the goals, if I give you a blue sash stay here.” Miss Valor continued. When she came to Ally, Ally was hoping for a blue sash, but she got a red. “Darn! I’m not with Chelsea, Rebecca or Christina.” She thought.

Ally ran over to her team, “Ok what’s the game plan?” Ally asked. “You just stand on the court and hope we’ll pass it to you,” Emma answered then Emma whispered to the girl standing next to her “Like that will ever happen!” Ally clearly heard every word and her smile dropped.
They went on the court and started to play. The whole first half Ally was open, no one was on her, NO ONE! At the half time break Emma shouted “What Are YOU guys doing wrong, we’re being thrashed!” The second half went well, we came back the scores were level 20/20 and there was one minute left. Emma came running down the court then two defenders from the other team came running up behind and trapped her. Again, Ally was free, she ran up close and screamed “Pass, Pass, Pass!”, there was 10 seconds left on the clock and Emma throws it to the other team and they score at the last second! “Great game!” Miss Valor cheered.

“DING DING DING!!!” the bell rang. Ally ran up to Chelsea, “How about that chocolate you promised yesterday,” Ally asked. “Umm, sorry I gave it to Christina,” she answered. “That’s ok” Ally said, still feeling sad after what happened at the basket ball game. Ally walked in her class and got ready for math. She sat down and was given a test. Ally read the words on the top of the sheet “You have 20 minutes to finish the test and talking is not aloud”. The teacher got up and said “You have been assigned seats please find your name and sit down at that desk and begin.”
Ally walked around looking for her name then she found it and sat down “OH NO I’M NEXT TO EMMA” Ally thought panicking. 10 minutes had passed and Ally was going really well, her hand was getting sore so she stopped for a moment. She saw Emma looking at her sheet to copy her answers. “Hey! Do your own work!” Ally whispered angrily. “SHHHHHHHH!” The teacher hushed “5 minutes left class.” Again, Emma copied Ally’s sheet. Ally got so angry and she shouted “STOP COPYING ME!” “Ally, you’re staying in for lunch!” the teacher growled.

The bell went and poor Ally was stuck inside for lunch. The rest of the day was just as miserable. The bell went for home time, Ally and Leo ran to their dad’s car. They hopped in and he started to drive. “So how was your day kids?” Ally’s dad asked “HORRIBLE, Sometimes I wish I was the only one on earth!!!” Ally shouted. “Don’t think like that dear everything will turn out great, plus its Saturday tomorrow, a brand new day so you can start fresh!” Ally’s dad added, when Ally got home she ate her dinner and watched TV for a little while, then went to bed.

The next day Ally woke up and ran into Leo’s room “Good morning!” she shouted pulling off the his blankets “That’s a change he always sleeps in” she thought. Ally ran down stairs “Dad?” she shouted as her voice echoed around the house. Ally ran outside “HELLO!” she shouted, all the children’s toys were left on the street and it was very quiet. “I’m alone. No one to annoy me. No one to copy me and no one to break promises. This is the LIFE!” Ally thought.

She looked at all the toys on the ground “Now I’ve ALWAYS wanted to ride on Larry’s bike and play with Christina’s remote control car!” Ally shouted hopping on Larry’s bike. Ally played for hours with all the toys but then got bored and sat down. “No Dad, no Leo, no friends, I’m all alone” she thought, as her eyes started to water. She rubbed her face as the breeze started to pick up. In the corner of her eye she saw a bright red balloon and chased after it.
As she grabbed the balloon it started to rain there was something written on the balloon showing today’s date and the word “FEVER” because the rest was smudged. Ally walked down her street passing empty houses, empty parks and empty shops. She just walked and walked.

In the distance she started to here crowds of people screaming, Ally ran to the noise. That noise lead her to the main shopping center. Ally saw her friends holding signs, she ran up to them and gave them a giant hug. “Look, Ally’s here! Your missing out, LADY GAGA PEFORMING!!!” Rebecca screamed. Ally’s Dad and brother came to her. “Where have you been Ally! We were looking everywhere for you,” Ally’s dad asked “As soon as we heard about the event we knew you would be here!” Leo added.

Now Ally learnt that it would be sad, boring and lonely if you were the only person on earth, even if you have friends that get on your nerves you would badly miss them.
© Copyright 2010 Ally_AA (cookie180 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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