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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Romance/Love · #1710190
part 4.....
Chapter two: Set up

He heard a heart beating. It wasn't his own, but it rang in his ears like it belonged there. as his eyes fluttered open he heard a noise. he sat up, looking around he saw he was laying on an endless floor of black and white checkers. then he heard the voice again, realizing it was a girl yelling, "Alphonse... ...help.... ...help me...." over and over. Oh, he thought, this dream again. He sat up, and walked at first, but as the voice got louder, and rang in his ears, he ran. Then, he saw one of the squares was blood red, and on it sat a large, velvet chair. and, sat on it, was the host of the voice. "Anna-" But he realized then that it was Mitsuki.
His eyes fluttered open to real life. He ground, tried. As his vision blurred, he put up his hand in the air, focusing on it. after a moment, he put it down on his face and sighed.

Then, when he sat up, he looked to his right to see Mitsuki asleep on the floor. "Huh?..." He said lazily to himself. "Hey, Mitsuki, hey, get up, hey!"
Her eyes fluttered open, and she slowly sat up, rubbing one eye, "Alphonse? Morning...."
"Why are you sleeping on my-the, floor?"
"Well, I felt strange sleeping with mafune since he's like twenty, plus his bed is really small so it would have been squished. and I thought of sleeping with you again, but last time you were really upset, so I just slept here."
At first his eyes were wide, then lined with guilt, "Oh, well..." After a pause, he sighed, and said, "I guess..." she looked up at him with hopeful eyes. "You can sleep here from now on, but! You have to stay on that side of the bed!"
She smiled, jumping upon the bed to hug him, "Yes! Thank you! I knew it! I just knew you liked me, teehee!"
He loosened her grip on him, pulling his face away, "Like you? Don't get the wrong Idea!" But she just kept smiling, and hugging him, so he added, "and non of that 'Teehee' stuff, ever!"
she laughed, "K,"
He groaned, and then, mafune walked in, and his smile widened at the sight. Alphonse's face turned red, and mafune laughed, "Ah, young master, this is quite the sight to see! I'm so happy for you too, young love is so nice!"
"We are not in love!" Alphonse protested.
Mitsuki didn't really get it, so she just laughed, and went along with it. But then, when she thought about it, her mind stuck on the word, Love. Karin and the others had told her she

was in love with alphonse too, but that couldn't be. It couldn't. right? She shook her head, stepping away from the bed to change into her uniform.
when she got to the door, a young woman stood on the other side. "Oh, uh, can I help you?"
she raised an eye brow, "Anna? No, that can't be... who are you?" She had a sophisticated voice, that matched her looks.
Mitsuki's eyes widened. She knew about anna? When she looked again, she noticed she had golden, vampire, eyes. Alphonse spoke from behind Mitsuki, "Auntie!?"
The woman smiled, and pushed Mitsuki out of the way to hug alphonse, "Ow, Allie! how are you doing these days, are you eating well, are the towns people bothering you? How's mafune?"
"Auntie!" Alphonse said, blushing. from behind him, mafune smiled, and said, "I'm doing well, auntie,"
"Auntie?" Mitsuki asked to herself. The woman turned to her then, with narrowed eyes, "and who might you be?"
"Uh, I, Er, my name is Mitsuki Fujishima, ma'am,"
"Huh, Mitsuki huh? So your japanese? why are you here, you are human,"
"Auntie," Alphonse interrupted, "I'll be upset if you kept acting hostile toward my room-mate,"
"Room-mate!? Is that all I am to you!?" Mitsuki yelled at him.
He shrugged, "What els would you be?"
"Gsh," She mumbled, angrily. She narrowed her eyes, with a devilish smile, "How mean, Allie," His face turned red, and she laughed.

His auntie cleared her throat, "Sorry to interrupt your little lovers quarrel, but there are more important matters at hand."
Mitsuki snorted, and Alphonse turned to his Aunt, "More important things like what?"
"I came here to warn you,"
"About what?" His aunt glanced at Mitsuki, and he added, "She can hear what ever it is you have to say to me,"
Auntie sighed, and said, "Well, It seems the towns people have had enough, and they're planning to get rid of you once and for all,"
He raised an eye brow, "Why now after all this time?"
She shook her head, "I wouldn't know, but I think It probably has something to do with that clan-"
"Kuroi chi!?" He asked, loudly.
"That's the one, I believe one of them is here-"
His whole body shook, his eyes wide, and he ran out the door. Mitsuki ran after him, "Alphonse, wait!"
"Please," Mafune smiled at auntie, "Excuse my master, and come have a seat till he comes back,"
She shook her head slightly, "Of course," and as they went to sit down, a grin stretched across her face.

"I can't believe they're actually here," He whispered to himself.
out of breath, Mitsuki managed to mumble, "W-where... are w-we... g-g-going?"
"The school..." After a pause, he said, "I smell blood coming

from there,"
Her eyes widened, and they ran a little faster.
When they got there, alphonse said, "It's coming from over there,"
"That's my fourth hour class, room D-4!"
Alphonse flung the door open. His and Mitsuki's eyes both widened. Alphonse stepped forward, but Mitsuki was shacking, paralyzed in her spot. Her whole body shook, and she felt herself breaking down. Her heart skipped a beat, and her breathing deepened.
In front of them was everyone In D-4... ...had been murdered. "Oh... ...my god," She said under her breath, barley getting out the words. She didn't recognize anyone at first, but then, she looked at a girl, she was just barley alive, and alphonse was holding her, trying to tried her to hang on. her eyes were closed, but her breathing was heavy and spread apart. That's when she realized it was Karin. She gasped, and ran to Alphonse. "Oh no, karin..."
"You.. ...know her?"
Tears welled up in her eyes, and she chocked on her words, so she just nodded.
He looked back at her, sympathetically. "I think she'll live, but her wounds are serious... ...as for the others... ...well, there's no other survivors,"
"Who would... ..D-do thi-is?"
His eyes were narrow, and hateful, "The Kuroi chi,"
Then they heard a little girls laugh. It echoed, and it had an evil edge.

Then, the host of the voice appeared in the window, still laughing. She was a little girl, with two blonde pig tails, and bangs, with big, round, blood red eyes, and pale skin. "Hello, My name is Maron, I am from the Kuroi Chi, and I am the one..." After another short laugh, she finished, "That killed these pathetic humans,"
Mitsuki's heart skipped a beat, and her body heat up with hate.
"Maron..." Alphonse mumbled angrily.
She laughed again, "Dear alphonse, how the kuroi chi have missed you, and now we find out you ditched us to hook up with this pathetic human? You are a cruel one," and she laughed again. "Oh," she laughed again, looking at karin, "Looks like I missed one,"
"Why you!-" Mitsuki was cut off by Maron's laugh again, and she said, "Oh dear, looks like it's time for me to go," and with another laugh, she said just before rushing out the window, "Taa-taa for now,"
"Wait!-" Alphonse was cut off when a rush of people slammed the door open. He turned quickly to see many of the towns people. The men were angry, and clutching weapons, and the woman shed tears, holding hands over the children's faces.
"Why you, after all that time hiding in your mansion, you finally strike!"
"You're mistaken, I didn't kill these people!"
"Don't give us that crap, their blood is all over you, you monster!"
His eyes widened, and he looked down to see he had gotten

blood on him from holding karin. One women who looked a lot like karin ran up to her, tears in her eyes. "Oh, karin, karin, sweetie, thank god your still alive," she looked coldly at alphonse, "You, you're a monster! Murdering innocent children, you have no heart at all!"
Alphonse looked at the floor. Mitsuki clutched her fists, "No!" She yelled, and they all looked at her, even alphonse, in shock. "You're wrong! He would never kill innocent people! never!" Tears pored from her face, and she held her fists to her chest, "His heart may not beat, while mine does, he may be a creature, something I'm not, but you can't just call him a monster, and automatically blame him because he's different! It may not seem like it to you, be he is a better person than I, a human, will ever be!"
Alphonse's eyes were wide, and everyone was silent for a moment, then one man said, "What a load of shit! She must be a vampire too! Kill 'em both!"
"Yeah!" The other men chimed.
Alphonse sighed, grabbing her, and putting her over his shoulder before jumping out the window, "Don't bother Mitsuki, they'll never listen," and as they flew out the window, she saw a deep sadness in his eyes.

They were back at the mansion now, and Mitsuki stared at Alphonse, is apathy covered by sadness.
"Humph," his aunt snorted, "I tried to get you to stay here, but you just had to run out there and fall right into their little set up, tsk, tsk, tsk,"

His eyes narrowed, and he gridded his teeth, looking at his hands, then he banged his fist on the table, "Damn it!" he yelled, and mitsuki jumped as the table shook from his punch. "Damn it..." he said again, quietly this time.
Auntie sighed, "well, no use crying over spilt milk I suppose. Now we just need to focus on how we're going to get out of this mess. The towns people won't retrain from a riot for long, and though they're no match for allie, he can't kill them, and it will prove difficult to fend them off with out doing so..."
Mitsuki sighed, along with the others.
"Damn..." Alphonse said again, his fists shacking by his side. "This... ...none of this would have happened if it wasn't for me! All those innocent people!-" He chocked, "Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!" He yelled, repeatedly banging the table. The last time, mafune caught his fist, and for the first time he looked angry, he said, "Young master, this won't do any good. Yelling, and hitting things won't bring them back. Now that what's done has been done, we have to focus on what's going to happen next, so that they won't have dyed for nothing,"
Alphonse sighed, putting his hand over his face, "Ugh, You're right," But he still looked like he wanted to punch the table again.
Mitsuki, though she also ached in her heart, smiled, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. She didn't even have to say anything, he automatically calmed down at the feel of her small gesture. He sighed again, sadness instead of anger in his eyes, and with one hand, took her hand in his over his shoulder.

Auntie Stood by Mafune, "What on earth," She glanced at Mafune, not grinning, but really smiling, and with a say she finished, "Just happened," In a whisper, because she already knew the answer.

It was midnight, and the huge mansion was dark, and quiet. Alphonse dragged himself to the refrigerator. His mind was fuzzy, and his eye lids heavy from not enough sleep. No sleep. He had almost black bags under his eyes, and his skin was paler than normal, and he felt like he was going to collapse. But he couldn't sleep. All he could see, all he could think about was that class room.
It was as he reached in the fridge he felt the pain. But he had been ready for it. He grabbed the edge of the knife from the front of his stomach that had been pierced from his back, and pulled it out so it was in his hands, and before turning around, he said, "Just as I thought... ...Auntie," And he turned to her, with hate in his eyes.
She was shocked at first, but then she laughed, "So, you figured it out and put a protection seal around your body to cushion the blow. Even so! That still went through your gut, so you'll definitely still die,"
He hugged his aunt then, her eyes widened, but then narrowed again when he put the knife to the back of her neck, panting he said, "Tell me auntie, was it kuroi chi? Did they put you up to it?"
She snarled, "I was doing it for them, but they didn't put me

up to it," Alphonse's eyes widened, and she smiled, "That's right! I wanted to do it! I wanted you dead! I only pretended to like you all these years, so I could have a chance like this! Because," As she laughed an insane kind of laugh, tears pored from her eyes at the same time, "You killed her! You killed me sister!"
His eyes widened, his mind went blank, and the knife dropped from his hand. His body shook, and his eyes became dead looking. For several minutes he just stood there, dead, watching her laugh and cry, but not really seeing or hearing her. But then, he snapped out of it when she picked up the sword and ended it. He sighed, going back to his apathy as he looked at her on the ground. He snarled, then laughed a little, and whispered, "It's not that easy to kill a vampire, Sorry auntie," then walked over her and back to his room. When he got to the hall he remembered his pain, and on top of how crappy he already felt, now he had a stab wound in his gut that would probably stay painful for another week, which sucked. He thought the seal would protect him more.
Mitsuki passed him in the hall, sighing, and breathing in between words, he told her, "Tell Mafune to clean up the kitchen," and with out another word he walked into his room.
He panted, dragging himself to the bed. He curled up to one side, still panting, cold sweat dripping down his face. He held his gut, and moaned quietly. "Maybe," He whispered to no one, "I do deserve to die..." He laughed a little, but coughed after, "I wish I could...."

And out side his window, Maron sat on a tall tree, swaying

her feet back and forth, and giggling in a girly, yet evil way. She smiled, cute but deadly, revealing her fangs to the darkness, "Allie, you say it's hard to kill a vampire... But I wonder how hard it is to break one's heart," and with another giggle, she vanished.

© Copyright 2010 rukia strawbarry (rukia66 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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