Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1709897-The-Mysterious-Suit
Rated: E · Short Story · Psychology · #1709897
This is a story that I have been coming up with for some time now. Enjoy.
         There was a knock on the door. Charles peeked through the window and grinned. It was here, the package was finally here. He opened the door and signed for it, said his thanks and rushed to the bedroom. He had been waiting for this package for nearly a week, and it arrived just in time. He got in the room and locked the door. Then he opened up the box. Inside was a suit, an exact replica of a female body. The suit was remarkable, down to the tiniest detail it appeared a natural female body. It even felt like human skin to the touch, so soft and delicate.

         The inner lining of the suit was like something he'd never seen or felt before. It was solid, but molded instantly to the slightest amount of pressure. It was extremely comfortable. One touch with a finger and it felt like it was supposed to be there, like it has been missing all this time. He slowly pulled the suit out of the box and laid it on the bed. Then he got undressed. He was going to fool everyone at the party tomorrow night. No one was going to know it was him.

         He lifted up the suit. It had a small zipper up the back that closed it up, currently unzipped. He slipped one leg in, and then the other, feeling the sensation of completeness and comfort soar up his legs. He then slipped his arms and head in, feeling it mold to his body in every way. He then reached back and zipped up the back. As soon as he zipped it, he felt the zipper mold into the skin, a handy way to hide it, he thought.

         He felt a sensation course slowly through his body. He couldn't identify or understand it, so he ignored it, but he couldn't help but feel that something happened. It started in his feet and traveled all the way up to his head, where it stopped and died away. He took a look in the mirror. What he saw was an amazingly beautiful woman. She had shoulder-length brown hair, glittering baby blue eyes and had all the curves in the right places. "Wow" he thought, "I look hot. This is gonna be fun."

         He walked back to the box and was pleased to notice how freely he moved. It felt like he wasn't wearing anything. He reached into the box and pulled out the outfit of clothing that came with the suit.

On top was a pair of undergarments, a bra and panties. He picked them up and felt their delicate fabric. It surprised him that he could feel through the suit, but he knew that it would only add to the illusion. He slipped them on, and found out that they fit perfectly. Also in the box were a nice pair of jeans and a cute baby blue blouse, matching the eyes. He pulled these on as well, which also fit perfectly. In the bottom of the box was a pair of sandals and an envelope.

         In the envelope was a $5000 gift card to a nearby clothing store and an ID matching his image and the name Chelsea. All other details matched him. Getting more clothes sounded like a great idea. He at least had to get something for the party. He got ready to go, and then he locked up and left for the store in the mall.

         As he was walking through the mall, he got whistles and glances everywhere. It felt awesome that he was pulling the deception off so wonderfully, almost effortlessly. He decided to flirt back a little. As he did, he felt that strange sensation resurface and it somehow aided him in the flirting, almost like it was flirting too.

         Then he entered the store. His intention was to find an outfit for the party. He went through picking this and that out to try, and then he headed to the dressing room and tried them on. He ended up wanting each one. Every time he decided to keep one, the sensation resurfaced and grew. Being he still couldn't understand it, he continued to ignore it. After deciding to keep them all, he headed to check them out. He was about to leave when he felt the need to go to the bathroom. He rushed to the back and got into a stall. He searched for the zipper in the back, but he couldn't find it. He started to freak out. Then the sensation resurfaced and took control of his body, and sat him down on the toilet. Then the urine came out like it should from a female body. This also freaked him out. How? It's only a suit.

         He headed to the sink and washed up, thinking about what just happened. He had felt that strange feeling again and had lost control of his body. He also felt like there was someone else in his body. "That's not possible" he thought. He shrugged it off as well and brought the clothes home. This time walking through the mall he ignored everybody. He could feel this strange feeling growing and this time focused on it, wondering what it was and what was going on with him.

         He finally made it home uneventfully. It was late so he went to put what he bought away. He took comfort in the fact that his plan for the party was going well and let himself forget the other complications. He never really noticed what he had gotten while he was there, just went on impulse. Now he realized that he had gotten a nice variety of things, one being a cute pair of pajamas. He tried again to get the suit off, but the zipper was completely gone. He knew this would be problematic after the party, but decided not to worry about it until then. He gave up and continued getting ready for bed. He slipped into the pajamas and went to bed. After such a weird day, he fell asleep amazingly fast. He was sound asleep in minutes. As soon as he was, the feeling took control again. His eyes popped open.

         "I thought he would never go to sleep" the body said. She got up and stretched, then looked around. "At least I'm finally free again. Chelsea lives again."

         She climbed out of bed and looked around. She could feel the presence of Charles asleep within her and knew for the time being he would have to stay that way. She moved around slowly and quietly as not to disturb him. She went into the closet to see what her selection of clothes were. He was surprisingly obedient and had selected everything she had suggested while they were in the store. There was a wide selection of shirts, from tanks and strapless to frilly and dressy shirts. The skirts came in black, blue and floral print. She had a few short sleeved dresses and a few strapless ones, including a skimpy black one. She had a few pairs of jean shorts, mostly blue and white. The pants included cargo khakis, low-rise jeans, slim jeans, and nice black dress pants. Her shoes were, among others, platform heels, boots, tennis shoes, and flip flops.

         She felt her control over the body grow. She instinctively knew she would lose it if he woke up, but could also tell that he was sound asleep and would not be easily disturbed. She didn't want to do anything drastic that would wake him up, but she did want to check out where she was living so she changed into a white tank and blue jean shorts. She checked around the room and found his keys and wallet. She took the money and card out of the wallet and pocketed them along with the keys. She took a tour around the house, got used to where everything was. Charles seemed to live alone in a one-bedroom apartment. It suddenly dawned on her that she would need to come up with an alibi for her being here, and for his disappearance. She clearly couldn't say what really happened.

         She finished her tour of the house and went for a walk, locking the door behind her. The neighborhood was very nice and clean. She felt her body constricting around the essence that was Charles, knew that she was gaining hold on her existence and smiled, then broke into a jog. She barely made it a block before an alibi dawned on her. She was a distant cousin of Charles' who had come down to watch over his house indefinitely while he went out of state. She jogged for a while more, then headed back and got ready for bed again. She felt herself become more in control of the body, able to take control at a whim and hold it. She didn't want to do so quite yet though, so she got everything back the way it was before Charles had gone to sleep and went to sleep herself with a huge smile.

         A few hours later, Charles awoke and stretched. His memory was foggy and he didn't quite remember that he wasn't a male anymore. He got up and walked into the bathroom. He stepped in front of the toilet and subconsciously reached down and pulled open his pants. When he reached in and found a certain body part missing it all came rushing back to him, and he fainted.

         The jolt of the fall awoke Chelsea within and she looked around. Not knowing what happened but also feeling the urge to pee, she got up and did so. She felt Charles coming back to his senses and allowed him control, not really quite ready to have a battle of wills for control.

         He blinked, wondering how he had gotten onto the toilet, but not worrying about it too much. He had a party to get ready for. He stripped and jumped in the shower.  From everything that had happened since he received the package the day before, this was the most enjoyable. He gently and luxuriously cleaned every inch of his body, enjoying every touch of the flawless female body, even though he was in the body. Then he toweled off and went to get dressed. He took a survey of what he had bought, realizing that he would have to wear this stuff til he figured out how to get the suit off. He felt the strange feeling well up inside him again and in his mind heard Chelsea suggest an outfit for him. Thinking it his own thoughts, he picked it out and put it on, a frilly blue shoulder-less blouse and white pants.

         Then he felt his stomach grumble and went out to the kitchen, unaware that the strange feeling had not died down this time like it always had before. As he rummaged through his food selection, Chelsea suggested what to eat as well. He agreed, sitting down with a bowl of corn flakes and a banana. He milled around doing household chores as the hours dragged by. Chelsea's control over the body grew gradually with each passing hour, though she kept passive for the time being, but grew more and more able to fully control the body.

         The time finally came to get ready for the party. He went back into his bedroom and took out the skimpy black dress and changed into it. He took one last look in the mirror, doing another double take at how hot he was, then headed to the party. When he reached the party, the guy at the front asked him who he was. He then realized he hadn’t thought of that part. He had the name Chelsea from the card, but that was it. Before he could respond with just the name though, Chelsea took over and gave the guy her alibi of being his cousin and that he had invited her to come in his place while he was out.

         The doorman waved to let him in just as Chelsea relieved control of the body. He stood there dumbfounded, wondering where that had come from. He had certainly not said it. Chelsea, wanting to get into the party as well, took control yet again and walked in before the doorman got suspicious. As she walked in, Charles snapped out of his shock, and tried to figure out how his body was moving without his control. He saw a friend over by the punch bowl and walked over.

         At least he tried to, but this was the point that Chelsea finally decided to take over. She fought back and dominated the body. Charles felt an overwhelming presence wash over him and was no longer aware of what was going on.          Chelsea felt the essence of Charles shrink within her and continued to force him down. She felt her body constrict around him again, but this time it did so while he was conscious.

         She had done it, she was actually finally free. She smiled and walked into the party. Deep inside her body, she could feel Charles screaming defiance and trying to gain control again. She grimaced and forced the essence of Charles to shrink even more. Charles felt himself fading away from existence. He realized the hopelessness of it all and allowed himself to disappear into nothingness. She didn't push him all the way though, just enough so he'd never bother her again. She knew he had to still exist for her to exist. She enjoyed the rest of the night, then headed back to the apartment, where she crashed as soon as she reached the bedroom. She slept wonderfully despite Charles' resistance. He had no effect on her new found life whatsoever, except for a minor annoying feeling deep inside that she forced away and ignored. She was finally back and he was gone.
© Copyright 2010 Eldrick (izme1000 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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