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Rated: E · Poetry · Children's · #1709602
Poem I wrote for my son to remember his first trip to London Zoo with his aunts
The Zoo

On the second of March in the bright springtime sun
From a tube train at Camden did alight for some fun,
Three intrepid, young ladies and the eldest one’s son.

To Regents Park they did walk for to visit the zoo
Master Finlay, with Mummy and cool Auntie Sue
And “hurray!”, with her camera, Auntie Kris was there too!

The excitement increased as they entered the door
Exchanging stroller for feet in a bid to see more
And thus they all ventured to hear the first roar.

Into Africa first to watch red river hogs
Snuffling mud to eat roots and scratching on logs
Unaware of the nearness of hungry hunting dogs

Past the Okapi’s, “No! Not horses, young Fin”
To elegant gi “raffes”, where the photos begin
Family of three like the boy’s own next of kin

The female explorers with young boy in tow
lingered with Meercats that scurried to show
How, with posing and preening, they were more friend than foe

The otters were hiding but the four didn’t mind
They went on to see birds of all manner of kind
Vultures, flamingos, bright red ones unsigned

Stop for a quick sandwich and pizza break
So the best of the day the explorers can make
Move on to the reptiles, frog, turtle and snake

The cobras are massive, the vipers look sly
Eat a whole antelope? That must be a lie!
And then tortoises, lizards and capons they spy.

What next should they visit while Finlay’s awake?
Touching the sheep an impression will make
For these ones are real, not stuffed so not fake!

Past falconry experts displaying a hawk
From camels to monkeys the quartet does walk
The keepers must catch them, so “hush” don’t talk.

The camels look funny, “like costumes” says Sue
The enclosure next door keeps odd animals too
Pygmy hippos surface the water on cue

Hurry all four, to the spiders at three
Kris fears the arachnids, or does she? They’ll see.
If tarantula scares her – the zoo has the key.

Hypnotherapy courses have worked in the past
The hairy spider emerges, does her confidence last?
Kris watches the show and remains steadfast

The afternoon sun casts shadows to say
It is time to get going after such a nice day
And Finlay is tired they simply can’t stay.

Any creatures unseen for next time they save
And send a goodbye roar to the lion’s cave
Fin departs from the zoo…with a slothlike wave

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