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Rated: E · Other · Young Adult · #1709591
just another idea for a book i hope to publish, comments welcomed

I knew I was about to die, what else could it mean when I was standing here. I looked around at all the faces that where looking at me and saw how each face had worry etched all over.

After everything I had been through I knew I had reached the end of my time. My mother and father had always said it was an easy way out and they were right. This was going to be extremely easy and I wouldn't feel a thing, I hoped.

As I looked around again I saw him running towards me. I had to do it now before it was too late.

Chapter One

Everything About Me

I was lying down in the local park. It was an extremely warm day for Scotland. Everybody knew me here and was always walking past greeting me. My name is Susan Thomson and this is my story.

As I got up on to my feet and walked away from the park I heard someone shout my name but I decided to ignore it. I had had enough of everyone shouting and trying to talk to me.

My mother and father had split up a few years ago and where always arguing about who was going to take custody over me, that was until I put my foot down. I told my mother that each summer I would be spending time with my father in Scotland in a small town named Dumbarton just outside of Glasgow.

My mother lived down in Liverpool in England and was not happy at all with the decision I made this year.

I finished high school and was needing to go to college so I asked my father if he minded if i stayed with him for a while. My father loved the idea, probably to get one over on my mother but I didn't care, that was between them.

So it was with an atmosphere so cold you could feel it, that I packed what little things I had in Liverpool and got onto the train to Glasgow. My mother kept saying to me time and time again I didn't have to do this, she wanted me to stay here and get on with my life without my father.

I told her each time I was going to Scotland and that was that. She didn't like it.

As I walked back to the flat (no more spacious house space) I saw my father and his new girlfriend at the local fish and chip shop.

Vanessa had been really nice to me about the whole thing. I had expected her to kick off at me with all her shouting, but infact she had been helping me get a college placement and was throwing monet at me right left and centre so I could go out and buy what ever I wanted.

My father, Joe, was not to keen on the fact that she had taking so much of a liking to me but even he was going out each day and bringing back something for me, normally books (I love to read) and cuddly bears, but it was the thought that counted. He had even been worried that Vanessa and I would be always arguing (which was what my mother had hoped for) but he didn't need to, we were like best friends.

As I walked over to the fish and chip shop Vanessa spotted me and shouted over.

'Do you want some chips sweet heart?'

I nodded my head. I was always her sweet heart and my father didn't like it. He had called me it once and I had hit the roof. Ever since he always called me his girl or by my name and whenever Vanessa called my something he would go all moody and sulky.

'Had a good time?' he asked me when I was standing next to him.

I just nodded my head again. I couldn't really talk about things with my father, after he was a bloke. Vanessa was just what I needed in my life, a mid forties woman who acted as if she had only just turnt eighteen.

She handed me over a bag a chips and my dad's sausage supper which I passed to him. She payed for the dinner and we all walked out of the shop together, she had bought herself a bag of chips as well.

'Any cute boys at the park?' Vanessa asked me.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw my dad's face fell. This was what he had been hoping to avoid I thought. He always tried to avoid conversations like this.

'No not intrested in anyone.' I said and saw the relief spread across my fathers face.

'Aww well, you never know.' Vanessa laughed as she looked at Joe with a sort of twinkle in her eyes that I never really understood.

'Have you thought what you're going to do for your birthday? Not everyday a young woman turns eighteen you know.' my father said to me.

I shook my head. If truth be told I hadn't really thought about it, it was at least a month away. As we walked into our street I saw a young man who was quite tall and muscular. He had short black hair and brown eyes just like myself.

'Who is that?' I asked Vanessa quitely.

'That's Dan Smith, just moved here.' Vanessa whispered back.

'What are you two whispering about?' my father asked us suspicously.

'Nothing.' we both said at the same time and then burst out laughing.

I looked over as we laughed and noticed the boy named Dan looked over at us curoius to why we were laughing probably, but there was something about him that had caught my intrest and I just couldn't figure it out.

I knew for a fact it couldn't have anything to do with his tracksuit, of how he had tucked his sockes over the bottom of his trousers or his extremly clean white trainers. There was something about him that said dangerous but at the same time something else.

I looked away just in time to climb the stairs into the flat. As we all walked in and took our shoes off I decided to do something I never done before, I was going to talk to him.

Chapter Two

Vanessa's Advice
© Copyright 2010 John Nicholson (jonnicholson90 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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