Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1709493-Immortal-Soul
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1709493
Salem Hiru a.k.a. Fang. What an interesting life this boy has had. Care to hear his story?
Prologue: The Hill

A strange looking young boy. His skin, a light shade of blue. Scales cover his body, most being around his arms and legs. He has long horns portruding from the top of his head and a tail, lined with spikes. This strange boy... is me.

"So tell me, 'Fang'. What exactly is this story of your's about?" a scruffy looking old man spoke to me, a cigar hanging from his mouth. I look up at him, the smile that never seems to go away still plastered upon my face. "Oh, it's very simple really. It's about the life of a young boy. His name is unknown and he's been through quite alot. You probably wouldn't believe it..." I said in my plainest voice. The old fellow half-glared at me due to my tone of voice, the embodiment of curiosity eminates from him. "Is that so... well then. Tell it to me. I'm listenin'." He said, sitting back in his seat. My smile widened. "Well my friend... it begins like this..."

Chapter One: The Beginning

"So, this is the place, huh?" a young boy asked himself, standing atop a large mountain. His clothes were ragged and he had a few minor cuts and injuries. At the top of the large landform, there was a cave. It was very small, but seemed to dip down further into the mountain. The boy stepped inside. It was pitch black. "Hm. Guess I should light up the place." He lit a torch, the large flame lighting up the entire cave.

He walked into its depths, observing everything in sight. "If I am correct, the Raptor Armor should not be too far away. I've heard rumors of its existence and about its power. I sure hope I didn't come up here for nothin'." He said, walking deeper into the cave.

Because his eyes were glued to the map in his hand, he didn't realize that he was about to walk into a wall. "Just a few more steps and I should be at the base of the ca--" He walked right into a large stone wall... hard. "Ow... dammit." He grumbled, looking at the stone wall in front of him. It was different than the rest of the cave. There was a strange design on it, and the stone was black instead of the light brown color like the rest of it.

The boy ran his hand across it. "Hm. I wonder what this wall is for..." He said quietly and accidentally pushed down on a button of some sort and the cave rumbled. The wall slowly began to split apart before it crumbled, revealing an opening to another room. "Whoa... maybe I will be able to find the armor!" He exclaimed excitingly, running in.

The moment he stepped through, the rock wall that he came in through sealed up and the ground glowed blue. "Huh?" He began to glow as well. "State your name visitor." A voice said, echoing throughout the room.

He looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. "Uh... Salem... Salem Hiru. Who's there?" He asked in a sort of demanding tone.

"Salem. You have found the place of resting of the enchanted Raptor Armor. Do you claim it for yourself?" The loud voice asked again.

Salem's eyes widened and he grinned. "Yes! Of course!"

The voice let out a grunt of agreement as the ground below him crumbled. Salem began to panic, thinking he was going to fall until he notice he was floating above the hole instead of falling into the dark abyss. He was suddenly engulfed in a blue light as a chest plate attached to his torso, dark blue with a spiraling design. "Wh-What the hell is going on here!?" He shouted, pain in his voice. The armor began to meld with his flesh as his skin began to change blue. Scales began covering his body, coming out from his skin. He let out a yelp as a tail grew out. The tail of a dragon. It had sharp spikes coming from it.

"Ugh... dammit..." He clenched his eyes tightly, wanting the pain to go away. Suddenly, the light vanished and he landed on the ground. He looked different... like a cross between a dragon and a human. He looked at his arms. They were covered in sapphire colored scales. "Wh-What happened...?!" His eyes widened with shock before he ran off through the darkness of the cave and out into the open.

He didn't stop running and ran straight off the mountain. "Oh no!!!" He shouted, beginning to fall. He watched as he falled for what seemed like forever, the ground approaching quickly. Before he knew it, he slammed into the ground. Everything went black.

© Copyright 2010 DF Valdes (hazyhakuro at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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