Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1709437-Sunny
Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1709437
Written for "So Emotional" contest
Word count: 300

She fought to keep the corners of her mouth from turning upward, but with no success. There at her feet was the smallest ball of fur she had ever seen. The only sign that it was a puppy was the gentle swell of its belly as it inhaled and exhaled. She dropped her bag on her front porch and crouched down to meet the creature, all the while fighting the giggle building in her core. Before she reached the sleeping animal, the pinched corners of her mouth split into the truest of smiles. No longer could she fight the inward tension, and finally, a laugh tumbled from her mouth.

Never had something so small, or innocent wandered into her life and it was partially the surprise that kept her laughter rolling. Careful not to wake him, she scooped up the tiny yellow fur-ball into her arms and carried him inside. Its sleep was undisturbed as she placed the creature on the thick, gray rug that carpeted her den. The lack of a collar around his neck meant that he was hers now.

She knelt beside him on the soft carpet just as he began to awake from his stupor. His eyes still droopy, he released a yawn a big as his head making his new owner stifle yet another giggle. Something about this little guy ignited a warmth inside her, making it impossible to worry about things such as work, boyfriends, and parents. Her mind was as clear as the blue sky, and her heart as warm as the drowsy puppy. She could not understand or explain the feeling that dwelt in her now, only that this little pile of yellow fur was the sunshine that warmed the darkest corners of her soul. She would call him Sunny.
© Copyright 2010 H.M. Godwin (haleyg88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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