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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1709100
a boy becoming a man in his search for answers.
I was woken by a terrible blood curdling scream; I walked out of my bedroom in a daze and then from there into my mother’s room, and it was there I saw the most horrible ever thing an only child could see; my mother was dead. There was blood everywhere. And then it hit me, I’m now an orphan.

My name is Tom; I’m fifteen years old, short, with long brown hair. My dad died of heart failure a couple of years ago. I had a pretty high-quality lifestyle up until my dad died, but since then it has all been going downhill. Why? Well first, my dad was the main income provider of our family, and when he died mum had to get a job, and we had to sell my TV, and my gaming systems like my PS2, PSP and Nintendo DSi.

Secondly, even if you were one of the most popular people in the school, when you become an orphan, you have no friends, other than people who have also lost one or both parents themselves. Because, as Lemony Snicket says “if you have lost someone very important to you, you already know what it is like, and if you haven’t, you could not possibly imagine it.”

Finally, my mother is now dead, and as I sit here with her now, I vow to find her killer and bring them to justice. As I rise to call the police, I wonder; what will happen to me now? Where will I live? Who will I be with? And has mum left a will, like dad did?

These questions and others keep chasing each other in circles through my mind, one question raising another again and again. I am standing at the phone now, but I decide to call my friend Jack instead of the police. He has been the only friend who has stayed with me because he was a real friend, and not because of sympathy. I dialled the number and listened to the dial tone. A woman picked up, yawned then said tiredly,
“Who is this and what do you want?”
I realized then that it was the middle of the night. I replied
“Its Tom can I please speak to Jack?”
“Don’t you know what time it is?” she angrily whispered. I answered solemnly
“Yes, I do but it’s very important, my mum has just been murdered.”
“Oh I am so sorry. I’ll get him right away.” Then I heard the sound of the phone being put down then picked up again and the familiar voice of Jack.
“Hello?” he said sleepily.
“Hi it’s me” I said in reply.
“What happened? And why are you calling me?” he asked, I answered
“It’s terrible my mum’s just been killed. I heard her scream so I walked into her room and saw her lying limp on her bed with blood everywhere!”
“That’s terrible!!” he exclaimed.
“I didn’t know who I could call so I called you” I said.
“Ok the first thing you need to do is call the police. I’ll see if I can come over,” he said.
I said to him
“I would like you to come over, and also I’m going to try to find out who killed her.”
“Ok I’ll get there as soon as I can” he said, then he hung up and I did the same.

I called the police next and told them what had happened they told me to stay on the phone until they got there, but I can’t remember much after that. I must have blacked out or fallen asleep because I woke up in my bed with Jack and a policeman standing next to me. The policeman asked if I had seen anything or anyone suspicious around lately and I said no. Then he asked if I had anyone in mind that would have reasons to kill her and I again answered no. He went away then and I talked to Jack. He told me when he got there I was passed out in the kitchen in front of the phone. I asked how long I was out for and he said “about four hours, we were about to take you to hospital.”

When I was feeling better we went for a walk.
On our walk I saw something very unusual. There was a knife sticking halfway into the dirt. I walked over and pulled it out. There was still blood on the tip. I looked in the hole there was more dried blood in there. I said to Jack with a tear on my cheek “Go get the policeman”.
The policeman came with a small plastic bag marked ‘evidence’ and gloves on his hands. He put the knife in the bag then without a word got in his car and drove off. I went back inside and threw up repeatedly in the bathroom; it was so horrible knowing I had touched the weapon that could have killed my mother.

The next day the policeman- he said his name was constable Hagan- came with more evidence bags and cleaned up the dirt near the place where the knife was half-buried in the ground. After he had finished he told us not to tell anyone that he had been there or that we had found the knife, we agreed but we wondered why he told us to do this.

That night Jack stayed with me -after getting permission from his mother- and we stayed up late telling each other ghost stories and talking about when we were little kids in primary school together until around 2:00 AM I finally fell into an exhausted, restless sleep.

The next day I woke to natural light falling softly on my face, when I opened my eyes I saw that someone had opened my curtains and the window was ajar to let some fresh air in. After I was dressed I went into the kitchen to get some breakfast and walked in at almost exactly the same time as Jack and Constable Hagan. Jack walked in, put the bag of McDonalds he was carrying on the counter and then came over and told me that he had just come back from a walk to Maccas. When he came back saw the police car pull up and Constable Hagan get out, after that when they came in and saw me standing on the stairs seemed almost too good timing to be a coincident. While jack was telling me this Constable Hagan waited patiently by the door but when Jack stopped talking he immediately jumped in and started telling me that the results of the fingerprint scan had returned and that one of the fingerprints were mine but the others were Ben Dellavedova.

Ben Dellavedova is a weird man who is thought to be completely mad and insane and there are only two things that have kept him out of an insane asylum. Number one is that until now he has not hurt anyone and does not seem dangerous. Number two is that Ben Dellavedova is obviously a fitness nut, fanatic, freak or whatever else you want to call it but anyway it seems that he is to fast for any of the police to catch on foot and while he isn’t hurting anyone they don’t really want to run him over or shoot him down. Ben is usually seen running around town wearing the unusual garb of a brown monk’s habit. Usually no one talks to him except on a dare and the ones that do just do it for popularity and usually lie and say that he tried to sell the drugs or something like that when he probably is just a normal guy who for some reason wears a monk habit.

After two days of hearing no news except that they were still trying to find him and they were doing their best, sparing no resource in their search finally some new information came, I came in the form of a policewoman that I recognised as one of the police that came when I first rang to tell them about my mum. When there was a knock on the door I answered it at once and saw her looking down at me
“Can I come in?” she said
“Ok, sure” I replied. When we were both seated in the lounge room she started by telling me that the Constable was off sick today and so she was here instead. After she had explained who she was and why she was here she proceeded to tell me that their had been some news of Mr. Dellavedova. Ben Dellavedova had been murdered in the same fashion as my mother. I fainted.

Three days later I awoke in the hospital “what’s going on?” I asked the nurse, “oh good you’re awake, you have been in a coma for three days your mind couldn’t handle all the stress you have been put through so it just shut you down for a bit to rest, But the doctor said you could go home as soon as you awoke would you like someone to drive you?” she asked almost without a breath. “Umm… yeah ok” I answered her “lets go”.

When I got home I saw the constable’s car in the driveway and the front door open. I have never really trusted constable Hagan, I don’t know what it is exactly but he is just a man that is hard to trust, so I looked in his boot, and there is was. A small book with a cheap padlock on it entitled the journal of a serial killer. I could just be a coincidence so I broke the pad lock and read inside and this was the entry read:

May fifth 1991,
Today is the day, I will kill her after I have searched Tom’s house to see if he is on to me. I have waited so long and the voices are both angry at the long wait and extremely excited that there is only a very small wait left. Sincerely Hagan the horrible.

But I still didn’t believe it, I couldn’t I got into the boot and prepared for a long stay but to my surprise I didn’t have to wait long before he got into his car and drove away. After about half an hour the car pulled over and I heard the Constable get out. To make sure he had time to get into his house, I decided to wait until eleven o’ clock by my luminous watch. Suddenly I heard a terrible blood curdling scream and it all became terribly real and I knew. I knew Constable Hagan was a murderer, he had killed my mother, he had killed the poor person in that house, he also had probably been involved with a dozen other unsolved murders in this small town called Akashi Makita and he would kill me if he found out I knew.

Suddenly I was jolted awake by the car stopping. I looked at my watch and reasoned that we were probably at the police station. I waited until I was sure he was gone, and then I got out of the boot a saw that my guess was correct. I called Jack and asked him to come and meet me at my house. When I got there his bike was leaning against the wall so I reasoned that he must be inside. I was still shaking from the shock but I was feeling slightly better as I thought that my house and relative safety was so close. But Just as I was starting to relax I heard the noise of a car and turned around to see Constable Hagan pull into the driveway, quaking with fear I backed into the door but before I could get inside the Constable was out of his car and could see the obvious terror on my face. Without waiting for further confirmation he pulled out his gun and shot me where I stood then drove away never to be seen by human eyes again.

I stumbled inside bleeding from the stomach. When Jack saw me he gasped in horror and jumped up immediately to call an ambulance, but knowing it was a useless gesture I stumbled doubled over into my room and knowing I had only a short time to live I typed my story with the final words,

The End.

© Copyright 2010 Declan R (decolan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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