Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1708584-Saving-The-Bravehearts
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Family · #1708584
Romeo & Sapphira go back in time to rescue Romeo's siblings. This is pre-Cooper for Romeo.
Romeo walked over with Sapphira to a corner in the room where there was a couch for two. He sat on it, pulling Sapphira onto his lap so she was facing the window, able to hide her face if she wanted too. "I have never made it past the stairs when I visit. This is the first time that I have seen this happen.." He mumbled, watching his mother with scared eyes, seeing his two youngest sisters lying dead on the bed, not even hidden from view. His mother was crazy, he'd known that ever since he could remember. He could remember her getting slightly worse after Tan was born, and even more after baby Suddle. Sighing, he held onto Sapphira and suddenly a thought sprang to his mind. What would happen if he could save his remaining two sisters, Ninny; the energetic one, and Shine; the happy one. He would try this as soon as Ninny run in. Seeing his little five year old sister, he gave a quiet whimper and stood up, letting Sapphira take his place on the sofa. "I must.." He whispered to her, standing up and walking in front of Ninny, blocking her path. Although he could not be seen, he knew Ninny felt something ther, as she stopped smiling, looking to her little dead sisters, but also pressing her hands out in front of her to test the uncertain force, Romeo. Biting his lip, he took a step forward, pushing his little sister back with what energy he could summon. He watched his little sister back out of the room, unsure of it was because of the frightning scene she was seeing, or if he was doing so. Carefully, he took the door handle and closed moved it, seeing it move. He smiled some, knowing that now his sister was moving because of him, not because of fright. Hearing his mother in the back, telling Ninny to come forward and lay next to her sisters, Romeo took another step, making sure that Ninny was out of the room. "Sapphira, you follow, quick." He made sure Sapphira was following before slamming the door shut, making sure that it looked like the wind that did so, and he whispered down into Ninny's ear, hoping that she would hear him. "Run," He whispered, "Hide in your favorite spot. Take Shine and Nix with you.."

Sapphira curled up in Romeo's lap unable to remove her eyes from the two small children, that had just moment's before had their lives taken from them. She couldn't understand what would drive a mother to do this, she shook her head slowly and her lip parted a bit but she couldn't unfreeze her mind enough to form a sentence. She blinked hard, blinking away tears and turned to Romeo, hearing his words, she studied his eyes and sighed softly. "You don't have to watch this, we can go" She said softly above no more whisper. Sapphira looke up at Romeo after another small girl had come into the room, her mind had been quicker then her body to react, but she still felt frozen in her seat, helpless to stop him. She watched wide-eyed as he stood in front of the child. Her eyes widened a bit further as the child began to stop then slowly back away, Romeo seemed to shimmer, his body was there but it wasn't. She frowned a bit and watched as him and the small girl continued to move back further toward the door, she winced hearing his mother talking to the small girl again. Her voice seemed to change as she tried to convince the girl to lay down beside the bodies that had once held such beautiful life. She jumped and looked up at Romeo hearing him tell her to go as well, She moved quickly off the chair stumbling across the room and out the door, her legs seemed not to want to hold her up anymore. Once outside the room she leaned against the wall glad that she wasn't able to slip right though it. She closed her eyes and squeezed them tight trying to erase the scene she had just witnessed.

Romeo blinked and waited for a few seconds to see if his little sister heard his words, and he sighed of relief when she ran off down the hall and opened Shine and Nix, Caeser,'s room and called to them, telling them to hide in the basement, as 'mommas gonna kill us'. Romeo looked at Sapphira for a second, his eyes full of fright and wonder, knowing that he is doing it, he is actually saving his remaining family. He hoped that this wouldn't mess with the past and screw up their future, but he just had to try and save them. Romeo jogged down the hall and stepped around Ninny, grabbing hold of Suddle's high chair and bringing it out, not caring that his sisters and brother were watching the chair, afraid and crying. He whispered to Ninny, "Run, go. Save yourself." Before taking the high chair and resting it across his mothers door, blocking the handle so she wouldn't be able to run down and kill the remaining kids. He sighed and took Sapphira's hand in his, entwining their fingers and kissing her hand. He heard the rattle of the door handle and his mother's screams for Ninny to unblock the door. Wincing, Romeo went downstairs, following the sound of his brother and two sisters and watched them, knowing they were safe in the basement. "Juliet. If I start to fade, you must go and look over my childhood form, and protect him. If I fade, it means I am in the hands of my mother, and you must try and save me."

Sapphira opened her eyes slowly and looked down toward the end of the hall watching the small girl open another door and disappear into it. She looked back at Romeo and tried to small but failed. SHe understood now that he had saved his family, but where would that leave things. He would change and she knew it. Hopefully it would be for the better, but since he would not suffer these losses would he still end up meeting her all over again. Of course her mind asked her a million questions she didn't have any answers for. She mentally shook herself and focused on the room once more, watching just as Romeo ran off and grabbed the high chair. SHe knew the children would be safe but their cries still got to her as they watched the chair move across the floor, she knew they could not see that their brother, who oddly enough was still sleeping up stairs, had grown and just saved their lives. She watched as he moved, tracing her eyes over each of his features, trying, just in case, to remember as much as she could about him. She held tight to his hand and tangled her fingers into his hair kissing him back deeply. The way her lips fit into his way beyond perfection, she didn't want it to end, but of course, too soon he pulled away. She followed closely behind him as they hurried down the stairs, refusing to release his hand even for a moment. She looked at him and nodded, if she wouldn't have him in the future she would do everything to protect his past. She stopped him from moving and kissed him deeply once more, trying to calm her pounding heart.

Romeo watched Ninny run with Nix and Shine into the basement as he turned and kissed Sapphira deeply, feeling her kiss back with passion and love. He could tell that she was afraid to lose him and he was afraid to lose her. He didn't know what he was doing in messing around with the past. He looked down at his hand, seeing it a little paler than what it was meant to be. "I hope I still get to see you," He whispered, kissing her cheek softly and gently, "I am fading, so we must act fast." He took her in his arms and walked down to the basement, passing along his old bedroom on the way to see his nine year old self start to wake up. He sighed and walked in, looking at him for a while before leaving the room and making his way down with Sapphira to the basement. He saw his brother Caeser, Nix, and sisters Shine, Ninny and Tan curled up in the darkest corner, where they usually hid for games of hide and go seek. He sat in front of them, watching them all cry as he took Ninny and Nix's hands, blinking as he sat Sapphira on his lap, so they were all connected. He closed his eyes and whispered, fading out and when he opened his eyes, they were back in the room, this time with Ninny, Shine and Tan. He looked around for Nix, Caeser, and saw that he was not there. He suddenly realized that it meant that where Caeser was, out in the living room with Heather, he was now a child of nine again. He could see his sisters were frozen and scared, seeing that they had just been transported from a time of near death, to a room with their now seeminly older brother.

Sapphira nodded slowly feeling as if his hand slipped from her, looking down she noticed she still held onto him though he was fading. She nodded and looked back up at him "I wont forget you Romeo" She said softly her voice full of sadness. She felt the warmth from his lips against her cheek, she gave a small sad smile, she wrapped her arms tightly around him letting him carry her down into the basement. She looked up as well to look at the younger version of Romeo stir in his bed "You'll be okay." She said softly not sure if she was speaking to the man that held her protectively, or to the small child, who looked as if he could not fight off a stray cat, let alone his crazed mother. She curled up gently in his lap and held tight as he reached for his brother and sister's hands. SHe shut her eyes and held tight to Romeo, afraid that if she let go he'd be gone forever. She opened her eyes slowly still clinging to his shirt and looked around recognizing the room they had been sitting in before, she noticed the small children around them and smiled looking back up into Romeo's eyes, she looked at him for a moment before moving her hand slowly up his neck to his face brushing her fingers lightly across his skin "You did it" She said breathlessly.
© Copyright 2010 Becka Woods (osakablues321 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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