Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1708179-High-School-Sucks
Rated: 13+ · Other · Mystery · #1708179
A short story of a girl's first day of high school, and why it isn't always fun.
Chapter One.

The first day of high school sucks. Even if you were a senior and ruled the school, it sucked. As soon as you walked in you got your schedule, a list of classes that you didn't want to take with people you didn't like. Compare them with your friends and see that from the first bell to the last, you are on opposite sides of the building. As you walk into homeroom you see your teacher. Generally, its either a grumpy old man or a short obese woman. They present you with a locker combination, a seat assignment, a speech about responsibility and one about bullying or being bullied, they go over the school rules and hand out maps, brightly colored paper for your parents to sign, health forms, football schedules, and other information that the recycle bins would be happy to meet. 5 minutes until first period, everyone waits in their seat. Most girls sit on their desks and gossip. A few slip back into their seats and write poems, trying to act out the whole quiet-shy-girl-gets-hot-guy thing that's overplayed in the movies. Or they text. Lots of texting. The guys talk to each other, pointing out which girls have 'developed' over the summer, which girls they would be pleased to 'tap', and which girls should 'GTFO'. The bell rings and, well, the rest is easy to figure out. Your classes suck, there are no clean bathrooms, you have to walk across the school to get from first period to second, and then once more from second to third, your locker is small and smells, the guy you liked last year got ugly and now likes you, or got amazing hot and now ignores you, and, the worst of all, your third period teacher has sat you beside the worst smelling kid in the school. Yep, high school sucks.

That's the way my first day went. All my friends were in different classes, because Mom had managed to get me into all the AP classes, despite my arguing. My locker was in the main hallway, smack center, where the football team liked to meet up with there girlfriends. The girl who made my freshman and sophomore year hell was seated beside me in three different classes and had a hobby of smacking her gum loudly. John, the guy who's name appeared in all those hearts I doodled, was in only one of my classes, second period. He had gotten reasonably more attractive over the summer and had also 'lost my number' (his response to why he stopped texting me). He was seated beside Cailee, not a head cheerleader, a quiet girl who wrote poems and sang songs she wrote and played guitar and blushed when a guy noticed her. Exactly his type. My entire year was going to be a milkshake of sweaty football players, gum being smacked in my ear, my perverted third period teacher checking out my butt (I had opted to wear short shorts that day, bad idea) and the innocent giggles of Cailee as John 'accidentally' put his hand on her upper thigh.

Lunch sucked as well (surprise surprise). John and Cailee were both there, and only two of my friends were there as well. John and Cailee, even though school had only started, had become attached at the hip. They sat across from me, trying to make small talk. John commented on my face, red from falling asleep while laying outside. He asked if I applied too much blush this morning. Cailee giggled innocently. I corrected him immediately, saying I was lying out with my friends and I fell asleep (I didn't want to sound like a loner). He stopped talking to me and went back to Cailee, telling her that her skin was perfect and her hair was shiny and she was so pretty. By the end of the 25 minute lunch time (it felt like three hours), they were practically on top of each other.

At 3 o'clock, I finally climbed off the bus, happy to be home. I could call Carson and Jaime, the people who I could proudly call my friends (best friends, even) without getting weird looks. We had all been friends for years. Last year, we met after school every day at my house, we talked and ate food and did homework and studied until the sun went down. I picked up the phone and dialed Carson. He generally went to Jaime's house after school because they were neighbors, and for other reasons that I had suspected but never mentioned. Jaime had always liked Carson, and Carson liked a girl that was cool with 'friends with benefits' (he had told us this before, it made the next week very awkward). They weren't perfect for each other, but their 'relationship' seemed to work out, although they denied every claim that they were doing the dirty in her room. He took awhile to answer.

"Lia?" his voice was a little slow. I didn't even ask why.

"Yeah, you are at Jaime's, right?" There was a long pause before he responded.

"Uh huh."

"You guys wanna come over? I've got raspberry chocolate ice cream and a bag of salt and vinegar chips that won't eat themselves."

"Uh, sure. We'll be over in a few minutes, j-just let me, er, uh, we have to ask Jaime's mom to drive us and she's not home but if you just, er, um...." His attempts at hinting in that they were busy were failing miserably.

"I can come pick you guys up." There was a mumble in the background, probably Jaime overhearing the conversation.

"Well, um, her mom should be home, uh, soon, but, um....we can walk, you know, but, err, it might...uh...take some time. You can come...uh....come, er, come get us if you want, it doesn't really matter."

"Look, if you guys don't want to come over, it can wait until tomorrow, honestly." I tried to make my voice sound even, but it was shaky.

"I was about to h-head home anyway, I'm beat for the day, sorry Lee." He called me Lee sometimes, it wasn't my favorite thing, but I accepted it.

"Tell Jaime I said Hi and I love her. Cya." I clicked the end button and fell on my bed, curling up into a ball. High school sucked.
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