Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1708084-Prologue-The-Very-Begining
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1708084
The first few chapters of the story about Silas and of his adventure
Over a thousand years ago the land of Vlandavar flourished in peace and happiness under the rule of the human King. All of the diffrent races in the land were united under one rule and lived together easily though they kept many secrets to themselves.

After several years the King realised there was something missing in his life; love. He prayed to the council of the dead and asked for them to deliver him his true love and sure enough, the next morning brought him into contact with a witch named Celine.

The King fell madly in love with her and granted her anything she wanted, but his love for her was his downfall, blinded so strongly, he did not see her for what she really was. One night when the King was sleeping, Celine walked in and cut his throat and then announced herself Queen of Vlandavar.

Ever since, she has ruled over the people and seperated the races into several nations. The dwarfs and elves fled to their secret cities while the witches fled to the mountains. The goblins went hiding in the surrounding forests but the powerful race of the dragons left the land only to return when the time was right.

Years passed by as the humans searched for a new hope, but none arrived. Soon after they gave up thier hope and subjected themselves to Celines' rule hoping that one day she would kill herself by one of her own spells.

A Tale of Old

In a small little village named Lockersea lived a young man named Silas, who was just waking up. He stayed in a small one room wooden hut on his own. All that was in his hut was a small stool and a feather matress on which he layed upon. As he sat up the light from the window brightened on his face.

He had short black and small ocean blue eyes. Even though he was sitting up in his bed he appeared to be very tall and muscular. He got out of his bed and put on his clothes which he pulled out from under the matress. Once he was dressed he walked out of his hut and stretched his arms as the door swung shut.

Lockersea was a small little village with only a few homes and two shops. Past Lockersea mountain layed the sea. Silas looked around at the only pub where there was a few elderly men arguing among themselves while the woman shopped and the children played with each other.

Silas started to walk slowly towards the shop on his right when he heard his name being shouted and sighed. He had been hoping to avoid evryone today. He turned round and saw an old man walking slowly behind him.

'Morning Harold.' he said.

'Ha!' the old man shouted. 'Four times I tried to wake you up this morning! Do you have any idea what time it is?'

Silas shrugged his shoulders. He liked the old man but at the same time he found him very irritable. Harold had looked after him since his parents had disappeared. No one knew why they had left him sitting outside Harolds' home only a few days old. He had asked the fellow villagers but they had all said the same thing; "who ever your parents are no one knows".

It never bothered Silas why his parents did what they did. As far as he was concerned Harold was his father and the village was his family and nothign would change that.

'It's two in the afternoon you lazy git.' Harold said shaking his head.

'Oh.' was Silas's only comment.

'Right never mind, now the party later on...'Harold began to say but Silas spoke over him.

'I thought I told you, I do not want to celebrate my birthday.' Silas half shouted, his face going slightly red.

Harold shook his head and walked away leaving Silas standing on his own. Once he was a few feet away he turned back around and shouted.

'Be at mine for six the whole village is turning up.' Harold waved his hand and turned round a corner.

Silas was beside himself with anger. He had been having the same arguement for the last few weeks with the old man. He had thought he had made it extremely clear he did not want to celebrate his sixteenth birthday. He had told harold he would even leave if he done anything behind his back but the old man must have known it was an empty threat just as Silas did. Silas walked back into his hut and decided to have another sleep before he got ready for the party.

                                                                      *    *    *      *    *

Later on that night Silas was found sitting in Harold's house looking rather annoyed while the villagers were either wishing him a happy birthday or trying to pass on presents. Every time he thanked some one he felt as if someone had punched him in the belly. He hated every minute of it. He decided he was not going to let Harold get away with it.

Harold had walked over several times and told him to cheer up but Silas didn't feel like cheering up. He would cheer up when he was finally asleep in his bed away from all the commotion. Just as the thought of leaving slipped into Silas's mind there was a sharp knock on the door.

'Every one grab a seat!' Harold shouted as he went to open the door.

The villagers all sat down and Harold opened the door to reveal a tall man with long brown hair that fell to his shoulders. Above his right brown eye was a long pink scar.

'LEON!' Silas shouted and jumped up to hug the stranger.

Harold and the other villagers laughed as did Leon.

'Why didn't any one tell me you were coming?' Silas asked him.

'For exactly this reason. A surprise.' Leon said joining in the laughter with everyone else.

For half an hour Silas pestered Leon asking him what he had been up to and why he had come back to Lockersea. Silas liked Leon the most out of all the villagers and had always wanted to go with him when he left.

'How long you staying for this time?' Silas asked him.

'Only tonight. I thought you and the village would like to here a tale that was entrusted to me.' Leon replied winking at him.

Silas nodded his head excitedly while the other villagers shouted their approval.

'Right then shut up and I'll get on with it' Leon shouted while the villagers all laughed. Eventually the house was so quiet the only noise that could be heard was Harolds' heavy breathing.

'Over a thousand years ago Vlandavar was at its highest point. Us humans were not the only creatures to live in the cities and towns and most importantly, this little village.

'When the King fell in love with the Queen he was happier than the rest of us all put together, but she killed him in his sleep and then drove all the races into hiding, but most importantly she drove the dragons away from the land all together.

'Before the dragons left however, they had spoken to only a handfull of people they could trust and told of how they would return when the time was right. That time ladies and gentlemen is now.'

The villagers gasped. Some of the woman had placed their hands over their mouths in shock.

'That's it then. There's gonna be a war, mark my words.' one of the men said.

'Calm down!' Leon shouted back. 'That is the very last thing the dragons want. They don't want a war to break out because they know we could easily loose it.'

'How do you know of this?' a woman asked.

'My dear lady, I am so sorry but I cannot say.' Leon said sadly. 'I have promised only to say certain things if the need arises for it.'

'Don't you think the need has arised Leon?' Harold asked calmly.

Leon shook his head which made the villagers argue again. The only person that had not said anything was Silas. He didn't know what to do or say for he thought Leon had been joking and was working up to the point to finish off his tale.

'Finish your tale Leon.' Silas eventually shouted which shut the villagers up.

Leon smiled slightly as he began to speak again.

'The dragons believe that they have found a weapon stronger than even them and are terrified by the idea. But they are determined to use this hope to bring all the other races out of hiding and be united as one. If the dragons succeed then we go back to living the way we lived without fear for our family and friends going missing. There would be no more taxes and no more cruelty.'

As Leon finished speaking he got up on his feet and walked out the door.

'What..' Silas began to say.

'Don't worry son, he just needs to calm down.' Harold said 'He believes this could be it, we can all be free.'

'I hope he's right.' Silas said

'As do I son, as do I.'

© Copyright 2010 John Nicholson (jonnicholson90 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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