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A tiny three inch tall guy takes a bath, as a little pirate. |
Brian stretched out on the sofa. It was a small sofa, dark brown and only about four feet long. As he was only three inches tall, it was more then enough room for him to stretch out. He heard a door somewhere open and close. He turned and saw Erica walk into his line of sight. She was a lightly tanned, with long black hair. Wearing nothing but a black bikini, he could see her slim slender body and all it's curves nicely. She was five feet five inches tall, or somewhere just under two hundred feet tall to tiny Brian. She stopped and stood in front of the sofa, a small white box in her left hand, and looked down at him. "It's time to get ready," she said as she set the box down on the sofa cushion, "Ready for what?" Brian asked "You'll see...it's a surprise. Just get dressed.'' replied Erica. Brian walked over and looked inside the box. Inside was a puffy white silky shirt, blue pants, black boots and a red cap. All the perfect size to fit him. Erica cleared her throat and waved her hand in a couple circles, while looking down at him. He shrugged and got dressed and then looked up at her and gave a little bow. ''Oh, your my perfect little sailor-boy!'' she squeaked out. She reached down and scooped him up in her hand and moved down the hallway. For his spot in her hand he got a great view of her bikini. For the first time he noticed the white skull and crossbones, about as big as he was tall, in the middle of the bikini cups. Then she stopped moving and he looked around. Then were in the bathroom, right in front of the bath tub. He looked down and saw the tub was about half full of water, with a white and red plastic boat floating in the middle. She then took a step and entered the tub, sitting down all in one fluid motion. She reached over for the boat with her other hand and moved it closer. "OK, Captain Brian, your boat awaits,'' she said as she lowered him down and set him in the boat. The white plastic boat was about five inches long, or ten feet long to Brian. "So, what now?" he said, looking up at her. Her other hand was already on the way down, a tiny two inch red plastic sword on her finger tip. Brian took the sword and held it in his hand. She then placed three tiny plastic gold colored coins in the boat. Each coin was about an inch across, or two feet to Brian. "So it's a nice sunny day and you Little Captain Brian are out for a little sea cruse.'' said Erica. Brian sat down in the boat and set down the plastic sword. "It's good to be the captain,’ He said as the boat rocked from side to side. "But...oh no....look out...Pirates!'' Said Erica. "What-'' Brian started to say. Erica brought her pointer finger and middle finger down onto one side of the boat. "Arrrr!" said Erica "I've come for your gold" Brain stood up and waved his arms. "Wait, wait, wait! There were no girl pirates!'' Erica just smiled and pointed to the skull and crossbones on her bikini. ''En guard'' she said, as she reached over and grabbed a tiny two inch black plastic sword between her fingers. She then stabbed forward with the sword, making a little thunk sound as it hit the boat, just to the left of Brian. He quickly dove and grabbed his red sword, holding it up in front of him with both hands. "Oh, so it's a fight you want," Erica said with a giggle and she waved her sword across the top of the boat. Brian raised his sword to block her sword and to the plastic blades met with a tiny thunk. The force of the blow was incredible, Brian found himself easily knocked off his feet and slammed into the side of the boat. He did hold onto the sword tightly, though. Erica giggled like she was mad, her whole body shaking and making little waves in the tub that rocked the boat. Brian waited for the boat to stop rocking, then jumped up and swung his sword at hers that she was still holding just above the boat. His sword hit hers with a little thunk, and did not move at all. She did stop giggling completely and looked down. Brian swung another big over head swing and hit her sword with another little thunk. This time the tiny plastic sword in her fingers moved, and came right at his belly. He quickly backed up one step, then two, and then fell into the water with a little plink. Brian tumbled in the water, dropping his sword and his little red hat floated away.. After a couple seconds he was able to swim back up to the surface. The tub was only about half full of water, maybe a little more then a foot of water. Though to Brian, who was only three inches tall, the tub was a good seventy feet deep. He had no choice but to tread water. Erica just smiled and watched him swim towards the edge of the tub. Before he could quite get there, she moved her leg through the water and brought her knee up underneath him. He was taken quite by surprise as her knee came up and thrust him into the air. He quickly found himself holding onto her knee, about twenty feet above the surface of the water. "You have been marooned on Knee Island," Erica said with a giggle. Brian was able to climb up on top of her knee and sit himself down.His white silky shirt was soaked so he pulled it off and set it on the side of her knee. "Great, now what?" He said. "Well, time rolls on as you sit there on your little island. However, as the beautiful pirate captain sails on, she just can't get the thought of you out of her mind." said Erica. "Oh, really?" He said "Yup, no matter what she does she can't get you out of her mind. So, soon she comes back to your little island" She said. "To save me?" He asked, waving his arms above his head and she just giggled. "I give you this offer, work as a mate on my ship and I'll save you." she said. "Ok, fine with me," he said standing up and rubbing his hands together. "Good," she said with a smile, "Your first job will be to swap the deck" "Ok," He said a bit confused. She reached over and picked him up between her thumb and pointer finger. Then she slid down in the tub to lay flat on her back and her belly, breasts and face were out of the water. She then gently set him down on her tummy, right by her belly button. She then reached over and and got a tiny plastic bucket and mop and set then near him on her belly. Brian just looked at the mop and bucket, and saw the bucket had a piece of soap in it. "Don't just stand there," She said, "Get to work!" "And do what?" he asked "Swap the deck, silly," Erica said. "The deck?" He asked as he pointed down at her belly. She just nodded. He let out a little sigh and walked over and picked up the bucket and mop. He moved over to the edge of her belly, where the water started and filled up the bucket. He moved the piece of soap around in the bucket to make the water full of suds. Then he walked back to the center of his belly and set the bucket down. Then he dipped the mop in the bucket. Erica watched him carefully, a big smile on her face. Brian slowly brought the mop down on her skin and started to push it back and forth. The tiny plastic tickled her skin and she quickly covered her mouth with her hand and fought to hold in her laughter. Around and around little Brian went with his little plastic mop. Erica fought and fought to hold in her laughter as the little mop tickled her skin. Then she could not hold it in any longer and she laughed her self silly. As she laughed her belly shook like crazy, easily bouncing little Brian all around. Up and down and from side to side, each movement of Erica's belly sent little Brian shooting several feet into the air, only to fall back down and be shot back up in the air again. Finally her laughter stopped and he tumbled into the water. "Oh, man over board!" half giggled Erica. |