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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Dark · #1707406
Can a sinner be turned into a saint? Even if they are past the point of no return?
Chapter One: The Hands of Death

The sound of a mild shower is heard as Nier and Tsume enter the coroner's. Nier stands over seven feet tall, with his natural white hair, and the scar covering one of his deep sapphire blue eyes making him seem more intimidating and unearthly than he actually is. Tsume, whose hair is white due to a traumatic event, follows closely behind, her heels clacking on the clean, hard tile floor. Nier suddenly speaks up. "Where's the body?"          A young coroner by the name of Shiro speaks up from behind her worktable. "A boy. Supposedly 16 years of age. Perfect health, average height and weight, A-B student, never got involved with drugs or a gang that we know of right now, so on so forth. Anyway, here's the mess."          She pulls off the cover, and the two women grimace. "I know. Bad right?" Nier replies to Shiro, saying that he'd seen worse. Tsume then asks a relative question. "So what is the issue besides the obvious and who is the assaulter?           Nier shifts closer to the cadaver, eyeing the wounds critically. "These wounds are too smooth to be a blade of any kind. Even the best of blades does not cut a hundred percent smoothly. This is an unnatural cut... I've seen this before.           The two women give looks of confusion to one another, while Nier stares grimly at the corpse for a time, and then calmly stands up to his full height. "Tsume, pull up the file on one Kurami Shisou. Yes sir." Tsume quickly taps away at her large and compact PDA, bringing up everything on this person. Shiro looks over at the PDA and spies a young and beautiful woman with blood red hair and eyes the color of flame, and whistles in response.           "Hey, if she wasn't a killer, I'd gladly ask her to be my wife in a couple years, if I was a man that is." Nier ignores the comment and gets straight to the point. "Kurami Shisou. Age eighteen years and six months old. Her physique is quite alluring.           Her natural blood red hair and red orange eyes give off a sense of a somber, but fiery warmth. She is six feet, seven inches tall, she has an 88cm bust, has an hourglass figure, and is socially unskilled. She is from a well-to-do family who abuses her mentally and physically. Pffft... That face sure fooled people. Now those people are dead."           Nier suddenly spins around and looks Shiro full in the face, her deep black eyes taking in the features of his face. "Yes they are, and weren't you just praising her for her looks a moment ago? Whatever, it doesn't matter. But I'm sure it did fool them for a while. But the fact remains that under that face lies years and years of abuse that her family has been inflicting upon Kurami all her life.           All because of a silly little rumor that might be half true. That she could be The End. The Starter of Judgment Day, or perhaps, Judgement Day itself." Shiro is silent for some time is she looks ashamedly at the floor, and then asks a question. "So when do you think it started? Her killing people that is?"           Nier is silent for a moment, and then takes a deep breath, knowing he is about to impart a serious and ground-breaking piece of evidence and horrors. "I know exactly when. It started when she was eight. I was just driving up to pick my kid up when it happened. I give thanks to God each and every day that they were spared."           Nier gets a far off look in his eyes, his facial features becoming softer, and yet even more serious than before. "I enter just as these children were bullying her. The teacher... She tries to stop it..." Nier shakes his head as he tries to continue.           Seconds after I enter the building... It all happened inhumanly quickly. Six people, gruesomely murdered. Blood was everywhere. But mostly on the little girl that one little boy pushed too far...           That one little girl that made friends with my daughter over a span of a few days at the park. The one with blood red hair and wide, fear and rage filled red-orange eyes. All of his friends are dead. Within not even seconds of each other. One boy is ripped in half by an unseen force.           The other five were different cases. They died even more gruesome deaths. One of the four boys had his heart ripped out and stuffed down his throat and was hanging off the ceiling fan by the neck from his intestines. Another was pinned to the wall by multiple scissors. He also had a scissor smack dab between the eyes, which were flatter than a piece of paper on the floor like they were ripped out from his skull and crushed.           A third was just a blob of what used to be, as if crushed by a tremendous and sudden weight. The fourth was somehow skinned to the bone, the skin and entrails lying around him. A flower pot with a blooded rose sat on top of his rib cage. The only female that died there died worst of all. She had her jaw torn off, her eyes destroyed, and holes in her head, cracked like an egg, and her limbs torn off, even her fingers and toes.          She was lying in a pool of her own blood in the shape of an upside down pentagram, and had the word 'Liar' on her forehead. She carried a small cellular phone, which was found in her throat in the autopsy. All of it was blamed on a terrorist attack. Barely three days in school and people are dead. Her parents lock her in her room to keep her from prying eyes.           Eventually, the case is forgotten and she is allowed back to school. She has been privately tutored and is now going to high school. Well… was going to high school." Shiro is taken aback at this new knowledge, and slightly angry about it. "Wait... You knew about this!?"           Nier's features harden again as he addresses Shiro. "Yes, we've been keeping an eye on her, but unfortunately, the agent who was watching her today has yet to turn up." Shrio, unwittingly makes a comment about Nier's seemingly infinite knowledge on the happenings of the city. "Is there anything you DON'T know that goes on in this city?" It is at this moment, we see a just as rare side to Nier, with an impish grin on his face. "A few things. One thing I do know though is that when you were in med school, you used to masturbate each night to-"           Nier is interrupted by both Tsume and Shiro, each with their own comments. "S, Sir!!" "WHOA WE DON'T NEED TO GO THAT FAR INTO MY PERSONAL LIFE!" Shiro is as red as a tomato and Tsume has a light pink tint to her cheeks. Nier chuckles as he tries to continue on with the information.           "Heh Heh Heh. Just trying to lighten the mood a bit. You know the rest of the story though."Shiro's complexion returns and she puts on a serious demeanor.           "Yeah, I do. This beyond dead young man steps into the story and steals this maiden's heart with his looks, charm, and other bright shiny stuff. Then breaks her heart. Need help connecting the dots, infamous general, 'Fox of Hell'?"           Nier frowns grimly at this, and the tension in the room is made oblivious to all. "I was quite aware the killer was her when I saw this, Shiro. I just didn't have enough supporting evidence to actually make it clear that it was her, and not some maniac with some sort of new cutting instrument. I would also appreciate it if you never call me by that nickname ever again." Shiro scowls, and then goes on a rant.           "I know well what it means. WE get stuck with the shit she leaves behind her! It's barely been three days and someone is dead! Just calm down Shiro." At this, Shiro gets even angrier, showing her distress.           "Calm Down?!?! How can I be calm when there is a natural born killer out there-" Shiro's rant is then interrupted by Nier's suddenly cold demeanor and statements. "I thought I asked for you to shut the hell up in the most polite way I could. Now I'm telling you, the hard way           Calm down and shut up or you'll be on that table next to him because you'll probably get yourself killed from self-induced insanity. There's more to come. I just know it, and I need you on your A-game. Got it?" Though Nier is one of the few people on the face of the earth capable of handling the S&W 500 at his side, he has no need of it, as his ice cold stare when he gets pissed is purported by the task force to be enough stop raging, feral animals, and lunatics and put the fear of God in them.           It is also rumored among the force that he has only ever shot a man once with it, and he was at 1200 yards in a moving vehicle. Shiro knows this well, and though the circumstances are quite impossible, the man who was shot was one of her first cadavers, and she had received head-cam footage of Nier in the incident from her friend in the force. Shiro swallows visibly, showing her unease. "Crystal, sir." Nier's features soften a bit, and he turns to leave.           "Good. I think I hear more corpses coming our way." Ambulance sirens are heard in the distance as Tsume and Nier walk away. "You get done what needs to get done here. We'll go and break the news, and try to get a trail. If we get back that is."           Shiro has a confused look on her face, as she has no idea what he means. "Why's that?" Nier keeps walking with Tsume close on his heels. "I either might not come back, or there might be no one to come back here to. See you around kiddo, and stay safe. Wait!"           Nier stops suddenly, as the urgency in Shiro's tone is apparent. She takes a deep breath, and asks a question, as well as a promise. "What's your last name, and for my peace of mind... Stay safe, okay?" Nier is silent for some time until he looks back at Shiro.           "My name is Nier Ioculo del Sagittae. Just call me Nier, not that 'Sir' shit. Nier turns around and lazily waves his hand in the air as he walks away, saying goodbye. Shiro smiles as the two enforcers leave. "I sure hope he comes back alive. I also hope that I'll be quite alive as well to see him."           Shiro blushes a bit as she daydreams, and then she snaps out of it as quickly as she got in. "Wait! I can't be thinking like this! He has a wife and kid who's in high-school!" Shiro then remembers that she had received three bodies, but did not have time to look at the other two.           Shiro walks to the lockers storing the bodies. "Here it is... And here goes!" Shiro unlocks the compartments and sees what she thought she would see. "So here is his family... dead. Murdered in worse ways than that boy..."           Shiro can't keep her food down and pukes. "Ahhh... Fuck me! Dinner part two! Guess there's no use complaining about it. I have to go clean myself up and the floor. This is already turning out to be more trouble than it's worth..."           Shiro goes over to the shower and undresses, letting down her shiny, raven hair. She lets the hot water run over her body, getting rid of at least some of the stench. Shiro starts daydreaming about Nier, and if he would have a family with her. Then, she thought it unlikely, as Tsume has his trust, as well as being closer to him than her on a daily basis. Shiro tries to see what she can trump Tsume with, coming up with nothing.           Tsume has 84cm breasts and a round ass, versus Shiro's 76 and small ass. Tsume graduated at the top of her class from a prominent university, while Shiro only went to a regular college. Tsume is polite, quiet, elegant, and beautiful, while Shiro is tomboyish, loud, and simple. "The odds may be against me... But that won't try!"
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