Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1707023-Comet-and-OrganizationXIII-CH-1
by Comet
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Comedy · #1707023
chapter one of fanfic OrgXII - Square Enix pokemon - Nintendo Comet - Me
I was new to the Organization. I didn’t really like my superiors but I showed them respect. Saluted as they passed by, offered to do small tasks (asked if something was on their mind I could help with) this made them really happy with me, they knew I could and would go the extra mile… and then I was given my first mission. Catch an ice Pokémon for Axel, a superior of mine. I asked why I needed to do this and Saix’s response was “well we did kill his pet rabbit and haven’t had the time to get him a new pet… so can you do that for us? Thanks, you’re the man.” Larxene told me “take this, trust me, you’ll want her.” she left giggling, which didn’t really make me trust her that much, but I threw the luxury ball she handed me while I was watching her walk away. Out came a Blaziken, with a body that was “hourglass” shaped, it was OBVIOUSLY female, I asked Larxene why she gave me a Pokémon, and her response was “because we all have Pokémon to keep us well protected, it was the only idea that Demyx had that was a good idea” I had to ask “why a Blaziken?” she looked into my blue eyes and told me “because you showed me you have PASSION for this job” I looked at her funny “you’re paying ME to go out, just to catch Pokémon? What happened to collecting hearts?” she told me “yeah that didn’t work out to well so now we just breed Pokémon and give cross breeds to researchers, and then they look into our ‘nobody’ problem for us, Pokémon have the same problem, their called ’Shadow Pokémon’, so catch lotsa Shadow Pokémon okay? Oh and can you get me a bottle of herbal shampoo while your out, thanks sweetie!” Confused but following orders I went to the snowy ledges of Mt. Coronet and found a Snorunt which was quite uncommon in Sinnoh, but I think Axel would like it. When I got back to the castle I gave Larxene her shampoo and walked over to Axel. He wasn’t really happy “what’s with you new guy?” I said “Axel, my name is Comet and I brought you something from Sinnoh.” He looked at me funny “um ok… an ice Pokémon right? Cause that’s what I wanted…” I handed him a luxury ball “merry X-mas Axel” he opened the ball and saw a Snorunt “it’s so cool! AWESOME!! Thanks Comet… I’m gunna nickname her and get her a collar!” Roxas looked at me “how the hell did you find THAT in Sinnoh?” I responded with “benefit of the doubt, I got you something to” I handed him a luxury ball, inside he found a Gallade. “WICKED!!!” was all he could yell. He left happily “and for your boss Comet?” Xemnas said to me, my response was “sure one sec” I went over to the computer and got his Pokémon, I handed it to him saying “you’re going to love it, trust me this Pokémon has ‘SUPERIOR’ written all over it” he chuckled amused at first but then he saw his Pokémon… a Shadow Arcanine. He said “Comet… It’s, magnificent, and it’s a Shadow Pokémon, you really earned this job” I walked over to Larxene and said “this one is for you, thank you for my Blaziken, I nicknamed her Amber, I really like my gift you gave me so I got you a gift” I handed her a luxury ball she said “my errand done AND a gift, what a good boy” she received a Jolteon “its lovely” she kissed my cheek and went off happy as a kid with a shit load of candy on Halloween. Demyx saw me sit down “hey listen, um, can you get me a Vaporeon?” I asked, “Do you have an Eevee?” he looked at me puzzled… “Yeah why?” I handed him a water stone “use this on him or her and you’ll get a Vaporeon, now I’m going to bed… I’m really drained that hike in the mountains was a bitch…” Demyx smiling “good night and thanks for the water stone I appreciate it!” I shook my arm in acknowledgement that I did hear what he said. I got a Blaziken and made the Organization happy or I just made them feel less depressed… Either way I felt a bit better about going to bed that night, especially with my new, warm, beautiful Blaziken Amber. I snuggled close to her because the room was really cold, I yawned get a good nights sleep Amber. Tomorrow you and I will have another mission ahead of us.” She closed her eyes; I kissed her cheek and told her “I love you Amber, you’re the best” I closed my eyes and fell asleep… tomorrow was a new day with more work to be done, but at least it wasn’t going to destroy the world or anything…
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