Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1706833-Double-Standards
by Tear
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Inspirational · #1706833
The way of the world
The world has gone crazy till it makes know sense

When the shit hits the fan, our leaders sit on the fence

There is always something, somewhere overlooked by someone

They would never admit their wrong or the damage they have done

They tell us what not to eat because of health fears

But how have we managed to survive all these years

They really know how to confuse all our heads

Till we believe whatever we do will kill us stone dead

If you do good soon becomes yesterday’s news

But if it is bad you stand always accused

No one takes any notice at what we do right

They will find something wrong just out of spite

When you have know problems your friends are there

If things get tough, who is there to listen and share?

People get Aquatinted they are always around

But to Find a true friend, be proud you have found

We go along with what the media say

You get shot for having an opinion today

Free speech is what we have fought for

But to voice your called a bastard a whore

With my daughter I do not have a clue

Of what to tell her is my point of view

Tell her don’t trust or let anyone in

Or let her see for herself all the sin

Tell her to always be caring and kind

But if someone’s in trouble pretend to be blind

Do not discriminate Treat all kinds the same

But choose a black boyfriend there’ll be hell to pay

Should I have brought a child in to a world as this?

For that I have no answers, only one wish

That more people will see what this world has become

That they will try to undo the damage been done

© Copyright 2010 Tear (sjfreya at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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