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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #1706269
Regina, an erotica writer, does her research at a D's club to create story for her editor.
Owned by Zeus: Happiness in Slavery Part 1 Glutton for Punishment
By: Blmorticia

It had been quite rewarding being an erotica writer. Of course, I had received great reviews on most of my work and been published by several companies, which led to some financial freedom.

However, along with the success came drawbacks. I did not have much of a personal life because the men I had dated could not deal with the fact I wrote dirty stories. You would think this would be a turn on for them but instead, it had been exactly the opposite. Not to mention, since I was not the type that liked to go out partying all the time anymore, it was hard to meet people.

Moreover, I was very precise when it came to potential partners, they had to be intelligent, employed, and good looking; I didn’t think that was asking too much. Oh and did I mention, sweet, not a serial killer or rapist as well as understanding of my profession?

Nonetheless, all of my wants had left me alone with the only dick in my life being that bag of hard plastics that I kept in my closet. The women in my stories had more sex than me and since I usually got turned on by reading my own tales, let’s just say that I had a lot of spare batteries around.

After visiting my friends’ house for some girl talk and drinking, I returned home to start on my next story. Even though my new deadline was not due for a couple more months, I wanted to get a head start.

As I sat there, I mulled over my publisher’s latest request. She wanted me to try my hand at something new, a genre I had never touched: bondage.

Although I had enjoyed reading those types of stories, I had not been in any kind of relationships that involved being a dom or sub. In addition, being a black female I did not think I would be a good submissive.

However, because I was a nice individual, I was not sure I could be a dominatrix either. Although I stated this to Jan, the editor at Too Hot publishing house, she was not taking any excuses for me.

“Regina, your readers are asking you to try something new. They love your Rubenesque Afro-American characters and would like to see you branch into a different world,” she said in our phone conference earlier that day.

How was I going to pull this off? Ordinarily, I wrote these stories from personal experience, most of them coming from my wild teens and early twenties. Now that I was over thirty, ahem, I was not sure if I could create this kind of tale.

Distracted, I turned on my computer to check my email. “Right now, I will leave this idea alone. Maybe better ideas will come my way tomorrow.” I took a sip of my Coke and clicked on my mailbox.

Through all the spam and junk mail, a message titled, find your new love here popped out at me. It was from my friend Leah who loved those adult dating sites; she had always tried to get me to join.

I opened it and read her blurb. “Gina, found the hottest guy on this site, please check it out.” After the line was a picture of her with a nice looking man on her arm.

“Hmmph interesting, does not look like she could have created it through Photoshop.” I pushed the link button and a site called Adult’s Playground popped up.

Once the over eighteen disclaimers came up, I clicked okay and watched a menu with personal ads. As I scrolled down skimming the page, an ad for an s/m leather bar caught my eye. When I pressed the banner, a flash of light and loud music came from my laptop. Obviously, the person that did the site was a genius because just the appearance of it made me want to find out more.

The name of the place was The Land of Zeus. The location I was quite familiar with since it was near many of the bars I used to frequent as a younger woman.

“Oh my God, that is right around where London nightclub used to be,” I muttered.

The London used to be the spot Leah and I would go to catch up with all the bands coming into town.

As I read about the place, I figured I could go there to find people who might want to share their experiences with me in an informal setting. I hoped that there would be people willing to share that information.

Since they were only open Thursday through Saturday, I made up my mind that I would visit on Friday evening. Of course, I would not go alone, I would have to bribe Leah some way into accompanying me.

Once the night arrived, I was a little nervous. What if no one wants to speak with me?

Anxious, I fiddled with my purple corset that hugged my curves in all the right spots. To look the part, I had gone to The Rawk Shop in Uptown to get an outfit. Along with the lacey accessory, I picked up some tight black leather pants, which slimmed me down from a sixteen to appearing to be a twelve. In addition, I bought some black four-inch stiletto boots. Even though I knew they would be uncomfortable, I felt that these were a necessity.

While I admired my look, I sprayed some perfume on my neckline adorned with a red heart choker necklace that dipped into my bosom. As I put on my leather jacket, my cell phone rang.

“Hey Leah…what? You’re not coming out tonight. Leah I told you this was important to me.”

The anger built up in my voice as my best friend told me something important had come up and she would not be able to make it.

After I hung up, I looked through the glass again. “Well Gina, looks like you will be a lone ranger tonight.” I took a deep breath while grabbing my car keys. Within seconds, I walked out the door.


Thankfully, it only took me a half an hour to get there since traffic was going in the other direction. I pulled up to the valet who was dressed in an all leather jumpsuit. When he took my keys, he got in and sped off around the corner.

I marched to the door with the flyer in my hand. The website said to bring it and admission would be free before ten. The line was moderately short, all the patrons were dressed almost the same: leather and or denim. Once I got to the front, the door guys eyes lingered on me a little more than I would have liked. Seemingly, he could tell I was a bit antsy.

“First time gorgeous,” he smiled while taking the paper out of my hand.

“Um, yeah it is.” I handed him my identification.

He studied it then handed it back to me. “Good, we love fresh meat; especially some of the darker variety. We don’t get a lot of that here. Master Zeus will love you,” he growled.

When he smiled, I could not help but be blinded by his shiny gold teeth in the front of his mouth. Quickly, I nodded and walked in looking at the décor.

As expected, the place was dim. However, the lights from the bar and the disc jockey booth made up for the small amount of illumination. Slowly, I trotted to the bar where a pale skinned woman with a sixties style do and a tight cat suit approached me.

“Hey pretty girl, what are ya’ havin’?” She placed her hand on her hip waiting for my response.

Taken aback by her flirtation, I grinned slightly. “Uh I’m ok thanks. I don’t drink much.” That was a lie because I needed one at that moment to calm my nerves.

Annoyed, she looked me up and down. “You’re new here babe, I’m just trying to make you feel comfortable. Bear said you came in alone. Zeus likes to show all his new guests a good time,” she smiled and winked.

My mind replayed her words. Who is Zeus, I thought. I guess he was the owner; it is called the Land of Zeus. Since I longed for a vodka and Coke, I decided to accept her offer but first I wanted to know her name.

“I’m sorry, I’m just a little shocked about someone coming up to me. I’m Regina and you are?” I extended my hand.

“I’m Vanessa, I dance and serve drinks here, now what are you having?” She took my hand and shook it.

“Nice to meet you Vanessa, I’ll have Raspberry Stoli and Coke if you don’t mind.” I lifted my purse off my shoulder and looked for money.

“Naw babycakes, this one is on the house from me and Bear.” She leaned over and talked to the female bartender.

Although I was a bit worried about taking a drink from a complete stranger, I figured since it was another woman I should not be too concerned. Besides, I needed someone to talk to about the subject matter and because she was a dancer here, I assumed she was into s/m.

When she walked back over with my drink in hand, she sat next to me sitting it on the bar. “Here ya’ go my Regina. So, what brings you to the beautiful land of Zeus?”

Cautiously, I sipped my drink to see if I noticed any different taste. Since I did not I began talking with her about the topic as well as informing her that I was an erotica writer.

As we chatted, I saw the bartender waltz in front of us. “How is that Stoli and Coke pretty woman?” She licked her lips while patting my hand.

Right then, I started to wonder if there was something in that glass since they asked about it twice. “Um, it’s good, nice and strong.” I slipped my hand from under hers.

“I’m Naydi, a dominatrix here. I could not help but overhear that you were a writer exploring the world of fetish. You have come to the right place to find out, lovely. We are the only public BDSM place in town.”

Quickly, I gulped down the rest from my glass. As they looked at me like a piece of meat, I got my notepad out of my handbag. Just as I was about to start asking questions, I saw out the corner of my eye, a very tall man walk up to the bar.

“Well hello Master, you don’t usually come out so soon before a show. What brings you here now,” Naydi asked with a wicked smile.

I turned around to look at Master who wore a full head hood. The rest of the body was not and why would it. The six pack abs with some of the most delectable pectorals I had ever seen needed displaying. My mouth watered as I peeped at his leather pants that revealed an impressive hard on. In addition, he wore a pair of combat boots that were knee length, which was quite sexy to me.

A deep, sultry voice came from the masked man’s mouth. “Bear had told me that a beautiful mocha skinned woman came in the club. I came out here to meet her.”

Of course, he was talking about me. I stared into his piercing blue eyes. “Uh hi…” I stammered since I was not sure if he was Zeus or what.

“Young lady, it is a pleasure. I am the owner of this outfit, Zeus and your name is…”

I extended my hand. “I’m Regina, nice to meet you.” The hood intimidated me but I was still intrigued wishing I could see the face that was attached to the body.

“Nice to meet you as well Regina, you are quite attractive. Why don’t you come up with me on stage? I know that you will enjoy it.” He kissed my hand through the hole in the mask.

As my eyes met his, Vanessa tapped my knee. “You should baby. Master Zeus loves new participants.”

Right when I was about to say no thanks, Zeus took my hand guiding me up to the platform. I heard the chuckles of Naydi and Vanessa as he pulled me along like a ragdoll. Although I was interested, I could not help be concerned about what he was going to do.

The music changed as soon as he picked me up to place me onstage. Suddenly, my heart began to thump in my chest. What was he up to?

Vanessa came up behind me taking my purse off my shoulder. “I’ll watch this for you Regina.” She breathed in my ear before licking it lightly.

Zeus turned me around, bringing me to a fence that had restraints for the hands and legs on it. As much as I wanted to run, something told me to play along since I had the story to do.

Slowly, he put my body inside the cuffs tugging on them to make sure they were secure.

“Now Regina, let’s establish a safe word ok? How about purple since that is what you are wearing tonight. When you say that I’ll stop, however, if you stay silent, I’ll know its ok to continue. Understand?” He licked his lips while dragging his fingers along my bosom.

My flesh was hot under his touch, the nub between my legs taut and achy. Approvingly, I nodded as his eyes met mine again. Right then, I did not care what he was about to do, surprisingly I felt comfortable.

Once he moved away from me, Vanessa gave him a flogger with roses attached. The crowd that had gathered around the stage began to whisper while a couple of others yelled, “Wuss!”

Zeus laughed grabbing the microphone of its stand. “Now, now, slaves. She’s a complete novice. Never done it before, I need to go easy on her…for now.” As he chuckled, the crowd roared.

Vanessa came up and ran her fingertips against my chin. Even though I never really was into women, her touch caused my nipples to harden. “Ahh Regina. You’ll enjoy this so much your folds will be wet in no time.”

When she stepped to the side, Zeus lifted the instrument, running it along my corset, circling my breasts before dropping the tassels into my crotch.

“Mmmh…” I muttered as he moved the vessel upwards caressing my rigid flesh through the lace material. The feelings that were bubbling inside of me prompted me to writhe slightly within the restraints.

“Now beautiful, time to test your tolerance for pain,” Again the audience cheered when he spoke.
Although I felt the nervousness, the anticipation of Zeus whipping me over rode my anxiety.

Within seconds, he raised the whip up over his shoulder.


The sound of it hitting the snaps on my corset startled me. However, the feel of the flowered accessory smacking my tits was a turn on. Afterwards, he ran it downward to my moist pussy.

As I bit my lip, I stared into those blue eyes again. Surprisingly, I wanted Master to smack me harder with this pleasurable tool of torture.


“Mmmhhh…” The feel of those roses on my skin stung meanwhile making the pre passion juice form down below.

Zeus looked at me, watching for the safe word. I was silent, I needed more.


A little harder was this one sending me into a new dimension. As my clit throbbed to be touched by any one at that point. “Fuck, yes, more…please,” I whispered.

Zeus lips turned upwards to a smile. “Ah my maiden, you want more huh? Allow me to try something a little stronger. Remember your safe word.”

Vanessa trotted over to him with a regular flogger this time. I licked my lips waiting for him to snap it against my flesh. Once again, he traced my bodice and curves with it teasing me. Right then, I said something that shocked him.

“C’mon Master Zeus, I’m ready for that now,” I yelled.

Zeus beautiful blues met mine as he positioned it. I gritted my teeth expecting pain.


“Ohh…” That one did hurt a bit, not enough for me to use the safe word though. Again, I tensed sitting tight for the next blow.


“Ugh…” The stinging was a little more intense that time around and yet I still desired him to do it again.


“Mmmhhh…” He went a little softer on me for that one. At that moment, I wanted him to turn me over. I knew my backside being smacked would send me over the edge. I had always enjoyed a light spanking of the ass while fucking, albeit not with a flogger.

When Vanessa came over with candles and a lighter, it excited me. I loved candle wax; that was something I had practiced while masturbating. However, I wanted his torture whip on my ass.

As the music faded, I called out to him. “Master, before you do that. Turn me over and flog my backside, if you please.” The game was on at that point, I had raised the bar a notch knowing that he would want to play.

Again, his mouth moved in the form of a grin. Honestly, I still yearned to see the face up under that mask. The body was so beautiful, there had to be a lovely face attached to it.

More people started to form around the stage as he took me out the restraints. Naydi brought me another Stoli and Coke, which I drank in one gulp. I took off my jacket tossing it out the way.

While I prepared myself, Master Zeus stroked himself. “Lovely slave, what shall we do with those leather pants?”

Without thinking, I pulled them down to my knees exposing my thong-clad ass. Immediately, Vanessa and Naydi came over placing the cuffs back on me before slapping my thighs.

Obviously aroused by my willingness to please him, he licked his lips again. He came closer, pinching my hips while the girls were kneading it.

“Ah Regina, you have made me a happy man. I must have you after this ladylove. I have never had a new slave be so giving of his or herself.” He rubbed my butt cheek before grasping it between his thumb and index finger.

At that moment, I grinned at him but a part of me was anxious. Although I had not gone anywhere with a man on the first night in such a long time, I was more than interested to let him take me where he wanted. For whatever reason, I had no qualms with being his slave for that night.

Once the ladies moved away from me, the DJ played one of my personal favorites; “Happiness in Slavery” by Nine Inch Nails. I swayed my hips from side to side waiting for Master to lay the blow on my hips.


“Ooh…yes…” The feel of the straps against my ass excited me even though it hurt. Moreover, I was not overly concerned; there was plenty of padding there.

Master trailed the tassels between the crevices of my backside tangling it with the string of my underwear. Again, I moved my hips standing by for his next move.


Once more, I ground my teeth together wincing in pain while enjoying the torture. At that moment, I knew I was a happy submissive. I was indeed a glutton for Master Zeus punishment.
© Copyright 2010 Author Sharita Lira (srlmort at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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