Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1706141-The-Crimson-Angel
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1706141
A quest for love turned into retribution and justice. Come, take a journey down the hole.
*I do not own any swords. Nor have I ever been to Japan. This City is ENTIRELY fictional if you couldn't tell already. Or Europe. (I was born in Germany but that's about it.) Well, here's to hoping someone finds me!)

Chapter One: A Love Never To Be

"Imagination and memory are but one thing, which for diverse consideration have diverse names." Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan          

An icy, coarse rain falls on this godforsaken city of so-called peace called Colony 504, it’s nickname being Eureka 9. A peace which is oblivious to almost every act of violence and wrongdoing that goes on in next to every dark nook and cranny this city has to offer. The city is not as run down and operated by shadows as you think it would be. It is actually a pretty decent place… once you get used to all the crime. It’s not the poorhouse, but it’s not fancy town. It’s right in the middle.          If you’re wondering who I am… you can forget it. But you can call me what everyone else does… they call me Crimson. I think it’s because of all the red I wear. But honestly, I couldn’t tell you my name even if I wanted to. I can't remember anything of my life before coming to Eureka 9.          I do know this about myself. I’m a head priest of a local church I run here in Eureka 9. But I’m not a normal priest. I can commune with the dead and the unnatural. So I use this to my advantage for some of my hobbies.          Art and writing. I’m also a sword smith. Three years ago, I used this power I have to commune with the long dead spirit of Sengo Muramasa in Japan, the legendary sword smith that was rumored to make bloodthirsty blades. So I got Muramasa to train me. I’ve been able to make unique Muramasa swords ever since. But I’ve been able to commune with spirits… even long before she... left. *sigh* I’ve been a wreck ever since then.          I lay sprawled out on my bed, door wide open. I haven’t gotten any sleep for weeks. I can see my pure white piano sitting on a different level in the dining room... I used to play such happy songs... now they express my sorrow. I can see the wine that I bought for us that night still sitting unopened on the table. The ice in both glasses has long since melted. Fox Hollow Merlot Wine, *We could grab it from the bucket filled with ice whenever we wanted to, too bad it didn't happen and now the bucket is also filled with water.*          I was going to propose to her that night… I was going to. Then, I received her call, telling me she had other things that needed her attention for a while. That was a sign. A sign that said she wasn’t interested. I try to close my eyes to try and get some sleep. That doesn’t work.          I anxiously eye the blade I named Akatsuki Kitsune. The Blood Moon Fox. But I decide better on suicide. So I grab a smoke from the nearby cigarette pack instead. I look inside the pack and notice there’s only two left.          I’ll save the last one for when I really need it. I take one and light it, taking a slow drag. I'm starting of thinking of drinking rum again like when I was in college... Which I have long given up on drinking. I used to drink A LOT of Barcadi Gold... I then remember the good times she and I used to have together.          I chuckle to myself, knowing it was probably all an act for two things… Mor than likely money and power. The two things this world runs on; most importantly this town. If you don’t have the money, you can’t have the power.  If you don’t have the power, you can’t have the money.          Therefore, they both have to exist for someone and almost anyone to function in this society. I laughed to myself some more to try and comfort my aching heart. That just made it worse. So now I’m going to tell you the story of this tragedy. Three years ago… I got on a plane to Japan to begin training under Muramasa.          I spent six months there just going under the mental training. Another six months were used to craft four blades, one of which was a normal Muramasa, one was a sort of Muramasa of wind, another was a sort of “Holy” Muramasa, one was actually on fire, and the last was half and half. Half was completely Evil, the other half was absolutely Holy. Anyway, so I leave two with Sengo in Japan, I take the other two with me back to… My residence in what used to be America and go to... wherever "here” in America is any way… So I’m on the midnight train to home. There is no one on board besides me and the conductor. My stop comes up. The train doesn’t even have time to pull away before I hear something terrible happening. It was the beginning of a rape and often-times murder. I can tell it’s a woman because of the pitch of the person’s voice. So I rush over to where I think it’s happening and I get there too late... I feel terrible for letting exhaustion get to me and causing me to move slower than usual. The offender already has a gun to her head. He told me not to move or he’d kill her. I looked at the woman. She was young and extremely beautiful. I could tell she was new in town. Though it was dark, *I trained myself to see in the dark* I could tell that she was around the age of 21, her hair was long, flowing, and silver. Like a celestial river. That her eyes were the most beautiful blue I had ever seen in my life. I felt as if they were staring into my soul. Strangely enough, the tears made her eyes an even more brilliant blue. Which is quite harsh now that I think about it... Now I knew that I couldn’t let him get away with this. Let alone anyone else I saw about to be raped for that matter... Which I always stop the rape of course. *I've been offered many positions on the force, but my life is anywhere I choose to live it.* Now this guy was new to crime, I could tell. He was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. But there was no doubt he would pull the trigger eventually. Usually people like this man don’t expect to be stood up to or stopped. "Put the gun down. No! You don't really want to do this now do you? Hell yeah I do! Isn't there enough hate? No! There needs to be more! Just go, please, there has been enough death in this world as it is and you don't need to help hate spread its roots into the people's hearts even more. I don't think so pal! I'll do whatever the Hell I want with her and the world! Please... don't do something you'll regret. I'm still gonna do it!" *Crimson drops his hand subtly to the handle of his blade* Okay, I tried talking it out. That didn’t work. So I had one option left. The option I always try to avoid, murder. So before he even had time to react, let alone think, I drew my blade and cut off his arm. I kicked him to the ground away from her. Now I had three options. The first being to let him live. The second was to kill him where he laid and either end this cycle, or begin a new one. The third being to do nothing and let him bleed out and take the girl. I thought for some time and made my decision…
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