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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Teen · #1706136
Part of first book for one of my series starting with #1603267 please rate/review
I laughed, carefully retuning my guitar. I tossed away the old popped string, and strummed to check my handy work. We've been practicing extra hard for the past few days. Ever since, I "volunteered" us to play in Nerissa's concert. I looked out the window, seeing clouds rolling in. It was supposed to snow sometime soon. I didn't know when, but I was excited to see the first flakes drifting down the the ground. Suddenly the garage door was thrown open.

Mariah, stormed in, and ripped my guitar off of me, and threw it onto the rack. She looked angry so I didn't ask any questions.

"The dance is today." She yelled dragging me out of the room. She turned to me, "The dance is in two hours!"

"So." I shrugged, "I guess it slipped my mind." Truth is ever since that day, Nerissa didn't talk about it anymore, I was worried she wasn't going to go, so I didn't want to think about it.

"It Slipped Your Mind." Mariah yelled, dragging me up to my room. "She's going to be there. And you will too." She turned to me and stabbed her finger into my chest, then threw me into my room, where Acy and D. were already waiting. They sat me down on my bed and raided my closet, throwing my clothes onto the ground, picking through everything, commenting on every shirt, and pair of pants.

"Jeans are fine." Mariah said after a very loud, long debate with The other two girls. "Matthew, shirt off, put this on."

She threw a dark green and white striped polo at me. I did as ordered, only to be told it looks hideous and forced to try on another.

"You know. In America, I'm pretty sure this is illegal." I moaned as I was forced into my tenth shirt. or something like that. I gave up counting after four.

"Yeah, well this is Canada." Mariah said throwing another shirt at me. "She said she liked emo clothing right?"

"I'm pretty sure." D. said picking an unused navy blue jacket off the floor. She held it up as I pulled on an, almost tight black All That Remains shirt, then tossing it over her shoulder.

"You know You guys are gonna hav'ta pick this up." I said, gesturing to all the clothes thrown across the floor. They ignored me.

"Here this one." Acy said, forcing a black hoodie onto me. There was a bright red emblem on it, probably the most color on me at that moment.

D. threw a pair of dark blue jeans at me, then ordered me into the bathroom to put them on. I was about to argue that they were in my room, but I was already being shoved out the door. I dragged my feet all the way to the bathroom, and got into my jeans, and strapped on the studded belt they "borrowed" from Jake. I let out a long sigh.

I opened the door, unprepared for the cologne ambush awaiting me on the other side. I was still coughing when Mariah jumped on me wielding eyeliner. I'm pretty sure this is illegal in America too, I mean really nothing says cruel and unusual punishment like a girl jumping you, forcing you to put on make up. I pushed her off before she could get her deadly weapon anywhere near my face.

"Guys really! This is just stupid!" I yelled getting to my feet trying to fan away the strong scent of Axe.

"It starts in like..... SOON!" D. called out looking up from her watch. I was pushed down the stairs, and Mariah forced me down to the school, with Jake not too far behind, to make sure I couldn't run back home.

"Why Is this so important to you?" I asked shrugging Mariah off of me. "I mean she's a wolf right? I shouldn't even be friends with her."

"Well yeah but," Jake answered, "when we found you, you became one of us, and we help our family out. No matter what the case."

I remembered what Nerissa said a couple days back when we were eating on ledge. "Survival rule number two: Stick with your pack. You know your friends, help them out, no matter what trouble it gets you into." She had a lot of those "Survival Rules," but honestly, they all make sense, and really helped me out.

It was dark inside. The only lights came from the DJ. The entire room was filled with pop rock, and people freaking out on the dance floor. I stayed in the corner with Jake, my head down, trying to hide behind my bangs, which are just barely long enough to cover my eyebrows.

"She's not here." I said, "We shouldn't've come." I pushed myself off the wall, but Jake's hand held me back.

"Don't be so sure. Look." Jake gestured towards the opposite corner near the door were a table was set up for everyone that was too tried to dance anymore. She sat there, her long hair straightened and let down falling over her face, as she leaned her elbows on her knees. She was wearing a black and white tee, and tight black jeans, nothing special. She looked up, shaking her hair out of her face, sending most of it flying. She looked bored almost tired, and air of disappointment surrounded her. I pulled away from Jake and made my way across the dance floor. I took a seat on top of the table next to her.

I sat silenced, afraid to kill the moment. I took it all in. The smell sweet cologne and perfume, mixed with bitter sweat, the feel of the heavy bass lines as they pumped through the floor, the feeling of breathlessness from just being so close to her, the colors of the flashing lights around us as the swirled and blured over into pointless shapes and unfamiliar forms. I watched the dance across the floor and spin above my head daring them to come near me. Daring them to break the spell. Then. I noticed something glinting off Nerssa's arm. I leaned in to look at it closer.

"Matt?" Nerissa said turning around startled, Her hair nearly hit my face, I jumped back instantly. "sorry you just scared me abit."

I laughed awkwardly, watching her finger her arm and, twisting it in its spot just above her elbow. It was just a twisted piece of silver engraved with black lettering, but I couldn't make out the words. It was written in runes that looked similar to the English alphabet. Was it Greek? No it doesn't look like it.

"What's't say?" I asked, Nerissa looked at me puzzled, "Your arm band what's is say?"

"Oh," She spun it around again her finger sliding over the runes, "We live by faith, not by sight. Two Corinthians chapter five verse seven. I always have it on me, makes me feel...safe you know?" She said it so smoothly, as if she had rehearsed the lines in her head. I've never seen it before. As I thought about it, this is the first time I've seen Nerissa with out a jacket. This was also the first time I've seen her with her hair down. Was this her own way of dressing up?

She looked up at me and tilted her head. I knew that look, she was inspecting me. I prepared myself for whatever stupid comment, or crazy evaluation she had on my clothing. Her face was serious, as if, she were thinking hard about it. Then, she cracked a smile.

"So what? The girls wanted to play dress up?" She asked laughing. It was definitely better that What was playing through my head. "You really shouldn't let them dress you up, then people wouldn't know who you really were."

I smiled back at her. A lot better than what was running through my mind.

"Survival lesson number, what now, twenty-seven? I wasn't given much of a choice," I said, "they jumped me, and drowned me in cologne." We broke out laughing, not even caring what we were laughing about. Not even caring that everyone around was were staring like we were freaking insane. We started joking. Going back and forth. Telling insane stories of things that's happened to us since we've moved. Telling stories of things that's happened to us back home. Telling stories and laughing, then laughing, and laughing, and laughing. I think every one else thought we were drunk, or maybe high. Something. I was doubled over laughing, when Nerissa tilted a can of something to me.

"It's a monster." She said, "Gabe asked me to hold it, but I haven't seen him in a while, you want?" my heart dropped.

"Where is he?" I asked timidly, taking the can from her. I took a swig of it feeling it fizz down my throat.

"Dancing with Mel probably, You saw the way there were looking at each other yesterday. Plus, I swear I saw them going at it at the courts earlier."

"You mean like..." I let myself trail of, feeling the question hanging in the air. I broke out laughing as an image of Gabe and Mel sucking face at the tennis courts popped into my head. Nerissa punched my arm playfully. Her smile looked so sincere, so real; she looked so happy, but still, there was something about her that seemed sad, almost tortured. I shook the thought away.

"Alright, time to bring it down a notch, all you love birds get out here." I heard the DJ say. Suddenly there was a lump in my throat. Suddenly I couldn't move. Nerissa looked down at her feet, tapping her toes together. Was she waiting for me? Her hair fell over her face, all of it seemed to hang there, as if trying to hide her from something, or everything. Her body was shivering with every breath she shook. Was she crying?

I reached out to comfort her, but pulled back afraid to disturb her. I closed my eyes remembering the daydream I had in science that first day of school. Wasn't that why I came? Isn't that what I wanted? I stood up, feeling my legs shaking beneath me, feeling my breath forcing its way into my lungs. I turned around, and held my hand out to Nerissa. My tongue was dry. I couldn't open my mouth. I swallowed hard praying for strength.

She looked up at me, her hair falling neatly to each side, instead of flopping down over like usual. I smiled weakly at her, hoping I looked more confident than I felt. The corners of her mouth came up slightly, in what could almost be called a smile, and she slipped her hand into mine. Her skin seemed to set mine on fire.

I lead her out onto the dance floor. She rubbed her shoulder, looking down awkwardly. I pulled her closer to me, and lead one of her hands to my shoulder. She looked up at me, and slid the other one into place. They felt so light, like they weren't sure if they belonged there. I place my hands on her waist almost afraid that I would break her.

We swayed together, feeling the soft song bleeding its way into our feet, forcing us to step to its rhythm. I felt Nerissa swaying with me, but she seemed so far away, like she were nothing more than a ghost, and I could never reach the real her. Her hands slipped down to my chest, she was leaning into me, but.

She shook her head, and stepped back. She turned away, and walked back to the table, letting her heat cling to my clothes, my skin, my mind. I didn't want to let her go, but I did. I didn't want her to leave, but she did. I stood there in shocked silence. I don't know how long I was there, but eventually my breath found me, and I stumbled back to the table.

Mel and Gabe sat on either side of her consoling her. Her head was down again, and her hair blocked her face completely. I sighed, and sat as close as I could to her. The song ended, but she never looked up. Her entire body was shaking again. Mel and Gabe were trying so hard to perk her up, but she just kept trying to push them away.

I got to my feet, hoping to escape her sorrow, since I couldn't get rid of it. I stood alone in a dark corner, hoping to escape everyone.

"You know, her and her brother used to sing slow songs together at dances." Someone said. I looked up, and saw that one of Nerissa's friends had joined me. It was....Kat. She had her curly blond hair half up, showing off her brilliantly green dress shirt. I guess she was trying to cheer me up, so I smiled. "She left a lot behind when she came here."

"Yeah." I breathed out slowly. Her and her brother used to sing slow songs together at dances. She must miss him.

"Look at that," Kat said pointing back over to Nerissa, "she's feeling better already. Sometimes at home, she gets into these fits and she just locks herself up with twenty pencils five pens, and like fifty-thousand pieces of paper."

I let out a small laugh. Mel and Gabe had succeeded in dragging her off the bench, and were forcing her to do the chicken dance with them. She just sat on the floor, and when she finally looked up, she started laughing at them, and yelling words drowned out by the music. She got to her feet, and wrapped her arms around their necks smiling brightly, but I was so sure I could still see tears in them.

"Why don't you give it another shot." Kat said smiling up at me, "I'm sure she'll do a lot better this time." Was she...Encouraging me? I nodded and headed back to the table where Nerissa was already taking her seat again. I beat Mel and Gabe to her side, and forced them to squeeze into the spot on her other side. She sat in silence the entire time, but she pressed closer to me, as if trying to say "I'm sorry for ditching you out there." We sat together in awkward silence, waiting for the next slow song to come up.

When it finally did, I didn't feel so scared anymore. My knees weren't shaking, but I still couldn't speak. She took my hand, again, but this time, she pulled me out onto the dance floor. She put her hands on my shoulders, but they were still light, uncertain. I pulled her closer to me placing my hands on her waist. She still didn't look me in the eye, but this time she was there; it was real. She seemed to scared to come any closer, so I didn't push it. The dance seemed to disappear, suddenly we were the only ones there. Even the music faded away, and it was just me and her dancing together.

We sat outside on the steps in front of the school watching as everyone else got picked up. We watched the cars come and go never once saying anything. I found my voice.

"Nerissa... I...I..." I don't remember asking someone out being this hard. "Do you wanna maybe...wanna?"-I couldn't find the words, and I was pretty sure she didn't hear me anyway-"Do you wanna hangout sometime?"

She looked up, but not at me. Somewhere off in a group of friends, Kat nodded at her. I didn't see it, but I knew that's what she was looking for.

"I." She started cutting herself off to look for words, "The....Okay."

It took me a while to register what she had said. "Okay?" I smiled at her. She had her arms crossed of her chest as she stared out blankly into the crowds of people. I put my arm around her, pulling her close, like it was perfectly normal, like we've been going out forever. She rested her head on my shoulder send my heart into a flutter. (Metaphorically of course, I can't really feel anything my heart does anymore.) After sitting there in silence, watching the majority of our classmates leaving, I stood. I looked down at Nerissa, seeing the curiosity sparking in her eyes. I helped her up, and lead her into the courtyard, where no one dared venture so late at night.

There was a single lamp post set fairly off center standing all alone, out of place. It was the only thing keeping me from getting completely lost. I turned to Nerissa, her face half lit beneath it's warm yellow light.

"I wanna show you something. I don't want to hide anything from you" I whisper; it comes out breathy from my inability to breath. "Here. Hold on now."

I pulled her close, wrapping my arms tightly around her, as her's snaked around my neck. I heard the whoosh as wings shot out from my back. (All my clothes have been modified to compensate for my wings. "Never know when you'll need em." Micheal had said as he took my entire closet to be fixed.) I heard Nerissa gasp, and felt her almost pull away from me, but before she could, I took off. She tightened her hold on me as our feet left the ground, and buried her face into my neck. I smiled picking up her knees holding her close to me.

"It's okay," I whispered to her, "I got ya." She buried her face deeper into my neck, but loosened her grip. Suddenly we were flying high above the town. The street lights looked like their own constellation laid out on the ground. "Look." I said above the wind, and gentle whoosh of my wings.

Nerissa finally looked down. Her eyes lit up, her face was as bright as the light below us. I could almost feel the awe in every breath she took.

"Wow" She breathed softly, I wasn't sure I even heard it. I looped around the town a few times, until my wings started getting tired. I landed on a small cliff jutting out the side of on of the mountains surrounding the town.

Nerissa sat near the edge of the cliff, though not close enough for me to worry about her. She had her knees pressed close to her chest, and was clutching her sleeves to her shirt. I took off my jacket and slipped it on to her back.

"Look at that moon." She said pulling my jacket tight across her back.

"Think there are any wolves out?" I laughed, it wasn't full, yet.

She threw back her head and let a howl. It started low, then the pitch slowly rose, before dipping back down to one smooth clear, vibrant note. Soon she was joined by a chorus of voices, all of them adding a unique feature to her song, I sat there smiling at her as she howled. It sounded so real, I could see a wolf sitting where she was, it's head back crying to the moon. I laughed as her voice died down and she added, "I'm guessing they are." as more and more echoed their song. She leaned against me staring up at the stars. I wrapped of my wings around her. After a month of training with D. and Michael I could almost completely control them now. She ran her fingers through the crow black feathers and pressed her face into the soft down. I chuckled at her.

"Who'da thought?" She said, "I'm going out with a Vampire that can grow wings." She laughed softly at the thought as if she were sure she was just dreaming.

"Well, I'm going out with the most amazing girl alive." Cheesy I know, but still, it made her blush. She laughed again, and crawled onto my lap, like a child begging her father to read her a bedtime story. I wrapped my arms around her, and let her lean into my chest.

"Hey Matt?" She said softly wrapping her arms loosely around my neck.

"Hm?" I said reveling in her warmth. She sat up, her body was pressed so close to mine. My breathing turned to shudders.

"Promise me something?" She was so close to me.

"Sure anything." It came, as impulse. A sharp shiver crawled down my spine

"Promise you won't lie to me," I nodded, it was simple enough, "and promise. Promise you won't ever say you love me." Suddenly, the air felt cold. It stung my throat, my lungs, but I just nodded. Why would she ask that? Her forehead was pressed to mine. Her lips were so close to, I could almost feel them on mine. Her eyes were drifting close. I could just see their deep blue sparkling in the moon light, but still, they looked so sad. I leaned in slowly.

I fell into bed hugging my jacket. The one I had wrapped around her. I had flown her back to the road just in front of her house, then walked home in deep contemplation. I imagined those last seconds. I was so close, but last minute I pulled away, and just placed a kiss on her cheek. Afterward, we sat there in silence, listening to the wolves sing, feeling their song shaking the stars from the sky. Every breath I took felt impossibly real holding her there against me. I remembered her pointing up slightly, and whispering so softly into my ear, "Look." I looked up into the black night sky feeling my breath catch in my lungs, as a tiny white speck drifted slowly towards me like a star fell from the sky. It landed on my arm and melted onto my skin, though I didn't feel the cold. Then, all I could think about was; how beautiful the winter night seemed with the soft delicate flakes of snow slowly drifting down towards us tossing and tumbling in the soft forest breeze, and how perfect Nerissa felt in my arms. She fell asleep there, her head on my chest she as she dozed off, her arms clutching my jacket. I picked her up and took her home, landing on the main street. Right when my feet touch the road, her eye fluttered up, snowflakes caught in her eyelashes. She picked her head up slightly, and looked up straight at me. I put her down, and watched her drift into the forest to her home. I walked home, almost by instinct, kicking up the thin layer of snow as I went.

By the time I got back my limbs felt like lead, I was barely able to make to my bedroom, and Jake was lying there awake waiting for my return. I heard him roll over as I closed my eyes almost dreaming of the night.

"How'd it go?" Jake asked. I wondered what he was thinking. I don't know why, there was hardly anything mischievous about his tone, but still, I wondered. I buried my face into my jacket, taking in everything about it; the smell, the feel, I was almost tempted to just taste it, make sure it was real.

"Good." I sang out despite my weariness. I fell asleep just like that; in my "emo" dance clothes, not even under the covers, clutching my jacket.

I tore through the house the next Saturday, my jacket only halfway on, and only wearing one shoe, swinging the other one in the air by the shoelace. I ignore everyone screaming at me to calm down. How could I? I had a date. Not just that I had a date with HER. I was searching wildly for my wallet. I can't buy a ticket without my wallet. I can't buy food without money. I can't doing anything without my-

"Looking for this?" Jake said handing me my wallet. "Maybe I should go with you. You know, so you don't completely lose your head."

"uh...." I was all I could say, taking back my wallet. I caught a glance at the clock. I shot for the door jumping on one foot trying to slide my shoe onto the other, falling out the door landing face first in the snow. I scrambled to my feet and ran into the forest.

"Calm down would ya." Jake said catching my head in his hand. I stopped.

"I'm gonna be late." I yelled trying to see if I could jump over Jake. He grabbed me, forcing my arm into my jacket sleeve. He turned around and walked in the direction of town. I followed him, suddenly calm.

Nerissa already bought my ticket, and was almost surprised to see Jake trailing behind me. She smiled at him and offered to buy his ticket too,saying that she was sorry, and she didn't know he was coming. He waved her off, and winked at a group of girls coyly convincing them to let him get in line in front of them.They nodded their heads, as if Jake talking to them was the most amazing thing in the world. He came back only a few seconds later ticket in hand.

"He must be handy in the lunch line at school." Nerissa whispered to me as he walked back to us. I laughed, accidentally letting out a slightly less than flattering snort, causing Nerissa to crack up. Jake joined us looking at Nerissa with a very confused look on his face. She caught him looking at her and started laughing even more.

"C'mon, Kat's waiting for us 'nside." Nerissa said waving us to follow. She stepped inside, and lead us to where Kat was holding a place in line for snacks. She looked at Jake quickly then turned away. This was mine and Nerissa's date, she wasn't going to ruin it for us. We picked our seats, in the middle of the theater, right next to the aisle. Jake took the aisle seat on my right, and Nerissa sat on my left between me and Kat. It was Nerissa's idea that we sat in the middle, I didn't like it much, but I guess it was best to keep Jake and Kat separated.

Nerissa took her seat, a bright happy smile on her face as usual. Evidently, the twins let her have some chocolate, before she came, hoping to ruin the date, with her hyper-ness. I was used to it actually, besides, she bought like five snickers bars at the counter so I was in for in anyway. Jake scanned the packed theater, then turned to us and smiled.

"You know, Matt has a man fetish." He said, completely out of the blue. My mouth fell open. I couldn't believe he just did that. He actually just did that. It was all fun and games of course, this was his way of telling Nerissa that they're were cool with each other, but HE SAID IT.

"No. no I don't." I laughed urgently, pushing Jake nearly out of his seat. He was laughing so hard the guys in the row in front of us turned around and looked at him as if he were crazy. I turned to Nerissa praying that she didn't believe him. She just smiled at me and let out a little laugh like this whole situation was the cutest thing she's ever seen. I smiled back at her. We laughed through the previews, even Kat joined in on our criticism and horrible narrations on the new movies. We were obviously annoying the boys in front of us, but every time they turned around Kat and Nerissa would just bat their eyelashes at them, give them a sweet little smile, and a small wave, and they would smile back and turn around like nothing ever happened.

"See? Jake's not th'only one that c'n work it." Nerissa whispered into my ear. Her sugar rush making her rush her speech and slur all her words together, but I didn't mind. She actually sounded pretty cute.

The movie started, and Nerissa shrank back into her seat. Kat decided that they were going to watch a horror movie, because it was October and Halloween was coming up. I wasn't sure if Nerissa was against it or not, but she didn't seem to have any objections so I didn't say anything.

Jake was nudging my side. I leaned towards him so I could hear him better.

"C'mon Matt, be a man." He whispered smiling.

"What are you talking about." I whispered back sharply.

"Just put your arm around her or something. You know, before one of them have the chance to snap her up." He said kicking the back of the chair of the person in front of him. The guy turned around scowling at Jake, who did the same thing the girls did. The guy shot Jake a weird look and turned away quickly. I had to work hard not to laugh.

Nerissa turned around to see what Jake was giggling about. I smiled at her, distracting her from Jake's... Whatever you can call it. She shrugged and reach over grabbing one, of her many, many, chocolate bars. (I'm pretty sure she can't eat all of them...*spoiler alert* I was horribly wrong) She opened it and took out a tiny bite, sliding down further into her seat. Maybe she was scared. She had her hands crossed over her chest. Okay so she probably was. I looked at Jake unsurely. He just nodded at me and turned back to the screen. I slid my arm awkwardly behind Nerissa's back, draping it around her shoulders. She looked up at me, her face was blank. After a few awkward moments, she leaned towards me, her arm press firmly against my side.

The movie fell away from me. All I could focus on was her. I felt her breathing against me. I heard her heart beating. I could almost smell the blood coursing through her veins. Almost taste it. My mouth started watering. I swallowed hard trying to push away the hunger. when was the last time I'd eaten? The crowd screamed.

Nerissa twitched beneath my arm, but by the way she kept her eyes on the screen. I could tell she wasn't scared. Her heart beat in time with the music from the movie. Beating faster, frantically, in the few seconds before the monsters jumped. There was so much red on the screen, so much blood. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. Was I drooling? I took a bite out of the chocolate bar, Jake had on stand by. I devoured it, but the hunger was still there. My stomach wasn't growling. It wasn't that kind of hunger. You know the reasons vampires cause so many deaths? You know the reason we're known as man eating/killing monsters? Its not because we can't control it. It's because we don't know. Not until it's too late. "You never know, until someone has bite marks on their necks." At first I didn't get it, but now...

Nerissa was looking up at me. "You okay?" She asked, but the sound of her worried heart beat drowned out her voice. I nodded swallowing hard. I ran my tongue over my fangs. There was a thick liquid secreting from their hallow tips. Vampire venom. How much longer could I hold out. Her neck was bare, it would be so easy to-

"Hey Matt. I ummmm. food?" Jake whispered in my ear, nudging my ribs sharply with his elbow. Nerissa nodded quickly, and sat up turning immediately to Kat.

Jake pushed me into the the bathroom.

"Jake?" I asked following him as he checked the stalls. He shoved pass me jamming the door with an old chair. "Where'd the chair come from?"

"Not important." He said spinning me to face the mirror. He shoved his finger into my mouth pulling up my upper lip. I tried to mumble something. "What?"

"I said, 'what the heck are you doing?'" I said pulling his finger out of my mouth and spinning to face him.

"Teaching." He said bluntly spinning me back around. "Show me your teeth." I bared my fangs.

"Look there see?" He said pointing at my sharpened teeth. They were longer than normal, a steady flow of thick clear liquid coming from them. My reflection startled me. I looked like a demon, my skin was light gray-blue, my hair looked like dried blood. "They're longer than they normally are. And Vampire venom. Normally its just your saliva, but when you're starved, the need for blood grows, and venom production increases, this way it goes straight into the blood." He spun me back around firmly gripping my shoulders. His eyes widen for a second, and it looked like he was going to tell me something, but changed his mind.

"Jake?" I asked. He let me go, his eyes flickering back and forth from my two eyes. He moved the chair from the door and did an elegant bow as he opened the door.

"Thy lady awaits my lord." He laughed loudly. I pushed him through the door in front of me laughing.

"What? So now your my knight in shining armor or somethin'?" I asked as we pushed each other to the snack line.

The movie was over and we were all standing outside in the snow, shivering with our hands in our pockets. Nerissa was pressed close to me trying to keep warm, but she knew I wouldn't help.

Hey I. Me and Jake. We uh." I was tripping over my own tongue, "We should prolly-"

Nerissa was suddenly close to me. Her body pressed to me. I could feel her fingers burning through my hair, messing up the hours of work I'd done on it, but I didn't care. Her forehead was pressed to mine, and her fingers combed tauntingly slowly through my hair. sluggishly making their way to the back of my neck. But she didn't kiss me. Her lips went pass mine. She was breathing over my ear. Her neck so close to my mouth. My fangs. I could smell the blood just beneath her skin.

"Just live and breath, try not to die again." She whispered letting me go. She stepped back slowly, taking her warmth with her. I knew those words. Those lyrics. Atreyu. Suddenly, I wasn't so hungry anymore.

"Hurry up kids! We'll never snag candy at this rate!" Michael laughed, yelling at us as he back tracked at full speed.

"Michael calm down! The sun's still up no one's out at this time." Jake called back stumbling through the layers of snow, while the girls ran behind us crying out desperately for candy. Our laughter echoed everywhere around us, filling the air. We ran in our tee's not bothering to cover up. Apparently the competition between the vampires here wasn't who was most convincing, it was who wore the least. Michael finally stopped as we broke into town. there were spiderwebs covering the street lamps, there wasn't a single car. The store windows were bordered up and crime scene tape was draped across the dark alleys.

"Wow. When you guys love something. You sure love it." I said looking at the ghost town. We were given Halloween off, and the week following. Everyday was booked for parties and raves, and the stores had constant sales. We tore through the streets stocking up on all the candy we could find before they were filled with other trick-or-treater's. The sun had set and we were kicking up the snow around our feet, making our way to the concert Nerissa had set up, stuffing our faces with candy.

"MAAAAATT!" I spun around. Too late. Nerissa jumped on me, her arms tight around my neck. She was laughing wildly as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Hey. we were just headed to the. You know." I said once she finally let go. We set off staying slightly behind the rest of the group. She cut her hair. It was choppy, wild, flying everywhere, perfect for a rock concert.

"Hey um, Matt?" Nerissa said half way there. Her hand was in mine swing back and forth as we walked. "I, uh, I have to tell you something."

"Hm?" I looked at her, unable to say anything more.

"'member when you said you didn't wanna hide anything? No secrets? Well. I. It'd be easier to show you." She held out her hand in front of us, her fingers spread out. Her fingers were long, craft-full. In class I often watched them make sketches, nothing highly detailed, doodles mainly, but I knew that they could do so much better than that. Suddenly, brown fur sprouted from her skin up to her elbow, her nails turned to claws. Then, just as fast, it was all gone, her hand back to normal. She let it drop to her side hanging the limply.

"Y, y, y." I stuttered fighting to find words, fighting to make words. "wolf?"

"Heh, yeah something like that." She answered. I don't remember letting go of her hand, but now it was just there, her fingers twitching nervously. She looked down, away from me. afraid of my answer. I was kind of glad she wasn't looking. I was just standing there, my mouth wide open. I probably looked like an idiot. I reached out and took her hand. My finger entwined with hers. She looked back up at me smiling brightly, then pulled me to catch up with the others resuming her playful laughter.

We stood back stage while the crowd outside grew. The snow had been cleared from the park to make it more comfortable for the crowd, and a stage had been set for this occasion. She had been planning this for weeks; setting up posters, fliers, even getting on the local radio station to get everyone out there, and she really did stir up a storm. The park was filled her our classmates, and everyone from the high school.

"How long have you been working out here?" I asked peering out into the crowd.

"Not that long really, I had a lot of help." The twins were on stage setting up chords, and amps. The mics and drum set were up already, and there was keyboard on stage as well. I saw her shaking despite the smile on her face, she must be terrified.

"You okay?" I asked taking her hand. She nodded at me shrugging her shoulders. Josh waved for Nerissa to come on stage. "Good luck." I called as she walked out. She turned back to and waved. She was going to fine.

"Hey Matt, we're on next you wanna practice a bit?" Jake asked spinning his drum stick. Micheal was sitting down further back tuning his bass. Nerissa was on stage laughing into the microphone as she was announcing bands and songs. She turned and smiled right at me.

"Yeah sounds good." I said grabbing my guitar and giving the strings an experimental strum. We ran into the intros of a couple of the song we were going to play, but stopped in the middle of a chord. We drifted to the edge of the stage watching as Nerissa fingers floated over the piano keys. She had her head down, letting the notes flow forth onto the crowd, now hushed. There was so much emotion in every note she played. They slowly swelled then died, like waves crashing onto the shore. She stopped for a fraction of a second, her fingers lifting off the keys. Then. She brought her fingers down hard on the keys, the guitar joined her chorus, and Jay's voice picked up on the melody. Her fingers were picking up speed, running up and the the keyboard with so much force, it was shaking. We stood there and watched awestruck, taking in every bit of the song, even the background vocals sung by Nerissa and the twins. She was smiling brightly through out the entire performance, like she belonged up there. Like the crowd was gone, and it was just her in an empty room, in an empty house. I started laughing, and eventually, me, Jake, Michael, and even D. and Acy were all dancing back stage singing along, even though we didn't know the lyrics. We fell down laughing.

"Guys you're up." Nerissa said offering me a hand. She was laughing along with us, even though she was oblivious of what we did. I got to my feet and walked on to stage just behind Jake. "Have fun ya'll!" Nerissa called after us from her place back stage. I waved back at her swinging on my guitar strap.

I adjusted my mic with shaking fingers. All I could see were the faces staring up at me. Michael put his hand on my shoulder and smiled. I nodded at him. Jake tested out the drum set, while Michael and I did volume checks. Good to go.

"Hey ya'll." I said into my mic, my voice was shaking. I was shaking. All I could think was don't mess up. I looked back stage where Nerissa was sitting on a wooden crate she probably dragged up there from behind one of the restaurants in town. I smiled at her, and nearly laughed into my microphone, feeling suddenly fearless. "I'm Matt. I came here from Texas, and I, uh we wrote this for one of the first people I met here, who had to leave unfortunately early, so uh, this is 'Don't Fade Away.' Here's to you Ben." I said pointing into the camera Nerissa set up on stage to record the concert. When I had told her about Ben, she suggested they record the whole thing and send it to him.

I stepped back from the Mic, as Michael cued Jake. Jake counted off, setting out tempo. I let his beat vibrate through the floor, finding its way to me, making itself familiar in my head. Then Michael joined in. Again. I let his rhythm find its way to me. Soon, I was playing too. My fingers danced their way up and down the fret board, as strummed through rifts with practiced ease. The music was a part of me. Then It engulfed me, became me. The crowd dropped away, and all there was, was the song. I didn't know when we started singing. I didn't know when the words came to me, but then I was like we were just jamming out at home again. Like there was no one else there but us. I started laughing into the microphone with Jake and Micheal, singing along with them.

I laughed as we passed by Jay and the twins on our way off stage, thrilled by our performance. Listening to crowd cheer when we had done with all three of our songs. Feeling their applause wash over us. I almost didn't want to get off the stage. I didn't want to give it all away. Jake jumped on my back, and Michael pulled both of us down with him, as soon as we were off the stage, and out of sight. We couldn't here what the guys on stage were saying. We didn't really care. I saw Nerissa jumped to her feet. I thought I saw her eyes flash a quick green, but it soon faded, to fast for me to say it was even there. I thought she was coming to congratulate me, but instead she ran straight past me screaming onto the stage. I spun around my eyes following her to where she stood hugging a group of seemingly random people on stage."Oh m'gosh! Guys! I could just kiss you!" she yelled, letting it echo into the microphone. Skylar held out his arms willing to accept the offer. Nerissa slapped him softly laughing, "No."

"Thing is," One of the other boys said stepping closer to the mic to make sure everyone heard. "you're going to have to perform with us. Just because you left home, doesn't mean you left the band." He smiled at her coyly. There seemed to sparks between them as they locked eyes. I clenched my fists. The other boys crowded around her blocking my view, but I could hear them all chanting. "Sing. Sing. Sing." Soon the crowd joined in too. the entire park was filled with those words. "Sing. Sing. Sing."

"And if I say no?" Nerissa asked playfully. The boys dispersed to the other mics picking up guitars, and drum sticks, as Jay, Skylar, and Josh hurried off the stage. Nerissa stood away from the microphone in front of her crossing her arms stubbornly, as the crowd booed, screaming for her to sing. She shook her head laughing slightly, letting her hair fly across her face.

"You know you can't say no." The first boy said again, moving his mic closer to her, "Come on, your fans are begging you."

"Mm, fans? I just moved here. All my fans are at home." Nerissa countered. The boy leaned in to her. They were so close. My jaw clenched.

"Alright then, the music's begging you." He pointed at the drummer. Suddenly the park was filled with harsh chords, and a sweet melody. Nerissa's fingers were twitching. The boys were sing, No words really, they were just singing. Then. She jumped on the mic. As if it was calling out to her. As if it was begging her to.

Her voice rushed over the park, beckoning for silence as the crowd listened suddenly hushed. Her voice flowed easily over the clashing chords, creating a form of resolution to the harshness of them. Her words were carefully pronounced, despite the speed of which they came out. Though I doubt any one was listening to what she was saying. The melody was carried carefully on her voice it rang through the silence between the chords. When the song was done, she was breathing hard, but in between breaks of laughter. Her smile was so bright, so joyful. I don't think I'd seen her that happy before. And I doubted that I would ever again.

They all group hugged in the middle of the stage, and Nerissa dragged them all back to me. She threw her arms around my neck. I didn't realize my nails were cutting into the palms of my hands. I relaxed wrapping my arms around her waist, almost giving the boys a defiant look and screaming. "HA! She's mine!"

"Guys, this is Matt." There was something in her voice as she said my name. Something I couldn't quite name. "Matt this is; Belle, Grey, Jex, and Trik."

They all shook my hand, explaining there names. I smiled through it all.

"So, this is the boy in charge of our little girl, huh?" The first one, Belle, said to me smiling. The one that had been so close to her on stage. "So when are you coming home?" He added quickly turning back to Nerissa.

"Sooner than expected actually." She answered. There was that same tone in her voice. I struggled to place it. "Where's um?"

"He couldn't make it." Jex cut in quickly his voice sounded panicked "You know him, study, study, heh. Can't get his nose out of those books for the life of him."

"Jex?" Trik said.


"Shut up."

"Jay came from the same town as me," Nerissa explained "and I kinda expected his little brother to come along too. Bit of a disappointment. They haven't seen other each in some time un." The southern accent was gone, replaced by another. Her R's were rolled slightly and her T's more accented.

"Nerissa, can I talk to you?" Josh said walking up behind Nerissa. She nodded and waved bye letting Josh lead her away from the group. I stood there watching them leaving for sometime, not even realizing that Belle was talking to me. He flipped up his emo cut bangs and smiled at me waiting for an answer.

"Uh, sorry, I, uh. Restroom." I said pointing in some random direction. I walked away laughing awkwardly. I turned and hurried around, to where Josh was leading Nerissa behind a curtain. I stopped my back pressed against the corner listening to them.

"Why are you doing this?" Josh said, hushed, his breathy voice sounded mad, but I could trace the hints of sorrow and worry there.

"You know why I was sent here." Nerissa spat back coldly.

"No. I mean. Him. Why...Him? I don't get it. You're breaking hearts. You're breaking his. You're breaking mine. And what about Saint? How long until you break his too?" I peeked out from my corner. He was so closer to her. He was holding her so close to him, and she just stared at him trough half closed, tired, eyes. She leaned back away from him. I pulled back quickly hiding again behind the corner. "Why are you smiling?"

"Nothing. Look. I still have it. I haven't changed. Nothing has."

I stumbled in jumping on my toes. "Sorry, I um restroom?" Nerissa smiled at me and took my hand, leading me away.

"Hey, um, you were really, great out there." I said as we walked back to the group. "I didn't know you could, you know."

"Heh, thanks," She answered watching her feet. "The guys, we, um they. Me and Belle are really tight you know? And I really couldn't sing with any one else but them. Trik, is actually the one who got me to sing. Belle just got me in the band. They really wouldn't have gotten anywhere without me setting up gigs all the time. Kinda like there own manager."

Nerissa!" the boys jumped on her, hugging her from all sides. "We wanna have a 'good bye' song before leave tomorrow morning."

"You guys are only here for one day? What the heck kind of shizz is that?" Nerissa yelled back. "They plan this whole thing to have you guys come up here and play just for MY concert, and you leave the next Frekin' Day!?!"

"C'mon, jus' a few more songs please? it's not like they're ever gonna see us again?" Jex begged.

"Yeah you guys. I go to school with half those people." She looked at the guys' pleading eyes, "Come on. We all know that I don't want to do it." They pulled Nerissa into a giant group hug begging for her to go sing again. I watched her laugh as she struggled to shove them all off of her. Beyond her, on stage, I saw Michael, Jake and Jason doing a song. It was nice seeing them get along. He pointed backstage, and beckoned someone to go on stage with them. To my surprise Jay pushed pass me patting Belle on the head and telling him not to brake anything, before going to share the mic with Micheal. It was amazing. Not only were The wolves and vamps performing, but even the whole park was full of nothing but cheers. No fighting. No booing. I turned around to see Acy, D. and Kat all laughing in a small circle. I jumped into the group and started whining along with the boys.

"Oh really Matt? Really?" She said shoving me away. "Okay you know what? Fine. I'll do it. Fine." She threw up her arms defeated, but judging from the smile on her face. She had something planned. She slammed on her green beanie, her wolf ears peeking through it and walked onto the stage rubbing the back of her neck, shaking her head, and laughing. "Alright. Apparently the guys weren't done jamming out, so, uh. Heh yeah. I'm being forced to sing...Again." She laughed into the microphone. Cheers echoed across the park, mixed with cat calls and applause. Catcalls. I wanted to find whoever was doing that and smash their face in. They were whistling at My girl.

I stayed just on the edge of the stage watching the boys set up. Nerissa was swaying the mic stand waiting for them.

"Alright. We've got; Belle on lead guitar," Belle waved flipping his hair strumming a few chords. "Grey on second, Trik on bass, and Jex on drums. If ya'll ever come down to Southwest Texas, come here us play sometime. Just ask around for One Last Lie or In Remembrance Of... The guys got in a little fight over the band name so. Eh... Ready?"

Trik started on the bass. His fingers moved fast, making it sound more like the lead guitar than just the bass. When the drums came in he settled down on chords. He looked up At Nerissa, the seriousness in his eyes was startling compared to how he acted backstage. "They all really love music, huh?" I whispered to myself

"You'd be surprised." I jumped at the sound of Jay's voice behind me. "Trik's been playin' bass since he was six. Belle just started, but, man, he's determined. You should really listen to Grey play sometime. He's..wow."

"Really? That sounds nice." I said. Why was he talking to me? "Hey, um, I heard about your brother. It's a shame he couldn't come."

"James? Yeah, I miss him like hell. Wish he could come, but with school and all... Plus, I'm sure he would've loved to see Nerissa again."

"You knew her brother right?"

"Yeah. She talk about him a lot? He's like a legend among the wolves here. That's why the Quints are so protective of her." He nodded his head in the direction of the boys who have threatened me the day I got "Survival Lesson #1"

"He came up once or twice." I looked out onto the stage and too my surprise, she was out there, swinging the mic by its chord around her neck.

"Oh, forgot, she's a real Adam Lazzarra Fan. I'm actually surprised She hasn't done the...And there it is."

Nerissa was stepping back, swing the mic in a figure eight in front of her, she caught the mic and pulled the chord tight, then jumped up, using the chord as a jump rope doing a back flip. She landed steadily on one leg. The crowd went crazy. She threw the mic lassoing the stand, and pulling it towards her so that she could slam the mic back in place and start singing again.

"And that's not even her best move. She just loves doing it so much. Right before she starts singing again, at least once every gig."

"Wow. that's, uh, cool?" Jay ruffled my hair laughing. What was happening to this town?

"Alright, alright. One last thing before we close up this gig." Nerissa said breathing hard. "Can I have everyone up here please?"

As we walked onto stage I spread my arms pulling Nerissa into a hug, despite her sweat. I felt her ribs swelling with every breath she took I wondered if she was okay, if she could take another song, but she was smiling so brightly I doubted anything could stand in her way.

"Yeah, that's right this pretty girl here's my girl. Mine so hands off all of you. Especially you in the red shirt." I laughed into the mic. Nerissa pushed me back taking the microphone away from me.

"And that's why you're going to sing with me." I opened my mouth to protest, but she kept on, "So will, Takashi, Belle, Michael and Jay. Come here."

We crowded awkwardly around the mic. She guided the others to sections placing Jake under bass due to lack of drums.

"Alright here's what we'll do. Someone give me a beat." She said. A drum hit up. Starting simple, then slowly growing more and more complex, as each drummer added their own flare. "Now some bass." Again they started with simple chords, then building on them. "Guitar please? Ya'll ready?"

She looked at us smiling, as if we knew exactly what we were doing. She leaned in closer to the mic, laughing slightly.

"A'ight Here we go. Ya'll ready?" She said. She stepped back and let out one line of lyrics. I couldn't think I wasn't sure what to do. I thought back to the streets back. I thought back to walking around after school bored to death with my friends. I thought how we would starting spitting freestyle while we drifted through the streets. I started rapping, staying carefully in beat with the drums behind me. Belle's voice rose over mine as I ran out of breath. His voice was soft, not meant for hard rock, but somehow it blended in perfectly with Takashi screaming. I couldn't help it. I started laughing. The world seemed to spin around us. It was like I've known everyone here my whole life.

"Matt! Hurry up! It's not like we're going to a costume party!" Jake yelled slamming on the bathroom door, which I refused to open.

"I'm not going like this!" I screamed back, "It's degrading!"

I was staring at myself in the mirror pulling at my open fur-trimmed hoodie, which showed my bare chest. I let out a long agitated sigh. My jeans sat low on my hips showing the elastic of my boxers. It's not that I'm out of shape. It's just... I don't have that much muscle. I'm not tiny. I'm just not... Huge.

"Like it matters! You're going to the party! You forget who's house it's at!" Jake yelled back continuing to bang on the door. I opened it quickly, pushing Jake aside, and hurrying down the stairs, not even bothering to put on my shoes. Nerissa was standing outside smiling in her tight black tee, and green beanie. She had a sparkling purple scarf tied around her waist, holing up her jeans. She laughed, pointing at me as I opened the door. I spread my arms letting my jacket flare, and show off my chest. I was going to greet her, but D., Acy, and Mariah shoved pass me and pulled her into a group hug.

"Dottie, Acy, Rye!" she laughed spinning them around. "Glad you're coming." I was walking towards the group when Jake and Micheal Pushed me over screaming hello's to Nerissa and dog piling her. Even Snowball raced outside and clawed his way up her jeans and into her arms.

After coaxing Snowball back inside we set off to the party of the year. Nerissa's hair was long again, and soaking in wet snow. She Swung her arm around my neck then grabbed my hand and lead us through the forest. She turned around walking backwards so that she could talk to us better, then raised a brow at me.

"Is that my jacket?" She pointed at me and tugged at the string to my hoodie.

"Yeah, actually, I just stole it out of your closet." I said back

"What? You were to lazy to take the matching shirt?" She smiled playfully stomping the snow with her faux fur boots. "No offense. I'm glad you're taking to the festivities. I'm just afraid some of the other girls might snatch you up."

Despite myself I blushed. I turned away to hide, and out of the corner of my eyes I saw Micheal and Jake striking poses behind me, shirtless. I decided to ignore it, figuring that they were just being stupid.

We stopped at the boarder of our territory. Nerissa crossed it easily, but the rest of us stayed back staring at our feet. She looked at us frowning, then came back and grabbed my hand, pulling me across. Soon the others followed, and we were off again, skipping and laughing, hearing our voices echo us.

Before we knew it we were at her house. The sound of our voices replaced with blasting music. When I stepped inside, my first reaction was a flash back to school. In the middle of he house was a large oak tree, its roots weaving through the odd cement floor, which was laid out in different sized squares that varied in levels, and the floor was covered in water, except the upper layers, and a small row of giant steps that lead to the tree's island, and the stairs to the bed rooms. Some red leaves drifted on the surface of the water, though otherwise it was clean.

"Wow." I breathed, looking around. Even though the house was crowded, I could still see the beauty of the house.

"You like?" Nerissa said slipping off her boots. She took me and lead me on to the dance floor. I felt the water washing over my feet as we walked. She brought me to the stairs on the left side of the tree, and sat down. Through out the night, we spent most of our time being dragged across the house forced to greet thousands of people who had seen the concert the previous night. Every time they brought it up All I could think of was what had happened after the concert when we were eating.

I remembered Philip casually walking in. I remembered Nerissa, Jay, and the boys that had come shut up and glare at him. Eventually, the others joined them leaving the rest of us confused in the awkward silence. Nerissa broke the spell, whispering a hardly audible, "Ga'd'mn" getting to her feet and sliding out of her seat grabbing my hand and pulling me with her. Standing there staring at Philip. I remembered when me and Mariah had beat him. I remembered his blood streaked face, but that blood wasn't his.

"Hey, haven't seen you in a while." She said smiling, but her tone wasn't at all happy. It sounded angry, sad, annoyed, everything but happy. Behind me, I felt Belle, Jex, Trik, and Grey gathering, but Jay held back.

"So. What you been up to lately?" Belle asked, "School? Sports? Stalking? Drinking?"

Drinking? Like Alcohol?... Wait... Stalking?!? I shook my head then looked up at Nerissa. Then back at Philip. In her eyes I could almost see flames of hate shooting out at him, but when I turned to Philip. I saw the complete opposite. My anger rose. I was about to beat him again, But I felt Nerissa tighten her grip on my hand.

"Nice seeing you too Mason." Philip said back, coldly, but never tearing his eyes away from Nerissa. There was no way this was happening. There was no way this was real. But the feeling of hate surrounding me, I knew it was. "Nerissa."

"Get outta here." Grey growled. I sucked in my breath, shocked. He stepped forward covering Nerissa, almost protecting her. He stepped closer and closer to Philip with every word he said to the point where he was stabbing Philip in the chest with his finger after every word he said, then eventually punching him. He continued, "Get the ga'd'mn censored, censored, outta here, you censored, censored, stupid censored, censored, censored. Why don't you just go, censored your censored, censored up a fr'ggin' tree, and censored, censored you little, censored? Just get over your stupid censored, censored up life. you-"

I was so caught up in Grey's rant that I didn't realize when Nerissa let go of my hand. It was so different than the Grey I had hung out with backstage, so out of character. Nerissa grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.

"Survival lesson number seventeen, Matt." She said softly into my ear. "Never. Ever. Get on a wolf's bad side." I nodded slowly.

"Hey Matt. You still in there?" Nerissa chimed waving her hand in front of my face. I tried to shake the memory away, but still it lingered. Nerissa let out a little yawn and said something I couldn't hear then left. I stayed for a while, but grew tired of the crowd and decided to explore the house. I climbed on of the set of stairs, spiraling up the tree. My fingers traced the bark as I made my way up. Even on the second floor, some branches peeked through the floor. I reminded me of Number One's house from The Kids Next Door. As I wondered the second floor I saw a door that lead outside. I opened it curious. On the other side, there was a rope bridge that lead to a room built further out on the branch. The sides were covered with snow, but down the middle it was cleared by constant activity. I walked down it cautiously to the door on the other end. I knocked uncertainly on the door, and almost jumped when Nerissa opened it. Her hair was wet, she smelled like Tropical Citrus Shampoo, and was dressed in her pajamas. She smile at me, and let me in.

Her room was warm. The floor was carpet, the walls lined with waist high shelve crammed with books and binders. In the corner he had her desk, along the same wall she had a keyboard. Her bed was press against the opposite wall with a floor lamp by it's head board, which was giving the room it's only light since Nerissa refused to turn on the ceiling light.

There were two doors, one that lead to the bathroom, and one to the balcony, and a window was placed over her bed.

She jumped onto her bed yawning again. I sat next to her letting her rest her head in my lap. She smiled at the ceiling and said, "Philip's outside. What you wanna do?" She stretched out her arm. Sparks flew from her fingertips and the curtains swung closed over her window.

"Why do you guys hate him so much?" I asked. I didn't mean to say it out loud, but it was too late it take it back now. Some how I had ended up laying on my back, and Nerissa rolled over so that her face was directly over mine.

"He's a drinker." She said, but instead of listening to what she was telling me, I just wanted to pulled her down and kiss her, "Not like beer, but like blood... Wolf blood."

I remembered catching Philip in that back alley with Mariah. I remembered seeing him crouched over a unmoving body. I remembered it clearly as he stepped away. The body, was half wolf with clear bite marks pouring with blood.

"Grey had a brother." Nerissa continued. "Had a brother. He suffered for months just lying in bed screaming from the pain of vampire venom coursing through his veins. After that... If I didn't do anything last night he would've... He would've made Philip feel all the pain his brother went through. I couldn't let that happen. He would've been put in jail, if not a mental institute. Plus he stole my binder. My binder. I write, and draw. And to do that I do thorough research on my topics of interest. Six months. Six months, Matt. I've spent six months putting that binder together. everything from werewolf anatomy to the history of werewolf-ism. EVERYTHING. And he just takes it. When I'm not even home. When I'm so close to getting everything figured out. All that work WASTED. I stayed up for Nine nights straight working on that. And he just takes it!. If he wanted copies. Fine. Whatever, he just had to ask. Then he goes and poisons one of my best friends little brothers. You can't tell me that's not messed up Matt. You can't." I could hear her growling, shaking with anger. I wrapped my arms around her, letting her clutch my jacket, and bury her face in my chest. Every muscle in her body seemed to tense, her breathing became restricted.

She swallowed hard, then relaxed again, laying there on top of me for a few seconds in silence. I stroked back her soaking hair and she looked up at me.

"Hey Matt?"

"Hm?" It seemed like that was how most of our conversations started.

"I wanna show you something. There's a full moon Thursday, and...I wanna show you something. Okay?"

"'Kay." I answered. She smiled at me again. She rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling in happy silence. She started humming softly, her eyes drifting closed. I was so mad at myself. She was right there. We were all alone. I kept screaming at myself to just do it. I kept screaming at myself to stop being so scared. Nerissa stopped humming. Again there was silence, but in my head I could hear Josh's voice saying, You're breaking hearts.

"Hey Matt?"


"I've been meaning to tell you. Um. When we're not in school. I can hear you." She rolled onto her side so that she was facing me, and tapped her temple. She could read my thoughts. Great. Everyone can read my thoughts. Why the hell don't I just say everything out loud then? "I try not to. Honest. But my mind kinda wanders. Sorry."

"Well. How much do you know?" I asked propping my head up.

"You once asked Jake to read my mind." She answered blankly, as if it were totally normal. In fact, that's how she reacted to most things. So nonchalantly. As if she totally saw all of it coming. "I can't see the future you know. I just use common sense."

I stared at her. I couldn't think of anything else to say. It was odd enough already. I was lying in her bed, and she was there in her "jammies."

I don't know how it happened. One second she was just lying there, her eyes flickering between mine and random objects on the wall. Next thing I knew...

I felt her lips pressed to mine. Her fingers burning on my cheek. I thought of the night after that movie. I thought about how hot she felt. I thought about how nice it was, feeling her fingers run through my hair. Then I thought about that night after the dance. I thought about how close I had gotten. I thought about how perfect it felt; her, the night, the starts, the moon, the snow, but no. This. This was better. I licked at her bottom lip, and she pulled away blushing fiercely. Her kiss had been so passionate. I didn't want to let it go.

She lay back down facing me, trying to hide her blush into her pillow. I smiled at her, almost laughing. I reached out resting a hand on her cheek, then brushed back her wet bangs. Again, she blushed, but I refused to let her hide it. I laid there with my head propped up on my other hand so that she almost had to look up at me.

I didn't stop myself. I didn't want to. I pressed my lips to hers pulling her close to me slipping my other hand behind her neck. She held back at first, but then I felt her arms wrapping around me. I don't know how long we kissed. An hour. A minute. A second. I don't know. I wasn't counting. When we did stop. Neither of us pulled away. We lay there smiling; her arms wrapped around my neck my hand caressing her cheeks. For some reason, I wasn't thinking about that moment. No. I was thinking that there was someone out there watching us. I swear I heard the door close. I swear I felt the curtains move behind me as a small draft blew over us. I swear I did, but right after that moment I couldn't be sure, and I suddenly realized how awkward we must look, and I stumbled over Nerissa trying to find the floor muttering something about the guys wanting to go home. Honestly, I don't know what drove me to leave. I didn't want to. I didn't want to ever leave that spot. That moment. But I did.

I sat up on my bed staring at the blinds that covered the back of my room. It was Thursday night. She was coming. It was the only proof I had that the party, that night, that moment, wasn't a dream. The only proof that it was all real. I heard Jake's digital clock beep 12:30. It sounded like it was nothing more than an echo. She wasn't coming. I had imagined it. I slid beneath my covers, closing my eyes, denying my disappointment. Then I heard the door slide open, the blinds ruffle. I opened my eyes, and saw the silhouette of a thin figure standing against the rays of light that entered my room. I smiled. And I was sure she was smiling back at me. I heard Jake rolling over in his sleep oblivious to the intruder in our room. An intruder that seemed oblivious to him.

"Hey," Nerissa's voice cut through the darkness, "get changed. or are you going like that?"

I pushed off my covers feeling a cool night breeze come in through the open door. I walked to the closet picking out something to wear. Nerissa walked over sitting on my bed, watching as I went through my clothes. I began changing, but turned around with my shirt seeing Nerissa still watching, a bored, vacant look on her face. She looked up at my face and shrugged.

"I don't mind." She said, then let her eyes drop to the floor. I shook my head and finished changing. When I was done, she took my hand leading me outside, gently closing the door behind us. She jumped off the balcony, landing harshly in the snow, but she stood again and continued walking, unharmed. Unaffected. I followed shortly catching up to her as she lead me through the forest to an unknown destination. The silence of the night was uncomfortable, made no better by the ways the shadows were cast. The moon made the snow look like sparkling sliver, and everything else a threatening demon lurking in the night. I held Nerissa'a hand, more to abate my own fears than hers,, hoping that maybe she thought I was being chivalrous. But something told me that she saw right through it.

"Where are we going?" I asked, if only to break the silence. "What's my big surprise?"

"Well, you know how when you're dating someone," Nerissa started, her voice was low, scared almost, "and you really, really, trust them, so to prove it you take them to meet your family?" -I nodded- "Well, no offense, but this is nothing like that. I like you. I really do, but... You're meeting my pack here in Canada, not necessarily my family, and Our alpha has been asking about you... A lot."

"Oh." I said simply. I don't know what I was expecting, but definitely not this.She stopped and through her arms around me, giving me a little peck on the lips before letting go, then gave me a look that said "Better now?" I smiled at her, and nodded for her to continue. I could still feel her warmth on my lips. She stopped. The trees were beginning to thin we were nearing the edge of the forest. She stomped her feet in the snow. I seriously almost face palmed. How did I not notice that she was barefoot? I could've offered her my shoes, or socks at least. She must be freezing, but somehow I doubted that. She looked at me again, uncertainly and let out a long breath.

"Ready?" She asked, "This part might freak you out a bit."

It only last a few seconds, but it felt like forever. I saw fur begin picking through her clothes, covering her entire body. I saw her sweet innocent face, morph into part human part wolf. I saw her feet stretch until they were almost the same length as her shin. I saw ears start peaking out from the top of her head as her long black hair formed a large mane over her chest. In my hand I felt her hand morphing too, but I didn't let go until she did. After what seemed like hours, days even, I found myself no longer looking at my, totally normal (looking), absolutely (seemingly) ordinary, girlfriend. Instead I was staring at a ten foot tall werewolf that had taken her place. She stood with her hind legs spread, one forward, one back, and she leaned forward, then dropped to all fours.

She was mainly black, with silver tear streaks and a brown nose, and two brown front paws that melded into the browned line that went from her nose, down her spine and engulfed her tail. She stood with her shoulders up to my elbows. She nudged my hand with her nose, whining, and I dropped to my knees hugging her. She was my girl, and nothing was going to change that.

"Ready? I heard her voice, but I knew she was talking. Not verbally. I nodded and stood back up. "You know. Wolves have adapted to being able to change with any fabric on, but some how, shoes just don't work. I smiled.

She coached me. Telling me what to expect and how to behave, explaining in full detail the hierarchy system of her pack. She gave me the basic rules. No eye contact with those she didn't give eye contact to. Don't speak without first being given permission. Never stray from her side, unless told to do so by either her, or her alpha. Show no emotion, until told that it was safe to do so. Never, Ever, On the Fate Of My Life As I Know It, call her by her real name while she was a wolf, else face indescribable consequences. I walked, my hang placed carefully on Nerissa's back, trying hard to memorize those rules. They seemed simple enough. I tried to control my breathing as we neared a large cave. At the entrance, two wolves stood to greet Nerissa, almost running to her, but thought better of it and sat back down. They were both the same size, the same build. One was black, the other white, but bother had gray stripes running down their sides. I knew instantly who they were. The twins, but it was impossible for me to tell which was which. We dipped our heads slightly, as we walked past them. My chest felt hallow. My limbs felt stiff. One slip up and they'll be at my throat. I focused on my breathing, trying to clear away all the other thoughts. Trying not to think of all the things that could go wrong. Like stepping on someones tail. Saying something offensive. Doing something horribly stupid. Slipping on the ice. Drinking there blood. I shook my head. I wasn't hungry. That wasn't going to happen. I thought of Philip in that back alley. I thought of Nerissa in the diner. I thought of Grey's rant.

Nerissa sat near the entrance, wrapping her feathery tail around my feet. Her ears were up, alert. Her back was perfectly straight, and so was mine. I looked around the cave, scanning over groups of wolves, even some pups playing in the corner. I was silent. I stayed silent. Somewhere in the back of my head I hear Nerissa saying. "It begins. I sat down on a rock behind me, after Nerissa pointed to it with her nose. From deep inside the cave I heard a deep voice. It howled, letting it shake the cave and all it's contents. The Alpha. His voice started high, then lowered to a deep bass. Then the others joined him. One by one. each adding their own unique voice.

Listen. I nodded indicating that I was. Their song was hauntingly beautiful. vibrating through my chest. No really listen. Close your eyes. Pick one voice. Let it course through you. I closed my eyes. I pressed forward with my mind finding a sweet voice that sang high, constantly changing notes. I listened. I really listened. I let that voice fill up my mind, my body, my heart, my soul, and in it I heard. I heard the words to a sweet poem. I heard the stanzas, the lyrical words. I let the words paint pictures in my mind as I listened to her song. I smiled inwardly. I opened my eyes again. Looking around the cave. I looked my eyes on them, then remembering where they were. I closed my eyes again, searching through the voices for theirs. Once I found it. I did the same, but this time it wasn't a poem. It was a song. I heard the human voices singing out their own life stories. I continued. Switching from song to song feeling all their different effects. from full life narrations, to a string of emotions.

Suddenly Another voice joined. One I recognized easily. The voice started low and slowly rose; filling my head with images. Like a movie. I saw everything Through her eyes. Her life rushed through my head. Though it wasn't chronological. Everything seemed to go my feelings. Sorrow; days stuck at home, staring out at the sky above her, seeing her brother leave, watching her brother bleed, listening to him crying when he didn't know she was looking, watching Grey's brother screaming on his death bed, seeing Grey crying at his brother's side. Anger; Philip Walking into the diner, Listening to Grey cuss him out, tearing through her of room for a binder, screaming at Philip with arms holding her back, coming home from school a crumpled paper in hand, staring at a man lecturing her, climbing out the window, a taste a freedom. Joy; riding through the night in a bus she didn't belong on, feeling that new moon on her fur, her first hunt, feeling arms around her in the darkness of the night feeling lips pressed to hers for who knows how long, feeling her heart beating faster and faster, as she swayed back and forth in someone's arms. I opened my eyes, and looked up at her trying hard not to smile. The songs dies, The stories with it, but still I replayed them in my mind thinking back to my first night there. How much I had much I had missed. How much I should've known.

"Silent!" Nerissa stood, and I followed quickly. A hush fell across the cave, all eyes turned to us. A wolf was approaching us. He was strong, his every step had meaning to them.He was a soft gold, like the sun walking on our own land. "What surprise is this?" The wolf sniffed at me, his voice seemed to echo across the den, but I knew it was in my head.

"This is him sir." Nerissa answered, her head high, but her tail between her legs.

"Oh? You expect me to believe that?" The other wolf answered, "He seems so weak."

"Our leader has asked for me to bring him, so I did." She straightened showing authority to the other wolf. Her tails curled over her back, and her teeth were bared, "You dare to question me? I would never go against the commands of our leader." There was strength in her words. One that I had not known her for. That same fire in her eyes, as the day I met the quints. Behind him, another wolf emerged from the shadows. Watching the two intently, seemingly amused. The other wolf stepped closer.

"You, do not belong here." He growled, the wolf behind him waiting, "Your brother may be a legend, but you You don't belong here." Nerissa let out a low growl, that seemed to come from the very back of her throat.

"Now, Lion," The other wolf finally interjected, "If you're quite done ignoring your place in our pack. I'd like to speak to Silence." Lion intimidate dropped his head, and shrunk away whining. Silence was her name? The wolf sniffed at me as well, he was a dark gray, and drifted back and forth like a ghost.

"ShadowClaw, this is Matthew." Nerissa said, lowering her tail once again, "You asked to see him."

"Ah, Matthew, We have heard quite a bit about you." His head reached my chest, his claws were at least two inches long, filed to a point. I DID NOT want to mess this up. "I'm sorry if the pack is less that hospitable, but most of us aren't used to having outsiders at these meetings. I trust you'll find this night fairly, how should I put it, Interesting."

He began walking, Nerissa followed closely, with me at her side. She twitched her ear, a signal that it was safe for me to communicate with him. I swallowed. Behind us, the rest of the pack followed closely, their eyes never leaving us as we left the cave.

"If you don't mind me asking," I started, I was about to ask why he wanted to see me, but decided that I didn't want to know, "how did you get your name?"

He looked at me and laughed. He didn't answer me. He just stretched out his front legs and yawned, then pulled his legs back towards him. Dragging his claws through the snow. To my amazement, the shadow of the tree in front of us began to fall apart. One solid black line split. I looked up, and the tree fell too. One half splitting, then another and another, until a pile of branches took it's place in our path.

"Does that answer your question?" He said, an amused tone in his words. I nodded slowly. "If you find that interesting, you really should hear Silent's story. Of course, her full name is SilentHowl. I'm sure you understand it for the most part. It's a fitting name."
© Copyright 2010 ElectricButterfly (fall_on_fear at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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