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Being dead can suck, but when people won't let you die, that sucks even more. |
"Johnathan. Johnathan. Time to wake up. Johnathan?" A male voice said. The man that was speaking could not be seen through the boy's eyes. Only darkness was seen through his vision. "Johnathan. You need to wake up." The man said again. Faintly, a light shined through Johnathan's dark vision. Soon things were beginning to come into focus, blurry at first, but soon visibly clear. The man was shining a small light at Johnathan's eyes, but Johnathan held his hands up to shield them from the brightness. "Responses seem to be normal." The man said, putting the flash light onto an operating tray. Johnathan looked at the man and saw he was wearing operating clothing made from white leather, and a gas mask over his mouth. "Alright Johnathan, can you hold out your arm for me?" The man asked, holding up a needle with a green liquid in the syringe. "Where... Where am I?" Johnathan asked, holding out his right arm as instructed. "You'll be debriefed soon. For now, we need to run a few tests." The man said, leening over and injecting the needle into Johnathan's veign. Looking around, Johnathan saw he was in some sort of medical room. Completely white. Operating tools were on a metal tray, a white leather operation bed was what Johnathan was sitting on, and a black window was on the right side of the room. "Where am I?" Johnathan asked again. "I told you, you will be debriefed in a little while. Just let me run some tests." The man said again. "Who are you?" Johnathan asked the doctor. The doctor stopped in his tracks when he heard Johnathan say that. "You know... I don't really remember." He opened up the door with a card key and left Johnathan alone in the room. Johnathan and all of the questions that were racing through his mind. Looking around some more, Johnathan was looking for something. Something to tell him more about who he was. And then he found a file next to the operation table he was sitting on. Picking it up and opening it, Johnathan saw a photo of some deformed creature. Fangs were showing from it's mouth, eyes completely black, heair practically gone, and skin tightening to it's bones. "What?..." Was the only thing that could come from Johnathan's mouth. Reading information that was on the page, doctors reported: Test Subject 1: Alpha 500 We recieved the 500th test subject for our studies. He seems to be quite unusual compared to the others. He shows characteristics of emotions other than anger and savagery, unlike the other Alphas. We have decided to use this Alpha for our Rehabilitation experiment. Hopefully we will see some results on it. Hopefully we will reverse what we have done. -Doctor Phillips Conojor. May 5, 3899 Johnathan put down the folder, seeing nothing more in it. Now he knew about some strange form of creature, but no answers on who he was. Looking down and trying to think, Johnathan saw his left arm. It was very strange. Different. Black blood veigns showed through his skin, not going away at all. His fingernails were sharp and black. He now knew there was something extremely strange going on. Now he just had to figure out what it was. 1 hour later: Johnathan fell asleep on the operation table when the same man in the gas mask came back into the room. This time he was accompanied by two heavily armored men in gas masks wielding assault rifles. "Is this the specimen Doctor Craven?" The armored man on the right asked. "Yes." Craven replied."But please, you can't take him yet. We still need more time to research and--" Before Craven could finish his objection, the amored man on the right shot him nine times, killing him without hesitation. "Mr. Clomor wants the specimen. His orders were any objections would be terminated on sight." The armored men walked over to Johnathan grabbed him by the arms, lifting him off of the table and aiming their guns at him. "Let's move." one of the armored men said. Johnathan saw Doctor Craven on the floor, in a pool of his own blood, bullet holes showing in the back of his body. "Why did you kill him?" Johnathan asked. The armored men shoved Johnathan forward. "Let's move!" The one on the right shouted. But Johnathan wasn't going to be led blindly into what could very well be a trap. On a strange form of basic instinct, Johnathan grabbed the right armored man's assault rifle and him him in the head with it, breaking his helmet and knocking him out cold. Johnathan then aimed the gun at the other armored man. "I'm going to ask this only once. Who are you?" Johnathan said, his finger on the trigger. "I don't have to answer that." The armored man said, pulling his trigger and firing his rifle. Johnathan ducked and avoided the bullets, firing his own rifle at the amored man's legs. He fell instantly to the ground, his legs collapsing on him. Johnathan walked over and put the rifle to his head. "Okay... Okay, i'll answer! We're soldiers, okay?" He answered quickly, not wanting to die. "What am I?" Johnathan asked. "I don't know!" The soldier said. Johnathan pressed the barrel of the rifle against his head. "All i know is that Mr. Clomor wants you! That's it!" Johnathan looked at the door, remembering the locks that were only opened by key cards. Johnathan looks at the soldier and saw that his key card was locked inside of his chest plate. Johnathan shot the soldier and tore the card out of the chest plate in a matter of seconds. He then walked over to the door and left the room. Outside though, were more soldiers. End of Part 1. |