Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1705165-Blood-of-the-Psychic---Prologue
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1705165
"Death is not the end...it's just another path to follow". But where does that path lead?
         To my dear friend:

         I have to start by telling you something you should already know. Anger and vengeance are not what I taught you. Remember what we talked about so many times...everything happens for a reason. There are difficult paths ahead, and you have to stop and think how your decisions will affect others.

         But, you don't need me to tell you what to do. I, however, need your help. You have met him and you saw in him what I know is there. I'm asking, as one of your closest friends, to step up and become his mentor. You scoff because you think I've lost my mind. I assure you I know everything about your past, including the parts you didn't want anyone to know. If you say no, it's very likely he won't live more than a couple of weeks.  You're thinking it's unfair to use guilt on you and you are right. However, you are at a crossrads, and which ever path you decide to follow will change everything. I hope and pray you will honor this last request.
         I want to leave you with one gift. You're looking for a reason to what has happened. What is in the envelope will help you find the answers you seek. Remember who you are, have patience, and don’t worry about what others think of you. Do that and your path will reveal itself.

         Your friend forever,

PS: You’re definitely correct about the watch!
         To my favorite:

         My greatest wish was to watch you grow and continue to teach you what I know. You already know that’s not possible, but don't cry too much for me. Your life is about to go crazy. I'm leaving you with a few gifts to help you on your path. The first is a trinket that I picked up during my time. I thought you might like it because it looked “cool”. The second item is common, but it's nothing you've seen before. Just keep it safe, and the time will reveal itself when it will be useful. The last item is more precious to me than anything I've ever owned. But read this carefully! Do not, ever, open it! Do not let anyone know you have it!  Guard it well! This is your most important task.

         You are a very special young man and full of abilities and gifts that you aren’t even aware of yet. Remember, always stay hopeful and be strong! Even though I’m no longer here, I will always watch and protect you!

         With deep love,

         A beautiful sunset was painted across the quiet autumn evening. Fluffy white clouds in the sky reflected the dark colors the sun was emitting; it was an evening that could calm the most nervous of persons. Its magic was working on two people who were standing on the long wooden porch of a lone two-story mansion. Fields of harvested corn stalks were the only things that could be seen for miles. Even the city was too far away to upset this seemingly perfect evening. A soft breeze blew through the corn, rustling the corn stalks and the nearby porch swing, but neither person minded as the cool wind brought relief after a hot day.  A tall gentleman was leaning along the post of the porch with his arms crossed. He was intently focused on the sunset, but his mind couldn’t help but panic with what was about to occur. He finally found his voice

         “Are they coming?”

         The slightly taller and thin elderly woman, standing next to the young man, continued to enjoy the sunset before she replied, “Yes….soon.”

         “Do you think we’re ready?”

         “You delivered the letters?”

         “Just a couple of hours ago.”

         The lady, with long silvery hair, looked at her companion’s worn, tired face and gave a warm smile, “Then we are as ready as we’re going to get. We’ve had four years to prepare for this moment.”

         “Isn’t there anoth-“
         “I know what you’re going to say. Trust me when I say this is the way it has to be. You won’t understand why until later.”

         The younger man sighed and continued to look out towards the sunset enjoying the heat on his face. He closed his eyes before he spoke again, “But I really think I have an idea on how-“

         The woman patted him on the back and let out a small chuckle, “You never give up do you? Always with the ideas… that’s what I like about you. I know you’re used to making a plan, but this time…it has to be my way.”
         The man crossed his arms again and turned to look towards the west as the night was approaching. He could feel tears in his eyes, but refused to let his role model…his mentor…his best friend see him. The woman put her hand on his face and stroked his cheek, “Don’t feel so sad. You have to be strong, even during grueling times like these. I promise you there will be a time for mourning later.”
         He couldn’t hide his feelings any longer as he embraced her in a strong hug. The two hugged until only a few wisps of sunlight remained. The wise old woman broke the hug and smiled at her long time friend. The wind had stopped, but the rustling of the corn leaves began to grow louder. The woman closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She stood motionless for a moment before she opened her eyes again; this time a heavy sadness was in her voice when she spoke, “It’s time for you to leave.”
         He nodded as he picked up his black backpack from the ground. As he began to step off the porch, the woman squeezed his shoulder gently, “Go south towards the city, it’s the safest route. And, no matter what you hear, do not come back.”

         He turned, gave het one last weak smile, and spoke in a choked up voice, “Take care of yourself.”
         The woman reached behind her, grabbed a tall wooden walking stick and gave him a confident smile,“You know me.”
         With one final hug, the young man was sent away from the mansion, his home for the last three years. He wasn’t sure where to go, but he knew what was about to happen; he could sense the same presence his mentor had felt. He was fighting every instinct in his blood to stay and fight, but he respected his mentor too much to go against her wishes. Regardless of what the night brought, this was the beginning of a new journey for him, and it frightened him down to his soul.
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