Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1705074-back-stabbing
by billie
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1705074
how people can be so evil and sneeky
i have always heard people saying life is unfair , and people always stab you in the back, and you should never trust people who you don't know or not know a hundred percents, i always wondered are people really evil , can they really stab a friend or a fallow human been in the back in ways that could destroy that person,,? , i didn't believe it ,, specially when i came to Canada,  i am originally from a middle Eastern back ground so when i came to Canada, i actually want to be friend with those who had the same back ground as me, so we can relate or know our culture there fore deal with each other better than those who didn't know what my culture was or how i grow up and under what roles. i got to know a lot of people and although i knew i should not trust any body i still did, my heart told me so, i thought to my self  this people will never hurt me we are all from the same back ground, and we are in Canada , in need of the acceptance feeling in which we felt comfortable in our own skin , practicing our own tradition, culture or even religion believes,i looked around and i seen in Canada a lot of multicultural people and i notice each culture sticked to its own and i thought to my self this is great i can contact with those who are the same back ground ,, i was young and naive , because that is the opposite of my suppose to be happy ending story, i got to know a lot of people from the same circle in which i was friendly with and helped  out as friends, i tried my best to be such a good friend, but all i got in return back stabbing and now i know why people are not so friendly to each other,, i got to know this guy whose name is Chris, Chris seemed like a nice guy at first me and him were great friends i took care of him i made sure i had his back, i use to drop him and pick him up at any time he wanted, i made sure he was OK at every step of the way , when he had no money i gave him some, and when he was hungry i feed him, and when he need anything that i could give him with out hurting my self i gave it to him,  or made sure he got it some how , now we are not talking about sexual favors this is a strict friendship relationship, i was truly a good friend , until i stared seen Chris act weird he started bringing a lot of his boys to chill with me and my girl friends when i would invite him to come alone, and i never thought of it anything matter fact what i thought was the more the merrier i mean after all we all go from the same back ground, i was happy to know that all these people from my background existed here in Canada, i didn't feel lonely anymore, i  actually was happy and i made friends with a lot of them but i wish i dint, after 2 years of me and Chris friendship i found out there was some rumors going about me being a slut, not a good girl and so forth, i questioned the source of this completely falls accusation because as far as i know i was a virgin unless some one drugged me that is a whole different story, but i was never the stupid type to put her self in such a situation, regardless i found out my source it was Chris, i talked to him and asked him, after all i trusted him i couldn't believe he would say such a thing he knew me way to well to say those things i wanted to meet him , i called his phone he didn't answer i called his brother and i let him know that i was looking for Chris, i was also angry and fuming from all these rumors i heard,I never thought for a second he would hide from, i mean trust me i am the nicest person you would meet, i am a pushover, and i let people walk all over me , but when i get angry i really really do and i could hurt people physically by hitting them not knowing where all this power came from.i waited for Chris's call but he never did call, i was determined to talk to him, but i could not find him, i was in front of his house where he lived with a brother, sister and his parents, according to where i came from it is very rude to go to some ones house an invited , let alone looking for trouble, and that was me i hesitate , i didn't know what to ,i was to angry to let this just go, i let a lot of things pass by me but not this sorry, but i cant just go to his house what if he is not there like his brother said then i look like a total fool which is the least of it i mean if his parents called the cops i am in big trouble, but you just cant let such things just go,until in my eyes a miracle happened where another friend called me to let me know that Chris is hiding in his church and he will no come out until i am done looking for him, but i was no where near done.i thought and i thought out loud to my self why would he hide? i never thought he was guilty for a second? but his hiding makes me question him and my point of view of him, every body has a bad side, but not a stabbing side, really was Chris really hiding because he spread these rumors about me ? after a 3 years friendship could he be the one ruining my reputation, life , thought, is he behind my stress and sleepless nights?  i wondered,  the more i wondered the angry i got, i just dint get it why would he hide knowing i was looking for him? we are friends he should be able to call me and meet me when he knows i need to talk to him , that's is what i would do specially in his case not knowing what i was going to say to him, but the fact he did hide, made me question a lot of things which drove me rite to his church where i went and i meet the preset asking him to get Chris for me, due to all this things being said about me and a couple of my close friends and immediate family . when Chris should up he denied the whole thing, and to be honest i felt relieved that he wasn't behind all of this talk i mean i would be really disappointed if he was because we really were friends or so i thought. although i end up fighting with Chris friend who was there adding his version to the story when he was not even asked, and obviously with the anger i build up some one was bound to get it, it wasn't Chris but his friend who wanted to be a hero on the wrong time. i didn't talk to Chris after the incidents till like a year after where we meet somewhere throw a mature friend and me and him started talking like nothing had ever happen between us, a part of me thought i can trust him again , after all i never had evidence not too. although i realized when i dint talk to him nothing was said about me and when i started talking to him people started talking again i face Chris and asked him if he would ever do such a thing and he said never along with a promise he made that he will never talk a bad about me in the future,i stopped talk to him , we just lost connection and i was not interested of being his friends anymore and Guess what he is still talking about me, this time i actually have evidence and thing to prove it was him, did i live all this time in Daniel? why is it our nature when we trust some one we fall to see the logical answer and fall behind all this things that don't make sense but it was said by some one we believed? was it my feeling and emotion of being culturally motivated ? or was it just wrong person wrong place, wrong friend ? i wondered how can i hurt this Chris who pretended to be a friend of mine for 4 years now .how can i get back at him, i faced him and i asked him and he would still lie to me , until one day i got up in the morning and watch the news to see a shooting involving a young men and couple of people who shoot some one during a fight, and sure enough it was Chris, Chris had talked about a lot of people that some of those people who are in gangs and drug related circles killed him because he also run his mouth about him, and only then i felt a sense of relief, not because i wanted him dead, but only because i always question how could being nice and trying to help people would result in pain, anger, and a lot of regardless, but sure enough i seen the news to realize it is true that what goes around comes around , and that all thought i treated Chris the best i could in every way possible he did betray me , hurt me and left me not sure who to trust on the earth and due to his action of betrayal and stabbing people in the back he end up being shot in the back just because he was not good to those who were to him, and the moral of the story is to treat people the way you want to be treated and if they don't treat you that way leave it and do your good because karma will come around and give good people there good and bad people there bad
© Copyright 2010 billie (tunis1987 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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