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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1704941
fresh spin on action genre poses questions of how we view people's supposed disabilities


This is an action story…. You know the kind, guy gets into incredible situation, has to face unimaginable threat, lots of explosions, lots of flash, guy gets the girl in the end, yeah, it’s one of those stories. The thing about this particular story is that it that our hero is probably not the quote unquote hero people imagine, you know the kind…007, Jason Bourne, Spiderman, Luke Skywalker, but don’t be fooled by our heroes exterior…….many people did, and many people are very, very sorry.


In New York, a household was glowing in the dusky evening. Inside, dinner plates and silverware clinked and clanked.

Phyliss Miller was a stern yet warm 65 year old woman, her grey hair pulled tightly in a bun. She was the head of a household that consisted of 10 kids, all with some sort of disability. The oldest was David Columbia, he had Cerebral Palsy, he had grown up in this group home, he attended regular school as his limitations were strictly physical.

“Let’s discuss our day shall we?”

“I cau- I caught a b – b –“

“Slow down Tim, you caught a..?”

“b- b- b-“

“spit it out stupid”

“MARY!TO YOUR ROOM NOW! Now, what did you catch?”

“a butterfly!” the 7 year old boy grinned, “Now I pick……David”

“Oh, well, I uh,-“ his cell phone rang and he looked at a text message

“I have to go, Miss Miller, I have to study at the library”

“Oh, OK then, everyone say goodbye to David” The 9 other kids murmured their goodbyes.

Now I think you can guess as well as Miss Miller could that the library was not in David’s immediate future. She understood that David needed his space; after all, he was an adult now. “Going to the library” was more of a code phrase that the 2 had developed.

He kissed Phyllis and wheeled into the night, he went past the other houses in the quaint neighborhood in Queens until he came to a black SUV.

“There you are!”

“Sorry, man” He got in the SUV as his best friend Mike loaded his wheelchair in the back

“So are you ready?”

“I never am”

“Yet you never cease to crush the opponent! ‘Oh, look at the poor wheelchair kid, I can’t hit hhim, then POW!”

“I get it, Mike!”

They drove to a small flight of stairs and Mike helped David down before carrying the wheelchair down, inside the MMA fight club a crowd jeered as two men grappled with each other. Mike wheeled David to a back room where he got ready

“Who am I fighting?”

“Some punk from the East Side, thinks he’s a big man”

“Beating on people in wheelchairs?”

Mike laughed, “Yeah, I guess”

10 minutes later, both men entered the ring


Standing before David was a burly man, he was tall, with hair down to his shoulders. He raised his arms as if to say “What is this”

“Is this a joke? You? I‘m fighting you?”

“Looks like it”

“I can’t fight a cripple!”

“Well that will make things easy for me I guess”

The man hesitantly approached David and looked at him

“You really want to do this?”


O……K, sorry for this”

The man threw a hook punch which David dodged and responded by throwing his knee crushing into the man’s gut. The man keeled over and was greeted by a slamming punch to the man’s cheek causing the man’s head to turn 90 degrees and blood to spray from his mouth. The man stumbled back three steps and fell. He got up, his shirtless torso glistening and heaving, his teeth red. The man lunged towards David and threw three more strikes all of which were dodged. David could feel the air shooting past his cheeks. He quickly wheeled back and was greeted by a flying kick, David spun his chair sideways causing the man to kick through the Pepsi advertisement behind him’

He threw three spinning front kicks, all of which David avoided by ducking. The man was now gasping for air, David slammed his footrests into the man’s shins, threw a side elbow into his gut, and finished by delivering an uppercut to the man’s jaw. The man collapsed

“Daaaaang!” the announcer exclaimed

“Nice fight” Mike said as David greeted him.

“Thanks, hey I’m thirsty, you?”



The 10:00 rush filled The Neon Olive, a small dive mainly inhabited by bikers. The bar was mainly lit by neon beer advertisements, and filled with smoke. David and Mike sat at a booth, both had beers in front of them.

“Man, you nailed that guy!”

“He nailed himself, I just sat and watched”

“So how much did you make?”



“So, what’s up?”

“I just, I don’t know, I’ve been….thinking”

“Oh dear God! That’s never a good thing!”

“I just…..” He swigged his beer

“I- I feel……..trapped…….sometimes…..yknow?”


“I feel like….I just need…….. to take a Greyhound……… and get the hell out of here.”

“It’s called growing up”

“Forget it, let’s just get the tab”

“Nah, I hear you man! You wanna do it? You wanna get out of here? Yeah, let’s go!”

David paused for a few a seconds

“What…… now?”

“Yeah, we get our crap and go!” another pause

“OK, I just need to say goodbye to Miss Miller”

“She’ll be OK with this?”

“I hope…..”


“WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! ITS NEARLY 1AM!: Phyliss was awaiting David on the front porch

“I was talking with Mike”

“I told you that boy was trouble……look at you….your eye….you were fighting again weren’t you?! YOU WERE FIGHTING AGAIN!”


“You watch that mouth!” Phyliss snapped

“Y’know what we were talking about? Huh? Getting out of here!”

“You want to leave? Is that it? Go!”

“I will!”

“You won’t make it a day out there…For God’s sakes look at you!”


Out of nowhere a gun shot, Phyliss looked down to see a small wound in her chest, she fell, lifeless

“Oh my God!......... Oh my God!” David couldn’t breathe

“Phyliss…..no!” he held her and began sobbing


© Copyright 2010 tyty2790 (tyty2790 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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