Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1704603-The-gift-of-an-Angel-Chapter-1
by Jess
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1704603
A young woman encounters a darkly handsome stranger and discovers some past secrets.
Chapter 1

         He sat high above the ground in the large oak tree, over looking the dark alley, camoflauged perfectly in the shadows. He had found himself here in the same spot, almost every night for the last month. This wasn't him, he had never been drawn to a human before in his whole existence, yet he was compelled to ensure the safety of this young woman. Before his thoughts could run away with him anymore, he caught a glimpse of the woman he sought to protect. She passed briskly through the dark alley, passing breifly once in a while under a dimly lit street lamp. As she passed under the street lamp were he sat, he found himself mesmerized by her beauty. The summer breeze caught her shoulder length, wavy black hair, revealing her defined facial features. Her cheekbones were set high and were flushed the prettiest shade of pink. A slight sheen of perspiration covered her brow, clearly the humid night air and the brisk walk she had adopted had caused her to break out in a mild sweat. He found himself looking further down her body, relishing all of her. She was a curvy build, but was slender with it. The tight black shirt she attired hugged her figure beautifully and the two undone buttons at the top revealed the smallest hint of cleavage, that had him wishing she would get that little bit hotter. The blue denim jeans she wore cupped her ass so perfectly, it had him clenching his fists with the need to feel, to touch.
         Before he could carry on his avid inspection the young woman spun around, searching the darkness franticly, trying to peirce the darkness with her brilliantly bright green eyes. He snapped his own attention back to his surrondings and himself started to inspect the eerily dark alley. He could almost smell the fear emitting from the woman, he heard her breath quicken as panic started to set in. Then out of no where a hooded figure lunged at the woman and a peircing scream erupted into the night. In less than a second Danton leapt from the tree, pulling the attacker away from the victim, putting himself between them. He pushed the woman against the wall and once more lunged for the assailent, gripping his neck firmly he spun him around to where the woman had stood.
         'Shit', he muttered quietly, looking at the woman slumped against the wall. Her face was ashen and blood was flowing freely from a slash located on her collar bone. He would have to deal with her attacker much quicker than he would have liked, for the pool of blood that was gathering under her had his heart quickening. Danton ripped the hood away from the demon and pulled his dagger from the sheath strapped on his inner thigh. The demon twisted in Danton's grip as he drew the dagger at its throat. The Demon looked up at Danton, his tiny black, beady eyes flittering between him and the woman lying on the floor. It's sickly brown, blistered skin felt scaley to the touch and had Danton cringing with the un-natural texture, its huge tongue slithered idily from side to side, as it seemed to have no lower jaw.
         'Now tell me Korton, what business would you have with such a beautiful lady like her?' He pushed the demon a little closer to the woman, but instantly regretted his decision. The woman tried to back further into the wall behind her. Danton could see she was fighting to stay concious. The demon writhed in his grip and the only reply it gave was a deep hissing sound.
         'Lets try this another way shall we', he smiled tightly. He placed the blade closer to the demons throat, applying enough pressure to nip the skin. The hissing grew louder, but it remained still.
         'Do not think that killing you will be a pain to me, wether you tell me what you want with the woman or not. I have killed thousands of your type Korton, your blood won't stain my soul, i assure you.'
The hissing was still the only reply he received.
         'Then have it your way,' Danton smiled coldly. With one quick sweep of his dagger, he sliced the demon's throat from ear to ear. Instantly the demon bagan to deterriate into ashes and within seconds had dissapeared completly. Danton brushed the ashes from his muscled body and began to approach the motionless woman. He wasn't sure if she was still concious or not, hell if she was he would be amazed. His main priority now was to tend to this woman and insure her recovery, he needed to no why the demons had targeted her.
         'It's ok baby, i've got you,' he hushed, as he lifted her close to his chest. 'You're safe now.'

© Copyright 2010 Jess (jess1990 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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