Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1704392-Life-Of-Mike-And-Jack
by Frosty
Rated: E · Short Story · Comedy · #1704392
Two Twins causing double trouble.

            “Mike”, called his mother, “It is seven thirty and you’re snoozing away in the grounds of Anfield?
You better hurry up or I’ll throw you like a basketball into that bin”. Suddenly, Mike tumbled down the bed as if a tapeworm had entered into his stomach and kicked the side of the bed. “OUCH!” he cried, “Why does the football feel like solid lead”. However, this kicking stuff helped him in waking up properly. “Nice way to wake up in the morning,” said Jack. “In modern times people like to try new things and one of them is to invent a better way to wake up in the morning. Surely, bro has found one such way. Then why try the old fashioned cup of tea when you’ve got such new facilities”.

              “Very smart of you hamster. But better be careful you don’t do something similar, cause our house is surely gonna overflow at once”. A row of ear-strainers were surely going to follow had not Mike and Jack suddenly realized that they were already late for school. Within fifteen minutes someway or the other they got ready for school. Mike was in standard eight and so was Jack. Infact they were twins. And to add to that, they were absolutely identical without any moles to separate between them. They were also in the same section and also occupied simultaneous seats.

              Anyway, the brothers raced to the bus stop, scrambling through the road at top speed. One look at their clothes and any person would certainly burst out into fits of onerous laughter. Mike had forgotten to 
put the button of his trouser and due to much hustling, he had also torn his shirt a little from the shoulder. As for Jack, everything was perfect but for the fact that he was walking handsomely with a ridiculously huge hole on the back of his shirt. Faultfinders as they were, instead of looking at their own clothes, they started making fun of a roadside beggar. The bus arrived and both of then raced for the bus to check who had more physique to get on board before the other. In this commotion the conductor showed his own physique and dragged the two into the bus. In about fifteen minutes of traveling, they reached school.

              “I let him go cause he would have started crying”, said Jack, referring to the conductor. “And I let him go as I thought that even you could foil him”, was the reply from Mike. This argument had to be cut short due to interference of the school bell. As they rushed upstairs to their classroom, Mike squandered on floor which had just been waxed. Actually, it would not have happened if Mike had not snap-kicked the “JUST WAXED” board on his way to their class. Jack followed the prime example set by Mike and they both entered the class all right but in an unorthodox, never-seen-before style. Mike went and struck straight into the teacher’s table and Jack went even further and crashed in the whiteboard. They however got up as if nothing had happened and resumed their earlier conversation, but this time, in the midst of a more local audience, they emitted even more audible expletives. 

              “There comes the hippo”, remarked Ernest, seeing the arrival of the biology teacher. Everyone now settled down for this giant of a man was no less than Atlas Mountain itself. The period was always boring and anyone who could not sleep the previous night was tempted to do so in the presence of this guy. But Mike was up to business as usual. He and George decided to play catch with a paper ball. It was all going peacefully but something crackled up George and trying an outrageously impossible throw, he looped the ball into the air and floatingly, it went and struck the forehead of Mr. Hippo. Undoubtedly, the next two words which instantly flowed out of his mouth were “GET OUT!” The rest of the day was quite uneventful except that in the English class, Mike and Jack were punished for having their lunch and in the maths class, Jack was given some harsh medicine prescribed by the maths teacher when Jack’s remarks on their maths teacher that he was a self-centered, arrogant ,fathead was overheard by the third person.

            The final school bell announced the beginning of the two golden days of the week or more precisely, the weekends. During this time, teachers and students alike, everyone had smiling faces. But how could a day end without an extraordinary thing happening. And mostly, the root of this extraordinary thing
were the mischief twins. So there he was, their maths teacher. There was revenge in the mind of Jack while Mike was just having fun. Having once fallen into the area waxed, they used it to their advantage. The “JUST WAXED” board was nowhere to be seen and any contact with the wax, their maths teacher would be mopping the floor with his forest of beard. What they thought actually did happen and it surpassed all expectations. The maths teacher, Mr. Keane was in a real hurry to get to the washroom as he was in an understandable emergency. And to help him, the waxed floor carried him even quicker to the washroom where he got to understand the real consequences of not visiting the most important place of the school till his body had proclaimed an emergency. “There goes Keany “came a remark from someone while someone else claimed, “Keany has now really found the job which suits him the most”. Mission accomplished, the twins headed home.

© Copyright 2010 Frosty (sayantorres at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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