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by Alli
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #1704344
Lesbian themed vampire story with light erotica.
Dark Water Blues

Memphis sat on the railing of the Crescent City Connection as she watched the young woman approach the bridge that crossed the Mississippi river in New Orleans. She had seen the woman earlier in one of the popular bars and knew the woman to be a local and tonight a desperate one. Memphis had witnessed a heated exchange between the woman and her lover which left her in tears and standing alone as her lover took off with another woman.

In the shadows of the bridge, Memphis was almost invisible, her all black outfit blending into the darkness as she watched the woman reach the apex of the bridge.

She observed the woman lean over the railing looking at the muddy water beneath and then lifted her face to the cool breeze that was blowing off the water. It didn’t take Memphis reading the woman’s mind to know what fate she was contemplating.

“I don’t recommend that option,” Memphis said.

The woman jumped back from the railing startled to hear a voice and searched the darkness for the source of the sound.

“What did you say?” the woman asked, still searching the shadows.

Memphis leaned forward into the dim beam of a light on top of the bridge. “I said, I didn’t recommend that option,” she repeated.

The woman stared into alluring deep blue eyes and found her feet moving her closer to the voice. “Who are you?”

“My name is Memphis, what is yours pretty lady?”

Memphis could see a blush rise to the woman’s cheeks and also heard her heartbeat racing wildly in her chest.

“It’s Jenna,” the woman said barely above a stammer as she approached Memphis. “Memphis is an odd name,” she said.

“My Mother named all her children for the places they were conceived,” Memphis said. She had explained this to hundreds of people over the years when they questioned the origin. “Come closer Jenna,” she urged, but did not make a move toward the woman.

Jenna found she had no control over her feet as they continued to move toward the dark figure leaning back against a bridge support. She could also not avert her eyes as she approached in a slow trance-like state. The woman was dressed in black jeans, a black tank top and boots and when the moon light reflected off her pale skin she appeared to glow. “Why are you here?”

“This is one of my favorite spots in the city,” Memphis said. “One can watch the traffic on the river and marvel at the city lights. On a cool night like tonight, the breeze carries the music from Bourbon Street to my ears.”

Jenna could indeed hear the faint sounds of Zydeco music, a popular genre in New Orleans. She was only an arm’s length away from Memphis when her feet stopped moving. With tremendous effort, Jenna broke her eyes away and turned back toward the railing.

Memphis saw her looking down at the water again. “It is a hundred seventy feet down and I would imagine not a pleasant end.”

“How do you know what I am thinking?

“The despair is deep in your eyes,” Memphis said. “Also, I was down in the Quarter tonight and I saw how she treated you.”

“You can’t stop me,” Jenna said as her body bristled with tension.

Memphis chuckled softly. “I have no intention of trying that.”

Jenna whipped her head around to look at Memphis. “Then why are you here?”

“I have already told you why and you are the one interrupting my peaceful night,” Memphis spoke in her most aloof voice.

“Well how dare I ruin your fine evening,” Jenna said and spun away on her heel to begin walking away.

“Stop,” Memphis said. “Turn back around here.”

Jenna felt her body involuntarily turning toward Memphis, but could not stop her movement. “Who are you and how can you control me like this?”

“I am many things, but most importantly to you tonight, I am someone who understands the need to leave the human world behind prematurely.”

Jenna scoffed at her words. “You look pretty healthy to me and you appear to be in your mid twenties at best.”

“I am very healthy indeed, but I am over a hundred years old.”

Memphis watched the shock as it registered on Jenna’s face. “You cannot possibly be that old.”

“I was born in 1892,” Memphis said.

“Quit jerking my chain. You certainly wouldn’t be looking this good if you were that old.”

“I would if I were no longer human,” Memphis said.

“What do you mean by no longer human?”

“I am an immortal, a vampire, a creature of the night, call me whatever you wish.”

Memphis watched Jenna blanch white and pass out. She moved quickly to catch her and held Jenna in her arms for several minutes until she began to stir. When her eyes fluttered open, Jenna found Memphis smiling down at her, but made no effort to leave the comfort of her embrace.

“Relax, you are in no danger from me,” Memphis said.

Jenna sat up in her arms, but made no effort to move away from Memphis. “But how and why did this happen?”

“I was a young girl in my early twenties working in a riverside tavern in Memphis when I was seduced by a handsome dark stranger.” Memphis paused to gauge Jenna’s reaction. “For several nights we met and I quickly fell in love with Lucas. When he took my innocence he also changed me into what I have become today.”

“So you actually feed off the blood of humans?”

“Only when necessary,” Memphis answered.

“For five years more I stayed with Lucas and learned the means of survival. When I learned we shared the same taste for female blood, I decided to move on, so I took passage on a steamboat to New Orleans and have lived here since.”

“How do you move about undetected?”

“It is easy as long as you are smart about when and who you hunt. There are many of my kind here and we manage to prevent detection easily in a town that is so pleasure oriented.”

“Do you kill those who you hunt?”

“As a general rule no,” Memphis said. “There have been a few so wicked that I decided to send them to an early death, but I only take what I need to survive.”

“Do you enjoy being immortal?”

“The infinite youth does have some advantages, but it is painful watching mortal friend’s age and die.”

“Do you not have a mate?”

Memphis chuckled at Jenna’s inquisitiveness. “Not for many years. I have had many mates, but even immortal’s can become disillusioned with love.”

Jenna felt at ease and was surprised she was not terrified by Memphis’ revelation.  She found she had to stifle a laugh when she asked, “Do you really sleep in coffins?”

She saw the sparkle in Memphis’ eyes when she asked the question. “No, actually I sleep in a bed, just as I presume you do,” she teased.”Some parts of the vampire lore are not completely accurate. I can walk in daylight without bursting into flame and I simply adore garlic, especially in Italian dishes.”

Jenna laughed softly and felt lighter than she had in months. Her relationship with Karla had been spiraling out of control and it was probably a blessing it had ended this way. Still, the hurt was written on her face as she thought of Karla.

“Karla is not worthy of you and should not be the cause of you ending your life,” Memphis said.

“I should be thankful I can now see her true colors,” Jenna said as she lifted her eyes to Memphis.

“Yes, you should and I shall be thankful that I chose a perch on this bridge tonight or perhaps you might be stuck in the bottom of the Big Muddy,” she added with a chuckle.

“Thank you,” Jenna said, surprising Memphis.

“For what?” she asked.

“For distracting me from taking the leap to end it all,” Jenna said.

“Even if you had, I would have caught you. I can’t have every flat foot cop in Nawlins crawling over my favorite perch,” she said with a wink.

Jenna shook her head and looked up at Memphis. “I don’t have ingredients for an Italian meal, but I’m sure I can cook you a hearty breakfast if you would like to walk me home,” Jenna said.

“Yes, I would like that,” Memphis said as Jenna stood to leave.

“So where do you live, or is it safer for me to not know?” Jenna asked.

“I live all over the city. It would raise suspicion if I lived in the same place for years without aging, so I have several areas I call home.”

“That makes sense,” Jenna said and slipped her smaller hand inside Memphis’. “You are warm.”

“I still have blood pumping through my veins, just not all of it is mine,” she said with a devilish grin.

As they cut through a small park, Jenna turned toward Memphis. “You can read my mind, yes?”

Memphis leaned down and softly kissed Jenna’s lips. “Is this answer enough?”

“That is so not fair.”

“Well there are some things you can do that I cannot,” Memphis said.

“Such as,” Jenna asked?

“Like have a child, or see your image in a mirror.”

“Would you have liked to have had a child?” Jenna asked.

“Sometimes, I think so, especially when I see young mother’s with their children playing in the park, or walking through the zoo.”

“As far as your image is concerned, you are adorable,” Jenna said with a slight blush.

“It is sad to say, but I have forgotten what I look like.”

Jenna could tell that it deeply bothered Memphis, but decided to let the topic drop.

When they arrived at her apartment, Memphis scanned the interior. “No signs of Karla.”

“She will have come and gone by now,” Jenna said. “She didn’t have much here, so it wouldn’t take long for her to clear out.” Jenna unlocked the door and opened it to reveal a small but neatly kept apartment. “Welcome to my humble abode.”

Memphis was immediately drawn to the picture window and the empty easel resting beside it. She turned to look back at Jenna who was moving about her small kitchen. “How do you like your eggs?”

“Cooked anyway you like as long as you have hot sauce,” she answered.

“You may have been born in Memphis, but you are a true Cajun at heart,” Jenna said with a chuckle. She took a slice of sugar cured ham from the fridge and placed it in a frying pan. “White or wheat toast?”

“Wheat, if you have it.”

“You are in luck, it’s all I have,” Jenna said with a giggle. “Would you care for coffee?”

“I’d love some.”

Jenna flipped a switch on the pot to begin brewing and soon the small apartment was filled with aromas of coffee and the breakfast she was cooking. A clock on the wall chimed two. She looked at Memphis who had sat on a small couch watching her. “I hope you are a night owl. Damn of course you are,” she said without thinking.

“I have little need of sleep,” Memphis said. “What do you do for a living?”

“I waitress at a local oyster bar to pay the rent and I paint when I can for grocery money,” she said.

“Must be hard to make a living in this economy,” Memphis said.

“I haven’t starved yet. When it is a beautiful weekend, I can usually sell a piece or two down on the square. I have a stash of slates painted and I often have a buyer for the canvas I’m working on before it dries.”

“What do you paint?”

“Bayou landscapes, areas of the city and the people who call it home mostly,” Jenna said as she poured two cups of coffee. “Do you take anything in your coffee?”

“No, just black please.”

Jenna brought her coffee and returned to finish cooking. She placed the slice of ham on a platter along with two fried eggs and carried it into the small living room. “I don’t have a table, so you will have to use the coffee table,” she said placing the food in front of her. Then she walked back to the kitchen and returned carrying a bottle of hot sauce, napkins, three slices of toast and her coffee mug. She took one of the pieces of toast and bit into it as she walked to the window seat.

“You aren’t going to eat with me?”

“I’m not really hungry,” she said as she placed her mug on a small table and picked up a sketch book and pencil. She drew her knees up to her chest and carefully studied Memphis.

Memphis looked up to see her staring. “What are you doing?”

Jenna did not look up as she answered, “I’m sketching you. Do you mind?”

“Would it matter if I said no?”

“Nope, I already have your image in my head,” Jenna said.

“This is a great breakfast,” Memphis said as she watched Jenna.

“I’m glad you are enjoying it,” Jenna said as her eyes peeked over the top of her sketch pad.

Memphis listened to her hum as she sketched and remained quiet while she finished eating. She wiped her mouth and picked up the coffee cup as she sat back on the couch. “How’s it coming over there?”

“Almost done,” Jenna said, her brow furrowed in concentration as she used her pinky finger to smear the charcoal to shade her drawing. She looked up at Memphis and then back to her notebook and then made an adjustment. “There, all set.”

Memphis could hear Jenna’s heart rate increasing as she stood and walked to where Jenna was sitting. “You want to know what you look like, so here it is,” she said and turned the notebook to Memphis. “It’s a shame though that charcoal does not do the blue of your eyes their justice.”

Memphis looked up at Jenna then back down to the sketch and took a seat beside her in the window seat. “This is really what you see?”

“Well, it’s hard to draw sexy in a quick sketch, but yes, that’s what I see when I look at you.”

“Thank you for reminding me,” Memphis said with a broad smile.

“I would love to paint you sometime,” Jenna said.

“I think we could arrange that,” Memphis said still staring at the sketch.

When she looked up Jenna could see the passion burning in her eyes. Jenna cocked her head to the side and looked at her curiously.

“Yes, I would love to stay with you tonight?” Memphis said.

“Damn, you need to stop that.”

“Is that not what you were about to ask?”

“Yes it was and you know it,” Jenna said. She stood and offered her hand to Memphis. She led her into a small bedroom and then turned in her arms to begin to slowly lift the hem of Memphis’ tank top up her body.

Memphis allowed her shirt to be removed and then began unfastening the buttons of Jenna’s blouse. Her eyes and ears were drawn to the pulse in her neck that was pulsing wildly as Jenna’s passion rose. She leaned forward to remove the blouse and covered the pulse with a soft kiss, tasting the sweetness of Jenna’s skin beneath her lips. Jenna moaned softly as Memphis’ hands released her bra and guided it to the floor, her mouth kissing slowly to her ear. Her hands circled the soft flesh of Jenna’s breasts and it was her turn to moan. “I can’t wait to taste you,” her voice purred in Jenna’s ear, causing her to shiver with anticipation.

Memphis pushed the jeans off Jenna’s body as she lowered her onto the bed and then straightened to remove the remainder of her clothing. She climbed onto the bed beside Jenna and leaned down for a tender kiss as her hand roamed across her body. Jenna took her hand and pulled Memphis on top of her as her lips parted and their kiss deepened into a passionate kiss. Jenna’s hand slid down Memphis’ back as she gently rolled her hips into her body. Her tongue swirled inside Jenna’s mouth as she began rolling her hips to the rhythm Jenna was setting. Jenna’s moans vibrated in Memphis’ mouth as their bodies moved together. Her fingers gently teased Jenna’s nipples as she locked her legs around Memphis’ waist.

Her head was filled with the pounding of Jenna’s heart and the rapid swishing sound of blood as it coursed through her veins. Memphis fought off her primal urge to sink her fangs into Jenna’s neck covering a breast with her mouth instead. Jenna’s hands were buried in her hair as Memphis suckled the sensitive flesh causing her groans to grow louder.

She kissed her way quickly down Jenna’s body as her fingers reached for her soaked lips and pressed gently through her entrance deep into her body. Jenna growled loudly a feral, guttural sound as Memphis’ fingers moved in and out of her body. Her muscles contracted around Memphis’ fingers as her body began to quiver. The exotic aroma of Jenna’s excitement penetrated her senses and Memphis ran her tongue down the inside of Jenna’s thigh until she felt the pulse of her femoral artery and she sunk her fangs deep into the soft flesh. Jenna found the flash of pain highly erotic and her body exploded with the most powerful orgasm of her life as Memphis drank from her body.

The taste of Jenna’s blood exploded onto her taste buds and Memphis drank freely, struggling with the urge to free Jenna of her human existence, but would not take her life against her will. As Jenna’s orgasm began to subside, Memphis licked the wound closed and with her fingers still buried inside Jenna moved her mouth to suckle Jenna’s clit as her body erupted once more.  Jenna cried out and her body temporarily shut down from the intense release. Memphis saw that she had passed out and slowly withdrew her fingers and moved up the bed beside her to take Jenna in her arms.

When Jenna’s consciousness returned with a start moments later, she looked up into Memphis’ eyes. “Now you can read my mind.”

“Yes, that was pretty fucking incredible,” Memphis said, as she smoothed Jenna’s hair away from her face.

“Is it always this intense with you?”

“Pleasure is intensely heightened when you are Immortal,” Memphis said.

Jenna looked up into Memphis’ face. “Earlier tonight when I was contemplating jumping you mentioned options. Would you consider taking me as your mate?”

“I would, but once started there is no turning back,” Memphis warned.

“What would happen?”

“I will take your life from you by draining your body of its life force of blood,” she explained. “You will feel very little while this occurs, but your body will fight against it in its struggle to survive,” Memphis said as she stroked Jenna’s hair. “As the life fades from your body, you will relax and there will be nothing but absolute blackness for a time.” Memphis looked into her eyes and said, “Each rebirth is different, but I am telling you what I know will occur from my experience and the rest we will have to take as it comes.”

“I know I will be safe with you,” Jenna said.

“Once your human life has vanished, I will open a vein in my wrist and you will drink from my body,” Memphis said. “You will be tempted to drink deeply as my blood will quench the fire in your body, but you will be given only what you need. As my blood nourishes your body, you will be reborn and your heart will again start to beat, getting stronger with each mouthful.” Memphis’ hand caressed Jenna’s face. “You will not be able to see or speak or hear at this point, but I will remain beside you until your birth is complete,” she promised. “Your body will be wracked with agonizing pain as it physically transforms from human to immortal and you will relive my entire life, all the pain, trauma and the happy times in hours.” She sighed deeply. “It will almost be like the pages of a book being fanned in front of your eyes, years passing in mere minutes.”

“When the birth is complete and your body is exhausted by the transformation, you will sleep for a time.

When you wake again, you will have begun your new life.” Memphis kissed her softly. “You will feel weak for a few days and it may take weeks to adjust to your heightened senses, but adjust you will,” she promised.

Jenna listened intently as Memphis described the rebirthing process.

“Are you certain this is what you really want? There is no rush if you would rather take some time to reconsider.”

“This is what I want without a doubt,” Jenna answered.

Memphis lay down next to her and kissed her deeply. “Relax and close your eyes, My Love, and when you awaken we will be together forever,” she promised.

“Take me,” Jenna said.

Memphis took Jenna in her arms and gently brushed the hair from around her neck. She could see the pulse dancing wildly in her neck as she lowered her head to sink her fangs into the soft tissue of Jenna’s neck. Jenna felt the initial pain as Memphis’ fangs sunk into the flesh of her neck and then felt nothing.

Jenna’s body convulsed briefly as Memphis drank from her, until her body drained of blood, resigned itself to death. Memphis held the limp, lifeless body of her lover in her arms and marveled that even in death her beauty remained.

After the final heartbeat, Memphis raised her mouth from Jenna’s neck and cradling her in her arms she bit her own wrist to open a vein, the blood flowing freely in her excited state. She placed her opened vein to Jenna’s mouth and whispered “Drink” in a soft command.

Jenna’s lips began to move as the blood trickled past her lips and she drank her lover’s offering. Memphis listened carefully for the return of a heartbeat and smiled when she heard the gentle thumping begin in Jenna’s chest. The beat grew stronger and when Memphis saw the wound in Jenna’s neck heal itself, she removed her wrist from Jenna’s mouth and laid her body back on the bed.

Jenna felt cold and terrified in the complete darkness. She struggled to move her paralyzed body and then the memory of Memphis’ words flooded her brain. “Relax and close your eyes and when you awaken, we will be together forever.” She stopped struggling and slipped further into the darkness.

The darkness overtook her and Jenna’s body began to convulse. Memphis stayed beside her for hours, bathing her heated body with cool cloths to comfort her lover during her transition. She had begun to worry when finally in the early hours of the morning, Jenna gasped for a deep breath and the convulsions finally stopped and she slept peacefully.

Memphis was exhausted and allowed her body to sleep beside Jenna. When she awoke hours later she found Jenna missing from the bed and went in search of her. She was surprised to find her lover sitting at the window seat, paint brush in hand intently focused on her canvas.

Jenna sensed Memphis’ approach before she heard her and lifted her head from the canvas to smile at her lover.

“How are you feeling?”

“I feel wonderful and rejuvenated,” Jenna said. “Inspired too,” she said as she lifted her hand to Memphis to pull her close. “It is not finished, but its close,” she said as Memphis moved beside her.

Memphis gasped when her eyes reached the canvas. The raw sensuality of the painting took her breath away as she gazed down at her naked body partially covered by the bed sheet as she slept with a gentle smile playing on her lips.

“This is beyond beautiful,” Memphis said.

“You are beyond beautiful My Love,” Jenna said as she stood and kissed Memphis.

As they kissed Memphis could hear one strong heartbeat as their hearts pulsed in rhythm. She broke the kiss and lifted Jenna’s hand and placed it on her chest.

Jenna could feel the strong heartbeat caressing her hand. “Listen,” Memphis said. “Where once we were two heartbeats, now we are one.”

Jenna closed her eyes and listened to her own heartbeat as it matched perfectly with Memphis’ and a smile came to her face.

“One together for eternity,” Memphis said and bent down to kiss Jenna.

© Copyright 2010 Alli (alli at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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